Does Olivia have any siblings with ginormous jaws or is she just a freak accidents and fell on her chin at a very young age?
It was all about Nicole Kidman.
Does Olivia have any siblings with ginormous jaws or is she just a freak accidents and fell on her chin at a very young age?
She still got it, no?
I mean I'd hit it no doubt but I have low standards. She looks like she is made out of rubber and she is 45 iirc, ew
Halle Berry is the only milf I'd hit with pride
WiiU, next-gen or current-gen?
Does Olivia have any siblings with ginormous jaws or is she just a freak accidents and fell on her chin at a very young age?
WiiU, next-gen or current-gen?
WiiU, next-gen or current-gen?
If it released in 2005 would it feel out of place? No, no more than the Wii did with it's alternative control scheme. That's my take on it anyway, I really don't see the point in buying it if you already own a current generation machine.
For exclusive games!
We'll see. Nintendo's staple don't really excite me, even if I appreciate their quality. I played through Galaxy with my little brother, loved it, but didn't see anything particularly special about it's core gameplay that I didn't get from Mario 64 when I played that as a kid. Me and my little brother are ostensibly getting the same core experiences, but a decade apart.
The same can be applied to Pokemon, Zelda, and 2D Mario.
What games do you play?
Oliva with her sister and Mother. She has a brother too.
Dat Sister.
Well, I'm not a Junior anymore. I made it GAF
That Pienaar second yellow was harsh as fuck
Should I buy a PS3 or wait for next-gen consoles?
get a good video card, a i5 and steam
Haha Pirlo gave two jerseys away to Copenhagen midfielder, so his kid got one too!
PFA chairman: Rio Ferdinand has right to protest over Kick It Out
Liverpool just sacked Brenny in my FM save.
And hired Rafa.
Homeland is the best show on TV right now. You're (Claire Danes) crazy if you think otherwise.
Mad Men.
Mad Men.
Mad Men.
Season has finished, so it doesn't qualify in 'right now'.
Act of terror...Rose the transcript...Governer please continue...Candy, can you repeat that a little louder. #wrongthread
2 years ago my answers would be Dexter and Lost.
Please don't expell me
Mad Men.
Homeland>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>mad crapI like Homeland & Breaking Bad but please, Mad Men is a level above both and is easily the best show on television.
I do love Mad Men.. but Homeland is better than it and everything else right now (even Game of Thrones). It's on another level for me at least.