I miss you know who
You miss watching Lewandowski kick a ball?
I miss you know who
You miss watching Lewandowski kick a ball?
I like your new avatar beauté
And here it is. LOL
Love your av
Have you watched any of the CL/EL games?
Of course. It's Mumei's most prized possession. He's just been playing hard to get all this time.
odd_morsel, that is one thing I never expected to see. I'm sure you'll find other appropriate stills.
I still haven't finished the Barca game, but I do have some other games from both leagues recorded.
Oh, Andres doesn't have me.
Actually I mentioned it the other day but I'm sure it got buried somewhere amongst conversations about Olivia Wilde or penises. I knew I had seen your older avatar from somewhere but it wasn't until you changed it that I recognized who it is.
I'm not a big anime guy and living in Japan has probably made me dislike it but I love Monster. Johan is such a great character.
Did i say i wanted to kiss mumei?
--lol agreed
Oh my God.
I believe that in Andres' fantasy I am actually Nina
Who is nina?
I might have seen it and forgotten to respond to it. I was thinking about watching it again. It has been a good three or four years since I watched it.
two points
1) I do not have the skillz to photoshop the things you've said you wanted to do to Mumei
2) If I did, I would be banned for it
Secret point #3) imagine, Mumei=Olivia Wilde, you =John Terry
Nina is Mumei's avatar's twin sister. I shopped your face on her head.Who is nina?
Nina is Mumei's avatar's twin sister. I shopped your face on her head.
Fuck yes. I don't have a migraine anymore. Thank you based pills.
Time to restudy Japanese. I've been learning for about 2 years, but I'm rusty because school has kept me from devoting time into studying.
Wtf happened here?
juanpablo, you did this!
football.Hey guys, important question, what's more important, a couple hours of extra sleep or love?
I'm leaning towards the sleep.
Andresu wa hentai desu.
at what, cocaine or NSFW donkey fucking NSFW ?Corombia ichiban des
Its been à long time lulz
at what, cocaine or donkey fucking?
Was that seriously donkey fucking?
Lulz ur à bitch but i still lové you
Colombia and donkey fucking :lol
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