Hello fello footygaffers. I scoured through the remainders of OT5 and 6 and pretty much the whole of OT7 to make sure I responded to everyone. These feel like twitter Q&As haha, enjoyable ^_^ I must say though, man, does footygaf grow FAST. Also we need fans of other leagues! Seems like only the PL and Champions League cause discussion here. It was very disappointing to see a big huge game like Juve vs Inter Milan go by with a whimper.
First up, OT5. OT6 later on today hopefully
Phantast2k said:
/fuck, I'm turning into that multi-quote guy..
//ok ok, I remembered his name: Fadyk, don't hate, lol
Hey! Multi-quoting is awesome

Very impressed by Dortmund in the Champions League by the way. Why the heck are you constantly drawing in the Bundesliga though :/?
dc89 said:
Fady's tag is one of my favourites. He is clearly very passionate about Xenogears (gears or saga? I can't remember)

It was Xenosaga Episode III specifically. Man I was absolutely nuts about that game. Loved gears as well! Wish I had more time to play JRPGs these days but I have to be very specific about which ones I play because they take so much time to complete!
Fry8 said:
Talking about Fady; I think his twitter account was hacked last night.
This was when my twitter was full of love messages for ManU. It was a friend of mine who posted it after grabbing my cellphone haha!
Clegg said:
Devo has fans?
I'm not singling out just her btw.
It just strikes me as odd that a poster on an internet forum has fans.
Except Bish and Fady.
I think I lost a large portion of my fans after my United rants :[
K1LLER7 said:
Fady doesn't post much anymore. Did he post today?
I have been largely inconsistent with my posting here yet I miss it as much as ever. This is truly a wonderful football community.
Linius said:
Let's all mention Fady in our posts, that way he got some work to do with his next massive post.
That adds more ammo to my posts

Just imagine, you posted the above on the 7th of October yet it lives on in a new post
PrematureQuiche said:
Fady is my favourite poster. WoodenLung is my least favourite!
I am honored and humbled, especially when I receive praise from a fellow Chelsea fan.
Spidye said:
Fuenf, Elsk, Fry, Blablurn, Fady and Willbury are my favourites.
Woodenlung...is just...well Woodenlung
<3 thank you. I had no idea I could make a Bayern fans list!
Verano said:
fady's the biggest club plastic out there.
What does it mean for a fan to be plastic by the way?
K1LLER7 said:
Now we need a Fady mega post
Not much of a mega post I wager, but this shall do! By the way I love your new Avatar
Salazar said:
Fady effendi has been away too long.
Haha! Where did you get that from? My folks call me by that nickname sometimes!
Oxx said:
Fady will still never use the c-word.
Never liked that word bro. Always hated it
Zabojnik said:
It's just a word, Fady. A simple arrangement of letters. Like Iaquinta. It'll blow over soon. Like Iaquinta, hopefully.
The word is very ugly though :[ c***. Blegh

Whatever happened to Iaquinta? Loved watching him in the 2006 World Cup.
FootballFan said:
God this was an awesome avatar hahahaah
Yurt said:
I bought Dishonoured!
Reputations on the line:
-Fady K. (Because I wanna get quoted god dammit!)
First of all, good on you for buying what seems like one of the best games of the year! Looks so good..and now you get quoted

Cant have my reputation burned out on a guy like you ;D
Clegg said:
Well known gaffers are generally cool people eg Fady.
Youre always such a nice and level headed fella that I feel bad when I diss United :[ Thank you for your kind words Clegg <3