I don't think I'll be able to troll WiiU in this thread. It may be a technological failure, but it will probably turn out to be a commercial success. So the opposite of the Vita.
Oh god, people getting excited about the Wii U.
Pretty much, but I doubt Wii U will be as big as the Wii was. There's no casual gimmick attached to it this time.
I'm excited about the games. Bayonetta 2, Pikmin 3, Rayman, Zombi U, Wonderful 101, Mario, etc. I don't give a shit what's inside the console casing.
I'm excited about the games. Bayonetta 2, Pikmin 3, Rayman, Zombi U, Wonderful 101, Mario, etc. I don't give a shit what's inside the console casing.
There's is (the touchscreen) but the problem is that it's not exactly new any more.
This thread just took a turn for the worst.
Nothing quite like placing above Everton
Kyoufu answer this question.
Two Newcastle United players approach you. One is Shola. One is Mike Williamson. Shola asks if you can lend him half a million. For this he will repay you in a goal against Sunderland every season (however this does not necessarily mean you will win). Mike asks if you can lend him a fiver. For this he will repay you with a long meaningful kiss right on your mouth (however this does not necessarily mean you will become betrothed).
What do you do?
I don't like that tone of yours.
I'd go for the kiss because Sunderland probably won't be in the PL next season so my investment wouldn't be worth it.
Okay. Say Mike Williamson was actually dating Shola and knowing that accepting the kiss would be breaking his heart.
Okay. Say Mike Williamson was actually dating Shola and knowing that accepting the kiss would be breaking his heart.
Dc726 can you be Nintendo ambassador for FootyGaf and tell us what we should be excited about with Wii U?
I just can't muster up any excitement. Maybe I just need a good Zelda game... But then again the last few Zelda games I really didn't like ;(
Inform us, Mr Ambassador
I thought being away from Gaming side would spare me all this console warz crap.
All the cool games are on handhelds anyway.I think we can have a nice reasonable discussion about consoles here.
Who do you guys think will win the Europa League? Any strong favourite?
How deep does this rabbit hole go?
But..but...I'm mocking Liverpool for finishing below Everton. I am your sweet bro faridmon
Nintendo sux, sony are dead, MS is motion controller gimmick heaven. GAMING IS DEAD
Except on the amazing pc.
Kyoufu answer this question.
Two Newcastle United players approach you. One is Shola. One is Mike Williamson. Shola asks if you can lend him half a million. For this he will repay you in a goal against Sunderland every season (however this does not necessarily mean you will win). Mike asks if you can lend him a fiver. For this he will repay you with a long meaningful kiss right on your mouth (however this does not necessarily mean you will become betrothed).
What do you do?
Just like football. Its alll make sense.
Needs more Mugi.
Nothing quite like placing above Everton
wait when did this happen?Ueda leaving team ICO
wait when did this happen?
Ueda leaving team ICO and Chelsea winning CL, two huge events that both killed football and gaming, it's sad but I don't think it's a coincidence it happened that closely together.
Ah, I remember that. I thought he had dropped out of TLG's development from your wording.http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=453837
Apparently a year ago, thought it was closer to the CL finale for some reason.
I was using big picture mode last night on my laptop. It felt right. I can't wait to invest in a good rig.
So where does the PC gaming come into thetime-spaceFootball-gaming phenomenon?
I just got a 3tb hard drive for my PCI couldn't be bothered to back up my old 500GB drive so I am installing all my games again. BF3 next then MoH!
Getting Dat 150 meg broadband installed right now
I would say PC gaming is the Milan team of the late 80's.
“We hadn’t lost motivation, as that can’t just disappear overnight. As I said after the Inter game, when coming off such a long unbeaten run it can build your confidence and eat into that grit and hunger that got you there. It’s a human reaction."
Who do you guys think will win the Europa League? Any strong favourite?
i'm watching zidane videos on youtube, and i just think of any player who's better than him. his control over the ball, his passing, his dribbling; he always looked so calm (even when he was injuring players, and headbutting matarazzi), and he was like a ballet dancer--everything looked so incredibly fluid. and he could score goals.
i see messi and ronaldo, but they don't have his fluidity. at times iniesta kinda sorta reminds me of him, but that's about as far as i'd go.
so yeah, zidane > your favorite player.
Think of all the porn you can download in the blink of an eyeGetting Dat 150 meg broadband installed right now