As said, it's effectively a multilayer game with people being able to invade your game... I'm not into dark souls but this is a none problem and you're being a baby as usual.
A baby :lol
I think the problem stems from me thinking you should be able to pause a video game you're effectively playing by yourself (save for the occasion where someone invades you, but that's not like FIFA where you're constantly playing with others if you choose to go online), and you all ceding to the design of the game and the developer's choice. That's cool. I just think you should be able to pause it if you want to because it doesn't make much sense to quit it every time and start it back up again. If that renders invasion into your game moot for a time, then pausing should do the same I guess.
But whatever, like Hixx says I have no intention in playing it so who cares what I think :lol