Baconsaurus Rex
Van Gaal denies he has made a deal with United and is very annoyed by the press spewing lies. Writing he already has appointed his assistants and the whole shabang. Bla bla bla.
"There other clubs interested in Louis van Gaal, we shall see what choice I make and what choice the clubs are going to make. It's a process, that's how it goes with any other club. At the moment I can't say anything further about this process."
And yes. He indeed was talking about himself in the third person.
Louis van Gaal said:'Er zijn meerdere clubs met interesse in Louis van Gaal , we zullen zien welke keuze ik maak en welke keuze die clubs gaan maken', vervolgde de keuzeheer van Oranje op voor hem typerende wijze. 'Het is een proces, zo gaat dat bij alle clubs. En verder kan ik over dat proces op dit moment niks zeggen.'
"There other clubs interested in Louis van Gaal, we shall see what choice I make and what choice the clubs are going to make. It's a process, that's how it goes with any other club. At the moment I can't say anything further about this process."
And yes. He indeed was talking about himself in the third person.