This is a shit header. For epic headers see Bierhoff.
Why are your throwing around lies? Tell me why. Ain't nothin' but a heartache. Tell me why. Ain't nothin' but a mistake. Tell me why. I never wanna hear you say. I want it that way .
This is a shit header. For epic headers see Bierhoff.
like Marc said earlier, no thread title to Eusebio, Finney, West Ham player - plus they're kinda mawkish, agree with Laboured and Hixx - so I didn't think it would be a crime to not do so. I just like seeing people cry over a title clearly engineered to make people cry. Sensational work, I had dinner so long ago that I needed Wooden's tears for dinner. I don't really give a shit what any title is, doesn't really matter it can be changed to whatever. It's gone now anyway innit. If it gets changed to a Tito one, I'm all for it.
I want a We Them Giggs Boys Remix of this Wilbur pls
Sturridge fit? Yes pls, hat trick would go down a treat.
Getting some vibes that you are into asian girls... how many avatars do you have on standby?
I love this gif
Gonna use it on all boards I post at
Use these superior wilbs gifs
Didn't someone mention Adriana Lima in the last thread? Well here she is shopped to hell on the cover of next months Turkish Vogue......
its just for fun. my girlfriend is mexican and she also likes her japanese rock stars. i dont mind this either. she also doesnt mind that i like korean singers. even gave me two posters this week <3
Aren't you in Germany? A Mexican there sounds like an interesting story.
Sounds like a nice girlfriend, was just curious why, keep em coming as I certainly enjoy them.
Rob Harris ‏@RobHarris 1m
Chelsea say Jose Mourinho travelled apart from the team to Liverpool "due to feeling unwell & not wanting to pass it on to players"