Are you done watching Cristina stretch her legs?
Can we win this already please?
Easyright now im analyzing gareth's unfortunate hairstyle
Will do now
Booked for celebrating a goal.
Who is this ref?
Hi guys can somebody tell me how Özil is doing?
Don't think he's been subbed on yet.
May as well add me to the City least whilst ya there fella.
right now im analyzing gareth's unfortunate hairstyle
bwahahahaha"we are dealing with a new Guardiola" - Lindegard on Giggs
what the fuck
Could say the same about Mata game and everyone is sucking his cock.
Surely we can't fuck this up too?
Ozil, my man where are you? Come on!
Did Guardiola have bad injury problems cos he played surprisingly few games in his banged his brother's wife
the other is a notorious drug cheat
i think giggseh should be infuriated to find himself compared to such scum
@arturpetrosyan 3m
Ryan Giggs' father: "To be a manager you have to have trust. I dont see how the players can trust him after what he did to his brother".