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Football Thread 2013/14 |ot22| Financial Fair Play? Je ne comprends pas.

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Our ladies did what the men couldn't today, win the national cup.


Was nice to have a conference with no faff, but then I guess they don't have a lot to brag about.

The exclusive stuff didn't look so hot to me though. I'd need to actually see the Platinum game and the last Crackdown was terrible. The third party stuff was mostly goo looking though.


All Sony needs is a megaton like Fallout 4 or something like that and they'll easily win.

If a Bethesda game was up for conference-grabs, Microsoft would have got it, especially this year.

I genuinely think Project Beast was/is Sony's 'megaton'. If it's 2014 I'd still say it was but be amazed if it was 2014.


Was nice to have a conference with no faff, but then I guess they don't have a lot to brag about.

The exclusive stuff didn't look so hot to me though. I'd need to actually see the Platinum game and the last Crackdown was terrible. The third party stuff was mostly goo looking though.

From what he was saying it's going to be a different team on this Crackdown. We shall see.

Also had a closer look at the Scalebound main character. Looks to have an Adnan-sized forehead. Need that rectifying stat.


Rise of the Tomb Raider is the worst name in the history of naming things


Where is Deus Ex Square

If Halo MCC is reasonably priced, it's a fucking winner. Not at that rumoured £90/$120 price though.

Sixty bucks according to David Ellis on twitter

H2 bb


I honestly have no idea wtf TLG is and why people want it so bad. I refuse to watch a video explaining, just type it.


Since all the good games won't be coming before 2015 I'm still not sweating over getting a PS4. Hopefully I can get the money together come Christmas and catch a good deal.


Pretty good conference from MS as it was paced well and they kept cringe worthy moments to a minimum.

Too many 3rd party games though.

Sunset Overdrive and Crackdown 3 have my curiosity, but no real interest in getting an Xbox still.

Oh christ forgot this stream was IGN, Ryan McCaffery, the most biased twat you could hear from.

At least that rumour of Dragons Dogma 2 being an Xbox exclusive turned out to be bullshit, I would have gone apeshit.


What is there to win? I don't understand what exactly is on the line this week.

For me, Sunset Overdrive looked interesting. Definitely something I would need a demo to sell me on first though. It could get old incredibly quickly. The lead isn't exactly my cup of tea.

Capcom's Dead Rising DLC looks like good dumb fun. I would like to see that in person.

Inside has my attention. I enjoyed Limo, so seeing what that team can come up with next is exciting.

COD is COD. The campaigns are the same year after year with a new backdrop.

Hated Tomb Raider last year, so that fast CG look did nothing for me. Lara murdered a dude with an arrow to the head. Where are the tigers and treasure? That's what I really want.

Witcher 3 looks like it's coming along just fine. I've not played the series, but I'm on board with giving this one a go.

All in all, MS did what they said they were going to do and delivered nothing but games. There's nothing to really complain about, but also nothing to be overly excited for imo.

Shocked they didn't mentioned the Kinect-less bundle out today. No mention of cloud or Kinect at all too which is telling.


Anything that was just CGI trailer is just the same if not worse than a montage. 2nd year is slow...I get it. But that conference was sub-par, no question. Expectations are low I guess.


I was really, really, really hoping for a new KOTOR. Shit, what is Bethesda doing? We need a new Elder Scrolls. Was Skyrim really over 2.5 years ago already?! Sheesh. Their real team better not be working on this shitty MMO they're making.

There were definitely some good looking games shown and I am a big fan of the Crackdown series, but nothing in that batch of games was enough to even make me blink about not having an Xbone right now.

I can't believe Rockstar hasn't shown off the next RDR yet either. Fuck, all the third party sequels I want are being so damn slow to even be unveiled.


il capo silenzioso
I was really, really, really hoping for a new KOTOR. Shit, what is Bethesda doing? We need a new Elder Scrolls. Was Skyrim really over 2.5 years ago already?! Sheesh. Their real team better not be working on this shitty MMO they're making.


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