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Football Thread 2013/14 |ot22| Financial Fair Play? Je ne comprends pas.

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Nevemind, I'm too tired to argue. Good night everyone, we made it.

Using the dollar sign is a bannable offence, just so you know, perhaps you might want to edit that.

I will not. Wes, do what you must.

EDIT: Actually, I don't want to miss the WC discussion. I'll cave.


Why did I stay up to watch that shite.

Think I need to downgrade EA so I can give Sony a 5.

MS - 7
EA - 4
Ubisoft - 7
Sony - 5

Really disappointed.



They should bury the Vita already. I'm looking at it now, all frozen and alone.

What they had for the PS4 was solid but I'm a bit sad we didn't get many new surprises.

P5 and TLG, please.




YEAH! England will cheer me up.

seriously though, kill me.

How? Seriously, how? The amount of completely uninteresting games in Microbore's conference was baffling.

They didn't have 40 minutes of waffle for a start, could have easily cut that conf. in half. Way too long spent on nothing.

More games appealed to me on MS, nowhere near enough for me to consider buying an Xbone but they were trying. Sony just relied heavily on third party and waffle. That 3rd party stuff may be amazing, like Arkham, but that is the other guys bag. The conference has Sony on it, so I am expecting something from Sony which they didn't really deliver. I find Uncharted incredibly overrated though so maybe that's why, its also their 5th Uncharted game.


Always wanted a white Playstation 4.

Sony Delivered :D

Games which interested me and would like to play from Sony's conference:-

The Order
The new Journey game + Indie Games.
Last Of Us (Couldn't play on PS3 Phat ;_; )
Little Big P (Co-op with a friend would be cool)
Uncharted (would have to play the 3rd first)
Far Cry


Sunset Overdrive
Tomb Raider
Platinum Games new game
Ass Creed
Far Cry

Not sold on purchasing a new console yet. Next Gen console's can wait till 2015. Like all the games.


Grim Fandango, guys. GRIM FANDANGO.

It's a great game, but I've already played it. If there's some new content in there it'll certainly be more enticing for me.

Certainly one of the positives from the Sony Conference though. Having it on the go on the Vita is cool.
Battlefield Hardline is rubbish. Ok, not rubbish but it's not very good.

Played a few games. Said I'm not paying full price for this, might Mexican Origin it.

American dude gets really angry and starts swearing about how this is definitely not a BF4 mod

EA pls, stop astroturfing your own games


Forget about going to sleep. Just saw the ninth S3 Veep episode. Amazing, just amazing. Must watch the last one too.

This is probably my favourite show on television right now.


Solid from Sony.

Glad they got Destiny out of the way right from the start. Game looks destine for me not to buy it anywhere near launch. Black Friday sale written all over it.

No Man's Sky is now on my radar in a huge way. Love what they're striving for, and I hate outer space, so that's an achievement.

The Order finally looked interesting. Visuals played a large part in appealing to me, but it could turn out well.

ABZU and all the Devolver Digital indie stuff looked really, really good. And I suppose that's what you can expect to see on Vita as far as new games. And I guess that's alright as long as most use Cross-Buy which everyone loves.

Vita TV getting a Western release was a surprise. I don't need it, but it's nice to see tech like that supported because it could be useful in the future.

Batman and Uncharted (if that was in fact in-game) look like what I imagined games to look like for this gen a year or two ago. The Batman gameplay stuff was fucking awesome and kept looking better as it went on. I hope the exclusive DLC isn't anything super meaningful though like the Joker in Asylum. Would hate for people without PS4's to miss out.

The only knocks on Sony I would say were...

-- Not announcing a PS4/Vita bundle (AAA games on Vita are clearly not happening) or a camera pack-in. A Vita bundle is the only way I can see more Vita reaching gamer's hands, which is the only way developers are going to care.

-- No price drops for the PS3 or Vita memory cards.

-- Still not enough info for PS Now. Great that the beta is opening up next month. But I really wanted to hear more about their pricing model and what exactly we're going to be playing when they go live for reals.

-- Nothing out of Japan other than From Software which everyone seems into.

-- Morpheus with only a slight mention, which I get since VR is near impossible to demo on stage. Would have liked something more substantial though.

-- Nothing Move related at all. Media Molecule's title must be a long ways off especially since LBP 3 is this winter. Other than that though the peripheral will likely stay dead until Morpheus can convince devs it's worth their time.

-- Disappointed that The Last of US and GTA V remasters are so far out. The end of July

I died a bit inside with no TLG mention, but the believe campaign will not be stopped that easily!!! Germany and Japan can still make a splash for the game this year. :(

Here's the white system and controller. I think the black touch pad looks odd. Should be all white.



Same here. Every Halo with all the content on one disc for $60. I still can't believe they did it.

When they were listing everything, I was sitting here saying to myself that that sounds like it could cannibalize a lot of games this fall. There were seriously people that didn't play anything else besides Halo 2 for years. And there were a good amount of people still playing well into the 360's release.


When they were listing everything, I was sitting here saying to myself that that sounds like it could cannibalize a lot of games this fall. There were seriously people that didn't play anything else besides Halo 2 for years. And there were a good amount of people still playing well into the 360's release.

Honestly don't see myself playing much besides Halo, FIFA and Sunset this fall. Still not completely sold on Destiny yet, Bungie hasn't really made me care about it, but I'll probably still pick up. Then there's games like Evolve I want to play but no idea how I'll fit them in and the new AC looks decent. I'm going to have a tough time fitting in games to play this fall.

Edit: Forgot about DragonAge.


Next gen will come to my house near the end of 2014 or beginning of 2015. Good games start rolling by then to make it interesting. The only game I'm interested in before that is The Last of Us and I can wait a while before playing it again.

Time to work that glorious backlog. And get Smash on 3DS plus FIFA 15 on PC.


il capo silenzioso
They're remaking Grim Fandango? See, now that's a game that DESERVES a remake ffs.

what else did I miss? Anything huge? (no bud, bobes don't count)

The Witcher 3 looked painfully good :( why do we have to wait till 2015 :( just give it to me now with all its bugs :(


They're remaking Grim Fandango? See, now that's a game that DESERVES a remake ffs.

what else did I miss? Anything huge? (no bud, bobes don't count)

The Witcher 3 looked painfully good :( why do we have to wait till 2015 :( just give it to me now with all its bugs :(

Project Beast is called Bloodborne and it's a 2015 game.


They're remaking Grim Fandango? See, now that's a game that DESERVES a remake ffs.

what else did I miss? Anything huge? (no bud, bobes don't count)

The Witcher 3 looked painfully good :( why do we have to wait till 2015 :( just give it to me now with all its bugs :(

I almost had a heart attack when I woke up and saw that Grim Fandango is getting a remake.

Fuck. Yes.

Also, Witcher 3. Fuck. Yes.
They're remaking Grim Fandango? See, now that's a game that DESERVES a remake ffs.

what else did I miss? Anything huge? (no bud, bobes don't count)

The Witcher 3 looked painfully good :( why do we have to wait till 2015 :( just give it to me now with all its bugs :(

Platinum Xbox One exclusive ;_;


il capo silenzioso
Project Beast is called Bloodborne and it's a 2015 game.

nearly fell off my chair reading your post. :lol I love the name! And the setting looks a bit different thankfully! Just fuck off already 2014*.

*after the World Cup (or after we crash out in the group stages #JuveDNA)

I almost had a heart attack when I woke up and saw that Grim Fandango is getting a remake.

Fuck. Yes.

Also, Witcher 3. Fuck. Yes.

holy shit Darko, you're a fellow witcher too!? :D

Platinum Xbox One exclusive ;_;
cunts -_-

I like exclusives in theory, but I hate them when I don't own the console in question :p. Well....eventually I'm gonna buy an Xbox One too anyway so..


just caught up with the Sony conference. Out of the conferences so far, it has been the best, but that isn't saying very much.

The Order went from "very interesting" to "don't give a shit".
Arkham Knight looks great, but I've played that game twice already and without shitty driving.
Uncharted 4 left me surprisingly cold, as it really only was a teaser. But the return of 2's directors makes me hopeful.
No Man's Sky looks ace and was the most interesing part of Sony's conference.

So my top two announcements of this E3 remain:
Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris
Demon's Crest for Virtual Console.

What a sad state of affairs. Bring on the World Cup.
Far Cry 4 looks amazing, don't much like the spray+pray approach that is so effective though.

Uncharted trailer was pointless, seemed more like a reminder that it exists than anything

LBP3 looks joyous, I'll never play it though

Entwined looks like a pile of wank

The Order 1866 looks incredible, if completely unremarkable to play

The Last Guardian is dead
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