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Football Thread 2013/14 | OT3

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My jaw was on the floor at some of the moves he was pulling. Would swear he was Brazilian with that kind of balance and trickery.. you simply don't see that by Americans at the senior level at least. Hope it pans out for him over there.

It's a lot of fun to see little legs moving like that. He also kept his head up and was getting other players involved. Typically younger kids who are clearly more gifted on the ball than the kids they're playing with will show off. It was a short bit of clips, but he didn't come off that way at all. Hope to see more Of him.
I don't have a job right now, but that's me basically, except I'd leave Italy and go to Sweden. I think about it every single day, the only thing keeping me here is a friend, otherwise I would've already moved there. My life would be much better, yet I want to keep waiting for her, even if I'm pretty sure nothing will ever happen.

As you said, it seems like you already know what you want to do, you just have to take the first step.



I'm suffering a quarter-life crisis. Seriously considering moving to Hungary.

* 99% of my family live out there (which makes me feel like I'm at 'home' when I'm there as opposed to a handful on my dad's side who are out here but I'm a bit of an outcast with). My cousins are my best mates out there too (play football, go out, etc.).
* My job is home-based so I could take it over there as mainland Europe still falls under my company's hands.
* My Hungarian speaking ability is enough for me to get by on. I have every intention on becoming fluent in the future but I'm good for now.
* I could buy a house outright out there far easier than I ever could here. While I'm saving up for a deposit now (at least that's the intention), it would still take a long time get together the cash for that given the situation in this country.

My intention wouldn't be to forgo England entirely but I could see myself being happier in Hungary than here for the foreseeable future. Sure, what family I do have here and my friends could be a reason not to go but not to the same level as those in Hungary who I've always been closer with. I've become and am becoming more and more distant as I work on my career and other aspects of my life.

I think it's because I am here in England with a good life as it is that could be considered as a reason not to go through with this but due to my flexible job, I can travel around like a numpty comfortably.

I know I've seen discussions here of those moving across the country or whatever but moving to another country is totally different, though in this case I'd have everything there from the off. It's the moving - and to another country - that offers me hesitency. Moving home is such a stressful thing.

Looking back on what I wrote, I probably sound like it's a perfect step to take, hah.

Fuck Bayern.

Do it.


I don't have a job right now, but that's me basically, except I'd leave Italy and go to Sweden. I think about it every single day, the only thing keeping me here is a friend, otherwise I would've already moved there. My life would be much better, yet I want to keep waiting for her, even if I'm pretty sure nothing will ever happen.

You've been friendzoned?


We've spoken about it before but it's a bit disheartening to see the world's best players playing in foreign leagues, even in terms of perception.

You think of superstars and you don't think of England.

It's always kind of been like that.

You would never get someone like Zidane playing in the BPL. And even if there was, he'd be bought by Barca or Madrid anyway


@wayneveysey: Told there has been further contact today between Arsenal and Liverpool over Luis Suarez. #AFC are not backing off on this deal....

Bored of this now. I'm fairly sure the answer is still going to be a not-so-polite "fuck off".


Neo Member
Lol @ wenger moaning about best players leaving the premier league. Perhaps if you spent some of the fucking money you might bring some over here.
He really pisses me of so much.

If you actually watch the press conference for some context you might see he is pushed into giving the journalist an easy quote, he was far more interested to speak about the FFP implications than how it affects the league - Why should he care about spurs?
14 min 10 seconds in - have a look

He was being asked how important it was for premier league to keep it's best players so he said it was important, nothing to see here it was a throwaway line at the end of the press conference
Arsenal interested in Eriksen and sounds like Spurs will use the Bale money to try get Eriksen as well, if the Bale out is happening of course.

Well, congratulations Tottenham.


Pumped for Notts County Blades tonight. Gonna get a few bevs with mates and enjoy this one.

League One and the Champ should be ace this season, 10-14 teams in each league have a decent shot at promotion.

My (probably wrong tips)


1: Reading
2. Bolton
Playoffs: Watford


1: Peterboro
2. Wolves
Playoffs. Us (lol)
Probably Preston
Yeah, that's the fucking worst. Mixed signals. Good luck, Luci.

You've been zoned. Unless there has been physical interaction.

It's over, man.

Fucking Luther, I don't know why I bothered.

Don't waste your time, Luci. You'll find better friends in Sweden.

And blondes too.
Yeah, that's what I think most of the time. Its just hard getting over it, seeing how much she cares about me and how close she wants me all the time.


Pumped for Notts County Blades tonight. Gonna get a few bevs with mates and enjoy this one.

League One and the Champ should be ace this season, 10-14 teams in each league have a decent shot at promotion.

My (probably wrong tips)


1: Reading
2. Bolton
Playoffs: Watford


1: Peterboro
2. Wolves
Playoffs. Us (lol)
Probably Preston

I'd go for

1. Watford
2. Reading
PO: Ipswich

Don't know enough about L1 and 2 but I hope its Bradford!


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
I'm pretty sure we won't sign Eriksen. Just not the type of player we are looking for. We need somebody explosive.

Lamela still my first choice.


I'm pretty sure we won't sign Eriksen. Just not the type of player we are looking for. We need somebody explosive.

Lamela still my first choice.

Admit it, Usho, you're starting to think you guys have a shot at the title this season. Admit it!


Yeah, that's what I think most of the time. Its just hard getting over it, seeing how much she cares about me and how close she wants me all the time.

It's hard as shit and I'm sure at least most of us have been in the same situation, but the longer you wait it out, the harder it becomes to forget them. It seems harsh dropping someone who cares about you but it's just gonna fuck you up more and more in the long run. You have to think about yourself first.

If someone had told me this when I was in that situation I'd have ignored them though.


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Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
Admit it, Usho, you're starting to think you guys have a shot at the title this season. Admit it!

I think if we keep Bale then we could mount a decent challenge. But that's hard to imagine, latest talk is that despite Madrid desperately briefing everybody that a deal was in place, they simply offered £81m which was turned down immediately. Hence why Marca haven't a word to say about a Bale deal today.
How long has this been going on, if you don't mind me asking? I feel very GF-GAF today.
Months. Almost a year now that I think about it.
A lot of things happened meanwhile, believe me. Not necessarily between me and her, though.

It's hard as shit and I'm sure at least most of us have been in the same situation, but the longer you wait it out, the harder it becomes to forget them. It seems harsh dropping someone who cares about you but it's just gonna fuck you up more and more in the long run. You have to think about yourself first.

If someone had told me this when I was in that situation I'd have ignored them though.
That's what everybody's been saying to me in the past few months. Either that or that I should make a move.

I'd like to at least keeping her as a friend, I probably just need to meet somebody else. Not having any contact with her anymore would probably kill me inside.


I don't have a job right now, but that's me basically, except I'd leave Italy and go to Sweden. I think about it every single day, the only thing keeping me here is a friend, otherwise I would've already moved there. My life would be much better, yet I want to keep waiting for her, even if I'm pretty sure nothing will ever happen.

As you said, it seems like you already know what you want to do, you just have to take the first step.

to be totally honest.. go where the job is.

Originally Posted by TheLucifer

Yeah, that's what I think most of the time. Its just hard getting over it, seeing how much she cares about me and how close she wants me all the time.

Sounds like she's using you.
I just want to clarify I'm not really 12yo. You never know when someone doesn't get the 'joke' and bans you.

Ha, I had the Star Wars MMO in mind when you said it. A mod banned someone from the game for making an 'I don't know what I'm talking about, I'm twelve' joke on the official forum

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