Got a verbal warning over my beard.
Boss can't handle the beardalo
Got a verbal warning over my beard.
Boss can't handle the beardalo
Breaking Bad question:
Regarding the fake confession: Why would Walt pay for Hank if Hank was rich as fuck from selling meth?
Verbal warning, or 'trim it or you'll get a verbal warning'?
Bit harsh if they went straight for the warning
Straight up
Today I found out Richard Keys replied to me on twitter and I wanted to shit in his face instead I unfollowed him that will show him
the cunt
That's grounds for a lawsuit for mobbing. Do it.
My thoughts on BB spoiler:I think he could claim that since Marie wouldn't have been aware of Hank's source of extra income, she would have been happy to accept a hand-out from someone else.
Beard being untidy is covered under contract. I debated that it is tidy. Dudes an ass
Any footygaffers going to oktoberfest in Münich?
See its fine
Is it only about bear drinking?
I don't drink, so...
But would love to go to Germany for socialising.
Lol @ spurs bidding for mata. You fucking bellends.
Any footygaffers going to oktoberfest in Münich?
Lol @ spurs bidding for mata. You fucking bellends.
Socializing and beer.
The nerves are slowly creeping in.
It's goood
No, it's not good.
It's goood
who'd buy candy from a hobo
Also, Person of Intrest S2 is bloody tense. Amazing!
That's how I understood it too.As for Hank going to the police anyway ... This was explained. The second he does this, especially if he does it without bringing hard evidence, his career is over.
Fine I'll shave it all off then. Assholes
So who here is going? I might join, if I happen to find a job next month to pay for the whole trip.
Just let the mustache stay. Grow that real good.
I'm reading a book where a candy store owner sells sex on the side, maybe a new possible adventure for you with the beard gone too?
Along with the drug trading I do?
Fine I'll shave it all off then. Assholes
Just let the mustache stay. Grow that real good.
I'm reading a book where a candy store owner sells sex on the side, maybe a new possible adventure for you with the beard gone too?
Oi Messi follow this advice. Do it for one day. Your life will change.