What the ruddy fuck is a Cloudy Apple Copella
A kidney stone in a bottle.

What the ruddy fuck is a Cloudy Apple Copella
What has changed from last year? Their midfield 2 is still a weakness as are their strikers. Any combination of attacking midfielders this season won't drastically improve last year's mata/hazard/oscar production. All they got was depth.
Can't really fault Mourinho too much apart from his transfers. He should have addressed those problems.
I just don't know why we overloaded the positions we did. It's great to have good players and prospects, but surely you only need so many.I'm surprised you haven't bought a couple of defenders and maybe a better holding midfielder than Mikel and Ramires ( I think Van Ginkel isn't enough)
I tried going to one of them but I can never get a plane without a burning engine. Fucking cops.
Mou outcast their best player (voted 2 years on the trot) in Mata. #SpecialOne
How did it go for you?Just did the first heist mission
Oh my fucking god
That was incredible
Just did the first heist mission
Oh my fucking god
That was incredible
You don't think Barca fans have a reason to dislike him?
I'm not giving up on first place yet FF. We can smash Atletico in St. Pete's. Especially when Shirokov comes back who was sorely missed today.
I'd wait for the Note 3 release.I want to replace my S2. Not sure if I should wait for the Note 3 or just get a Note 2 now.
Sorry I think atletico got that first spot.
My results:How did it go for you?
He's a cunt but he still is one of the best coaches in the world and I don't undestand why Barca and RM fans should hate everything related to each other.....And good luck, Ancelotti is much more quieter than Mourinho...It will be hard to hate him
He's a cunt but he still is one of the best coaches in the world and I don't undestand why Barca and RM fans should hate everything related to each other.....And good luck, Ancelotti is much more quieter than Mourinho...It will be hard to hate him
He's a cunt but he still is one of the best coaches in the world and I don't undestand why Barca and RM fans should hate everything related to each other.....And good luck, Ancelotti is much more quieter than Mourinho...It will be hard to hate him
You forgot Liverpool fans. They already didn't like him, but especially don't like him because of Rafa.
I don't think Rafa should have gotten a chance. Not because he was bad, I was up for giving him a punt and he done okay in the end. But it was a toxic relationship and better for both parties to part ways. There are a lot of people who would never had accepted him bo matter what, and that wouldn't be good for anybody.Couple of questions, as always
1) With Coutinho out, should we play Suarez behind Sturridge, instead of on the right, which is where I assume he'd play if we had a full squad to choose from?
2) How badly would Mourinho have to do for Chelsea fans to think that they should have given Rafa a proper chance?
Just met Trevor
I can't stop laughing
What's the map? Can you pm me with it?
One thing Sleeping Dogs absolutely *CRUSHES* GTA on is the aiming while driving. What a fucking pain in the ass to drive and shoot in V.
The combat in V is poor in general. No punch to the weapons and aiming while driving is impossible. Such a step back from Max Payne 3.
How did it go for you?
What did you choose?
I chose to go stealthy with the knockout gas, chose the best get-away driver, worst weapons guy, and the weird dude who you met in that other mission to do the alarm. Got all the jewels and made it out, weapons dude got killed in the get-away on bikes
Did you play Lost & Damned?
The main thing that annoys me with GTA V is how long it takes to lose a one-star wanted level. Especially if I steal a car and get the cops on me, then I have to spend two minutes hiding in an alleyway
The main thing that annoys me with GTA V is how long it takes to lose a one-star wanted level. Especially if I steal a car and get the cops on me, then I have to spend two minutes hiding in an alleyway
when do you get to do the heist mission? i'm fairly early into the game:.i just took down the house where the tennis player that was banging his wife was staying
when do you get to do the heist mission? i'm fairly early into the game:.i just took down the house where the tennis player that was banging his wife was staying
Yeah. Hiding time should be proportional to the level you're trying to lose
Can you quicksave at the top of Chiliad, stunt-jump off it for the lols and load up the quicksave to do it all over again? There are some people up there I'd like to push off the edge
How do you push people btw? I'm sure you could do it in IV
when do you get to do the heist mission? i'm fairly early into the game:.i just took down the house where the tennis player that was banging his wife was staying
Anyone else completely ignoring the socialising aspect? Is there any reward for doing that boring nonsense?
Didn't see the game because of work, but i'm not surprised Chelsea lost today. We've played exactly one half of good, attacking football this season, and that was against the mighty Hull City Tigers.
Did we at least look any better than we have in the PL?
Anyone else completely ignoring the socialising aspect? Is there any reward for doing that boring nonsense?