When you gotta go, you gotta go.
Is he taking the piss?
When you gotta go, you gotta go.
I'm on my way to work. Leave me alone.Scum pls
That's the implied joke.
Whoever recommended the Daft Punk Live Essential Mix is brilliant. Thank you <3
oh god he sounds like walt junior
I'm on my way to work. Leave me alone.
oh god he sounds like walt junior
That Ravell Morrison, not sure if this video is only for UKGaf but holy shit this is a finish
It astonishes me that review embargoes going up is such a huge event that it makes Gaf servers take a dump.
I'll be eternally reminded of this wonderful piece of gaming history whenever this happens:
Gamespot playing* ryze on their stream now
*cut scenes
When you gotta go, you gotta go.
Gamespot playing* ryze on their stream now
*cut scenes
The Irishman on there is pretty strange
"How do you feel the 60fps adds to Forza"
dude wat
He wasn't convinced that the 60fps makes a difference.
They were talking about how the blinding sunray is part of the immersion, I don't know if these people are aware that drivers wear helmets that prevent the sunlight.
I'm very upset.
Has anyone tried acupuncture here? How is it? Did it fix pain?
Amazing. Had it as part of physiotherapy. Your muscles contract around the needle. When they pull out the needles you can feel your muscle relax.
Sounds good to me. I hope it relieves some pain.
It's good but I don't recommend it as your only treatment. When used along side normal physiotherapy it's helped me. It's not a solution in itself.
Sounds good to me. I hope it relieves some pain.
I doubt physio can help. It's not something that's fixable by working on it, I don't think.
Don't get drawn into a world of snake oil. Acupuncture is a genuinely effective treatment when used alongside other things like physiotherapy, but I think a lot of people leap from acupuncture to stuff that doesn't work
Has anyone tried acupuncture here? How is it? Did it fix pain?
Tried it. Didn't do shit... My cunt doctor put needles in my face. IN MY FACE. and it didn't even help.
The sony conspiracy theorists are fucking comical. Like Greg Davies comical.
"People gave Dead Rising 3 a good score for parity with the PS4 launch titles"
My sides.
You can always get squad report to see if you're lacking quality on certain positions. Might have to acquire one or two players (presumably wingers).
It's often better to try several of those "winning" formations, since they're so specially done for a certain type of squad. For example, if the creator says it needs fast wingers and you have average ones, the whole tactic could fault just because of that (or if the tactics says wingers must cross at all times, while yours rather pass/do playmaking/go inside). Just like if one of the strikers need to be playmaker and the other one finisher, then you need to check that you have the right ones for that too. Same with full backs, if it focuses on speed you gotta have really fast full backs too etc. You can always check the individual tactics for each position in the game if the creater doesn't detail it much. There's basically no universal winning tactic for all kinds of squads, it's often very specific.
Tons of them on the official tactics forum. Remember that it often takes 10-15 matches for the squad to get sort-of used to them. I tried some of them when I didn't want to put time to make my own last year, and in the end I often had to try 10 to find one good one that fitted my squad.
Motherfucking Snake Plissken in TWD
see? it wasnt a fucking spoiler you twat
Send me one of those t-shirts with your face on it.
see? it wasnt a fucking spoiler you twat
Already submitted it to Evilore, hope it can get on the store page
Why are you pointing the gun at your head
╮ (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) ╭
Already submitted it to Evilore, hope it can get on the store page