You supporters are cunts, your board are cunts, last season's manager was a massive cunt, a few of your players are cunts, all of your players were cunts under the aforementioned massive cunt, you have no problems with the cunts in your team at the moment, your strikers are shit and suddenly Ibra and Suarez aren't acceptable? Like one of them would be the cunt too far, the cunt who would tip the balance away from Gentleman's Club and back to the way you actually are, should be, and always will be considered?
Face it, they'd be but another cunt in a circus of cunts. Both of them are multitudes better than your current options, either of them would make the title a much greater possibility than it is at the moment. You should be fucking grateful if you get either of them, and you should be sucking whatever deity is up there off every night that players still hold your fucking blight of a club in some esteem.