Baconsaurus Rex
Kazakhstan player just did a straddle split and it looked very painful.
Looks amazing.
I think he's back among the living after this assassination attempt.
Fuck off Zazazazazazazazazaza
Dat Pelle pressure, he's feeling it. He knows.
Freaking Zaza.
He needs his master assistman Berardi. Conte pls.
New Portsmouth badge from next season
Day 1 for me.
<33333 I can always count on you.
Boourns.3-1. RVP pelanty
3-1. RVP pelanty
<33333 I can always count on you.
We all know FF is going to buy it for his grandchildren.
Thank fuck we won that. Bloody hell.
How are we going to win against Iceland :lol
awww yiss another tournament they won't make with their 4-times sacked manager.
130 - Ibrahim Afellay had 130 passes (95% successful), more than any Dutch player and only 19 fewer than the entire Kazakh team. Revival.
dat appelvlaai
Dat barca DNA.
What an impact Giovinco made.