I like this Argentinian revolution going on.And Martins Indi :lol
I like this Argentinian revolution going on.And Martins Indi :lol
i built an ikea bed today and i'm not sure that it's structurally sound
i've got to sleep in it tonight
pray for me
I thought TLOU's gameplay fitted well within what they set out. Parts of it were frustrating yeah but unlike say ME3 where a galactic spanning soap space opera had the gameplay of a shite fucking linear shitting corridor shooter. The biggest, most grand space narrative FOUGHT IN FUCKING CUPBOARDS
christ Bioware. Take away the Mako, any sense of scale, any new and interesting characters and you give us more polished but soulless gameplay and a putrid, fan service, tumblr wank off EDI sex robot thing
good god ME3 is a stinking pile of triple filtered shite
oh yeah TLOU
good that
l1nn1t, I..uhm, bought Peaky Blinders and I'm gonna watch it tomorrow! Pls be proud of me
I'm just trying to support Arnie
Now I remember why I dropped off Boardwalk Empire, Season 4 starts off SO FUCKING DULL. Just finished the 3rd ep. I guess it was always gonna be a slog after the awesome season 3.
paid leave m8.Salva what's with you and building stuff lately? :lol
Nah m8 RE4 was revolutionary to the way we play third person shooters to this very day. TLOU ain't got that.TLoU's gameplay is brilliant.
It's the PS3's very own Resident Evil 4.
Just played Bayonetta for a couple of hours; you're in for a treat when you get home mate!
Being linked with Garay again.
He's our new Sneijder.
You've made your bed and now you have to lie in it.
will do!turn subtitles on though
Nathan, I keep sleeping during the pilot, it happened three times, what's wrong with me?Boardwalk's the same every season. Starts off slow, comes into shape three or four episodes in, fucking thunders towards the end.
paid leave m8.
now i'm just lounging about the house thinking of odd jobs to do, like a wee old man.
Don't Laugh, that is quite literally one of the worst gifs(both the content in it and the size/quality) I have ever seen.
You should be embarrassed.
And your opinion on Naughty Dog. lol
The mouse cursor. The frame rate. The pixels. The size. Chelsea.
That about sums it up.
I thought TLOU's gameplay fitted well within what they set out. Parts of it were frustrating yeah but unlike say ME3 where a galactic spanning soap space opera had the gameplay of a shite fucking linear shitting corridor shooter. The biggest, most grand space narrative FOUGHT IN FUCKING CUPBOARDS
christ Bioware. Take away the Mako, any sense of scale, any new and interesting characters and you give us more polished but soulless gameplay and a putrid, fan service, tumblr wank off EDI sex robot thing
good god ME3 is a stinking pile of triple filtered shite
oh yeah TLOU
good that
Nathan, I keep sleeping during the pilot, it happened three times, what's wrong with me?
where's lloyd
What's our Spaniard equivalent to Fritz and Franz Bierhaus? I go there since I work in GablesKinda wanna try and catch the Clasico at a Spanish bar somewhere in Miami.... It starts at 12ish here, would be a perfect start to a day of drinking.
wii u is the best console to own in 2014
it is known
What's our Spaniard equivalent to Fritz and Franz Bierhaus? I go there since I work in Gables
Recently the fitness coach who organises where everyone sleeps suggested single rooms for everyone. Leo said that was fine, but Sergio and me are staying together!
When one of us is not there, well be on our own in the room. Last time when he was missing he sent me a text saying, Who have they put you with?
I texted back: Dont worry about it, love Im alone!. But he shot back: Dont be cheating on me!
Can't spell Wilbur without Wi u.
Think about it.
I took in a Clasico at a soccer bar in Houston a few years back with Miguel from here on GAF. It was pretty great -- talk about a fire hazard. They had about 75 TVs set up, half of them pieces of shit that were 20 years old. Latinos (mostly Mexican presumably) as far as the eye could see. I bet the place was 2x capacity.Kinda wanna try and catch the Clasico at a Spanish bar somewhere in Miami.... It starts at 12ish here, would be a perfect start to a day of drinking.
agreed about the wii u
ps4 and xbone are jokes
pc is where it's at
kojima pls
release ground zeroes on steam already damn it
Because the pilot's pretty boring. Takes like, seven or eight episodes to proper get into it; at least it did for me.
The Wire was the same; I wasn't really enjoying it until (spoilz obv), and then I was fucking hookedKima's shooting
Seven or eight episodes might be too much to deem it worthy of watching, but I know people have taken less, and I can assure you if you like its form of story telling (as well as the incredible acting and visuals) then its well worth it.
[b]THANK YOU!!![/b] <#3
[quote="Baconsaurus Rex, post: 135777157"]Yurt why do you have an avatar of Eric Forman.[/QUOTE]
I've been rewatching it lately! Fucking love them to bits
on the sofa playing the wii u
i bet you dont want him anymore
I've been rewatching it lately! Fucking love them to bits
can't spell "please just shut your dirty whore mouth" without jts
metal gear solid is anime
you're all moe
metal gear solid is anime
you're all moe
until they say so, basicallyYou need to go back to work, Salva. How long are you off for?
Great show except for the last season, even if I felt that the show went on for a bit too long.
until they say so, basically
Paid leave? Damn!
yeah been off for, like, the last month