I guess I have a huge backlog to catch!
Haven't seen it yet. There are 21 Ghibli films mate. But Kiki, Porco Rosso and Princess Mononoke are the ones I'm looking forward to the most. Buddy of mine recently got a few of them on blu so we'll probably do another film meet at some point down the line.
After seeing Princess Kaguya I'm also really interesed in The Neighbours Yamada actually. These two really stick out because they have a very different style from all the other Ghibli films.
Check out this trailer, it's so beautifully animated. Like watching moving paintings.
There are good ones
pls Linius, don't be like this!
Ronal-who? Quaresma!
maybe you can help me mate
I'm in search of a good anime with great and awesome fighting sequences and humor.
I enjoyed animes like dragon ball z, great teacher onizuka, gurren lagann and FMA fumoffu,...
I highly disliked Neon Genesis
can you help a brother out and recommend me a new anime?
That trailer was great, but had to stop midway since I don't want any spoiler. I shall get all of the DVDs at once and Marathon them. Can't wait for that day to come!
That Ronaldo, never scoring goals that matter
paging Hategames
The fact that 3rd place puts you in a playoff means Germany, Ireland, and Scotland qualifying from the group is a real possibility. Obviously Poland will be a factor too.I'd love to see all the home nations at the Euros.
Odds of Scotland and Ireland going through is obviously very high, but superb starts for both of them.
I suppose the best thing about the expanded Euros is that we will see Wales, Scotland and NI qualify.
Feel good factor seeing all the home nations do well.
That Ronaldo, never scoring goals that matter
paging Hategames
maybe you can help me mate
I'm in search of a good anime with great and awesome fighting sequences and humor.
I enjoyed animes like dragon ball z, great teacher onizuka, gurren lagann and FMA fumoffu,...
I highly disliked Neon Genesis
can you help a brother out and recommend me a new anime?
I'd love to see all the home nations at the Euros.
Odds of Scotland and Ireland going through is obviously very high, but superb starts for both of them.
maybe you can help me mate
I'm in search of a good anime with great and awesome fighting sequences and humor.
I enjoyed animes like dragon ball z, great teacher onizuka, gurren lagann and FMA fumoffu,...
I highly disliked Neon Genesis
can you help a brother out and recommend me a new anime?
As far as I know, the eight best third place teams (out of 9) will go into playoffs, with their results against the bottom team in their group taken out.How exactly does it work?
23 spaces up for grabs with France through. How do they decide what makes it up?
edit: ah? Third place play offs.
Don't forget us too. Top of the group.
You're fucking guaranteed m8
Kaguya is actually in theaters now man, saw it a few weeks back at the film museum in Amsterdam. A building you might like as an architect.
That actually looks very similar to Oslo Opera House which I based my project on Lol
Nice ranking, haven't seen all of them, but from the ones I've seen I'd agree.
Spirited Away and GotFF would be even, depending on mood, I'd pick one over the other lol.
The way his friends tricked him into wearing it made me lose it.
''OK each and every one of us is gonna wear this.'' two of them leave the room
fucking hilarious!
Cyborg 009
We all dream of a team of John O'Sheas
A team of John O'Sheas
A team of John O'Sheas