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Football Thread 2014/2015 |OT10| -Proud Of Our Heritage-

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My question is mainly about a comparison with Germany where those guys even dare to go out and demonstrate. You dont see that in GB, do you?
Not bad, blue one looks nice too..



Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday 9-11pm GMT

66% win percentage, which is good since we're both doing the all hero challenge

I want Liverpool to be good again

We're aboard the Flying Dutchman. We'll never make it to port. Last season we almost did, but the spirit of Mourinho tore down our masts and took our captain under. This season was inevitable.


England seems like a country which embraces so many differet cultures. So I guess there is not much racism over there?

Just asking in general. I think its shameful that German racists actually dare to go out on the streets and demonstrate for random bullshit. But you never see stuff like this in England. So I assume there is not much racism ? Or am I wrong, BritGAF?



My question is mainly about a comparison with Germany where those guys even dare to go out and demonstrate. You dont see that in GB, do you?

are you talking about the demonstrations against the islam in germany or something like that?

I mean, you can't expect that not to happen. The hate between the christian (occident) world and the islam/muslim world has been going on since the beginning of the old civilizations.

We have completely different set of customs, lifestyles, rules, values when compared to them. It is only normal for people to feel against or afraid of it taking over. Specially when that religion is so heavily linked to the acts of terrorism that attack the occidental world.


I love Fincher, he is the best but that doesn't mean that his Spideys would have been better. Fincher has absolutely made his share of unremarkable movies, after all.

Spiderman 1 and 2 are great movies. 3 is a nice wrap-up parody while also also waving the middle finger goodbye over the politics of how that series got terminated I thought.

TASM are unspeakable, even more in this time and age.

I think they are good movies, at the time I thought they were great because I was being a fanboy. Objectively I think they are weak films and miss the point quite amazingly at times.

Fincher may have made a shit movie, true, but would have preferred an attempt at greatness.

ASM were horrible, apart from Gwen they didn't get much of anything right. Some of the wisecracks, some of the movement, some of the mannerisms... not enough.

lol, look up ukip's opinion polls.

That is like saying if you support Labour, you're a paedophile.

Their campaign is run on getting out of the EU, not race issues. Also their other appeal is they're not the other parties who have committed multiple criminal acts, on top of betraying their own manifestos multiple times.


England seems like a country which embraces so many differet cultures. So I guess there is not much racism over there?

Just asking in general. I think its shameful that German racists actually dare to go out on the streets and demonstrate for random bullshit. But you never see stuff like this in England. So I assume there is not much racism ? Or am I wrong, BritGAF?



That is like saying if you support Labour, you're a paedophile.

Their campaign is run on getting out of the EU, not race issues. Also their other appeal is they're not the other parties who have committed multiple criminal acts, on top of betraying their own manifestos multiple times.

really don't want to turn this into politicsgaf (i blame bla :p) but this is total and utter arse

Immigration and anti-immigrant is a huge part of the UKIP appeal. Reckless even called for EU immigrants to leave. If you look at why UKIP voters actually vote UKIP it is mainly about immigration, health and education. EU is not even in the top three.

Ukip vote is an anti-establish movement, (even though Farage is the establishment), a vote built on the vile shit the media spews about immigrants and this awful 'let's take our country back'.

Don't worry the opinion polls for them are falling as people see what vile cunts these people are. And once they get into power this whole anti-establish, anti-politician thing will soon crumble.

also UKIP would have a job betraying their manifesto as they make it up as they fucking go along



Good post l1nett. I couldn't be arsed to write one.

Anyway, IPLAYER LIVE STREAMS ARE A FUCKING JOKE. I have 40mb down yet it buffers even at the lowest quality constantly.


Ed Milliband has to be the worst labour candidate in recent memory.

Maybe him or Michael Foot.

I am really struggling on who to vote for this election, I would probably vote Green if they wasn't a wasted vote or have a bizarre policy on nuclear.


Farage is a tool. Russell Brand is also a tool. At least Brand realises Farage isn't as anti-establishment as he makes out to be, so hopefully people that listen to him - which seems to be everyone in the fucking country going by the furore over him being on Question Time - clock that as well.

Just went to see Paddington. Really quite enjoyable, nice harmless fun. Nicole Kidman looks hot in it. Sally Hawkins is lovely. There's a good fart joke.

Now secret santa party at work. I hope I don't get a shit £6 t shirt that doesn't fit me like last year.


really don't want to turn this into politicsgaf (i blame bla :p) but this is total and utter arse

Immigration and anti-immigrant is a huge part of the UKIP appeal. Reckless even called for EU immigrants to leave. If you look at why UKIP voters actually vote UKIP it is mainly about immigration, health and education. EU is not even in the top three.

Ukip vote is an anti-establish movement, (even though Farage is the establishment), a vote built on the vile shit the media spews about immigrants and this awful 'let's take our country back'.

Don't worry the opinion polls for them are falling as people see what vile cunts these people are. And once they get into power this whole anti-establish, anti-politician thing will soon crumble.

also UKIP would have a job betraying their manifesto as they make it up as they fucking go along


It really isn't.

No, as part of the EU agreement you have to negotiate your secession which means new applications would have to be made or some kind of agreement put in place between countries. That goes the same for British people in other countries btw. That is a comment on fact, he worded it badly and the party corrected that comment. How easy would it be to dig up something dumb said by the main parties? People are people, everyone says something off hand without meaning it. Reckless is also an ex-tory member, illustrating the point that yourself and others are happy to throw around the idea of people agreeing with a party makes them racist as they have another viewpoint. Yet don't apply this to the tory party, well you probably do to be fair but I imagine you overlook your own parties faults while doing so.

How can you say UKIP isn't about the EU? Really! You can't honestly believe that shite. UKIP about health? U wot m8

Immigration control has nothing to do with race, so what is your point? You're a fan of Utopia, so I know you have at least considered the idea of population control and how it affects infrastructure, social integration/harmony and every service used. Having 15,000 people from various backgrounds, but most essentially skilled workers for the most part is something entirely different to 250,000.

Farage is many things, but he has had a job, I know the people in his background and the job he did. It is a boys club, a bit elitist, also a bit common (contrary but it would make sense if I explained)... but it is a job and does require actual experience of life. Something the others haven't had, well I think Clegg did some work.

What polls are those? You'd note they are privately funded ones, look up the names.

They're a new party finding their feet, with no experience of government, of course they're making it up as they go along. You make it sound like it could be any different. How can any new party form and challenge the established parties?


It really isn't.

No, as part of the EU agreement you have to negotiate your secession which means new applications would have to be made or some kind of agreement put in place between countries. That goes the same for British people in other countries btw. That is a comment on fact, he worded it badly and the party corrected that comment. How easy would it be to dig up something dumb said by the main parties? People are people, everyone says something off hand without meaning it. Reckless is also an ex-tory member, illustrating the point that yourself and others are happy to throw around the idea of people agreeing with a party makes them racist as they have another viewpoint. Yet don't apply this to the tory party, well you probably do to be fair but I imagine you overlook your own parties faults while doing so.

How can you say UKIP isn't about the EU? Really! You can't honestly believe that shite. UKIP about health? U wot m8

Immigration control has nothing to do with race, so what is your point? You're a fan of Utopia, so I know you have at least considered the idea of population control and how it affects infrastructure, social integration/harmony and every service used. Having 15,000 people from various backgrounds, but most essentially skilled workers for the most part is something entirely different to 250,000.

Farage is many things, but he has had a job, I know the people in his background and the job he did. It is a boys club, a bit elitist, also a bit common (contrary but it would make sense if I explained)... but it is a job and does require actual experience of life. Something the others haven't had, well I think Clegg did some work.

What polls are those? You'd note they are privately funded ones, look up the names.

They're a new party finding their feet, with no experience of government, of course they're making it up as they go along. You make it sound like it could be any different. How can any new party form and challenge the established parties?

Do you support UKIP?
It really isn't.

No, as part of the EU agreement you have to negotiate your secession which means new applications would have to be made or some kind of agreement put in place between countries. That goes the same for British people in other countries btw. That is a comment on fact, he worded it badly and the party corrected that comment. How easy would it be to dig up something dumb said by the main parties? People are people, everyone says something off hand without meaning it. Reckless is also an ex-tory member, illustrating the point that yourself and others are happy to throw around the idea of people agreeing with a party makes them racist as they have another viewpoint. Yet don't apply this to the tory party, well you probably do to be fair but I imagine you overlook your own parties faults while doing so.

How can you say UKIP isn't about the EU? Really! You can't honestly believe that shite. UKIP about health? U wot m8

Immigration control has nothing to do with race, so what is your point? You're a fan of Utopia, so I know you have at least considered the idea of population control and how it affects infrastructure, social integration/harmony and every service used. Having 15,000 people from various backgrounds, but most essentially skilled workers for the most part is something entirely different to 250,000.

Farage is many things, but he has had a job, I know the people in his background and the job he did. It is a boys club, a bit elitist, also a bit common (contrary but it would make sense if I explained)... but it is a job and does require actual experience of life. Something the others haven't had, well I think Clegg did some work.

What polls are those? You'd note they are privately funded ones, look up the names.

They're a new party finding their feet, with no experience of government, of course they're making it up as they go along. You make it sound like it could be any different. How can any new party form and challenge the established parties?



It really isn't.

No, as part of the EU agreement you have to negotiate your secession which means new applications would have to be made or some kind of agreement put in place between countries. That goes the same for British people in other countries btw. That is a comment on fact, he worded it badly and the party corrected that comment. How easy would it be to dig up something dumb said by the main parties? People are people, everyone says something off hand without meaning it. Reckless is also an ex-tory member, illustrating the point that yourself and others are happy to throw around the idea of people agreeing with a party makes them racist as they have another viewpoint. Yet don't apply this to the tory party, well you probably do to be fair but I imagine you overlook your own parties faults while doing so.

How can you say UKIP isn't about the EU? Really! You can't honestly believe that shite. UKIP about health? U wot m8

Immigration control has nothing to do with race, so what is your point? You're a fan of Utopia, so I know you have at least considered the idea of population control and how it affects infrastructure, social integration/harmony and every service used. Having 15,000 people from various backgrounds, but most essentially skilled workers for the most part is something entirely different to 250,000.

Farage is many things, but he has had a job, I know the people in his background and the job he did. It is a boys club, a bit elitist, also a bit common (contrary but it would make sense if I explained)... but it is a job and does require actual experience of life. Something the others haven't had, well I think Clegg did some work.

What polls are those? You'd note they are privately funded ones, look up the names.

They're a new party finding their feet, with no experience of government, of course they're making it up as they go along. You make it sound like it could be any different. How can any new party form and challenge the established parties?

UKIP aren't new. They've been around for over 20 years.


Right last post on this Marc, don't want to bog down the thread

First off, bringing up Utopia in a discussion about immigration is slightly worrying. Aside from the fact that immigrants bring a net economic positive to this country yeah I don't see what is wrong with 250,000 thousand people coming to enrich this place, which is what this fucking country has been built on. We are an island of immigrants, deciding that we shouldn't improve our health and school service but instead suddenly block out people is bizarre. Also if we do, what happens to the millions of brits who live abroad. Herpy derp.

Secondly, I said (please feel free to read again what I said) that why UKIP voters vote for UKIP is not because of the EU. It is immigration, education and the health service. UKIP and the NHS have been in the news for weeks, there is plenty of reading I could point you to do about that.

Thirdly, UKIP was founded in FUCKING 1993. I don't think being called a new party holds much water. If you want a proper new party who is worth voting for (well our spanish cousins), look up Podemos. Heroes.

People vote for them because what they think they are getting is a breath of fresh air from the main three parties. A vote for the common man if you like. Anti-establishment

Actually it's a vote for a rank stinky air full of homophobic, vile, backwards old fogies and laughable outdated on the fly economic policies which hold no water when you look at them. And awful rhetoric about taking our country back whilst also stating the perils of too many foreigners coming in. Doesn't take a genius to put 2 + 2 together and smell the bacon

Alright that's it, apologies everyone else.

Ed Milliband has to be the worst labour candidate in recent memory.

Maybe him or Michael Foot.

I am really struggling on who to vote for this election, I would probably vote Green if they wasn't a wasted vote or have a bizarre policy on nuclear.

He's weird and comes across as weasley but generally I think he's a positive force. Especially the stuff on Syria

There are loads of good folk in the Labour party trying to make it do what the Labour party should be standing up for and what it was failed to do miserably over the decade or so. Problem is due to its size there are people (mostly to the right) within the party who are just awful. Thornberry is just the tip of the iceberg.


Do you support UKIP?

There is not a party in existence I agree with fully.

I hate the idea of party politics in general, I think the idea of collecting a group of people into one group think 'binding' them into one point of view contradicts the whole point of a democracy.

I don't like that as a new party starts up that challenges the status quo, people pounce on it as it doesn't conform to their view/party and throw around serious allegations about being racist. And judge a large amount of people as being racist for siding with that new party, with somewhat ironic insults and threats of violence. There are probably racists, nutters, freaks and what have you in UKIP as there are no doubt in other parties. That's life, take a sample of most groups of people and you will get an arse end.

I also believe in population control as a whole very strongly, not just immigration control. And I find the idea of the EU disgusting considering no one has had the chance to vote on it. If people vote to stay then fine, at least let people choose their fate.

UKIP aren't new. They've been around for over 20 years.

In political terms, that is like being a baby in Britain.


Keep it up guys, seriously. It's illuminating.

That probably comes across astonishingly facetious but I mean it, it's interesting.

I don't vote. I'm completely apathetic. When people say "imagine if everyone was like you", I just remind them that thankfully not everyone is like me and they'll make a decision on my behalf that will be equally as shit as any of the other three or four decisions they could have made.

It's all empty rhetoric once they get in power. Didn't u watch the wire meights?
Keep it up guys, seriously. It's illuminating.

That probably comes across astonishingly facetious but I mean it, it's interesting.

I don't vote. I'm completely apathetic. When people say "imagine if everyone was like you", I just remind them that thankfully not everyone is like me and they'll make a decision on my behalf that will be equally as shit as any of the other three or four decisions they could have made.

It's all empty rhetoric once they get in power. Didn't u watch the wire meights?

I'm an non-voter also. I couldn't give less of a shit. I leave rooms whenever someone tries to bring politics up.
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