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Football Thread 2014/2015 |OT10| -Proud Of Our Heritage-

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In political terms, that is like being a baby in Britain.

Relative to the age of the Conservatives and Liberals, yes they're much younger. They've still been around for over two decades and I don't buy 'they're a new party' arguement. It's extremely weak.


Politics are an interesting topic. Just trying to ignore it is silly as it directly affects your life.

Still, can we talk about something a bit more entertaining for now?


The 'they're all as bad as one another' mentality from apathetic voters is probably the most dangerous thrust of thought in society when you've got genucunts like UKIP/BNP/Tories/Nazis about. It's how they get in.

Bold One

It really isn't.

No, as part of the EU agreement you have to negotiate your secession which means new applications would have to be made or some kind of agreement put in place between countries. That goes the same for British people in other countries btw. That is a comment on fact, he worded it badly and the party corrected that comment. How easy would it be to dig up something dumb said by the main parties? People are people, everyone says something off hand without meaning it. Reckless is also an ex-tory member, illustrating the point that yourself and others are happy to throw around the idea of people agreeing with a party makes them racist as they have another viewpoint. Yet don't apply this to the tory party, well you probably do to be fair but I imagine you overlook your own parties faults while doing so.

How can you say UKIP isn't about the EU? Really! You can't honestly believe that shite. UKIP about health? U wot m8

Immigration control has nothing to do with race, so what is your point? You're a fan of Utopia, so I know you have at least considered the idea of population control and how it affects infrastructure, social integration/harmony and every service used. Having 15,000 people from various backgrounds, but most essentially skilled workers for the most part is something entirely different to 250,000.

Farage is many things, but he has had a job, I know the people in his background and the job he did. It is a boys club, a bit elitist, also a bit common (contrary but it would make sense if I explained)... but it is a job and does require actual experience of life. Something the others haven't had, well I think Clegg did some work.

What polls are those? You'd note they are privately funded ones, look up the names.

They're a new party finding their feet, with no experience of government, of course they're making it up as they go along. You make it sound like it could be any different. How can any new party form and challenge the established parties?
Good God,



I dunno, guess i've always been political. Oddly my family aren't at all really, do vote and the like but not that engaged with it all

don't worry im not one of those cunts who will knock on ye door next year and tell you that #voteed and you'll be shitting 10 pound notes

but anywho, on with the tits n poop

can't help with the former but did a cracking poo this afternoon. Remember when Karl Pilkington spoke about sitting on the toilet being me time. Bang on he was.


The 'they're all as bad as one another' mentality from apathetic voters is probably the most dangerous thrust of thought in society when you've got genucunts like UKIP/BNP/Tories/Nazis about. It's how they get in.

Well I don't think BNP or Nazis are going to get in

Between Laboured and Conservative though, not too much difference nowadays. Maybe on back benches or some young Labour upstarts can make a difference, but as it stands... eh. Let me die in peace without ever voting. Let my life be led by a myriad of middle aged white men forever.

After all

I will be one soon


...hate me...
FIFA Seasons Div 1 is a fucking disgrace.

This one Real Madrid dude had a 5 line defence, stuck to the fucking ground regardless of team momentum, shot one time a hacked shot with Ronaldo (a fucking curveball like Roberto Carlos') almost from the midfield, it was goal, and then resorted to pass the ball between the defenders.

Halp me FootballFan. I can't deal with this fuckery.

Why is this so funny. He needed to show us his upset face. The emojis.

The three first replies

Nathanael Benson ‏@nathbenson 48m48 minutes ago
@ms_sissoko Please sissoko smash pardew and become a Geordie hero

David Allen ‏@DavidAllenNUFC 48m48 minutes ago
@ms_sissoko awwwww bless you moussa iv feel really sorry for you...Fuck off and tell ya fucking gaffer to die aswell the old nonce

Danny ‏@DanH1892 47m47 minutes ago
@ms_sissoko Unlucky today lad, tell Pardew a hope he gets ran over by a 16 wheeler



oh geez Blackpool

Pool chairman Karl Oyston could be facing an FA probe after becoming embroiled in an extraordinary text row with a disgruntled Blackpool fan.

Oyston was contacted by Blackpool fan Steve Smith via text, questioning his running of the club in a series of lengthy messages.

The text conversation, seen by The Gazette, starts reasonably conciliatory but descends into a lengthy expletive-ridden exchange.

South Shore father-of-three Mr Smith, 31, accuses Oyston, who was also on the receiving end of abuse, of being clueless who then reportedly responds by saying: “Sorry your life is so (blank), but that’s only your fault not mine. Enjoy the rest of your special needs day out.”

A text sent from Oyston’s phone then reads: “Are you sure we’ve met? I would have remembered such a massive retard.”

Oyston always struck me as a right mardy twat.


Right last post on this Marc, don't want to bog down the thread

First off, bringing up Utopia in a discussion about immigration is slightly worrying. Aside from the fact that immigrants bring a net economic positive to this country yeah I don't see what is wrong with 250,000 thousand people coming to enrich this place, which is what this fucking country has been built on. We are an island of immigrants, deciding that we shouldn't improve our health and school service but instead suddenly block out people is bizarre. Also if we do, what happens to the millions of brits who live abroad. Herpy derp.

Secondly, I said (please feel free to read again what I said) that why UKIP voters vote for UKIP is not because of the EU. It is immigration, education and the health service. UKIP and the NHS have been in the news for weeks, there is plenty of reading I could point you to do about that.

Thirdly, UKIP was founded in FUCKING 1993. I don't think being called a new party holds much water. If you want a proper new party who is worth voting for (well our spanish cousins), look up Podemos. Heroes.

People vote for them because what they think they are getting is a breath of fresh air from the main three parties. A vote for the common man if you like. Anti-establishment

Actually it's a vote for a rank stinky air full of homophobic, vile, backwards old fogies and laughable outdated on the fly economic policies which hold no water when you look at them. And awful rhetoric about taking our country back whilst also stating the perils of too many foreigners coming in. Doesn't take a genius to put 2 + 2 together and smell the bacon

Alright that's it, apologies everyone else.

Can discuss elsewhere if you wish, or not.

Well I obviously want to wipe out most of the world... to stop oncoming war. :D Net positive, prove that please or refer to some kind of evidence. Just saying it doesn't make it so. Growth for the sake of it is inherently flawed, you cannot have infinite growth and using people for GDP purposes does nothing in terms of quality. You don't see how 250,000 people, with a large unskilled population drives down wages and creates a population of people who live pay check to pay check. Where do you think the resources come from to cater for that many people, and throw in local population growth as well. You need roads (ha!), houses, water, electricity, nurses, teachers, doctors, housing, public transport, fuel, food, clothes etc. to supply every single person. That is more people than the town of Reading dropped on the country every year, ignoring local growth. So you think you can build and supply all the needs for an entire town every year. C'mon. Then it comes as a shock as all those services suffer and cannot cope with the influx. It is not about skin colour, background, country... it is common sense. Island of immigrants? So that throw away line somehow overcomes the chessboard problem of exponential growth? Why are a large amount of unskilled workers improving the NHS and schools when the facts say the complete opposite?

Enlighten me, last I checked they said they had reviewed other health services like in France and how they use private companies then came to the conclusion that ours was the best and that it just needed management cuts. Those issues aren't really a big deal in any case, their best hope is of a coalition which is ruled out by tories and labour so hung parliament and maybe more and better individualistic voting on issues.

Labour were founded over 100 years ago, UKIP have no historic ties like they do, no economic powerhouses behind them like they do, no established party politics baring the one issue they were named and founded on. They're a babe by comparison.

That insult applies just as well to the other parties, and much more, much more illegal terms too.


Got a San Miguel glass and a beer for my present as well as a Tesco gift card

It isn't an iPhone. Not yet, Arnie. Not yet.

the resident paedophile got a girl catching kit, which consisted of a fake moustache, gummi bears and a padlock

The fat boy got a buddha sundial

good stuff


Got a San Miguel glass and a beer for my present as well as a Tesco gift card

It isn't an iPhone. Not yet, Arnie. Not yet.

the resident paedophile got a girl catching kit, which consisted of a fake moustache, gummi bears and a padlock

The fat boy got a buddha sundial

good stuff

He is actually a paedo? Have you told this story before?


He is actually a paedo? Have you told this story before?

He's more of an ephebophile; really into girls who look 12-16

I don't think he's ever done anything with one, he's quite candid and honest about it and says he's only fucked two girls both older than him, but it is creepy when you're playing fuck marry kill and he picks the younguns


I know three weeks ago we were nine points behind and close to elimination from the Champions League. We were a team that depends just on Sergio Agüero. So I think that maybe this is a miracle. But the miracle has a name – that is work.”
What a boss.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
anyone else think the second half of fairytale of new york is a bit shit? They should have just kept playing the sombre piano.
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