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Football Thread |OT10| A Street Ass Named Premier


GT 5 is the best 'serious' race game (or sim if you want) I've played. But GT is the only race series I ever played besides the many casual racers like MK or Chras Team Racing. Have to try Forza some day.


I'd like to play a racing game like GT but I feel like it won't be 'fun', if that makes any sense. I'll have to pick up GT5 one of these days, it'll be cheap at any rate.


I'm not sure about Horizon, from what I've read it's more arcade than previous Forza games. Guess I'll pick up Forza 4 some day.


I've heard really good things about sonic racing transformed. Suppose to be the best best 'mario kart' since 64.

I want a new PSR. The only racing game I ever got into.


I really like how Pienaar has a "God is great" message on his short every once in a while when he scores a goal, I find it humbling of him. He looks so different with the new hair though. Kinda miss his old hairstyle.

Vitabros, I started my first Vita game and dead system eventually or not, Uncharted: Golden Abyss is BRILLIANT! As an Uncharted fan who likes the second game more than any other game, I am very happy with this game.

Nice to hear, I still haven't played it even though I've had it for quite a while now. Might give it a go soon. Uncharted 2 is the best.

No idea, but I bet they're playing that one song a lot.

this one?
I'm not sure about Horizon, from what I've read it's more arcade than previous Forza games. Guess I'll pick up Forza 4 some day.

Not much into simulators, don't play them as much as arcade racers. The Horizon demo was stunning, but Most Wanted is fun as hell too... Hmmm... I'll side with Horizon.

Just realised I haven't completed Red Dead Redemption and Rage, those are next on my to-play list. I swear I have the largest backlog.

Also, I'm tempted to get either the Vita or 3DS, but the cost of Vita and 3DS games is putting me off. Plus the Nexus 7 is very enticing. Convince me VitaBros and 3DSisters
Gerrard is the best crosser in the Premier League. Discuss

edit: What's happened to Sagna's crossing? It was amazing in his first season at Arsenal


Not much into simulators, don't play them as much as arcade racers. The Horizon demo was stunning, but Most Wanted is fun as hell too... Hmmm... I'll side with Horizon.

Just realised I haven't completed Red Dead Redemption and Rage, those are next on my to-play list. I swear I have the largest backlog.

Just finished RDR a few days a go. Awesome game. Borrowed it from a friend but I'm buying the GOTY version for my self some day for sure. At the moment I'm about to begin my Mass Effect journey. And I need to finish the last two episodes from The Walking Dead Game. Best thing I've played this year.

wow it's getting exciting. both players are nervous wrecks.

Yeah, Wade's scores are really poor. And Van Gerwen should have finished it a moment a go :(


I didn't know so many members of FootballGaf had a 3DS.


I got MK7 pre-loaded on the SD card. It's alright, I guess.


That was ages ago. He has had a massive injury since right?



Thank you Bacon for my avatar! Real Pic Jan is back!!! I get the feeling Bacon is genuinely disappointed I'm not one of these dudes.



Is the writing and story of The Walking Dead game "video game good" or outright good? Always hesitant on games like that.

Not as good as people say it is, but genuinely brilliant compare to the vast, vast majority of games. Makes you care about the characters

edit: darts talk in my football thread? Mumei, ban me pls


Is the writing and story of The Walking Dead game "video game good" or outright good? Always hesitant on games like that.

Not finished it, but it's good. I think it's good writing. I hear you see some things coming a mile away and I think it's fair to say it uses one or two typical horror tropes but it's great! I really like it.

I think what the Walking Dead does is it makes you feel like you have control of the story. But all of a sudden the games story and writing drops a sack of bricks on you and reminds you who's in charge. It's very clever.


Only 3ds game I've got is Mario 3D Land. Thought about downloading Mario Kart but not sure. Looking forward to Luigi's Mansion. Me and my friends had so much fun playing the GameCube one.

Want to try out Monster Hunter when it comes out as well.
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