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Football Thread |OT11| Campaign: Save a donkey in Colombia

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So what tha fuck precautions do a referee take ta try ta ensure a match goes ahead, biatch? Mike Riley, tha general manager of tha Professionizzle Game Match Officials Limited n' a gangbangin' forma FIFA-accredited referee, explained tha criteria ta premierleague.com.
"There is two main considerations ta make when conductin a pitch inspection: playa safety n' tha match as a spectacle," Riley holla'd. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! "A referee has ta consider whether tha playin conditions threaten tha well-bein of tha playas n' whether they compromise tha match as a spectacle fo' tha fans."
Procedures fo' clubs

Whenever there is tha slightest indication of a match bein adversely affected by tha weather, clubs is advised ta contact tha match referee at least 48 hours before kick-off ta warn of tha potential fo' skanky conditions. In tha Premier League a inspection will take place early on matchdizzle ta try ta avoid wasted journeys fo' supporters.
"Da first muthafuckin thang you do is drop a rhyme ta tha groundsman," holla'd Riley. "Dude is tha thug dopest placed ta understand exactly how tha fuck his thugged-out lil' pitch behaves under certain conditions n' tha likelihood of a pitch deterioratin and otherwise.
"Then you conduct a pitch inspection, preferably up in yo' match boots n' wit a match ball, n' conduct as thorough a examination as possible on every last muthafuckin area of tha playin surface ta try n' ensure it is behavin as it should. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! If there be any room fo' doubt, like fuckin tha playin surface bein frozen, fo' example, you smoke up from tha groundsman whether there be anythang he can do ta solve tha problem."
"Da goalkeeper couldn’t peep 10 metres ahead n' one playa collided wit another n' broke his nose"
Mike Riley
Unfortunately referees cannot always erectly predict what tha fuck tha weather and tha temperature is ghon be like a hour before kick-off, let alone six and seven, n' a match straight-up legit might be abandoned up in mid-flow.
"On one occasion our crazy-ass asses was up on tha pitch up in shirtsleeves at 2pm n' by ten past three our crazy-ass asses was up in tha midst of a funky-ass blizzard," Riley holla'd. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! "Da goalkeeper couldn’t peep 10 metres ahead, tha playas couldn’t peep they crew-mates and where tha bizzle was goin n' one playa collided wit a opponent n' broke his nose.
"In dat instizzle I had no option but ta abandon on two counts cuz I could neither guarantee tha safety of tha playas nor guarantee tha match as a spectacle cuz tha supportas couldn’t peep what tha fuck was goin on."
It be rare dat a Barclays Premier League match is ghon be postponed cuz of a gangbangin' frozen pitch as almost every last muthafuckin top-flight club is equipped wit undersoil heatin (see rule K28 of tha handbook). Git tha fuck outta mah grill wit dat bullshizzle tha decision ta postpone a match can be done cooked up by other authoritizzles wit statutory powers (see rule L13 of tha handbook).
In every last muthafuckin instizzle tha decision ta postpone a match is never one dat is taken lightly n' it is only eva reached as a last resort.


Da United manager raged when Beck did not flag fo' a apparent trip from Steven Caulker on tha substitute Weezy Rooney up in tha 62nd minute, wit United 1-0 up, n' he recalled his clubz history wit tha assistant as he levelled his criticizzle. Beck erred up in April 2010, when he failed ta pull back Didier Drogba fo' offside at Oldskool Trafford n' tha Chelsea strikerz goal stood. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Their victory proved hugely significant up in Chelseaz title triumph dat year.

"Da stand-side linesman [Beck] didn't give our asses a muthafuckin thang all day," Ferguson holla'd. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! "For mah crazy ass it was a skanky performizzle by his muthafuckin ass. Why he never saw tha penalty kick from Weezy Rooney n' some other decisions … Our thugged-out asses remember his ass well from his cold-ass time all up in tha Chelsea game when Drogba was three yardz offside n' he gave onside.

"Dude had a shockin game. I be pissed tha fuck off up in his thugged-out lil' performizzle, I straight-up am yo. Dude had a funky-ass bad game n' our crazy-ass asses never gots anythang on dat side of tha pitch."
This gangsta translation thing is brilliant. Now we can all be as eloquent as Andres.

EDIT:"This gangsta translation muthafuckin thang is buckwild. Now our crazy-ass asses can all be as eloquent as Andres."



For those curious about Sneijder's new contract...

The following Thursday, Sneijder was given 24 hours to decide whether to accept Galatasaray's offer of a contract, which is rumoured to involve €3.5 million-a-year until 2017, with an appearance bonus of €25,000-per-match he appears in. Other bonus' reportedly included in the Turkish deal are €500,000 if Galatasaray win the league (which is likely), and also another €500,000 if they reach the semi-finals of the Champions League (I'm not so sure this bonus will ever be activated if truth be told). On top of that he will pick up a €6 million signing on fee from the Turkish club.




Master Striker Kyoufu.

Do you always play with this camera?


il capo silenzioso
Oldskool Trafford :lol

Bizzleern is Bayern? :lol

Shinji is Shinjiz :lol :lol

Splatt "Liverpool dodged a funky-ass cap wit Dempsey. "

God I'm dying


shooting blanks
This gangsta translation thing is brilliant. Now we can all be as eloquent as Andres.

EDIT:"This gangsta translation muthafuckin thang is buckwild. Now our crazy-ass asses can all be as eloquent as Andres."


Fuck you. Ryan's fumble was Romo-esque


-needs the Spanglish tho


shooting blanks
And Romo now once again has a superior playoff record to Matty Lukewarm. All is right in the world :)

Cheer up, at least the international break is only a couple weeks away.

We play Guyana or something I think. The under 20 team won tonight in the first game of the hexagonal at least.

Quintero (plays for Pescara) is unreal. He's like James but a more conventional #10.

Kirilenko is playing in a bit I think. Yum


il capo silenzioso
VivaDogg* on Pogba

There seems ta be some confusion re Pogba. Ferguson did recognise his cold-ass talent, afta tha youth cup run he holla'd Pogba would be tha ghettos dopest CM within 5 years, somethang like dat n' like dis n' like dat y'all. When Scholez "retired" n' played his cold-ass testimonial Pogba was subbed on fo' his ass n' afta tha game Ferguson holla'd dat our crazy-ass asses had peeped tha future wit dat chizzle. Pogba was tha straight-up original gangsta playa from tha youth crew ta be brought forward tha fuck into tha straight-up original gangsta crew set up. Da way Ferguson has reacted ta losin his ass drops some lyrics ta you everythang you need ta know bout how tha fuck highly he was rated.

Da problem is dat fo' Ferguson he valued his thugged-out lil' principle above tha playas talent yo. Dude wasn't prepared ta pay a lil' playa as much as some first crewers n' ta be peeped cedin ta his fuckin lil' demands. I be thinkin Pogba would done been playin game last season if he had signed a cold-ass lil contract, nevermind dis season. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch.

I be thinkin Ferguson done cooked up a mistake n' should have known dat if he let Pogba play he would have stayed on - but he just feels too straight fuckin bout certain aspectz of his crazy-ass management n' dat won't chizzle

*They switch all the ClevGods into ClevDogg. :lol


Odd_morsel on Reina

Also read a rumor on RAWK dat Pepe Reina may be off ta Milan by tha end of tha window here. Not dat I personally believe dis rumor yo, but if it was ta happen, I probably wouldn't be dat upset - not like I would done been a gangbangin' few muthafuckin years ago yo. Dude straight been one of tha worst keepers up in tha league dis season, not cuz he be straight been bad on tha bizzle (I still ludd his cheeky turns) yo, but tha errors done been terrible, gettin beaten all up in tha near post n' wit speculatizzle long shots too nuff times.

Dude had a straight-up phat game against United yo, but em straight-up phat game have become a rarity, n' wit tha general qualitizzle of tha goalkeepers up in tha PL bein so high, it straight-up hammers home just how tha fuck error prone n' skanky he be straight been at stoppin shots dis year.

Who our crazy-ass asses replaced his ass wit would be tha big-ass question. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Ideally, we'd prize Courtois away from Chelsea yo, but I don't peep dat goin down wit how tha fuck highly rated he be n' how tha fuck well he be straight done fo' Atletico, unless tha playaz head can be turned by tha prospect of playin up in England. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! He'd probably also cost 15+m, n' Reina would probably be sold fo' 8-10. Lloris would done been a thugged-out decent shout but Spurs have his muthafuckin ass.

I genuinely wouldn't mind a freshly smoked up No. 1 at Liverpool, though. I suppose mo' than anythang I'd just like Pepe ta continue his current form n' resume his spot all up in tha top of tha list of PL goalkeepers.
Do you always play with this camera?

I've switched to that, so much easier to pass it around to the sides and behind you. When playing any you also just need to play with that, otherwise it's really hard. Sorry I fell asleep before we got to play yesterday lol

Edit : That google is amazing

I've switched ta that, so much easier ta pass it around ta tha sides n' behind yo thugged-out ass. When playin any you also just need ta play wit that, otherwise itz straight-up hard.

Sorry I fell asleep before our crazy-ass asses gots ta play yesterdizzle lol

Straight-up hard.



What General Weygand called tha Battle of Frizzle is over. I expect dat tha Battle of Britain be bout ta begin. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Upon dis battle dependz tha game of Christian civilization. Upon it dependz our own British life, n' tha long continuitizzle of our institutions n' our Empire. Da whole fury n' might of tha enemy must straight-up soon be turned on us.

Hitla knows dat he will have ta break our asses up in dis Island or lose tha war. If our crazy-ass asses can stand up ta him, all Europe may be free n' tha thuglife of tha ghetto may move forward tha fuck into broad, sunlit uplands. But if our crazy-ass asses fail, then tha whole ghetto, includin tha United Hoods, includin all dat our crazy-ass asses have known n' cared for, will sink tha fuck into tha abysz of a freshly smoked up Dark Age done cooked up mo' sinister, n' like mo' protracted, by tha lightz of perverted science.

Let our asses therefore brace ourselves ta our duties, n' so bear ourselves dat if tha British Empire n' its Commonwealth last fo' a thousand years, pimps will still say, 'This was they finest hour.'

Winston Churchill - June 18, 1940


il capo silenzioso
Raiola: "Pogba? I'm not surprised. His value now? Priceless."

What? Screw that! Put a price on him and let's start a bidding war!

I want my striker!


Pizzle Pogba

Pizzle Labile Pogba (born 15 March 1993) be a French footballer whoz ass skits fo' Italian club Juventus up in Serie A. Of Guinean descent, he operates primarily as a midfielder n' is laid back at playin both up in battle n' defence.[2] Pogba was busted lyrics bout by his wild lil' forma club Manchesta United as a "powerful, skilful, n' creative" playa whoz ass has "an eye fo' goal n' a penchant fo' tha spectacular."[3]

Pogba started his wild lil' footbizzle game playin fo' local amateur clubs up in Paris like fuckin US Roissy-en-Brie n' US Torcy before joinin professionizzle club Le Havre up in 2007 yo. Dude played fo' Le Havre fo' two muthafuckin years before venturin ta England ta join Manchesta United up in 2009. Pogbaz transfer was subject ta controversial rap battle as his wild lil' forma club accused tha English club of tappin up tha playa fo' realz. After three muthafuckin years wit Manchesta United, up in which he done cooked up seven first-crew appearizzles, up in July 2012, he departed tha club ta join Juventus afta his contract wit tha English club expired.

Pogba fuckin started his wild lil' footbizzle game at age six playin fo' US Roissy-en-Brie, a gangbangin' few milez downtown of his hometown. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch yo. Dude spent seven seasons all up in tha club before joinin US Torcy where he served as captain of tha clubz under-13 crew.[7] After one season wit Torcy, Pogba joined professionizzle club Le Havre. In his second season all up in tha club, Pogba captained its under-16 crew ta tha final phase of its domestic league, tha Championnat Nationizzle des 16 ans. Le Havre finished second ta Lens up in tha final crew phase finishin ahead of tha likez of Lyon n' Nancy.[8] Pogba also established his dirty ass as a youth internationistic fo' his ghetto yo. His performizzlez domestically n' internationally led ta interest from English clubs Arsenal n' Liverpool, as well as Italian club Juventus.[9]

Ahead of tha start of tha 2011��"12 season, Ferguson confirmed dat Pogba will feature wit tha ballin' crew durin tha season statin "I mean if our crazy-ass asses hold Pogba back, what’s goin ta happen, biatch? He’s goin ta muthafuckin bounce. Yo ass know, up in a cold-ass lil couple years’ time when his contract is goin ta finish. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. So our crazy-ass asses have ta give his ass tha opportunitizzle ta peep how tha fuck he can do up in tha first-crew n' he’s gots pimped out ability".

On 31 October, he started against Bologna n' banged up tha game-ballin goal up in a 2��"1 victory. Pogba also contributed ta tha openin goal banged up by Fabio Quagliarella.[42] Da midfielder was, subsequently, praised fo' his thugged-out lil' performizzle up in tha match by nuff muthafuckin Italian media outlets like fuckin la Repubblica, Il Messaggero, n' La Gazzetta dello Sport.[43]

In tha current Juventus system he skits as tha 2nd chizzle up in tha straight-up original gangsta pocket n' is often a replacement fo' Pirlo whenever he is bein rested. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka!


I've switched to that, so much easier to pass it around to the sides and behind you. When playing any you also just need to play with that, otherwise it's really hard. Sorry I fell asleep before we got to play yesterday lol

Lol, our record was 1-2-10 in the last session.


Oh god no, millionaire teenagers breaking up with their girlfriends! What ever will we do.

I don't know about you but i'm going to blog about it like these guys are my best friends, even though they don't know me, and act all concerned because they have money and play football because it "enriches" my barren, ambitionless life-style, at least until i have children on to which i can push my dreams and aspirations because i'm one sad fuck who was too fat and too lazy to become a decent footballer, because fuck their dreams they have to become what i always wanted to be. Then they can grow up resenting me for suppressing their actual needs and wants for my own selfish need to vicariously live through other's achievements, and eventually, when they become hipster-trash alcoholics, i can scream at them and excile them from my life, like it wasn't my own failings as father or my hero-worship wankery of rich teenage arseholes, but their own weakness in not being able to live up to my expected potential of my great genetic stock. Then i can grow old and bitter, and on my death-bed, with my divorced, hateful wife by my side, I glance with half-dead eyes, at these treasured failures of my ambition, as they come to pay a feigned respect to the poison in their lives, the seeds of a cycle that will continue as they take their hatred and resentment and pass it on to their children.


il capo silenzioso
Sportitalia reporting that Lisandro Lopez is nearing a Juventus move.


Le Progres: Juventus to make a bigger bid of nearly €10m for Lisandro Lopez.

Kill me now.

I don't know about you but i'm going to blog about it like these guys are my best friends, even though they don't know me, and act all concerned because they have money and play football because it "enriches" my barren, ambitionless life-style, at least until i have children on to which i can push my dreams and aspirations because i'm one sad fuck who was too fat and too lazy to become a decent footballer, because fuck their dreams they have to become what i always wanted to be. Then they can grow up resenting me for suppressing their actual needs and wants for my own selfish need to vicariously live through other's achievements, and eventually, when they become hipster-trash alcoholics, i can scream at them and excile them from my life, like it wasn't my own failings as father or my hero-worship wankery of rich teenage arseholes, but their own weakness in not being able to live up to my expected potential of my great genetic stock. Then i can grow old and bitter, and on my death-bed, with my divorced, hateful wife by my side, I glance with half-dead eyes, at these treasured failures of my ambition, as they come to pay a feigned respect to the poison in their lives, the seeds of a cycle that will continue as they take their hatred and resentment and pass it on to their children.

And kill Facism. :lol :lol This is amazing :lol :lol


I don't know about you but i'm going to blog about it like these guys are my best friends, even though they don't know me, and act all concerned because they have money and play football because it "enriches" my barren, ambitionless life-style, at least until i have children on to which i can push my dreams and aspirations because i'm one sad fuck who was too fat and too lazy to become a decent footballer, because fuck their dreams they have to become what i always wanted to be. Then they can grow up resenting me for suppressing their actual needs and wants for my own selfish need to vicariously live through other's achievements, and eventually, when they become hipster-trash alcoholics, i can scream at them and excile them from my life, like it wasn't my own failings as father or my hero-worship wankery of rich teenage arseholes, but their own weakness in not being able to live up to my expected potential of my great genetic stock. Then i can grow old and bitter, and on my death-bed, with my divorced, hateful wife by my side, I glance with half-dead eyes, at these treasured failures of my ambition, as they come to pay a feigned respect to the poison in their lives, the seeds of a cycle that will continue as they take their hatred and resentment and pass it on to their children.

He madizzle.
I don't give a fuck bout you but i'm goin ta B-ta-tha-L-O-Gizzay bout it like these pimps is mah dopest playas, even though they don't give a fuck me, n' act all concerned cuz they have scrilla n' play footbizzle cuz it "enriches" mah barren, ambitionless life-style, at least until i have lil pimps on ta which i can push mah dreams n' aspirations cuz i'm one fucked up fuck whoz ass was too fat n' too lazy ta become a thugged-out decent footballer, cuz fuck they dreams they have ta become what tha fuck i always wanted ta be. Then they can grow up resentin mah crazy ass fo' suppressin they actual needz n' wants fo' mah own selfish need ta vicariously live all up in otherz achievements, n' eventually, when they become hipster-trash alcatronics, i can scream at em n' excile em from mah life, like it wasn't mah own failings as daddy and mah hero-worshizzle biiiatch-assy of rich teenage arseholez yo, but they own weaknizz up in not bein able ta live up ta mah expected potential of mah pimped out genetic stock. Then i can grow oldschool n' bitter, n' on mah dirtnap-bed, wit mah divorced, hateful ho by mah side, I glizzle wit half-dead eyes, at these treasured failurez of mah ambition, as they come ta pay a gangbangin' feigned respect ta tha poison up in they lives, tha seedz of a cold-ass lil cycle dat will continue as they take they hatred n' resentment n' pass it on ta they children.


I don't know about you but i'm going to blog about it like these guys are my best friends, even though they don't know me, and act all concerned because they have money and play football because it "enriches" my barren, ambitionless life-style, at least until i have children on to which i can push my dreams and aspirations because i'm one sad fuck who was too fat and too lazy to become a decent footballer, because fuck their dreams they have to become what i always wanted to be. Then they can grow up resenting me for suppressing their actual needs and wants for my own selfish need to vicariously live through other's achievements, and eventually, when they become hipster-trash alcoholics, i can scream at them and excile them from my life, like it wasn't my own failings as father or my hero-worship wankery of rich teenage arseholes, but their own weakness in not being able to live up to my expected potential of my great genetic stock. Then i can grow old and bitter, and on my death-bed, with my divorced, hateful wife by my side, I glance with half-dead eyes, at these treasured failures of my ambition, as they come to pay a feigned respect to the poison in their lives, the seeds of a cycle that will continue as they take their hatred and resentment and pass it on to their children.

Thats more than i could have hoped for posting my random news of the day. :lol


Replace Wenger with Lambert for me.

Wheres the fucking signings Paul?
It's frustrating as hell. Wenger admits our top 4 goal is looking very shaky, he admitted before the window opened that we needed to strengthen, 2/3rds of the window gone and we've done nothing and have 2 losses to go with it.

January is always a shit period for us but this is incredibly frustrating.
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