So you basically never want to see an overhead goal ever? You never want to see a volley? Hell, if you have someone like John Terry on the pitch, his head might be flying in anywhere so moving your feet might be dangerous.
Re: Overheads, I think it should be a red card offense when its clear the player isn't aware of his surroundings when they try, and smash their oppenent in the head. Overheads are overrated anyway
Re: Volleys, 99% of volleys are made by players running onto the ball with a full view of the players around them, with time to pull out if it becomes dangerous. And the feet are rarely lifted high enough to be a health risk, and the technique makes it a lot easier to prevent the follow through from causing damage
Re: John Terry, he lowers his head to dangerous positions, so he can hardly complain when he receives the odd kicks to the upper body. Plus he's a cunt, so he deserves to be booted in the head