I broke my big toe and it was a cunt to play football with it. Caused me problems for about a year.
Not as bad as my ankles. From achille's Tendonitis to Achille's Bursitis. Just feels like they won't heal past a certain point and i'm going to have to live with them. Sucks needing 10 mins to get adequately warmed up and loose enough to get down stairs in the morning. Plus that niggling pain throughout the day and then the stiffening and aching whenever i stop moving.
Shit sucks, but I can still run.
Not as bad as my ankles. From achille's Tendonitis to Achille's Bursitis. Just feels like they won't heal past a certain point and i'm going to have to live with them. Sucks needing 10 mins to get adequately warmed up and loose enough to get down stairs in the morning. Plus that niggling pain throughout the day and then the stiffening and aching whenever i stop moving.
Shit sucks, but I can still run.