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Football Thread |OT21| Robben learns to score in finals three years late

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Ronaldo needs a new hair cut. This looks like crap.


Looks like Sergio Ramos.


Can't wait for the meltdowns tomorrow.

MS to continue their bad run with X1. FPS/sports games galore.
Predict Sony to pull the same DRM crap like MS. Not show TLG or FF XV.


Junior Member
CBOAT is dropping more bombs on gaming side.

Just seen it. MS conference is going to be awesome for all the wrong reasons. lol

MS actively attempting to buy silence on PS4 announcements. If you don't explicitly hear "exclusive for Xbox One", assume otherwise.

Stage 2 of discussing the DRM strategy will be discussed at Gamescom. Rental strategy is a lie. No plan for support; just want to keep quiet. Stage 1 was last Thursday's total clusterfuck.

The "cloud" is totally just a ploy for DRM. It's MS that approached third-parties, not the other way around. EA/Ubisoft support it a lot, but surprisingly not Activision.

One of the DRM plans is worse than you imagine. Can't get enough evidence to say more; people are scared for their jobs.

Mirror's Edge 2 at MS conference. No Tim Langdell. (lol)

Prince of Persia regurgitate for MS conference (port/remake?)

Uh.... World of Tanks? (No idea here.)

Xbox LIVE is still not free.

Dead Rising 3 and exclusive DLC for another Capcom game. (Not sure if DR3 is exclusive.)

Can't confirm anything about paying for Sony online.

Sony completely guarding any info regarding DRM.

Final words before I hibernate:
1. All praiseNeoGAF.
2. Thank all you doubters, your bitter tears are my bidet.
3. Be nice to Major Nelson, he has a job. Like Al Snow. (who?)
4. My balls, my word.


Junior Member
Nirolak explains it better.


^_^ confiemed micresft actively attemptbuyinr PS44FOUR nonmetnions. IF y dont explifitly here 3rdparty say “OUR GAME IS EXCLUSIVE FOR XBONE’ confdinetly assuem Ps4 version is avabilelbe behind scenes. #truthfact

Microsoft is paying third parties to not mention PS4 versions a la Sony and Diablo 3 (until they just announced it for 360 a day or two ago). If a game is not explicitly said to be Xbox One exclusive, it isn't.


^_^ stag2 indethpth drm mesaging a@t gamescom. rental stretegy is no stratgy, nolpan for support, just watnt o keep quiet. nontalk execs! beacuse mesaging isnt done. stagae1 waslast Tursyfday...clusterfuktotal

Microsoft has no strategy or support plan for game rentals. They will also talk more about their DRM at GamesCom.


^_^ cloudpower=praroleofficer. desined from day1@s DRM. peirod. uknoo this alreyad thogh.,, MS idaea. aproached third parties wplan not otherway around. EA/Ubi bigest boostrs but lesa Activbliz whcih makes mye haed fulll of weird#!

The cloud is primarily a DRM tool. Microsoft approached third parties with this plan instead of them requesting it. EA and Ubisoft love it, but Activision isn't nearly as supportive.


^_^ ONE drm tos plans iws worse than you know. asmnow btw but I can;t get cororobating proof frrorm my fpeoples. theyr sadcared for jobs. it s com*ing tho IT IS COMING ):

The Xbox One's DRM is worse than we know, but no one will explain exactly how to CBOAT yet.


^_^ MEedge2 at MS conf. langlewdell not mkaign an appearnce.

Mirror's Edge will appear at Microsoft's conference, but Tim Langdell won't be there (he's the trademark troll).


^_^ princeofpersian retgurgiate. for msfconf

A regurgitated Prince of Persia game will be at Microsoft's press conference.


^_^ sspecial sekrit Philupspensergame/? - world of banks frmo warmggamin.et

World of Tanks is coming to Xbox One. Phil Spencer is very happy about this.


^_^ LIVEpaywallfirm like myb utocks in place for ONEE!1 f2p? sorury.

You need Xbox Live Gold to play f2p games.


^_^ deadreising3 and exclcusive DLC for other capcpom game

Dead Rising 3 and exclusive DLC for another Capcom game are at the Xbox One conference.


^_^ onlingamingpayo.w.-allklk for Sony? ahha nope.noconfirm

There is no paywall for Sony's online.


^_^ sonty rapped up tighterrea than Virgin mosquito when on drm istuf. Frustartin!g myinfogloves!

Sony won't talk about DRM at all. CBOAT doesn't know their DRM plan.

Good God. It's 4:30am!! Time for bed.


Trying to find where this supposed list originates from.. just saw it pop up on my Facebook news feed from some random site due to the Matija inclusion (https://www.facebook.com/FootballLiveScoresUpdate/posts/506902696047413). Probably bullshit but Adnan fans will be happy if it isn't.

Official FIFA Top 10 Young Football player In The World 2013:
1. Neymar [Barcelona]
2. Erik Lamela [As Roma]
3. Lucas Moura [PSG]
4. Mario Gotze [Bayern Munchen]
5. Isco [Malaga]
6. Adnan Januzaj [Manchester United]
7. David Alaba [Bayern Munich]
8. Matija Nastasic [Manchester City]
9. Kyriakos Papadopoulos [Schalke 04]
10. Phil Jones [Manchester United]


Just read back the thread. Bacon and Messi brought back the weirdness and a junior walked in at the wrong moment. Oh Afterdark.


It seems Xavi isn't a big fan of "negative" football.

Barcelona midfielder Xavi Hernández stated that "a big club cannot play like José Mourinho's Real Madrid" and made comparisons to the style of play adopted by Chelsea and Manchester City.

"I don't want people to think that I always attack Mourinho because it's not my intention, but I obviously don't like the football his sides play," Xavi said in an interview with Barcelona sports newspaper 'Sport'.

In contrast, the midfielder looked back at some of the great football played by Real 'Galáctico' sides: "It was frustrating to see them play because they had an idea and a concept of play. Incredible players like Zidane, Roberto Carlos and others," the Catalan added.

"They dominated every aspect of the game. You had to hand it to them and recognise that they were better. The same can be said about the 'Quinta del Buitre', another great side with a clear football philosophy that was faultless," Xavi said.

Xavi went on to say that Mourinho's Madrid "bears no resemblance and has left no legacy for the future". In contrast, Barcelona has not changed its style of play for two decades.

"We don't let our pitch dry so that it's like playing in a potato field, we don't kick our opponents continuously and we don't try to stir things up. We didn't do that when Madrid were much better than us. We've won, lost and drawn, but always with the same football values. It's not just about the result. There's more to it than winning or losing," he concluded.



Man, Xavi makes the kool aid, drinks it, makes more, keeps on fucken drinking.

Keep on like two shitty clubs rigging the league so they can squabble over it is "building a legacy", pal.



I'm honestly wondering if we'll also get fifty "Sony is evil" threads in that case. It's gotten pretty annoying over at Gaming, pretty much every day there seem to be five "MS is even more evil" threads.
MS are shit so I don't mind that. I am not that against DRM though so I wouldn't care if Sony do that.


They are shit, so I didn't mind initially, but I feel we've reached the point where it's just way too much. We've had plenty of near-identical "MS is shit" threads (some of which the mods fortunately closed) and the whole "Sony has already won" talk is also a bit delusional.
Too much of anything gets very annoying, that's why. Doesn't help that there are sets of fans on the gaming side that love a company so much it's like they want rival companies to drop off the planet. That's all of them that do that. Of course they are delusional but MS brought this on themselves, they've handled this very poorly imo.

Mirror Edge 2 exclusive would cause meltdowns only for the radicals. The first game was decent but I didn't get the hype and wasn't a stellar seller either. It would be a pointless game to money hat, it won't sell systems and just add another game to EA's list of games that don't meet expectations.


I think cboat already confirmed that ME2 was not going to be exclusive; or at least he said that Titanfall was the only EA exclusive for MS. I wouldn't worry too much.

Personally I wouldn't care at all if it were, the original Mirror's Edge is easily the worst game I've ever played.


Mirror's Edge was such a spectacularly mediocre game that I can't see any excitement being generated for XBO from it. Something like GTA being exclusive would throw the world off its axis though.
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