I just saw in Gaming that the PS4 is region-free, according to SCEI.
I'm sorry I ever doubted you Sony.
I don't think I'm buying either of the consoles. At least not in the first few years. Sony looks to have a better valued console but their game showing was very disappointing. It was a bit like MS conferences the past few years: show games that people know about already, talk "entertainment stuff", show multiplatform games etc.
I was shocked that MS actually had a good game showing but they messed it up with that hilarious price point.
show multiplatform games etc.
Logically, the Xbox One should be DOA![]()
All stories coming out of Spain are saying Cesc is happy at Barca and Barca want Cesc to stay. So I don't know where the Mail and the Telegraph are getting their stories from.
getting ps4 day zero. Not sure which games to get though (Infamous isn't launch windows anymore right?).
Xbox One
Mine Craft
Dead Rising 3
Kinnect Sports Rivals
Killzone: ShadowFall
Drive Club
The Witness
Assassins Creed 4
Battlefield 4
Call of Duty Ghost
NBA Live
Fifa 14
Need for Speed: Rivals
Madden 25
It could still be a success. What they need is content.
It's like Barca after they lost the first leg. Oh...
It's 2014.
Announced launch day games:
Holy shit Destiny looks good
Watch Dogs looked good as well, and I know I'll love Infmaous and Killzone even though they were hardly mindblowing. Price is good if a little annoying with the conversion,and I lost the avatar bet for the 'pay to play online,' but can't remember who I made the bet with.
The Last Guardian is dead
Logically, the Xbox One should be DOA![]()
It's not apparently. If anything it increases my hope it's being ported to PS4.
Confederations Cup-related:
I just found this on youtube about Tahiti's team and it's... oh god. I'm in tears
Surprised Sony didn't fuck up the pricing, unlike them to do something right.
Badstuber had a surgery for the fourth time
sigh. I really doubt he will play ever again
If he and Papa don't get to play anymore, I would really a tear in the eye.Badstuber had a surgery for the fourth time
sigh. I really doubt he will play ever again
Would not expect such news from a football thread. Has it been clarified if the hospital staff intended to grow ligament cells out of a sample, or if they plainly removed some stuff from his body to put it elsewhere ?The stuff they do in that surgery sounds like some crazy futuristic shit:
"Badstuber verzichtet allerdings auf die in den USA übliche Praxis, sich das Kreuzband eines Toten einsetzen zu lassen. Nach Rücksprache mit Bayern-Mannschaftsarzt Dr. Hans-Wilhelm Müller-Wohlfahrt wird Steadman daher einen Teil der Patellasehne aus Badstubers linkem Knie entfernen und anstelle des Kreuzbandes ins rechte einsetzen."
I won't translate that because it's fucking hard to lol. Basically they are replacing his ligaments with a fibre from his other knee. If that shit works, that's pretty damn awesome.
OK, Wahrscheinlichkeit of the former drops.that's actually what you normally do.
The stuff they do in that surgery sounds like some crazy futuristic shit:
"Badstuber verzichtet allerdings auf die in den USA übliche Praxis, sich das Kreuzband eines Toten einsetzen zu lassen. Nach Rücksprache mit Bayern-Mannschaftsarzt Dr. Hans-Wilhelm Müller-Wohlfahrt wird Steadman daher einen Teil der Patellasehne aus Badstubers linkem Knie entfernen und anstelle des Kreuzbandes ins rechte einsetzen."
I won't translate that because it's fucking hard to lol. Basically they are replacing his ligaments with a fibre from his other knee. If that shit works, that's pretty damn awesome.
Bei der Kniescheibensehne (fachsprachlich: Patella(r)sehne, Ligamentum patellae) handelt es sich um eine sehr große und starke Sehne, sie stellt daher in vielen Fällen das Mittel der Wahl dar. Sie ist aber nur halb so elastisch wie das natürliche eigene Kreuzband. Bei der Rekonstruktion des Kreuzbandes mittels autologer Transplantation der Kniescheibensehne wird diese mit anhängenden Knochenteilen (engl.: bone tendon bone = Knochen-Sehne-Knochen; BTB-Technik) entnommen und durch verbreiterte Kanäle (8–10 mm Durchmesser) im Schienbein beziehungsweise Oberschenkelknochen gezogen. Die Länge des oberen und unteren Knochenblocks beträgt jeweils etwa 20 mm. Die stabilste Verankerung der Knochenenden des autologen Transplantats (engl.: graft = Transplantate ohne Blutversorgung, weshalb sowohl hier als auch bei der im folgenden Abschnitt näher erläuterten Semitendinosustechnik von autograft gesprochen wird, mit griechisch αὐτός = selbst) wird durch die Fixation mit sogenannten Interferenzschrauben erreicht. Diese ist besonders wichtig im Hinblick auf eine frühe funktionelle Mobilisierung.
Die Unterstützung nach der Operation mittels einer orthopädietechnischen Schiene (Orthese) ist häufig nicht nötig, so dass die Gefahr der Muskelatrophie geringer ist als bei anderen Verfahren. Dieser Vorteil ist insbesondere für Sportler interessant, die eine frühzeitige Rückkehr zu alter Leistung wünschen.
Da die Kniescheibensehne nur halb so dehnbar ist wie das eigentliche Kreuzband, kann es bis zu 18 Monate dauern, bis wieder an sogenannten „Stop-and-go“-Sportarten teilgenommen werden kann.
that's actually what you normally do.
This Lions game is a joke.
They're winning 19-0 after only 13 minutes. This opposition team is comprised of a lot of amateurs and pros only on the fringes of their teams.
This Lions game is a joke.
They're winning 19-0 after only 13 minutes. This opposition team is comprised of a lot of amateurs and pros only on the fringes of their teams.
Perfect accordance with the damaged tissue is one great reason why the auto-transplantation theme is so hot right now. It could virtually undo any trauma done to your body as long as you won't be in danger to die during the actual growth of the cells in laboratory.that's actually what you normally do.
18 months rehab. holy shit
Well I have no idea about that. Just sounded like that's something special in that article.
Edit: From the Wikipedia article that doesn't sound like the normal therapy after a ligament damage for football players. Badstuber's is really fucked. A shame but that doesn't sound like he'll be able to play top class football anymore to me.
I seriously can't decide what launch games to get. The ones I want are:
Killzone Shadow Fall
Watch Dogs
Assassin's Creed 4
Battlefield 4
I'm thinking FIFA, Watch Dogs and Assassin's Creed. Or maybe YOLO and get all 5.
City's biggest problem this summer is offloading.
Who would take Nasri on the wages he's on? No one.
Would end up being 6 or 5.5 assuming you get PS+
Did they say how much a month or whatever PS+ will be? If it's like 40 quid a year or something, that's sound.
Also, are any E3 trailers up on the PSN store yet? I can't check atm.
Just avoid EA stuff. Their ways to make business have made me reluctant to purchase their games. A 50M$ bribe for an exclusive on X1 ? Microsoft is stupid to have accepted such a deal. We don't even know if the game will turn alright and yet a substantial investment was done in that regard. Wouldn't have it been smarter to use this money as a subsidy to lower the console's price instead ?I seriously can't decide what launch games to get. The ones I want are:
Killzone Shadow Fall
Watch Dogs
Assassin's Creed 4
Battlefield 4
I'm thinking FIFA, Watch Dogs and Assassin's Creed. Or maybe YOLO and get all 5.
Did they say how much a month or whatever PS+ will be? If it's like 40 quid a year or something, that's sound.
Its to get the Lions players familiar with each other. Lots of them wouldn't have played together before so it takes a few games for the players to work out their combinations and stuff.What's the point of these two last matches? Marketing? Confidence-boosters? I can't imagine a huge number of lessons being learnt by them