Finally got around to finishing Halo 4 tonight. Played through on Heroic. Thought I should finish it as I'm ebaying my 360 in a week or so.
Really enjoyed it. I liked the new enemies but feel like the knights needs to be tweaked a bit. If you don't have the right weapons against them they become too much of an uphill battle. Rifles are useless against them, because they are way too much of a bullet sponge. Especially when you empty almost a clip to pop their shields but they teleport away so that the shields can restore. They are too good at dodging grenades as well. I can only remember killing one with a grenade. I would practically hold onto a scattershot for as long as possible just to deal with the knights. It's the only normal gun that I found to be effective on them. I found them stressful to fight.
Now I need to finish gta5, red dead and bayonette and I'm ready to sell.