I think you're misconstruing what I'm saying.
average is not important, since it moves near where you trend. So lets say for going to work, you're completely fine in this regard. You go several weeks where you have no problem.
What happens when you then have to drive (for whatever reason, a vaca, whatever), more than 100 miles? If you are in the majority segment that only owns one car, how is this practical for you? You have to pull over and wait 6 hours? That is obviously not going to work for most people.
That's why I'm asking, is there some faster way to charge with designated charge stations? If so, I hope they become mainstream ... actually, I'll donate money for it ... but if that is not currently feasible, this sort of car is simply not going to be usable for many people since they can only afford one car. You can't expect people to rent every time the need to go more than 100 miles.
I've heard of it ... believe me, lately, I do it every other week
I'm simply pointing out that due to the size of the US, and the amount of travel many people do beyond 100mi, I think there's a large segment of the populace that would be concerned about this.