Onix said:
The problem is, most average families have let's say two parents that both work. They each have a car. Then maybe one or more of the kids have a car. The issue is, they are all normally used cars, none of them are something like a 'summer' car. So considering both parents commute, they would both like to have this sort of high-effeciency car. But what happens when they need to travel? Borrow the kids car?
So, even though they average family has more than one car, I really don't think it's average that one is relegated to part-time usage. Obviously this scenario can still work, but that's only if one of the parents' cars is electric (in this example, I'm disregarding kids cars).
That isn't ideal for the future. That means we still have to have a gas or hybrid in normal rotation.
So we shouldn't move to electric until it is a perfect replacement for gas cars? That is damn silly.
Evolution . . . not revolution. Start with one car in a two-car family. And start with PHEVs with a short electric-only range, not 200+ mile range EVs like the Tesla.
As gas prices continue to go up and battery prices come down, things will continue to move toward electrics.
BTW, battery prices are never going to come
way down as some people would like to believe. I think that with mass production and the proper battery chemistry selection, the prices for automotive batteries will drop down to the $250 to $300/Kwh level. That will still be damn expensive. However, it will be cheap enough to make EVs economically viable.
But I'm sorry to have to tell people this . . . but you are eventually going to have to start accepting smaller & more efficient cars and trucks. The days of the Hummer are limited (literally actually since GM is gonna kill them off.). In order to make a cost effective EV, they will need to be small, aerodynamic, and light. But don't blame smaller cars on EV problems . . . you'll be buying smaller gas cars too. When gas starts costing more than $6/gallon (as it will eventually) gas cars are gonna be shrinking down too.