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Former FBI Director Mueller appointed special counsel for Trump-Russia investigation


It's still the best time to use the asset if Putin has it. The fucking tape doesn't matter 10 years from now. I think the best time to unleash it is when pissbaby about to be forced out.

And I hope Malania divorce this mother fucker.
I'm sure he has a contigency wife for such occasions.



This is hilarious:

...he tried to blend in with the blue curtains in the back of the room, in the hopes that Mr. Trump would not spot him and call him out.

“He thought he had gotten through and not been noticed or singled out and that he was going to get away without an individual interaction,” Mr. Wittes said Mr. Comey told him.

But Mr. Trump spotted Mr. Comey and called him out.

“Oh and there’s Jim,” Mr. Trump said. “He’s become more famous than me.”

With an abashed look on his face, Mr. Comey walked up to Mr. Trump.

“Comey said that as he was walking across the room he was determined that there wasn’t going to be a hug,” Mr. Wittes said. “It was bad enough there was going to be a handshake. And Comey has long arms so Comey said he pre-emptively reached out for a handshake and grabbed the president’s hand. But Trump pulled him into an embrace and Comey didn’t reciprocate. If you look at the video, it’s one person shaking hands and another hugging.”


Sounds quite a bit like making up excuses and trying to explain the handshake and hug away. I mean "Comey has long arms so he pre-emptively reached out [so that he wouldn't have to hug?]", really? :D

But it could be true too, which again is hilarious and could be straight from The Office.

So once again I'm not sure whether I would want the movie that will be done out of all this to be a serious thriller or a comedy.

I mean, I think it would be better to just tell about the obstructions without going into that type of "they hugged but he absolutely didn't want to - look, he's blending in with the curtains and reaching with his long arm and definitely not wanting to hug there" stuff. It just sounds so absurd. It feels more like the part in the Comey firing letter where Trump says "by the way, I thank you for the times you said I'm not under investigation", which was absolutely hilarious too. Like, suddenly going off on a tangent like that.

But I guess they have to because if they don't, all the alexjoneses out there would absolutely cling on to that video because to them it would prove.... something? But why would that be a problem?

I personally don't get why it would ever be a problem to let the video be the way it looks to be. I don't get what bad there would be in him shaking hands and even hugging in a situation like that. It won't take any of the legitimacy away from the rest of the writing. I mean, we've all been in an awkward situation where we have to be formal when we don't want to. It's ok. What is he trying to prove there and to whom? I don't understand. Was that video bad for him? Would it really be bad with what we know now? I don't think the video undermines anything else said in the article. But as it is, what is said about the video sounds very off with the rest of the article.

Oh well, I bet some satirist is right now drawing a picture with Spicer in the bushes and Comey camouflaging with the curtains. If the piss tape one day surfaces, oh boy I can't even imagine what the satirists could do with the combination of everything
I lied, I absolutely can imagine.


No, he has the ability to file charges, just not against Trump. He can charge Manafort or Flynn or anyone else up to Pence. You just can't indict a sitting President. The only thing that can be done is Impeachment.

Don't think he can go after Pence either since he was elected via the electoral college alongside Trump, think he would need to be impeached all the same as Trump, but everyone else including cabinet members? They should be fair game.
Yes, that's attempted obstruction, repeatedly.
Back when the administration's push-back story was first hitting I remember Priebus getting on the Sunday talk shows and explaining his side of the story.

He said an unnamed FBI agent had told them (Reince, Trump and company) that the leaks and stories breaking at the time were "bullshit". And Reince asked this person if they could say that to the press.

So is Comey the one who called "bullshit" on that round of leaks?


Back when the administration's push-back story was first hitting I remember Priebus getting on the Sunday talk shows and explaining his side of the story.

He said an unnamed FBI agent had told them (Reince, Trump and company) that the leaks and stories breaking at the time were "bullshit". And Reince asked this person if they could say that to the press.

So is Comey the one who called "bullshit" on that round of leaks?

No, it was McCabe.


The senior administration officials who gathered reporters Friday morning to defend the White House request to the FBI confirmed that Priebus spoke with both McCabe and Comey about the reports of contacts between Trump campaign advisers and Russians known to US intelligence. But the officials said Priebus didn't initiate the conversation with McCabe that sparked the request to knock down the story. Rather, the officials said McCabe "asked for five minutes alone" and called the reports "BS."
No, it was McCabe.


The senior administration officials who gathered reporters Friday morning to defend the White House request to the FBI confirmed that Priebus spoke with both McCabe and Comey about the reports of contacts between Trump campaign advisers and Russians known to US intelligence. But the officials said Priebus didn't initiate the conversation with McCabe that sparked the request to knock down the story. Rather, the officials said McCabe "asked for five minutes alone" and called the reports "BS."


remember me

The Adder

This is hilarious:

...he tried to blend in with the blue curtains in the back of the room, in the hopes that Mr. Trump would not spot him and call him out.

“He thought he had gotten through and not been noticed or singled out and that he was going to get away without an individual interaction,” Mr. Wittes said Mr. Comey told him.

But Mr. Trump spotted Mr. Comey and called him out.

“Oh and there’s Jim,” Mr. Trump said. “He’s become more famous than me.”

With an abashed look on his face, Mr. Comey walked up to Mr. Trump.

“Comey said that as he was walking across the room he was determined that there wasn’t going to be a hug,” Mr. Wittes said. “It was bad enough there was going to be a handshake. And Comey has long arms so Comey said he pre-emptively reached out for a handshake and grabbed the president’s hand. But Trump pulled him into an embrace and Comey didn’t reciprocate. If you look at the video, it’s one person shaking hands and another hugging.”


Sounds quite a bit like making up excuses and trying to explain the handshake and hug away. I mean "Comey has long arms so he pre-emptively reached out [so that he wouldn't have to hug?]", really? :D

But it could be true too, which again is hilarious and could be straight from The Office.

So once again I'm not sure whether I would want the movie that will be done out of all this to be a serious thriller or a comedy.

You do black humor for the film. Save the serious thriller for the TV series.
Everything I've read about Comey since his firing makes him seem like an incredibly remarkable guy, incorruptible and with a clear focus on doing the right thing.

Well yeah. That's how you get to be the head of the FBI.

Or it used to be, anyway. Now it's by pledging loyalty to Cheeto Benito.


On the surface, what Comey did during the final weeks of the election were at the very least, massively inappropriate. However, later stories came out suggesting it was more complicated and his hands were tied to a degree, though we'll never know if his decision was the right one. All we know is Trump is now President.

In the moment, with the knowledge we had at the time, there wasn't many other ways to interrupt his decision to alert congress about reopening the Clinton email case weeks before the election other than an FBI head attempting to tip the scales of the election.

It was an honor coded rule basically to not publicly declare any on going investigations leading into an election due to the partisan nature of the election. It was a matter of showing impartiality to the voting process and unless he had means to convict and try someone they shouldn't come out and say anything. Its why Comey handling of not just the October surprise letter but also the nature of the non-prosecution was given so much scrutiny. His department should have given the results of their finding without even giving a recommendation of whether they should be prosecuted as that was the DoJ's job to decide. Due to the inherent partisan nature of the DoJ he felt the need to make some grand impartial ruling public. The October letter was actually never supposed to see the light of the public (it was a promise that if anything opened up in the investigation he would let Congress know) but when he sent that letter to congress; that rat Chaffetz was planning to publish it, thus forcing Comey to again make a public statement on it. He didn't intentionally try interfere with the election, but he got caught in the extremely partisan machinations of the election against his will in trying to keep the FBI independent, by putting his neck out and instead of staying silent during the election he ended up becoming a pawn of the republican attack apparatus against Clinton. As such due to that honor coded rule and timing of the letter it looked like the FBI was intentionally trying to tip the scales of the election, and all signs point to it being the tipping point. Not the biggest reason Clinton lost, but the point when her polling went south leading into the final week of the election.
Thanks for clarifying - his actions seem perfectly understandable in that light. He did his best to do what was right with the information he had at the time, but the results just happened to not break the way he planned for.

Seems like I'm safe to now let my Comey/Mueller admiration develop into full-blown man crushes. The dudes both seem like justice incarnate. So badass.
Not really a witch-hunt. I mean, increasingly it looks like everyone in his orbit is getting pulled down by the gravity of his guilt along with him, which is rapidly turning it into more of an inquisition.

I doubt Trump actually knows enough about those to understand the comparison, though.


This is hilarious:

...he tried to blend in with the blue curtains in the back of the room, in the hopes that Mr. Trump would not spot him and call him out.

“He thought he had gotten through and not been noticed or singled out and that he was going to get away without an individual interaction,” Mr. Wittes said Mr. Comey told him.

Sean Spicer taking notes.


It's still the best time to use the asset if Putin has it. The fucking tape doesn't matter 10 years from now. I think the best time to unleash it is when pissbaby about to be forced out.

And I hope Malania divorce this mother fucker.

My guess is it's Don Jr on tape. He seems dumb enough to ask to pee on Obama's bed


Every news story is Carltondance.gif instead of GeorgeMichaelsadwalk.gif

Such a stark difference. Almost like the difference in conduct and standards between Obama and Trump.
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