Formula 1 2016 Season |OT| This thread is unavailable due to a copyright claim by FOM

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It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan.
Good commentary from Brundle. Stupid move for a driver in a team that's one pay day short of leaving the sport.


Oh no Sauber. You don't need that. At all.

Pretty much the same thing Nico did to him last race, except this one was even more egregious and it was following him cutting the corner too. Hamilton very lucky that he isn't out of another race again.

Yeah. I'm kinda shocked he pulled that after being on the receiving end last week. Just pure panic mode to cover his fuck up.


Gold Member
It can be technically legal to make a move, but still dumb and assholeish to do so.

So what? He wants and needs to win. As long as its within the rules who cares?

The stuff you see here is nothing compared to some other racing disciplines.


Hamilton and Ric will push each other into tyre ruin. Perez will take it. Perez, Ric, Hamilton 1,2,3. It seems so perfectly set up right now.
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