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Forza 3 vs Gran Turismo 5 Comparison Thread of John, Chapter 11, Verse 35


SmokyDave said:
So, did anyone win yet?

Yes, we all won. Instead of one racing simulation that is so la la, we'll get TWO great racing sims in the course of the next half year that will do whatever they can to be the best there is.

Competition is great :D

To be a bit more specific: Both games will be better than the other in some points and worse than the other in some ohter points.


guggnichso said:
To be a bit more specific: Both games will be better than the other in some points and worse than the other in some ohter points.

No not really.

That's the 'best case scenario' Forza fanatics would have us believe.

GT5 isn't out so the only points we can compare on are graphics and since GT5P wins that handily I'm sure GT5 (which benefits from a further 2 years of development) will too.


guggnichso said:
Yes, we all won. Instead of one racing simulation that is so la la, we'll get TWO great racing sims in the course of the next half year that will do whatever they can to be the best there is.

Competition is great :D

To be a bit more specific: Both games will be better than the other in some points and worse than the other in some ohter points.

Nope, sorry. Far too measured and sensible. Could you perhaps re-type that in block caps and explain why one game is sent from the heavens and the other is a steaming pile of shit? I don't care which is which.


Double H said:
This week's new screenshots. Tasty.













SmokyDave said:
Nope, sorry. Far too measured and sensible. Could you perhaps re-type that in block caps and explain why one game is sent from the heavens and the other is a steaming pile of shit? I don't care which is which.

That actually made me spit out my coke.... :lol :lol
Stop It said:
I didn't even know of such an exploit, and if I did, I wouldn't have used it.

Stop trying to justify your attitude towards gaming by assuming everyone else is as bad as you.

Edit: Clarity issues, not trying to offend those who are innocent.

It's not an exploit, every car prize could be sold and then re-won in GT4 (and that will likely be the case in GT5 and beyond). That rally car was just the earliest and easiest expensive car you could get. It really boggles the mind that you consider that "bad" and that "innocence" is involved.
jakonovski said:
Eurogamer/Digital Foundry has an article on the Forza3 demo: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/digitalfoundry-tech-analysis-forza-3-demo

A note to all the fanboys: this is how sane people assess the graphical merits of a game.
I'm surprised at this. Grandmaster wrote an article called Media Manipulation:the Bullshot Phenomenon with GT PSP and GT5 as the centerpiece items of discussion. Given his obvious issues with deceptive marketing, I'm surprised that he's dismissed the LOD situation before the race/during replays as a possible bug and failed to mention the 10x polygon count boasts which turned out to be true only in the menus.
theignoramus said:
I'm surprised at this. Grandmaster wrote an article called Media Manipulation:the Bullshot Phenomenon with GT PSP and GT5 as the centerpiece items of discussion. Given his obvious issues with deceptive marketing, I'm surprised that he's dismissed the LOD situation before the race/during replays as a possible bug and failed to mention the 10x polygon count boasts which turned out to be true only in the menus.

To be honest, counting pixels bores me and I don't read those articles. As far as I'm concerned, both Forza3 and GT5:p are delivering the goods.


Interfectum said:
I bet they swap models in photomode. Have we seen any in-game (non-replay) screens yet that look as good?

Oh, wait... I think I've found one:

Looks like Forza 3 isn't the only one that swaps models!


Interfectum said:
No not really.

That's the 'best case scenario' Forza fanatics would have us believe.

GT5 isn't out so the only points we can compare on are graphics and since GT5P wins that handily I'm sure GT5 (which benefits from a further 2 years of development) will too.

So you honestly think that GT5 is going to do everything Forza 3 can do and most of it better?
I can't wait for the deluge of 9s and 10s from review sites and magazines. It'll be great fun seeing the anti-Forza fanboys explaining how everyone is having badwrongfun.


mujun said:
So you honestly think that GT5 is going to do everything Forza 3 can do and most of it better?

I'm not claiming anything.

Forza fanatics on the other hand are claiming Forza 3 does 'some things better' than an unreleased game simply because they know the graphics debate is lost.
Interfectum said:
I'm not claiming anything.

Forza fanatics on the other hand are claiming Forza 3 does 'some things better' than an unreleased game simply because they know the graphics debate is lost.

Sounds like GT5 releasing is the worst thing that could happen to you. It becomes a real game with real flaws that real people play, instead of an idealized weapon to attack other people with.


Some Choice Forza 3 quotes for the WAR! :lol

IGN said:
An exemplary racing game. It's beautiful, the controls are spot-on, the career mode is satisfying, and the multiplayer component is awesome. But there's still room to grow...This is the best racing game of this generation. Good luck topping it.

IGN UK said:
The very best racing game there is on the console market. It’s a compendium of everything that’s been great about driving games over the past few years, tied into a community that can keep the experience fresh for some time to come.

GameDaily said:
We could nitpick the small things (returning courses, the developers force players to repeatedly race on the same tracks), but none of those issues affect an otherwise incredible racing experience. Forza Motorsport 3 is without question one of the best racers and a surefire contender for 2009 game of the year.

VideoGamer said:
Never before has there been such a content-packed racing game, playable for people of all skill levels, that feels this good. That's the key. On the track, no matter what car you're in, it feels right. You're not wondering if the controls are too twitchy or if you should tweak some options in the menu. You're 100 per cent focused on nailing every corner, out-breaking an opponent and taking him on the inside and just having a good time.

It's all about the graphics
tail lights


Shogun PaiN said:
It's all about the graphics

Not really..



Predictable AI.

On damage model

I tried several times to smash my Ferrari FXX into a wall with more than 200km/h, only to witness how it got away with only a slightly crumpled front and damage to the paintwork.


On graphics

The graphics are in fact very static and lifeless.

On damage model

I crashed with other cars there will be no smoke or sparks spectacular effects, all that happens is that the shiny shiny texture to the opponent's car will be replaced with a slightly dirtier texture.


Interfectum said:
I'm not claiming anything.

Forza fanatics on the other hand are claiming Forza 3 does 'some things better' than an unreleased game simply because they know the graphics debate is lost.

lol what?

As opposed to the GT fanboys running round claiming GT is going to be the better game due to the graphics comparisons? Forza falls over on visuals compared with GT, but GT has been the same stale game since 3; car braking, brain dead opponents that follow their predetermined line no matter what, trolley car collision physics, benefits from 'wall running' and while I think the visual impact of crashes is pretty weak on Forza, you do at least sufficiently damage your car mechanically.

None of this has ever made it into a GT series and even still after so many years of development no concrete news to suggest how many of those GT staples will actually be addressed with this next title. Just a whole bunch of 'wishful' thinking on behalf of the fan base placing their faith in a company that has promised and then actually dropped features from retail titles in the past while the fans have their fingers in their ears screaming lalalalala at any (fair) criticism laid at their beloved franchise. Thats even before getting into the stupid amount of community management from sharing and selling tuning, liveries and content that Forza is really making strides with.

GT5 looks awesome, but outside of that it's looking like a one trick pony compared to any number of competitors out there that are doing far more.


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
You could just combine the reviews together.

It's the greatest racing game this gen, but it's not perfect?

Ta daa.
Mohonky said:
lol what?

As opposed to the GT fanboys running round claiming GT is going to be the better game due to the graphics comparisons? Forza falls over on visuals compared with GT, but GT has been the same stale game since 3; car braking, brain dead opponents that follow their predetermined line no matter what, trolley car collision physics, benefits from 'wall running' and while I think the visual impact of crashes is pretty weak on Forza, you do at least sufficiently damage your car mechanically.

None of this has ever made it into a GT series and even still after so many years of development no concrete news to suggest how many of those GT staples will actually be addressed with this next title. Just a whole bunch of 'wishful' thinking on behalf of the fan base placing their faith in a company that has promised and then actually dropped features from retail titles in the past while the fans have their fingers in their ears screaming lalalalala at any (fair) criticism laid at their beloved franchise. Thats even before getting into the stupid amount of community management from sharing and selling tuning, liveries and content that Forza is really making strides with.

GT5 looks awesome, but outside of that it's looking like a one trick pony compared to any number of competitors out there that are doing far more.

My favorite part is his dodging every other aspect of the game like Neo on the roof of an Australian skyscraper, shutting it down with "PD has an extra two years of development" so, naturally, FM3 will be outclassed in Online, in Community, in Career Mode, etc.

I'm not too worried. Literally every time I've directly asked Interfectum for comment, he's ignored me.
BenjaminBirdie said:
My favorite part is his dodging every other aspect of the game like Neo on the roof of an Australian skyscraper, shutting it down with "PD has an extra two years of development" so, naturally, FM3 will be outclassed in Online, in Community, in Career Mode, etc.

I'm not too worried. Literally every time I've directly asked Interfectum for comment, he's ignored me.

He's like the Seven Minute Abs guy from that Ben Stiller movie.
Mohonky said:
lol what?

As opposed to the GT fanboys running round claiming GT is going to be the better game due to the graphics comparisons? Forza falls over on visuals compared with GT, but GT has been the same stale game since 3; car braking, brain dead opponents that follow their predetermined line no matter what, trolley car collision physics, benefits from 'wall running' and while I think the visual impact of crashes is pretty weak on Forza, you do at least sufficiently damage your car mechanically.

None of this has ever made it into a GT series and even still after so many years of development no concrete news to suggest how many of those GT staples will actually be addressed with this next title. Just a whole bunch of 'wishful' thinking on behalf of the fan base placing their faith in a company that has promised and then actually dropped features from retail titles in the past while the fans have their fingers in their ears screaming lalalalala at any (fair) criticism laid at their beloved franchise. Thats even before getting into the stupid amount of community management from sharing and selling tuning, liveries and content that Forza is really making strides with.

GT5 looks awesome, but outside of that it's looking like a one trick pony compared to any number of competitors out there that are doing far more.
I'll be sure to reference this post when you make an appearance in the GT5 thread.


VULKIN said:
What do you think your posts look like to someone who is not a blind fanboy?

Serious question. Also if you dont mind...how old are you?

They look like a satirical take on the other pro Forza comments to once again highlight how despite the use of quotes, we can nonetheless essentially shape the narrative to our favour through the control of information.


Stunning shots as always. I know GT5 won't be the definitive racing simulator of forever (such that it'll only ever need car and content updates), but the car models are about as close as can be. Seriously, without hyperbole, they can reuse those car models for a couple generations without missing a beat. Even the track is pretty good; replace the trees with 3D versions (but the 2D versions nonetheless look great when blurred), and you're good.

Hopefully all this means that GT6 is out quick on the PS4, with GT5 photomode quality IQ and a lot of gameplay enhancements, and a few new cars.
Zaptruder said:
They look like a satirical take on the other pro Forza comments to once again highlight how despite the use of quotes, we can nonetheless essentially shape the narrative to our favour through the control of information.

Translation: only Interfectum is willing to spend a three-digit number of hours to troll a single game.
user_nat said:
Pretty selective don't you think?

Aw, beaten. I was going to ask him to his ill awesome summation skills on the g4tv review (5/5), the CVG review (9/10), Gamereactor #2 (9/10), TXB (9.5), IGN (9.4), Videogamer (10/10), or GameDaily (9/10).

I'm sure he's just making his way through them, and they'll be cited soon.



Interfectum said:
Very well thought out and unbiased statements

Wow, you sure do know how to give a one-sided argument.

Interfectum said:
Don't shoot the messenger.

I'm just linking to reviews and screenshots.

Make up your own mind.

Well, in that case Forza is doing pretty damn well for itself with the review scores coming in....a load of 9's, 9.5's and some quoting it the best racing game...even the lowest score I've seen so far, a 7, means its a good game.....

Seriously, I can understand people having a certain amount of favourtism to a particular brand - I support my own footy team, and will forever be loyal to them, so I am no exception to the rule. But this constant bashing is just plain ridiculous and petty.


jakonovski said:
Translation: only Interfectum is willing to spend a three-digit number of hours to troll a single game.

Hey... we all gotta get our kicks off somehow. At least this way is pretty damn cheap.


Zaptruder said:
They look like a satirical take on the other pro Forza comments to once again highlight how despite the use of quotes, we can nonetheless essentially shape the narrative to our favour through the control of information.

Well put.

I didn't even notice that he brought up the lowest review so far. It's just sad to see the wasted time when people could be arguing or holding useful discussions on what actually matters. But this is probably the wrong thread for such a discussion so I will just be moving along.
jakonovski said:
Translation: only Interfectum is willing to spend a three-digit number of hours to troll a single game.

Lets make a thread and troll Diablo 3 to get him really happy (if the avatar is anything to go by). How about a Forza 3 vs. Diablo 3 thread? :lol



Zaptruder said:
Hey... we all gotta get our kicks off somehow. At least this way is pretty damn cheap.

Indeed but seeing as a lot of the gaming press (People who have played the full game) are rating Forza 3 so highly with a few even calling it the best racer this gen what now?

More pictures of tail lights?

Killzone 2 Gifs?

Top gear quotes?

No matter how many great photomode shots are posted up from GT5 its not going to change the fact that until March 2010+ the best racing experience on consoles is Forza 3. Maybe its time to put aside the daft loyalty and ''Jump in''.


Shogun PaiN said:
Indeed but seeing as a lot of the gaming press (People who have played the full game) are rating Forza 3 so highly with a few even calling it the best racer this gen what now?

More pictures of tail lights?

Killzone 2 Gifs?

Top gear quotes?

No matter how many great photomode shots are posted up from GT5 its not going to change the fact that until March 2010+ the best racing experience on consoles is Forza 3. Maybe its time to put aside the daft loyalty and ''Jump in''.

I'm just here to keep the hypocrisy of the Forza boys in check. No doubt I'll have a ton of fun with F3 (when it launches) as well.
user_nat said:
I must have missed this Top Gear thing.. did they say something about Forza/GT?
It felt like driving a magic carpet, by someone hired in by the topgear team to write a hands on preview about the game.


Intherectum said:
Don't shoot the messenger.

I'm just linking to reviews and screenshots.

Make up your own mind.

I have made up my own mind - I have a very specific opinion of your character.

user_nat said:
I must have missed this Top Gear thing.. did they say something about Forza/GT?

They said FM3 was "magic".


Junior Member
I have to give the nod to Forza 3, since I will have some holiday time off in the next 3 months, I can play Forza 3. GT5 is still listed as "TBD" on the website.
"A bird in the hand...."


damn, F3 is getting attacked even harder now. you'd think it'd die down instead of escalate. i don't care which game is better, and it'll probably be GT, but man the GT fans have been BITTERRRRR! my God man. the trolling ratio is so unbalanced now it's crazy. GT fans are working overtime for a game that they're clearly not concerned with. just imagine if Forza was competition to GT. :lol

i'll be back later this evening. please keep the hilarity going.


jaypah said:
damn, F3 is getting attacked even harder now. you'd think it'd die down instead of escalate. i don't care which game is better, and it'll probably be GT, but man the GT fans have been BITTERRRRR! my God man. the trolling ratio is so unbalanced now it's crazy. GT fans are working overtime for a game that they're clearly not concerned with. just imagine if Forza was competition to GT. :lol

i'll be back later this evening. please keep the hilarity going.



Interfectum said:
Don't shoot the messenger.

I'm just linking to reviews and screenshots.

Make up your own mind.

Indeed.. if staring at headlights at extreme close up is your 'thing' then clearly one games excels massively..

And It's fair to say that all games get one or two misses when it comes to reviews, the guy doesn't gel with this type of game, which is fine.. the very very very very very odd blot on an otherwise extremely good looking landscape isn't going to ruin it..

I think with the average of reviews looking to be 90-95%, this is an AAA title...

It's nice to see that despite all the efforts to concentrate on the graphics in the forums, the reviewers barely even mention it, almost as if FM3's graphics are more then good enough, and the actual gameplay is what matters.. Who would have though that..
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