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Forza 3 vs Gran Turismo 5 Comparison Thread of John, Chapter 11, Verse 35


Shurs said:
One is a Prologue. The other is the definitive racing game of this generation.

Demos fortunately don't cost much, they are typically free but a certain group of people got fooled into buying one to fund an uninspired franchise that hasn't done anything for console sim racing in years.

oh snap
Shurs said:
I've only been a member since December. So, you know, less than a year. I just don't think it's fair for you to call me a liar and claim that I pirate games. That's some shit right there.

Edit: I wasn't aware that ban bets were off limits. I looked at your tag and assumed that they were cool. So if the mods could make an exception this one time I'd like to make it happen. My word against your account. I'm that confident.
where did I say you pirate?!!:lol


Scottlarock said:
where did I say you pirate?!!:lol

Scottlarock said:
I like how shurs is happy that forza sold so many in 5 days, but could care less that MW2 is a 30 fps shooter on ps3. how about sales of MW2 even with the million pirates will be almost 3 to 1 in favor of 360 compared to user base less than 2-1. shurs doesn't care MW2 looks better on the 360 but has made 10 posts in the thread he doesn't care about BTW he owns a 360... lets see if its banned.

Why else would my (non-existent) 360 be banned?

Scottlarock said:
maybe it was dec, I wasn't sure.

You're so wrong. Hopefully the mod you contacted will open up my post history and you can get on with your farewell tour.


DeadGzuz said:
What was the PS3 userbase then? 5 million? What was the 360 userbase last month, 20 million? Sorry, FM3 bombed, everything is relative.

I wouldn't classify any game that makes the top 10 in sales as a bomb. A disappointment? Certainly. A bomb? No.

You did make a very good point about user bases, though.
Shurs said:
Why else would my (non-existent) 360 be banned?

You're so wrong. Hopefully the mod you contacted will open up my post history and you can get on with your farewell tour.
I have not contacted any mods about you, but you somehow are scared of me calling you a pirate which I never did....hmmmm.... * looks up shurs live account.


Scottlarock said:
I have not contacted any mods about you, but you somehow are scared of me calling you a pirate which I never did....hmmmm.... * looks up shurs live account.

Once again, why else would my (non-existent) 360 be banned if not for pirating software?


Scottlarock said:
I will put up my account that you said what I said. I searched your history and I can only go back 3 months. what you said was a year ago or more. so I'm asking a mod if they have past history beyond 3 months without deleteing stuff. I remember it was around the forza 2 time, so maybe 2 years ago. maybe in proving I'm right, I will get banned since banned bets are a no-no, so do I step back and say no ban bet and not get banned but look like I'm lying, or take you bet which might get banned when I win for taking a banned bet? what to do, take the bet and get banned, not take the banned, but look wronged..... hmmmm

Edit: And as I now understand if they have rules against ban bets, I understand if that's out. But if they allow you to comb through my post history and you come up blank (which you will) you could always just walk away.
Shurs said:
Once again, why else would my (non-existent) 360 be banned if not for pirating software?


Edit: And as I now understand if they have rules against ban bets, I understand if that's out. But if they allow you to comb through my post history and you come up blank (which you will) you could always just walk away.
again, who said you are pirating software? why do you feel guilty?

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
Am I the only one that doesn't understand a thing Scottlarock has typed?

I know English is probably not your first language, but still...


Scottlarock said:
again, who said you are pirating software? why do you feel guilty?

I'm feeling fine.

Why does Microsoft ban 360's? Not Live accounts, mind you. But 360 hardware?

Answer the question, Claire.


GSG Flash said:
Am I the only one that doesn't understand a thing Scottlarock has typed?

I know English is probably not your first language, but still...

No, it's not just you. I have the Rosetta Stone sitting in my lap right now.


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
Shurs said:
I'm feeling fine.

Why does Microsoft ban 360's? Not Live accounts, mind you. But 360 hardware?

Answer the question, Claire.
Cause the hardware was modified?

They really should ban both though.
Shurs said:
I'm feeling fine.

Why does Microsoft ban 360's? Not Live accounts, mind you. But 360 hardware?

Answer the question, Claire.


No, it's not just you. I have the Rosetta Stone sitting in my lap right now.
.....really *puts up funny pic to divert.....
Shurs said:
Okay, for real this time. Don't be obtuse, just answer.

So when you said that my (non existent) 360 was probably banned, why did you think it was banned?
your asking me why your console got banned? I don't know, you should tho.


y'all should be ashamed
Keikoku said:
That must be why this thread was pretty much quiet since Forza 3 was released and critically confirmed as being the new standard. I always said (last time it even was on this thread) that its sales would be inferior to GT anyway, so there's absolutely no reason to be mad. And it'll do better eventually, October NPD are only counting 2/3 days after the release of the game.
Hmmm, I bet if I type in your username and "sales" in advanced search I might find something good.

Hey, sure enough I did!

Killzone 2 failed though, decent sales but far from being a system seller...

So to wrap up:
Killzone 2 reported numbers after 2 days of sales: failed.
Forza 3 reported numbers after 3-4 days of sales: whoa whoa whoa, let's wait because it'll do better eventually.

Never change, Mr.Keikoku. :D


Scottlarock said:
aand thats the best you have. awesome... shurs is a idiot

I see what you did there.

So... video games.

I wish that Gran Turismo 5 had a livery editor. It's inspiring to see the creativity in the Forza livery thread.


Some of the bots can't be serious. Are you defending the game against a $40 demo? Is that supposed to be good, proud or just delusional?


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
cgcg said:
Some of the bots can't be serious. Are you defending the game against a $40 demo? Is that supposed to be good, proud or just delusional?
I brought it up more for a point of comparison opposed to defense.

Not a great way to defend Forza, since it actually sold more.
Shurs said:
I see what you did there.

So... video games.

I wish that Gran Turismo 5 had a livery editor. It's inspiring to see the creativity in the Forza livery thread.
I will make a theme ' shurs is a idiot' and give it away for free! YES i'M 12.
Shurs said:
I see what you did there.

So... video games.

I wish that Gran Turismo 5 had a livery editor. It's inspiring to see the creativity in the Forza livery thread.
good fun shurs, swords drawn tomorrow if i'm not banned.


Slayer-33 said:
Demos fortunately don't cost much, they are typically free but a certain group of people got fooled into buying one to fund an uninspired franchise that hasn't done anything for console sim racing in years.

oh snap

This is the definition of prologue from the Merriam Webster dictionary

pro⋅logue – noun
1. a preliminary discourse; a preface or introductory part of a discourse, poem, or novel.
2. an introductory speech, often in verse, calling attention to the theme of a play.
3. any introductory proceeding, event, etc
4. a budget racing simulator released in 2007 for the Sony PS3 that is still considered to be the definitive racing simulator. It is also the only console racing simulator and has let to be surpassed visually by games costing twice as much and released 2 years after its introduction.

I should also add that definitive racing simulators support definitive racing controls such as the Logitech G25 and G27. But, I'm sure that was just an oversight and they'll patch that in soon.


Banstick Emeritus
Shurs said:
Edit: I wasn't aware that ban bets were off limits.
Not with me, they're not. If somebody wants to nuke their hard-won account, more power to 'em.

chubigans said:
Hmmm, I bet if I type in your username and "sales" in advanced search I might find something good.

Hey, sure enough I did!

So to wrap up:
Killzone 2 reported numbers after 2 days of sales: failed.
Forza 3 reported numbers after 3-4 days of sales: whoa whoa whoa, let's wait because it'll do better eventually.

Never change, Mr.Keikoku. :D


bishoptl said:
Not with me, they're not. If somebody wants to nuke their hard-won account, more power to 'em.

I do value my account, but at the same time I was positive that I've always portrayed myself as a PS3 only owner.

When I was a child my mother told me if I didn't lie, it would save me the effort of having to keep track of everything I have said. I'm sorry this thread turned into a shit storm. I was attempting to defend my word... on the internet (which is quite silly, I now realize).
bishoptl said:
Not with me, they're not. If somebody wants to nuke their hard-won account, more power to 'em.

Scottlarock said:
good fun shurs, swords drawn tomorrow if i'm not banned.

(Today, 12:08 AM)
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

Why do people do this to themselves? *Sigh*
No Forza fan will ever argue about sales, but the install base point is NOT that important.

Gears of War sold over a million in its first month when the 360's install base was only 5 million. Uncharted 2 sold half a million when the PS3's install base is almost 10 million. Does that mean UC2 failed? Not really.

If anything, A LOT of the time, many series do better earlier in a generation when competition in the genre is low and gamers are desperate for quality titles. In the past few months, the 360 has been SWAMPED with racing titles, and Forza 3 got insanely high reviews, but even that isn't enough to get the buzz going, even on Neogaf.

Gran Turismo's success is almost a self-fulfilling prophecy, but at this point in the game, are people really waiting 6 years to stroke their penises over sales or do they want a quality title?

So, arguing over sales is pretty stupid. Forza isn't going anywhere, and its a fantastic game. Gran Turismo isn't going anywhere, and lets hope its a fantastic game as well.
Vast Inspiration said:
No Forza fan will ever argue about sales, but the install base point is NOT that important.

Gears of War sold over a million in its first month when the 360's install base was only 5 million. Uncharted 2 sold half a million when the PS3's install base is almost 10 million. Does that mean UC2 failed? Not really.

If anything, A LOT of the time, many series do better earlier in a generation when competition in the genre is low and gamers are desperate for quality titles. In the past few months, the 360 has been SWAMPED with racing titles, and Forza 3 got insanely high reviews, but even that isn't enough to get the buzz going, even on Neogaf.

Gran Turismo's success is almost a self-fulfilling prophecy, but at this point in the game, are people really waiting 6 years to stroke their penises over sales or do they want a quality title?

So, arguing over sales is pretty stupid. Forza isn't going anywhere, and its a fantastic game. Gran Turismo isn't going anywhere, and lets hope its a fantastic game as well.
What makes you think otherwise?
CrushDance said:
What makes you think otherwise?
Think otherwise of what? Are you saying that I don't think GT5 will be a quality title? Because I DO think it will be. I just don't think that many of its "fans" are interested in it being one. A lot of them will be equally happy if the game just sold a few millions copies...which is guaranteed because of the pent of demand of a true sequel for over 5 years.

Its like, any Halo fan can immediately embarrass the fan of pretty much every other game, but no Halo fan goes into another FPS's thread and talks shit about sales. Certain GT fans aren't really GT fans at all. They're sony console warriors and just want to see high GT sales numbers and low Forza numbers. Whereas no Forza fan is going to be pushing Microsoft's sales agenda.


chubigans said:

Is it so hard to understand that KZ2 was supposed to be a system seller ? It was supposed to sell as much as Halo... so yeah it was a commercial failure. Forza 3 never had this ambition, it's a sim racer... so yeah it'll do better eventually because FM2 did. I don't see Forza 3 doing less than Forza 2.

And I don't think that you have anything to teach me about "biased" commentaries :lol


Keikoku said:
Is it so hard to understand that KZ2 was supposed to be a system seller ? It was supposed to sell as much as Halo... so yeah it was a commercial failure. Forza 3 never had this ambition, it's a sim racer... so yeah it'll do better eventually because FM2 did. I don't see Forza 3 doing less than Forza 2.

And I don't think that you have anything to teach me about "biased" commentaries :lol

(Translators Note:- Keikoku mean 'Hypocrisy').
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