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Forza 3 vs Gran Turismo 5 Comparison Thread of John, Chapter 11, Verse 35

Tom Penny

RankoSD said:
I didn't know GT5 is out, oh, you're talking for the time trial application for the GT Academy, seriously, what would you expect for the 220mb "demo"?
You will be blown by GT5 release, trust me, this is just physics wise because of the Academy competition...

Sorry but it's an exception to the rule and definitely not the norm when the final product is considerably better looking to the demo. Still looks good because prologue did but still disapointing any way you cut the cake.


Metalmurphy said:
Not that you'd care considering your past history on this very thread, and the near lack of one on the actual GT5 thread, but what happened was the lack of bullshots. Nothing new.
GT5 looked mindblowing with the Tokyo 246 track. This build just looks awful. It looks worse than GT5P based on the track. The textures look really, really bad. I'm hoping its just an old build.
Shogun PaiN said:
The thing is like many other people I expected GT5 to look leaps and bounds better than prologue and Forza 3 but looking at these screens there isnt too much difference between the three.

Obviously when it comes to the replays and photo modes then GT looks amazing. I guess my expectations were a little too high visually after playing games like Uncharted 2.

Define "not too much of a difference". The car modeling isn't even remotely in the same universe. The lighting is a generation ahead in Prologue. It renders in a significantly higher resolution. You don't have to use these low quality screens when you can play the freaking game (Prologue) on a real ps3 on your TV.

GT5 looks at least as good as GT5 Prologue. GT5 Prologue is already leaps and bounds better looking (i.e. more realistic) than Forza 3. PD did not have to improve anything except for the tearing.

And stop trying to pretend Forza 3 is anywhere near Prologue in terms of photorealism. It isn't, no matter how much you wish it were. It competes in other areas, but not graphics.


Tom Penny said:
Sorry but it's an exception to the rule and definitely not the norm when the final product is considerably better looking to the demo. Still looks good because prologue did but still disapointing any way you cut the cake.

Except this isn't a demo. This is a GT Academy contest application. They probably rushed this out with little polish. We don't even know when GT5 is coming out.

GT5P was a retail release so it probably got a decent amount of polish, I'm sure GT5 will get it as well near the end of development as it usually happens.


Gek54 said:
Which is worse?

Gran Turismo 5's Permanent ABS driving aid? - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jr2us7TpKqI


Forza 3's Permanent Active Steering driving aid? - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVkxSZoHbYY

One actively takes away ultimate car control, the other gives you too much car control. Both are insulting to the senses and yet both would seem like they would be easy to fix. Personally I find having my steering ratio mucked with much more offensive than having excessive turning ability when my front tires are locked, ear-bleeding tire screeching aside.
I think it's worse when you post an outdated video from an outdated version of the game.

Metalmurphy said:
Except this isn't a demo. This is a GT Academy contest application. They probably rushed this out with little polish. We don't even know when GT5 is coming out.

It's cute how some people are acting like this is the first time a GT5 build has been shown. PD has been showing off builds for the past several months, and all the stupid trolls had their mouths firmly shut for obvious reasons. Now a crappy video capture of a basic time trial on the most bland track is released and suddenly it's "LOL GT5 IS FAIL LOL".
Ultimo hombre said:
Your point?

TGS Build looked better and had damage. You really think they released this (and not the TGS demo) solely as a demo to promote the game? Did you even wondered why isn't it called "GT5 Demo"?

What happens when they release another, proper, demo?
Metalmurphy said:
Your point?

TGS Build looked better and had damage. You really think they released this (and not the TGS demo) solely as a demo to promote the game? Did you even wondered why isn't it called "GT5 Demo"?

What happens when they release another, proper, demo?

Call me when that happens. In the meantime, *THIS* is what you'll be playing in 2 days.


Metalmurphy said:
Your point?

TGS Build looked better and had damage. You really think they released this (and not the TGS demo) solely as a demo to promote the game? Did you even wondered why isn't it called "GT5 Demo"?

What happens when they release another, proper, demo?
Yeah, based on that, I'm hoping this GT Academy build is a really old compressed to hell version of the game (it's 200mb). Plus, it looks worse than Prologue to me :p
Ultimo hombre said:
Call me when that happens. In the meantime, *THIS* is what you'll be playing in 2 days.

That proper GT5 demo already came out over a year ago. It's called GT5 Prologue. And it wasn't compressed to 200mb.


-viper- said:
Yeah, based on that, I'm hoping this GT Academy build is a really old compressed to hell version of the game (it's 200mb). Plus, it looks worse than Prologue to me :p

You don't believe that, do you? Why would they even think about "compressing" (although that I'm pretty sure reprogramming your engine and replace the textures etc. is much more work than some additional MB costs money) your top notch, nr. 1 sony flagship game and give thousands of people a completly false and bad impression!?

Please, stop that. The file size is so small because it's packed and a really small demo. It's just one car and a plain track.


H_Prestige said:
Define "not too much of a difference". The car modeling isn't even remotely in the same universe. The lighting is a generation ahead in Prologue. It renders in a significantly higher resolution. You don't have to use these low quality screens when you can play the freaking game (Prologue) on a real ps3 on your TV.

GT5 looks at least as good as GT5 Prologue. GT5 Prologue is already leaps and bounds better looking (i.e. more realistic) than Forza 3. PD did not have to improve anything except for the tearing.

And stop trying to pretend Forza 3 is anywhere near Prologue in terms of photorealism. It isn't, no matter how much you wish it were. It competes in other areas, but not graphics.

Not too much difference in the fact that if you put the screens side by side without getting into the technical side of things they don't look that different from each other. There is a difference yes but not one that would make you say one stands head and shoulders above the others. Its fine using lighting, resolution, modeling ect ect to support your argument but it really all doesn't matter when in reality at a glance the games look very similar.

My point is that I personally and Im sure many others expected Gran Turismo 5 to be visually breath taking and from what I have seen so far from the screens and we are talking about actual gameplay screens here not bullshots and photo mode is that it barely look's above Prologue - The game considered to be a ''demo''.

Now obviously this could all change and GT5 on release could look on a whole other level but at this moment in time it's not the case.


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Metalmurphy said:
The entire shots are jagged to hell which leads me to believe those aren't very good captions. Probably taken at 1080p (less AA) then resized for further artifacting.

Not even Prologue looks that jaggied. Also the TGS build looked way better then this, which leads me to believe this is probably an old build that was split from regular development for the GT Academy contest.

But as far as "detail" goes on the track, there's nothing wrong with it.

Thanks I hadn't taken that into consideration, thats why i wondered if these were cherry picked screen grabs.

I also agreed with the bad contrast of the Forza picks(to bad that wasn't user adjustable via a slider) but honestly the amount of detail on the Forza track(in this particular comparison) is WAY beyond teh screen grab of GT5 in from the same angle zoom distance. I mean the GT5 pic almost looks like they aren't done modeling\texturing the track yet.


Gek54 said:
Ive noticed a lot FM3's tracks seem to have bad contrast issues, too many times things are either too washed out and shadows are way too dark. Real life location comparisons I would have a hard time saying one is better than the other over all, id probably give FM3 the edge but both still have a ways to go.


Well, for starters, I have to dock real life and GT5P for forgetting to add the mountain range.


cakefoo said:
Well, for starters, I have to dock real life and GT5P for forgetting to add the mountain range.

That was the first thing I noticed. :D Artistic license.

Second thing was the Playstation 2 rendered infield on GT5. You look at the cars and your eyes bug out because they really do look amazing, but they look so wrong next to that low polygon infield. It doesn't even look like the lighting is the same on the cars and the infield.


Those shots are bad captures. People who think the actual game looks like that are idiots. The same thing happened to GT5p. IGN or some other crappy site used their rubbish capture kits and ended up with rubbish screenshots which do not represent the game at all. Wait until Thursday before you jump to conclusions.
Dibbz said:
Those shots are bad captures. People who think the actual game looks like that are idiots. The same thing happened to GT5p. IGN or some other crappy site used their rubbish capture kits and ended up with rubbish screenshots which do not represent the game at all. Wait until Thursday before you jump to conclusions.

So, the capture was so bad that the trees and people turned into cardboard cut outs?

Damn, that's some seriously bad capture equipment.

In defense of the game, the lighting and car models are still incredible. Anyone with a brain knew that the vast iq in the bullshots was not going to be in the final game. Jaggies should not shock anyone. But I think everyone is shocked at how poor the environments look. But, car detail = more important to environments, IMO if I had to chose.


Gek54 said:
Why are people so scared to call it a demo.

A demo implies a demonstration of the game. I guess people don't want to say "This is the what the game is like"? And also, apparently, people pick sides in sim racing games.

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
cakefoo said:
Well, for starters, I have to dock real life and GT5P for forgetting to add the mountain range.
You mean these Mountains?


Funny things them, clouds, they block stuff from time to time.

Edit: Beaten, but I found a better picture :p


Gold Member
I would say that in those pictures regardless if it's a shitty screen grab or not that Forza 3 looks the best out of those pictures. It doesn't have this sterile lifeless look to it that GT has.


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Yea th IQ gap between the cars and the environments in GT5 is literally jarring, I certainly didn't anticipate it being like this.

Is there any other tracks we have wide angle screen shots for we can compare?

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
tinfoilhatman said:
Yea th IQ gap between the cars and the environments in GT5 is literally jarring, I certainly didn't anticipate it being like this.

Is there any other tracks we have wide angle screen shots for we can compare?
And it wont when all is said and done. GT5 will not be releasing with the environments looking as the Demo/Challenge/whatever people want to call it does now.

With that said, I think Polyphony still have been focussing on Cars/track accuracy rather than "lulz mountains". It will be a matter of taste, but frankly, the game will look pretty stunning anyway and arguments over who renders the nicer trees is frankly absurd to the extreme.


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Stop It said:
And it wont when all is said and done. GT5 will not be releasing with the environments looking as the Demo/Challenge/whatever people want to call it does now.

With that said, I think Polyphony still have been focussing on Cars/track accuracy rather than "lulz mountains". It will be a matter of taste, but frankly, the game will look pretty stunning anyway and arguments over who renders the nicer trees is frankly absurd to the extreme.

Normally I would agree since the world is flying by at a 100+ MPH but the delta between the 2 above screenshots is like the pacific ocean, it's like their not even from the same generation.

If it's this consistent, the comments will be along the lines of

"Well no wonder they can get the cars to look so good"
Thrakier said:
You don't believe that, do you? Why would they even think about "compressing" (although that I'm pretty sure reprogramming your engine and replace the textures etc. is much more work than some additional MB costs money) your top notch, nr. 1 sony flagship game and give thousands of people a completly false and bad impression!?

Please, stop that. The file size is so small because it's packed and a really small demo. It's just one car and a plain track.

2 cars, 1 track.

GT5P Demo (And I do mean the actual demo and not GT5P being considered as a demo) was close to 2GB and it also had a plain track...


Arpharmd B said:
So, the capture was so bad that the trees and people turned into cardboard cut outs?

Damn, that's some seriously bad capture equipment.

In defense of the game, the lighting and car models are still incredible. Anyone with a brain knew that the vast iq in the bullshots was not going to be in the final game. Jaggies should not shock anyone. But I think everyone is shocked at how poor the environments look. But, car detail = more important to environments, IMO if I had to chose.
Come on people. The problem with those shots is so obvious. Look at them they don't have any lighting in them at all. GT5p doesn't even looks that shit. It's rubbish captures picking awful buffers from memory and not the final image on the screen.

GT5p off screen

Notice the grass on the side and how it's actually there? The latest captures seemed to have grabbed the frame before the grass was even applied to the frame. Hell there are no normal maps on the damn road. Biggest fucking clue right there of shitty captures.


Stop It said:
You mean these Mountains?


Funny things them, clouds, they block stuff from time to time.

Edit: Beaten, but I found a better picture :p
It's not so much the clouds that are the culprit, but rather the obstructions inside the track area itself, and perhaps the curvature of the earth. The mountains in Forza are just scaled completely wrong. It's no lie that Turn 10 sacrifice authenticity for style.

Thanks for the time taken but this has to be the worst capture I've seen of this game. There's a sequence pattern over the entire screen. :x That doesn't change that the trees look awful but it sure as shit doesn't help.


user friendly said:
Thanks for the time taken but this has to be the worst capture I've seen of this game. There's a sequence pattern over the entire screen. :x That doesn't change that the trees look awful but it sure as shit doesn't help.
Like I already said, those captures are not representative of what the demo actually looks like. Just ignore them and play the demo when it's out to see for yourself.


cakefoo said:
Well, for starters, I have to dock real life and GT5P for forgetting to add the mountain range.

Apparently, mountains are not the only thing GT5P forgot to add. Looking at that pic i am actually surprised they remembered to add the actual track for you to race on.

Like, seriously...you guys see those 3 comparison pics and first thing you notice and believe is worth arguing about is..whether those mountains you see in Forza should or shouldn't be there ?
honest ?

Anyway, i am not sure what we're seeing in those caps is worse than prologue. Remember you're used to seeing Prologue on your tv, which results in a much more pleasant image than a direct feed grab seen on a pc monitor.
Or if it is worse...they might have had to scale things back a little in order to keep a steady framerate, one thing Prologue lacked.

Have we ever seen direct feed grabs of that TGS GT5 demo btw,or just offscreen ?
eso76 said:
Have we ever seen direct feed grabs of that TGS GT5 demo btw,or just offscreen ?
I believe they were all off screen but we got some pretty good close ups of it with good quality.

And we got the photomode shots from PD.
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