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Forza 3 vs Gran Turismo 5 Comparison Thread of John, Chapter 11, Verse 35

KHarvey16 said:
It's a little like playing a game online that has things like aimbots and wallhacks. It taints success, and in this case system wars taint criticism. It sucks. It sucks because it actually happens occasionally but it sucks more because accusations are thrown around at every opportunity.

Well, may be not console but more like company preference. You can tell who prefer which company (T10 or PD), it just happen that each also make game for exclusively for the consoles. But reading some of the posts here you would think Forza 3 or GT5P is such a horrendous games from all the things being thrown around here especially in this thread.

Then again if you are not bias then the comment shouldn't really bother you since it doesn't apply.


Junior Member
Saiyu said:
It does, Prologue had it too but to less of an extent. I think it's being brought up because it's more noticeable than it was in F2.

Prologue lets you turn it off. Iirc the recent GT5 Time Challenge demo shows the Active Steering turned off an grayed out.


Junior Member
Got my Xbox repaired recently AND my Fanatec wheel just today and I've been driving for an hour or so in both titles. Time for some preliminary comparisons.

First off the wheel is great. I'm getting some intermittent clicking noises and stuff that I think aren't supposed to happen so it'll take more testing to recommend it but it's fantastic as a multi-console owner.

So easy to switch between Xbox and PS3 and both are wireless. When you switch between the two the look of the buttons change due to some nifty LED lighting thing they got going on.

Quick and easy to switch between different degrees. So when I hop into an open wheel car I can switch it to 210 or 250 and when I go into a street car I can go to 900 degrees.

Very quiet wheel but very strong force feedback. Tried out Sega Rally Revo and that game was awesome with the DFP it's even better with this wheel. I can set the degrees to 210 making it an ultra arcade experience with super strong FFB.

Liking the larger diameter and the feel of the wheel along with the quietness adds to an authentic feel. Hearing the 'RREEEAAAARRRR' of the DFP along with the tiny diameter makes it all gamey-like. The DFP and the DF before it gave me great memories and are built very well so I'm not displeased them. Just saying.

There are some issues like the H-shifter being pretty stubborn and the intermittent noises I'm hearing. Other than that if I can enjoy both GT5 and FM3 and all the other racers coming out it's worth the purchase and steep asking price. If I can get an HTPC rocking then I'm all set with only ONE wheel.

D'ultimate said:
You're the only one saying this...over and over and over and over again. That, by no means, makes it a fact.

You can take a look yourself just open up the telemetry and countersteer. The on screen wheel will jitter as you are counter steering. You can also see it on the car yourself from external cams and in replays.

Try fishtailing. Not easy. Due to this whole active steering and the reduced lock to lock steering when hitting a certain speed.

Both things are great for controller users and even users of the MS wheel which only seems to really use 180 degrees in FM3. But not 900 degree wheel users. 900 degree wheel users don't need to worry about wiping out on a straight because of the increased range of motion required to steer into a ditch.

SmokyDave said:
Yup, I was thinking the same thing. It's much easier to push the limits in F3, GT5 keeps me on my toes all the way around the lap. This bit in particular...

Is diametrically opposite to my experiences with both games. Still, different driving styles maybe?

An hour ago I would have posted something along the lines of this and agree with you but now I know why we'd be wrong in saying what you've said...

It's all about tire temperatures. It's dynamic in Forza races and not in the GT5 time trial demo for obvious reasons. When someone is going for a good TT lap in a videogame they want their conditions to be consistent between laps. Same wind direction or tire temperatures or whatever. It's like that in Forza's time trials too but it feels like the temperatures are a bit lower and stay that way.

Like I said I was going to agree with you because I went into a hotlap mode where like the GT5 demo the temps are locked. In there the car had understeering issues and you couldn't get the back end to come out when exiting a turn. When I bought the car and went into test drive mode that is when the temps get dynamic and when the tires warmed up it was just as finicky around the track as the GT5 demo...even moreso as I'll explain.

Goes without saying that for stock tires lower temperatures are a good thing and for racing tires higher temperatures aren't as much as a problem.

When playing both GT5:370z demo and FM3 I've come to the conclusion that both racers are very similar. After one hour of playing both anyways. There are some things about the visible roll of cars in GT5 that I like better but right now it seems to be just a visual thing than a physics thing...I'll explain after.

When you start playing the GT5 time trial demo your tires are at a certain temperature and are behaving a certain way. The temp seems very ideal for maintaining grip when you are cornering so you don't run into too much understeer.

When you start driving the 370z in Forza your tires are relatively cool and you will find yourself understeering initially. Front tires don't seem to have optimal grip.

At this point it is hard to spin your car out because your front tires can't hold grip and you are understeering while losing traction in the rear. You will throw yourself off the track but not spin out.

Once your tires warm up after a few laps it behaves very much like the GT demo physics wise with a few more intricacies that come with dynamic tire temperatures. Like how when you start to throttle out of a turn and you do manage to spin the tires a bit you do warm them up quite a bit and it will give you even less grip. You want them to cool down a tad before trying to accelerate again. These are stock street tires and those high temperatures are not ideal. You aren't understeering as much because the front tire temperatures get better grip but the rear tires can get very hot when spinning the tires too much.

So we can't really compare the two properly at this point. I understand why this time trial demo needs to keep tire temperatures at a certain point.

Once GT5 proper comes out it will have the dynamic tire temperatures in effect during test drives and race and we can see how things are at that point. Hopefully a detailed telemetry accompanies the game so we can see how hot things are.

Still the whole steering assists thing does give the game a different feel despite the car physics reacting very similarly between the two games. If I was going down a straight and wanted to fishtail my car in GT5 I can because the game gives me full control whereas in Forza the steering is locked 40% to the right and 40% to the left at high speeds making it easier to stay straight for controller and MS wheel users. And unfortunately 900 degree wheel owners. It's not a problem when racing because you do slow down to corner and you get back your full steering lock to lock at that point. But not good for general fooling around which is something I like to do with those great benchmark tracks.

And then there's the active steering which does make regaining control of your car very easy during drifts. Not so much during spin outs if you throttled up too much out of a corner...but during most sorts of drifts.

Even after playing for a small amount of time there's a few things at this point I really wish GT TT demo had from Forza and vice versa. I know I'm comparing a demo here but there's some basics I wish it had...nevermind things like tuning or a detailed telemetry.

Wish GT had:
-removable HUD or like in Forza a 'choose what you want HUD' and options to get rid of the suggested gear
-hood/bonnet view...VERY important bumper cam doesn't cut it because I like to see from behind my front axle not in front of it. It affects how you control your car.
-adjustable FOV for cockpit view
-lightening fast user interface...in comparison it seems slow and sluggish but that's only after going back and forth between games. Loading isn't bad because I think the demo loads much of the track when you first start it up.
-better ghost car effect...way too distracting in Prologue and here. Just do what Forza does

When I go back to Forza I wish it had:
-mixture of metric/imperial for units instead of all of one or the other
-brightness/contrast settings in-game
-no active steering or reduced lock to lock steering when reaching a certain speed. Using the same wheel for both games gives you the benefit of switching between both and when I'm racing the experience is similar but when I'm fooling around there is a world of a difference.
-remappable buttons. In GT5 trial I've mapped my look left and look right to natural positions on the wheel. I've removed the functionality of the back/select button because I sometimes hit it accidentally when driving. In Forza I accidentally hit it and I'm rewinding mid turn!

There's a lot more I'm sure this is just superficial stuff from playing both back to back...you miss these features as you go from one to the other. I'm not expecting a telemetry for the GT5 demo but I am expecting more camera views like a hood view or a removable HUD.

About body roll...you can feel it in Forza and use it of course. You can feign drift and snap back whenever you need to. But when you view it all from replays it really looks understated. Compare it to any other racer and I think Forza doesn't portray it very convincingly from a visual standpoint. I can feel it but I don't see it. I also think it's a bit overdone visually in older GT games and in LFS...but that's another story. Looks just right to me in GT5. Having your car spin out or drift or snap back into a balanced position looks perfect in replays to me. Seeing my racing replays in this demo didn't excite me but seeing my car behave during all this reckless driving got me giddy. Looks so good.

Really liking the Fanatec wheel. Was going to try it with Prologue but after playing FM3 I couldn't really touch Prologue again. After playing GT5 TT demo it seems very comparable to FM3 and so I have a good feeling about the full game. Could be better or worse but at this point it doesn't seem like a big difference as was the case between FM3 and Prologue. There are some things that we can't check now like tire flex modelling because we can't change the tire pressures or rims for different sidewall sizes...we'll have to wait and see.

Still getting used to racing with the P911T. I could get 1:51:XXX with the stock 370z consistently with the DFP and I feel I could even go further with it but after trying a dozen laps with the P911T I'm stuck at 1:52:XXX and I feel that I've hit a plateau. Could be because of the different feel of the brake or the larger diameter of the wheel.
One of the few good comparisons of physics. Guess most others only dare to compare the graphical prowess of the two games because they don't want to be caught on talking about something they know jack shit about.


Excellent comparison, thanks!

Although I was surer of my opinion than ever last night while throwing the GT1 Strassenversion round in F3, I think you're on to something with the tyre temperatures. That plus my driving style (hooligan) could explain why I perceived things the way I did. It'll certainly be interesting to compare both full games.

Now I just need to save up for a 900 degree wheel!


SmokyDave said:
Oh yeah, up the top end of R2 / R1 things get a bit hairy but I was trying to compare the tuned 370z with a high B / mid A class F3 car. It seems to me that it's easier to mess about with braking and acceleration through the corners on F3. Having said that, I do 'drive it like I stole it' so maybe that explains why I find F3 more forgiving?

Are you driving a modified, relatively high hp car with a rear wheel drive set up in Forza? Because that's what I take the tuned Nissan to be in GT5. The most obvious way to show what I mean by saying the throttle is way too forgiving is to simply park your car in GT5, rev to redline and let go. It will gain traction in a split second and stay completely straight and you're on your way. Corner exit is the same, you can go WOT way early out of all but the slowest corners and get some mild, easily correctable oversteer.

racer30 said:
You say you can adjust the throttle/braking mid corner on the driving line in GT5, yes you can, but not without getting the car unbalanced and loose a lot of time. I dont know if you`re playing with the wheel or controller, but with a controller its easy to regain control because side to side steering is so fast...

You lose time, obviously, but there is still a huge safety net. That gap between taking a time penalty vs doing everything possible to prevent a spin is much larger in GT5(with that car) than in Forza(with a high hp rwd car). It may very well be just that tuned 350z or the tire temperature, but that's how they have it set up for now. I can lap Indy all day in GT5 with no major mistakes, no reason to restart a lap. I doubt I could get more than 10 laps in Forza without itching to restart or rewind. Too much throttle will come back to bite you in the ass in that game(as it should).

PS: I don't want it to sound like I'm down on GT5. The driving models are very similar over all.


user_nat said:
So basically.. if you enjoy one, you should enjoy the other?

I dunno. From the above impressions I got: both games behave pretty similarly under ideal conditions (i.e. you're not drifting, you're on the track, and your tyre temps are just right)...

but they seem to do quite different things outside of those ideal conditions...

GT treats grass... I don't know if it's realistically, but it treats it like a big hazard; I've found in Forza that parts of the course are arbitrary in their behaviour; on the le mans circuit, if you try to cut across the big C shaped turns, the sandpit will act as tar; halting your car faster than most crash barriers.

OTOH, if you skid off course in Forza, normally you continue on relatively unimpeded (some slow down, but not a whole lot), and it's easy to get back on track.

In GT, it seems that hitting grass or sand with just a bit of your car will spin it out; I imagine it's the traction differences between track and grass that causes a sudden and massive unbalancing.

While I can't say with certainty which one behaves more realistically... to a layperson like me, it definetly seems like GT is 'cheating' players less.


Junior Member
Zaptruder said:
I dunno. From the above impressions I got: both games behave pretty similarly under ideal conditions (i.e. you're not drifting, you're on the track, and your tyre temps are just right)...

You completely misunderstood what I was saying there.

It's not about tire temperatures being right.

In real life tire temperatures are not static and you'll have issues with understeer and a highly volatile back end in RWD cars when your tires get hot.

Your car starts to behave differently and that's why I brought it up with SmokeyDave. The cars do initially behave differently in FM3 and this demo but after a few laps the cars feel identical.

but they seem to do quite different things outside of those ideal conditions...

GT treats grass... I don't know if it's realistically, but it treats it like a big hazard; I've found in Forza that parts of the course are arbitrary in their behaviour; on the le mans circuit, if you try to cut across the big C shaped turns, the sandpit will act as tar; halting your car faster than most crash barriers.

This latest GT demo doesn't treat it realistically at all and I think it's just for this time trial demo. Prologue was a more realistic representation but it had issues.

Forza has potential cheating areas where people can cut to act as quicksand and it breaks all physics rules. You can go from 150+ km/h to 30 km/h in a span of 10m. You'll find these certain areas in the apexes of certain corners and in some chicanes so people can't liberally drive straight through them.

But everywhere else the offroad portions feel fantastic and I think they can build a rally game using it as a basis judging by how things feel off road. Very bumpy and hard on your suspension while getting the same sort of grip or lack thereof on your tires. You can also get enough grip to roll your car when going sideways.

Prologue's off road parts seem comparable to FM3's but they don't seem as hard on your suspension as they do in FM3 and it is a bit more forgiving when you have two tires on pavement and two on the grass.

OTOH, if you skid off course in Forza, normally you continue on relatively unimpeded (some slow down, but not a whole lot), and it's easy to get back on track.

In GT, it seems that hitting grass or sand with just a bit of your car will spin it out; I imagine it's the traction differences between track and grass that causes a sudden and massive unbalancing.

In Forza you do lose control when going partially into the grass. In fact the FM.net forums had people complaining about the grass "sucking you in" when that is the reality of having great traction on one side and poor on the other.

You have the same effect in this GT demo but it's completely unrealistic and exaggerated in order to encourage good driving.

I expect something akin to Forza's offroad portions in GT5. This demo exaggerated it to get better driving out there so people aren't cutting onto grass or somehow using it to slow down and purposefully lose some traction before entering a corner.

While I can't say with certainty which one behaves more realistically... to a layperson like me, it definetly seems like GT is 'cheating' players less.

It's completely unrealistic in this demo and I'm glad for that. People will stick to staying on track and not cut through any grass portions. For example on High Speed Ring in Prologue you can drive with 2 wheels on the grass on the straight and get a record setting time. In this new demo it is especially unrealistic but it is done for the sake of better driving.

Ultimately I think the best system is the penalty system in Supercar Challenge. Forza's sticky sand portions break the rules of physics and having it completely unrealistic like this GT demo isn't the answer either.


Iknos said:
You completely misunderstood what I was saying there.

It's not about tire temperatures being right.

In real life tire temperatures are not static and you'll have issues with understeer and a highly volatile back end in RWD cars when your tires get hot.

Your car starts to behave differently and that's why I brought it up with SmokeyDave. The cars do initially behave differently in FM3 and this demo but after a few laps the cars feel identical.

I don't think I misunderstood what you were saying... but rather you seem to have misunderstood that comment of mine. I know tire temperatures (or at least I can comprehend from what you're saying) that tire temps are dynamic in F3, and that makes a difference...

I'm just saying that once you're on the road, and (implying that once you) have done a few tracks... under 'ideal' conditions, they behave simlarly. And you're reinforcing that point.

I dunno if GT will do tyre temps. I wouldn't bet on it.


Zaptruder said:
I don't think I misunderstood what you were saying... but rather you seem to have misunderstood that comment of mine. I know tire temperatures (or at least I can comprehend from what you're saying) that tire temps are dynamic in F3, and that makes a difference...

I'm just saying that once you're on the road, and (implying that once you) have done a few tracks... under 'ideal' conditions, they behave simlarly. And you're reinforcing that point.

I dunno if GT will do tyre temps. I wouldn't bet on it.
GT4 did it, so why GT5 wouldn't ?


Junior Member
Zaptruder said:
I don't think I misunderstood what you were saying... but rather you seem to have misunderstood that comment of mine. I know tire temperatures (or at least I can comprehend from what you're saying) that tire temps are dynamic in F3, and that makes a difference...

I'm just saying that once you're on the road, and (implying that once you) have done a few tracks... under 'ideal' conditions, they behave simlarly. And you're reinforcing that point.

I dunno if GT will do tyre temps. I wouldn't bet on it.

GT5 will because the previous games did.

it's the mode ...Time trial...that locks it so each lap has no advantage over another as you lap for hours on end trying to best your times. sorry in a rush will respond in detail after.


Wasn't sure if I should be posting in here or the other one, but I'm posting here just to be sure..

Holy shit, I just got a PS3!! and I downloaded the GT5 demo!! Guess what!! It sucks

What's the deal? All that hype around this game has been over this? Are you kidding me? I launch the game, and the first thing I hear is some music that sounds like it was ripped straight from Waverace 64. Before I even get in the game, I can see the menu and layout is really unpolished. Once I get in the game, I find out X is accelerate. Really? Why not use R, so I have more control over how much GAS I want to use. Also, the visuals are horrible. The trailers and screens looked astounding, but now I can see that they were just bullshots. This game looks horrible. The enviroment is boring, the textures or horrible, the crowds are lacking. Only the cars look good. Hell PGR3 looks better than this.

I also hate the controls, but that's just because I prefer arcade racers.

Wow, @ this game. actually wow @ PS3 in general, didn't realize how bad it was until I finally got it (for blu-ray thank god.)

Pretty much just looking towards God of War 3 and that's it.
whitehawk said:
Wasn't sure if I should be posting in here or the other one, but I'm posting here just to be sure..

Holy shit, I just got a PS3!! and I downloaded the GT5 demo!! Guess what!! It sucks

What's the deal? All that hype around this game has been over this? Are you kidding me? I launch the game, and the first thing I hear is some music that sounds like it was ripped straight from Waverace 64. Before I even get in the game, I can see the menu and layout is really unpolished. Once I get in the game, I find out X is accelerate. Really? Why not use R, so I have more control over how much GAS I want to use. Also, the visuals are horrible. The trailers and screens looked astounding, but now I can see that they were just bullshots. This game looks horrible. The enviroment is boring, the textures or horrible, the crowds are lacking. Only the cars look good. Hell PGR3 looks better than this.

I also hate the controls, but that's just because I prefer arcade racers.

Wow, @ this game. actually wow @ PS3 in general, didn't realize how bad it was until I finally got it (for blu-ray thank god.)

Pretty much just looking towards God of War 3 and that's it.



whitehawk said:
Wasn't sure if I should be posting in here or the other one, but I'm posting here just to be sure..

Holy shit, I just got a PS3!! and I downloaded the GT5 demo!! Guess what!! It sucks

What's the deal? All that hype around this game has been over this? Are you kidding me? I launch the game, and the first thing I hear is some music that sounds like it was ripped straight from Waverace 64. Before I even get in the game, I can see the menu and layout is really unpolished. Once I get in the game, I find out X is accelerate. Really? Why not use R, so I have more control over how much GAS I want to use. Also, the visuals are horrible. The trailers and screens looked astounding, but now I can see that they were just bullshots. This game looks horrible. The enviroment is boring, the textures or horrible, the crowds are lacking. Only the cars look good. Hell PGR3 looks better than this.

I also hate the controls, but that's just because I prefer arcade racers.

Wow, @ this game. actually wow @ PS3 in general, didn't realize how bad it was until I finally got it (for blu-ray thank god.)

Pretty much just looking towards God of War 3 and that's it.

I got a hearty laugh out of your post.



MINI Member
whitehawk said:
Wasn't sure if I should be posting in here or the other one, but I'm posting here just to be sure..

Holy shit, I just got a PS3!! and I downloaded the GT5 demo!! Guess what!! It sucks

What's the deal? All that hype around this game has been over this? Are you kidding me? I launch the game, and the first thing I hear is some music that sounds like it was ripped straight from Waverace 64. Before I even get in the game, I can see the menu and layout is really unpolished. Once I get in the game, I find out X is accelerate. Really? Why not use R, so I have more control over how much GAS I want to use. Also, the visuals are horrible. The trailers and screens looked astounding, but now I can see that they were just bullshots. This game looks horrible. The enviroment is boring, the textures or horrible, the crowds are lacking. Only the cars look good. Hell PGR3 looks better than this.

I also hate the controls, but that's just because I prefer arcade racers.

Wow, @ this game. actually wow @ PS3 in general, didn't realize how bad it was until I finally got it (for blu-ray thank god.)

Pretty much just looking towards God of War 3 and that's it.

Were you meant to post this 3 years ago?


y'all should be ashamed
Does he even know the PS3 buttons are analog? Or that you can customize the controls? Or that BD players are well under the $300 range if all you want is BD? Does he even know...anything at all?

Poor bastard. :lol :lol


whitehawk said:
Wasn't sure if I should be posting in here or the other one, but I'm posting here just to be sure..

Holy shit, I just got a PS3!! and I downloaded the GT5 demo!! Guess what!! It sucks

What's the deal? All that hype around this game has been over this? Are you kidding me? I launch the game, and the first thing I hear is some music that sounds like it was ripped straight from Waverace 64. Before I even get in the game, I can see the menu and layout is really unpolished. Once I get in the game, I find out X is accelerate. Really? Why not use R, so I have more control over how much GAS I want to use. Also, the visuals are horrible. The trailers and screens looked astounding, but now I can see that they were just bullshots. This game looks horrible. The enviroment is boring, the textures or horrible, the crowds are lacking. Only the cars look good. Hell PGR3 looks better than this.

I also hate the controls, but that's just because I prefer arcade racers.

Wow, @ this game. actually wow @ PS3 in general, didn't realize how bad it was until I finally got it (for blu-ray thank god.)

Pretty much just looking towards God of War 3 and that's it.


whitehawk said:
Wasn't sure if I should be posting in here or the other one, but I'm posting here just to be sure..

Holy shit, I just got a PS3!! and I downloaded the GT5 demo!! Guess what!! It sucks

What's the deal? All that hype around this game has been over this? Are you kidding me? I launch the game, and the first thing I hear is some music that sounds like it was ripped straight from Waverace 64. Before I even get in the game, I can see the menu and layout is really unpolished. Once I get in the game, I find out X is accelerate. Really? Why not use R, so I have more control over how much GAS I want to use. Also, the visuals are horrible. The trailers and screens looked astounding, but now I can see that they were just bullshots. This game looks horrible. The enviroment is boring, the textures or horrible, the crowds are lacking. Only the cars look good. Hell PGR3 looks better than this.

I also hate the controls, but that's just because I prefer arcade racers.

Wow, @ this game. actually wow @ PS3 in general, didn't realize how bad it was until I finally got it (for blu-ray thank god.)

Pretty much just looking towards God of War 3 and that's it.

I love how you posted that in this thread since you knew it would be the only place where you wouldn't have gotten banned.


whitehawk said:
Wasn't sure if I should be posting in here or the other one, but I'm posting here just to be sure..

Holy shit, I just got a PS3!! and I downloaded the GT5 demo!! Guess what!! It sucks

What's the deal? All that hype around this game has been over this? Are you kidding me? I launch the game, and the first thing I hear is some music that sounds like it was ripped straight from Waverace 64. Before I even get in the game, I can see the menu and layout is really unpolished. Once I get in the game, I find out X is accelerate. Really? Why not use R, so I have more control over how much GAS I want to use. Also, the visuals are horrible. The trailers and screens looked astounding, but now I can see that they were just bullshots. This game looks horrible. The enviroment is boring, the textures or horrible, the crowds are lacking. Only the cars look good. Hell PGR3 looks better than this.

I also hate the controls, but that's just because I prefer arcade racers.

Wow, @ this game. actually wow @ PS3 in general, didn't realize how bad it was until I finally got it (for blu-ray thank god.)

Pretty much just looking towards God of War 3 and that's it.

I am bad at detecting sarcasm, but you are awesome sir.


chubigans said:
Does he even know the PS3 buttons are analog? Or that you can customize the controls? Or that BD players are well under the $300 range if all you want is BD? Does he even know...anything at all?

Poor bastard. :lol :lol
Didn't realize they were still analog. I figured they would be customizable, but regardless, I can't believe that is the default setup. As for the blu-ray, ya I know what you mean. The PS3 is my Dads (for blu-ray). He got it for his bday from my mom. I thought she was going to get a $149 player, but she ended up coming home with a $299 player. The PS3 does that and more, so I suggested trading it in, and that's what happened. I don't think I'll be using for anything except blu-ray and God of War 3.


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
whitehawk said:
Didn't realize they were still analog. I figured they would be customizable, but regardless, I can't believe that is the default setup. As for the blu-ray, ya I know what you mean. The PS3 is my Dads (for blu-ray). He got it for his bday from my mom. I thought she was going to get a $149 player, but she ended up coming home with a $299 player. The PS3 does that and more, so I suggested trading it in, and that's what happened. I don't think I'll be using for anything except blu-ray and God of War 3.
poor kid. victim to his own scheme.


finally had some time to try GT5Academy with the Fanatec wheel and i was surprised at the physics.

While i didn't have the change to go really in depth I'd say it's very comparable to Forza 3, but less forgiving. Not sure if that makes it more or less realistic, but the Nissan 370 is a lot harder to drive in GT5, and requires surgical precision. Coming out of a corner you really have to be careful and VERY gentle even in steering the wheel back to central position.

Forza 3 requires a similar precision, but only with much more powerful cars (Shelby Cobra, Corvettes, race cars). I am not sure i really want to find out how those drive in GT5 :)

Other than that, contrary to my expectations, GT5 gives me a very similar feel to FM3, maybe even slightly more tangible, although i can somehow feel the connection with the road better in fm3, but i believe locking your wheels when braking hard in GT5 doesn't affect control as much as it should (or as much as it does in Forza 3).
It remains to be seen how elevation changes affect your car in GT5, and, most important, how collisions with other cars are handled but so far i am very pleased with the physics.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Iknos said:
Got my Xbox repaired recently AND my Fanatec wheel *snip*... Could be because of the different feel of the brake or the larger diameter of the wheel.

Which wheel do you have?


MINI Member
whitehawk said:
Didn't realize they were still analog. I figured they would be customizable, but regardless, I can't believe that is the default setup. As for the blu-ray, ya I know what you mean. The PS3 is my Dads (for blu-ray). He got it for his bday from my mom. I thought she was going to get a $149 player, but she ended up coming home with a $299 player. The PS3 does that and more, so I suggested trading it in, and that's what happened. I don't think I'll be using for anything except blu-ray and God of War 3.

Buy Uncharted 2 and STFU


Comics, serious business!
whitehawk said:
Once I get in the game, I find out X is accelerate. Really?

Better than the piss poor trigger buttons. I played like 5 hours of PS3 NHL 10 on Boxing Day and I just kept asking myself: who the fuck designed this torture device? Everything else was pretty awesome tho.
RSTEIN said:
Better than the piss poor trigger buttons. I played like 5 hours of PS3 NHL 10 on Boxing Day and I just kept asking myself: who the fuck designed this torture device? Everything else was pretty awesome tho.

Buy real triggers? :p



whitehawk said:
Didn't realize they were still analog. I figured they would be customizable, but regardless, I can't believe that is the default setup. As for the blu-ray, ya I know what you mean. The PS3 is my Dads (for blu-ray). He got it for his bday from my mom. I thought she was going to get a $149 player, but she ended up coming home with a $299 player. The PS3 does that and more, so I suggested trading it in, and that's what happened. I don't think I'll be using for anything except blu-ray and God of War 3.
is it bad that all im buying a ps3 for is God of War 3... Sony fans please don't hate, sony is getting my monies.
whitehawk said:
Didn't realize they were still analog. I figured they would be customizable, but regardless, I can't believe that is the default setup. As for the blu-ray, ya I know what you mean. The PS3 is my Dads (for blu-ray). He got it for his bday from my mom. I thought she was going to get a $149 player, but she ended up coming home with a $299 player. The PS3 does that and more, so I suggested trading it in, and that's what happened. I don't think I'll be using for anything except blu-ray and God of War 3.


Your post= the turd in your avatar
Me= cookie monster
Me having read your post= Imaginary cookie monster puking


Jirotrom said:
is it bad that all im buying a ps3 for is God of War 3... Sony fans please don't hate, sony is getting my monies.
Not really. I just played the demo, and it's fantastic. Going to be one of the best games this gen (if not the very best imo).


Junior Member
eso76 said:
Forza 3 requires a similar precision, but only with much more powerful cars (Shelby Cobra, Corvettes, race cars). I am not sure i really want to find out how those drive in GT5 :)

As I mentioned try warming up your tires in the first lap with a 370z in Forza and you'll find the behaviour of the cars to be very similar. When the tires are cool the car understeers and you can't spin out. As the front tires get warmer they get better grip and the rear tires start to slip. You have to feather the throttle out of every turn or you'll spin.

You'll also see that if you do start to spin you have to let your tires cool a bit before slamming on the accel as you've straightened your car.

It makes the GT5 TT seem one dimensional and it's not the fault of GT's physics but the TT mode where every lap's conditions must be the same as the last one. That includes tire temps.

When in Forza's lap mode the tires remain at the same temperature as well but they are very cool meaning that you get that sort of understeer behaviour at high speeds.

A debate I'll have with myself once GT5 comes out is what is the ideal tire temps for stock tires? I'll have to compare times I get on Tsukuba in both Time Trial modes and see what is ideal for different cars with stock tires.

I've been playing both a bit more. Doing some serious racing with the stock cars but more fooling around too.

I do agree that you do get a better feel for the road in Forza. There is one obvious reason and one I'm guessing at.

Obviously the sound effects are much more engrossing in Forza. Just like how GT amplifies the wind noise to be higher than usual to give you feedback on how well you are drafting...Forza seems to amplify tire/road noise. It gives you a decent idea of your contact patch with the road for each tire. You start to hear when a tire is overburdened and can't maintain grip. This sort of feedback immerses you and you have a good idea of when your car is about to hit its limits. It even tells you when a tire comes off the ground even for a split second as you go over the rougher tracks.

The other could be the tire deformation. You can feel the delay in response when quickly steering left/right because of the deformation of the sidewall of your tires. You maintain good grip but it takes a while for the tire to shift along with the rim. Gives a more realistic feel when doing quick sharp turns when fooling around.

I wouldn't be terribly surprised if in the end Forza has the better tire data and tire physics. They got their info straight from a tire manufacturer and it seemed that it was the focus of FM3.

but i believe locking your wheels when braking hard in GT5 doesn't affect control as much as it should (or as much as it does in Forza 3).
It remains to be seen how elevation changes affect your car in GT5, and, most important, how collisions with other cars are handled but so far i am very pleased with the physics.

I think how the GT5 TT handles locked brakes is completely unrealistic and people seem to be using it to post good times. There seems to be some inconsistency with how it is handled. It almost feels like ABS because you can steer a bit while locked and you can still maintain control of your car. I should check a replay to see what's happening.

recklessmind said:
Which wheel do you have?

Fanatec P911TS
Iknos said:
Obviously the sound effects are much more engrossing in Forza. Just like how GT amplifies the wind noise to be higher than usual to give you feedback on how well you are drafting...Forza seems to amplify tire/road noise. It gives you a decent idea of your contact patch with the road for each tire. You start to hear when a tire is overburdened and can't maintain grip. This sort of feedback immerses you and you have a good idea of when your car is about to hit its limits. It even tells you when a tire comes off the ground even for a split second as you go over the rougher tracks.

Not true at all. Last time I drove in a car at 250 km/h, I couldn't heard a THING inside from all the insane wind noise. GT5 doesn't come close to that level of noise.


whitehawk said:
Not really. I just played the demo, and it's fantastic. Going to be one of the best games this gen (if not the very best imo).

first, I'm surprised you have lasted this long judging that initial post.... anyway, you said you like Arcade Racers..

you should get Motorstorm PR, I believe it is still on sale for $20 at BestBuy if there are any still available.......oh and don't judge the game off the demo (like you are unfortunately are doing with GT5).

but please if you do play some online games on the PSN, please leave that attitude on that other system, thankx.
whitehawk said:
Wasn't sure if I should be posting in here or the other one, but I'm posting here just to be sure..

Holy shit, I just got a PS3!! and I downloaded the GT5 demo!! Guess what!! It sucks

What's the deal? All that hype around this game has been over this? Are you kidding me? I launch the game, and the first thing I hear is some music that sounds like it was ripped straight from Waverace 64. Before I even get in the game, I can see the menu and layout is really unpolished. Once I get in the game, I find out X is accelerate. Really? Why not use R, so I have more control over how much GAS I want to use. Also, the visuals are horrible. The trailers and screens looked astounding, but now I can see that they were just bullshots. This game looks horrible. The enviroment is boring, the textures or horrible, the crowds are lacking. Only the cars look good. Hell PGR3 looks better than this.

I also hate the controls, but that's just because I prefer arcade racers.

Wow, @ this game. actually wow @ PS3 in general, didn't realize how bad it was until I finally got it (for blu-ray thank god.)

Pretty much just looking towards God of War 3 and that's it.

(01-02-2010, 04:17 PM)

:lol :lol :lol


Gek54 said:
Prologue lets you turn it off. Iirc the recent GT5 Time Challenge demo shows the Active Steering turned off an grayed out.

I just noted something else. the biggest issue is really that 900 degree steering just isn't fully implemented. The FFB only works correctly on the first 270 degrees. And yes it's connected correctly and set up in 900 degree mode, I checked via telemetry.

Get a fast RWD car you can get into a tank slapper. Let go of the wheel after starting a slide, watch as it only rotates 270 degrees either way.


Junior Member
Lagspike_exe said:
Not true at all. Last time I drove in a car at 250 km/h, I couldn't heard a THING inside from all the insane wind noise. GT5 doesn't come close to that level of noise.

I really wonder what you were driving. Some cars can have very nasty wind noise so I don't doubt your experience.

But your engine should be screaming and the road noise would be quite loud. You do hear a lot of wind no doubt but it isn't 10 times louder than anything else. It's a loud experience and the wind noise doesn't drown everything else out.

That said I have to mention that I'm playing in bumper cam in GT and of course the mix of sounds changes from each point of view. Still...it gets awfully quiet when you are in someone's slipstream and I'm sure the difference is exaggerated as an audio cue to let the player know that they are in the slipstream. I appreciate it...I'm missing the draft meter found in FM2 in FM3.


Iknos said:
I really wonder what you were driving. Some cars can have very nasty wind noise so I don't doubt your experience.

But your engine should be screaming and the road noise would be quite loud. You do hear a lot of wind no doubt but it isn't 10 times louder than anything else. It's a loud experience and the wind noise doesn't drown everything else out.

That said I have to mention that I'm playing in bumper cam in GT and of course the mix of sounds changes from each point of view. Still...it gets awfully quiet when you are in someone's slipstream and I'm sure the difference is exaggerated as an audio cue to let the player know that they are in the slipstream. I appreciate it...I'm missing the draft meter found in FM2 in FM3.

I found when I took an Audi A4 to 240km/h it wasn't any louder than many cars I had been in doing normal highway speeds. I couldn't imagine it isn't too hard for them to have a mic in the cars with them when they test them for accurate noise ratios based on the car.
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