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Forza 3 vs Gran Turismo 5 Comparison Thread of John, Chapter 11, Verse 35


I'll have to play the full game when it comes out, but from what I played of GT5p, the driving model wasn't nearly as good as Forza 2. So if Forza 3 was even better in that regard, then GT5 would have to see vast improvements to match Forza in the gameplay department.

Clearly GT is better technically.





Shaneus said:
I only just started playing GT5P recently, too. I actually think that the car models are slightly better in Forza 3 (at least, most of them... some are hideous)

Some models are actually slightly better in FM3 MENUS compared to GT5, but there's a lot of inconsistency. Some are just wrong, some just look bad, and i just recently noticed some have completely fucked up surfacing (some old cadillacs have LUMINOUS surface for wheel and parts of the cockpit, which don't receive shadows and stay bright even when inside a tunnel etc).
Cockpits are generally ok from a modelling pov, some even look good, but most of them are very flat looking and could certainly use some texturing and bump map for different materials.

G Rom

Shurs said:
Both games cost $60 at retail on day one.

Why should we give one extra credit because they had a shorter development cycle?

That wasn't what I meant to say at all. I didn't mean to give any extra credit because I don't care, I enjoy Forza 3 and I'll enjoy GT5 for a very long time. Every self-respecting racing fan/car enthusiast/racing game fan should do the same IMO. :)

Yoboman said:
Lots of misinformation there
Omiee said:
and that list has a lot of mis information stuff.

You just jumped to the table without looking at the text I wrote ?
"I probably forgot some things or got things wrong. Feel free to correct me and I'll update."
I don't mind you correcting me at all.

eso76 asked for a comparison, I tried to do one (I was curious too) and be the most factual possible (no "what game is more simulation ?", etc...). Obviously there are things that we don't know because GT5 isn't out yet and PD may have other aces up their sleeve (that would be like the 5th ace and considered as cheating at that point :lol ). I'm sure some people will do a more complete comparison after november 2th but it won't be me because I'll be too busy playing the game. :lol
As eso76 said, this table would have been very different one year ago when a lot of GT5's features where still winds and it may be different one year from now when Forza 4 will be out. Only time will tell.
I don't have the pretension to say that it's the "definitive" comparison to end them all, far from that actually. In fact I think the only real comparison possible would be if T10 and PD released a game at the same time but that won't happen anytime soon (maybe at next-gen's launch ?).

And as I said in my previous post, I think concurrence between T10 and PD is the best thing for us, gamers and can only lead to better quality from both side.

I agree eso76 (and I've said it numerous time in the Forza 3 thread), T10 (well the outsourcing company...:lol ) got the modeling right and most of the time close or equal to GT's premium model but where GT destroys Forza is in the car shaders/car texturing/overall lighting & color choices departments (I've had time to see it very well while doing my 900+ photos in the game :D ). T10 said that it's one of their focus for Forza 4, so we'll see how this turns out.
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna watch the TGS videos on my TV and pretend that I'm playing GT5. :lol


aka andydumi
G Rom said:
That wasn't what I meant to say at all. I didn't mean to give any extra credit because I don't care, I enjoy Forza 3 and I'll enjoy GT5 for a very long time. Every self-respecting racing fan/car enthusiast/racing game fan should do the same IMO. :)

One thing to correct/add is the price. While F3 gets the benefits of all the DLC, it was not free. Perhaps breaking down disc day 1 content then saying X amount of money in DLC buys you these additional features would be more appropriate.

Otherwise it seems odd to compare a $60 release with a more expensive total cost game.

That's just superficially. In further detail, I guess you will have to change/update when we have a full track list for GT.


G Rom said:
You just jumped to the table without looking at the text I wrote ?
"I probably forgot some things or got things wrong. Feel free to correct me and I'll update."
I don't mind you correcting me at all.

Well, holy shit i didn't expect anyone to take the time to actually do that :) kudos to you, i think it's an interesting comparison at this point and it would be interesting to keep updating it with sequels to both series.

If anyone feels there's something wrong / missing i believe the chart is open to anyone to correct / update, so if people could point out the inaccuracies rather than just claim 'it's full of 'em' that would be helpful.


amar212 said:
Somebody is still actually comparing this?

My Lord.

Man, power of denial is realy something that will destroy us.
There shouldn't even be a comparison in the first place to be honest. One of these games been out for nearly a year and the other has not and has a budget probably 4x the other. Its just dumb and moreover I don't see how a true racer enthusiast can miss out on either if they have both systems.


I Just love the 1up-manship

Dan : oh we used the Mclaren simulator to help build our engine.....

Kaz: Oh im really happy for ya, Imma let you finish but we got Adrian Newey to design us a prototype racer:lol


Neo Member
GT5 is looking great but the one factor that can make or break it for me is the physics. I was pretty unimpressed with the GT5 Time Trial demo (granted this was with the Fanatec PWTS wheel when it had the shaking issue).

Has anyone had the opportunity to try out a more recent build who can comment on the physics vs FM3?


bishoptl said:
this is my most successful thread EVER

So are you guys going to shut down the "Off-Topic" forum come November then like is done at times for E3? I expect this thread is going to bring GAF to it's knees.

G Rom

eso76 said:
Well, holy shit i didn't expect anyone to take the time to actually do that :) kudos to you, i think it's an interesting comparison at this point and it would be interesting to keep updating it with sequels to both series.

If anyone feels there's something wrong / missing i believe the chart is open to anyone to correct / update, so if people could point out the inaccuracies rather than just claim 'it's full of 'em' that would be helpful.

Well, the longest thing is to think of (almost) everything. For example, I just thought that I had totally forgotten that GT5 will have a standard mode (which should be added to the assistances).

And thanks for saying again that it's open to everyone to contribute. I'm open to criticism (contrary to some...) but only constructive criticism not the "all false", "rubbish" BS...
I may do it for the previous entry in the series, just to see how far we've come feature wise. Should be interesting. :lol

AndyD said:
One thing to correct/add is the price. While F3 gets the benefits of all the DLC, it was not free. Perhaps breaking down disc day 1 content then saying X amount of money in DLC buys you these additional features would be more appropriate.

Otherwise it seems odd to compare a $60 release with a more expensive total cost game.

That's just superficially.

Ah yes, you're absolutely right, I didn't think about the price difference at all. That's something I'll have to address in some way, maybe with a row for total cars (excl. DLC), one for total cars (incl. DLC), one on how much the whole DLC cost.

Actually, that's something that I'm interested in : the DLC strategy for GT5. IIRC, Forza 3 is the racing game that got the most official DLC (ie. not the PC games with free mods), no ? Although TDU may be close as they also had a monthly DLC plan for quite some time too.
Will PD stick to a monthly plan or go the random date road ? One thing that wouldn't surprise me would be Standard->Premium cars DLC. I'm sure many people are dying to see some of the 800+ cars recreated with the same level of details that the Premium cars got. A 0,99$ per car strategy would make sense for them.

AndyD said:
In further detail, I guess you will have to change/update when we have a full track list for GT.

Yep, that why I stayed vague on the cars and tracks numbers. :D
Some could also argue that I deducted some things from Prologue too (AA, Native resolution for example) but I just assumed that these things shouldn't have changed since Prologue. The only thing that I didn't base on Prologue was the V-Sync as we didn't have report from the latest build. I saw that BlimBlim confirmed that it was now minor so I could add it (Forza has some minor in the menu too).


aka andydumi
G Rom said:
ep, that why I stayed vague on the cars and tracks numbers. :D
Some could also argue that I deducted some things from Prologue too (AA, Native resolution for example) but I just assumed that these things shouldn't have changed since Prologue. The only thing that I didn't base on Prologue was the V-Sync as we didn't have report from the latest build. I saw that BlimBlim confirmed that it was now minor so I could add it (Forza has some minor in the menu too).

Another suggestion is to divide the "list" into categories.

Because it would make more sense that way. For example you have listed the tracks/environments at the top and Gt's track generator in the middle somewhere. Those probably should be together.

Also you have rally racing at one point, then WRC license separately when those two logically go together.


Junior Member
Plippy said:
GT5 is looking great but the one factor that can make or break it for me is the physics. I was pretty unimpressed with the GT5 Time Trial demo (granted this was with the Fanatec PWTS wheel when it had the shaking issue).

Has anyone had the opportunity to try out a more recent build who can comment on the physics vs FM3?

iirc Thomas said he was talking with PD about that way back when, surely it has been resolved. *fingers crossed* I really don't want to have to go back to my G25


Gek54 said:
iirc Thomas said he was talking with PD about that way back when, surely it has been resolved. *fingers crossed* I really don't want to have to go back to my G25

Shouldn't be an issue if you have firmware 669 in your PWTS.


Junior Butler
Plippy said:
GT5 is looking great but the one factor that can make or break it for me is the physics. I was pretty unimpressed with the GT5 Time Trial demo (granted this was with the Fanatec PWTS wheel when it had the shaking issue).

Has anyone had the opportunity to try out a more recent build who can comment on the physics vs FM3?

What aspect of the physics engine are you referring to? Over steer, traction, handling? That's a pretty damn vague statement.



belvedere said:
What aspect of the physics engine are you referring to? Over steer, traction, handling? That's a pretty damn vague statement.


In real life when you're in a car going straight and 80 mph and you let go of the wheel it doesn't go into a tank slapper. Not a physics problem but the FFB left a lot to be desired.
I fucking love that cockpit view but I wish they would have the option (maybe they do) to adjust it so that only the top of wheel is visible. I'm not staring at my wheel when I'm driving, I'm looking out the windshield. Test Drive Unlimited allowed you to do this and I can't think of anything else that does.
GitarooMan said:
I fucking love that cockpit view but I wish they would have the option (maybe they do) to adjust it so that only the top of wheel is visible. I'm not staring at my wheel when I'm driving, I'm looking out the windshield. Test Drive Unlimited allowed you to do this and I can't think of anything else that does.

When your racing you won't notice the wheel anyway. At least, when I play Prologue or Forza3 I never do.
LQX said:
There shouldn't even be a comparison in the first place to be honest. One of these games been out for nearly a year and the other has not and has a budget probably 4x the other. Its just dumb and moreover I don't see how a true racer enthusiast can miss out on either if they have both systems.
Didn't stop them from saying their game is years ahead of any competition. Its only fair that that humble pie is served.
Warm Machine said:
Hasn't it been almost a year since Forza 3 was released?

Doesn't really matter, the fact that this thread has to exist is fucking pathetic. I loved Forza 3 and I'm going to love GT5. I'll tell you, I'm glad I had a good sim racer to play this past year.


Junior Member
Is John 11:35 referring to when He first witnessed those GIFs?

This might be the only full game I buy this year based on some kind of unknown principle somewhere deep inside my loins.


Is it even possible to like one game and hate the other? Aren't they pretty much the same product each with its nuances?


Yoritomo said:
In real life when you're in a car going straight and 80 mph and you let go of the wheel it doesn't go into a tank slapper. Not a physics problem but the FFB left a lot to be desired.
Real cars don't have all driving assists turned off


acidspunk said:
Is it even possible to like one game and hate the other? Aren't they pretty much the same product each with its nuances?

Yep all racing sims are the same, it's why when someone loves Halo but not Killzone they are nothing but fanboy bitches. Both are FPS after all.
flyinpiranha said:
Doesn't really matter, the fact that this thread has to exist is fucking pathetic. I loved Forza 3 and I'm going to love GT5. I'll tell you, I'm glad I had a good sim racer to play this past year.

agreed sir.
flyinpiranha said:
Doesn't really matter, the fact that this thread has to exist is fucking pathetic. I loved Forza 3 and I'm going to love GT5. I'll tell you, I'm glad I had a good sim racer to play this past year.
Past tense, though. I too enjoyed Forza 3 for a while (did find it fantastically boring once I hit driver lvl 50 though). I got all the DLC (mainly coz I'm a car nut). But it's over now. GT5 is coming and it's all I want.
The question is, can there be a Forza like GT5 this generation? I don't think so.


Wow you guys are babbies. You expect people to play nice in a comparison thread? Really?

The wolves will be feasting on bunnies.


Slackbladder said:
The question is, can there be a Forza like GT5 this generation? I don't think so.
We're still yet to see whether Turn 10 can do lighting and shadowing that's comparable to Polyphony. Then, we need to see if the 360 can handle doing that on multiple cars. TBH I think it's about 70/30 with more weight being put on the devs than the hardware itself.

But maybe they'll invent a way to Crossfire/SLI two 360s. In which case, fucking awesome!


The Forza team would never be given the time and budget required to make GT5 so it's hardly a fair question, and it doesn't really reflect the abilities of the team or anything. Turn10 have shipped three great games in the time PD have shipped one crappy PSP one.


StuBurns said:
The Forza team would never be given the time and budget required to make GT5 so it's hardly a fair question, and it doesn't really reflect the abilities of the team or anything. Turn10 have shipped three great games in the time PD have shipped one crappy PSP one.
I don't get this argument. There has been just as much time and money (if not more) put into those three games as GT5, and they've had the benefit of being able to restart development and work on engine improvements and such. The Forza games have also been very iterative, so a lot of content has been spread across the sequels giving more time to start upon new content from scratch. They also had a far better basis to launch from in Forza 1 compared to Gran Turismo 4.


StuBurns said:
The Forza team would never be given the time and budget required to make GT5 so it's hardly a fair question, and it doesn't really reflect the abilities of the team or anything. Turn10 have shipped three great games in the time PD have shipped one crappy PSP one.

They shouldn't of started shit talking then.

And the PSP game was great from a racing point of view, it was just lacking features.


Yoboman said:
I don't get this argument. There has been just as much time and money (if not more) put into those three games as GT5, and they've had the benefit of being able to restart development and work on engine improvements and such. The Forza games have also been very iterative, so a lot of content has been spread across the sequels giving more time to start from scratch. They also had a far better basis to launch from in Forza 1 compared to Gran Turismo 4.
I don't get your argument, that's like saying if PD hadn't shipped a single GT so far, they could have spent 13 years and over a hundred million dollars on it. That wasn't an option. I doubt MGS said to Turn10 "Do you want to ship three games in four years or one in four years and use the budget for all three on that one?".
flyinpiranha said:
Doesn't really matter, the fact that this thread has to exist is fucking pathetic. I loved Forza 3 and I'm going to love GT5. I'll tell you, I'm glad I had a good sim racer to play this past year.


Fucking nerds.
StuBurns said:
The Forza team would never be given the time and budget required to make GT5 so it's hardly a fair question, and it doesn't really reflect the abilities of the team or anything. Turn10 have shipped three great games in the time PD have shipped one crappy PSP one.
And GT5 Prologue. Also Forza 1 was out in May 2005 in NA and GT4 was out Feb 2005. Pretty damn close release dates. So let's say 2 Forza games since GT4/Forza 1.
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