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Forza 3 vs Gran Turismo 5 Comparison Thread of John, Chapter 11, Verse 35

I don't think, I know, I've seen quite a few people state the very thing at the time. Of course, that only goes for 360 sim fans who also had a PS3 or were planning to get one. Conveniently, the hopes would always get reignited by pushing the alleged release date back for only a few months.

Mind you, I'm not as crazy as to suggest that was the only - or even the main - reason for Forza 3's moderate sales, but it certainly contributed.

No, I'm saying that some (the key word being some) of them were duped into waiting for GT5 for many years.
:lol Get out! How many die hard Gt fans with 360's are we talking about here? 5million? 10million? Must have been quite a bit to make F3's ales a moderate success.

szaromir said:
That Burnout Paradise comparison was quite ridiculous, it's a very different type of game. Obviously the comparison would rather be games like GT5:p, Grid, NFS: Shift etc. and from that group FM3 is generally considered to be the best one.
The generations not over yet.


This thread has made me realise the large majority of Gaming on GAF is full of Sony fanboys.

Why can't everyone just get along?

I used to care back when I was younger, always saying how crappy the N64 was compared to the PlayStation, but it's honestly pointless. After time my young fanboyism completely faded, eventually to the extent of not having any preference to any system.

Both games are good and excel more than the other in certain areas. The end.
Xun said:
This thread has made me realise the large majority of Gaming on GAF is full of Sony fanboys.

Why can't everyone just get along?

I used to care back when I was younger, always saying how crappy the N64 was compared to the PlayStation, but it's honestly pointless. After time my young fanboyism completely faded, eventually to the extent of not having any preference to any system.

Both games are good and excel more than the other in certain areas. The end.
We're not arguing about the quality of the games(Well at least not now). thy're both great games for sure, one side just had to run about it and fan the flames. Should people not point out how wrong they were now?


Junior Member
Xun this thread came out 3 days after this image was posted on a opinion piece on Destructoid...


There is some hardwired association in my head with this thread and that image.
Xun said:
This thread has made me realise the large majority of Gaming on GAF is full of Sony fanboys.

Why can't everyone just get along?

I used to care back when I was younger, always saying how crappy the N64 was compared to the PlayStation, but it's honestly pointless. After time my young fanboyism completely faded, eventually to the extent of not having any preference to any system.

Both games are good and excel more than the other in certain areas. The end.

:lol :lol :lol

It just gets better and better now you can't even say GT is the game with better gfx , more content and modes even thought in fact .
Now you get call a fan boy for doing it.


CrushDance said:
No. But someone said that F3 would be
So yes?
You see where this is going? Of course all developers would say that their next game would be better than the last one, so one should read 'The definitive racing game of the entire generation' as 'The definitive racing game of the entire generation up to this point of time'. I don't even understand why are we discussing PR slogans, it's not like GT4 was "the real driving simulation" or "the drive of my life".


gundamkyoukai said:
:lol :lol :lol

It just gets better and better now you can't even say GT is the game with better gfx , more content and modes even thought in fact .
Now you get call a fan boy for doing it.
I said it had better graphics/more content a few billion pages back (aka yesterday).


Gek54 said:
You all know you will come back to Forza once you realize you cant desecrate your 997 with Hello Kitty


heh. That's actually the only real feature besides the auction house I wish would be adopted properly into Gran Turismo 5 from Forza.

Joe White

gundamkyoukai said:
It just gets better and better now you can't even say GT is the game with better gfx , more content and modes even thought in fact .

Of course you can say those things, but one can always disagree with you. I judge games on my own gaming environment and the current fact is that one game looks better just because the other one is a no-show.
szaromir said:
You see where this is going? Of course all developers would say that their next game would be better than the last one, so one should read 'The definitive racing game of the entire generation' as 'The definitive racing game of the entire generation up to this point of time'. I don't even understand why are we discussing PR slogans, it's not like GT4 was "the real driving simulation" or "the drive of my life".
Now tell me when PD attacked other developers with such arrogance.


Amir0x said:
heh. That's actually the only real feature besides the auction house I wish would be adopted properly into Gran Turismo 5 from Forza.
I disagree so much, I hope that's the one feature that stays out of Gran Turismo

Forza can keep it's Lisa Simpson and Pikachu cars, it's tacky as hell.


Yoboman said:
I disagree so much, I hope that's the one feature that stays out of Gran Turismo

Forza can keep it's Lisa Simpson and Pikachu cars, it's tacky as hell.

Yeah I fucking hate that shit, putting Homer Simpson and all that stupid shit on cars. I really hope Yamauchi keeps that out of GT titles, would hate to be racing against people with Uncharted 2 decorated cars or other shit along those lines. Maybe it's because I was not deprived of colouring books as a child which is why I feel that way.
Yoboman said:
I disagree so much, I hope that's the one feature that stays out of Gran Turismo

Forza can keep it's Lisa Simpson and Pikachu cars, it's tacky as hell.

I have yet to see a customised car from Forza that actually looks good and not shit.


CrushDance said:
Now tell me when PD attacked other developers with such arrogance.
It wasn't too classy, but you seem to be on a personal vendetta against Turn 10 here. I'd say the "miscommunication" Sony and PD about actual GT5 release date was very shady as well, but you don't seem to be bent as much over that fact.


Yoboman said:
I disagree so much, I hope that's the one feature that stays out of Gran Turismo

Forza can keep it's Lisa Simpson and Pikachu cars, it's tacky as hell.
thats a pretty nonsense thing to say,
given the fact that you are free to recreate about anything you like, whether this be your favorite racing team logos, your fantasy car, replicas of whatever existed, your online team logos, etc.

you will see how much it is missed after launch. or at least it will be to people coming to GT5 from other games than GT4.
Iknos said:
Xun this thread came out 3 days after this image was posted on a opinion piece on Destructoid...


There is some hardwired association in my head with this thread and that image.
Iknos, why didn't you link to the opinion piece? It's actually well written and worth a look What "hardwired association" are you seeing in your head? What vision haunts you so?

Are you ever at a party or similar social gathering, and your group of friends is joined by that one guy? Nobody likes him, but everybody seems to know who he is. Somebody invited him, but not one of your friends will own up to it. He's obnoxious, he's annoying, he's oblivious to the sour atmosphere he inspires, and the worst part of it is ... nobody has the balls to tell him he's not welcome.

That's pretty much how I feel about Sony fanboys.

You see, Sony fanboys are the worst ones. Don't get me wrong -- Nintendo fanboys, Microsoft fanboys and PC fanboys each have their irritating quirks and infuriating mannerisms, but the Sony fans truly are the worst of a bad lot. In a barrel full of rotten apples, they are the most putrid, festering, blackened pools of mulch at the bottom. Everybody knows this, but like that one "friend" at the party who everybody is too polite to shun, nobody has dared to tell Sony fanboys that they are truly the pariahs of society and need to stop hanging out with the rest of us.

Fortunately, that's why I'm here. Read on as I present my case, and tell Sony fanboys to get the Hell out of our party.

Rational people who read my work will understand that I criticize Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo with no real preference or "bias." If one of those publishers screws up, I give them the verbal dressing down they deserve. All three of the major platform holders have, at one time or another, been criticized by yours truly. In fact, if you're keeping score, you'll notice that I'm probably more spiteful to Microsoft, since I find their actions the most shameless and despicable, while with Sony it's more frustration and pity.

So, what is it about Sony fanboys that makes them more obnoxious? Perhaps it's the way they were raised. Let's face it, most fanboys, no matter their preference, are predominantly teenagers who have had mommy and daddy buy them a games console. If a Sony fanboy got his mother to buy him a $599 PS3, then he is clearly a rather rich teenager. You combine an adolescent with money and what do you get? One irritating little son of a bitch. Conversely, perhaps that kid was poor and spent all his money on a PS3 (which was, when it launched, the most expensive console on the market), and had no more money left to buy another machine, so he clung to his purchase like a limpet and became deranged as he tried to justify the cash he spent.

Maybe it's the fact that Sony was once on top of the mountain in this industry, and the fall from grace has been swift and brutal. The worst thing about being on top is the fall to the bottom, and maybe the transition from PS2 dominance to PS3 heel-dragging has had a damaging effect on the fanboy psyche, leaving them vulnerable and insecure. Maybe fanboys are suffering from a severe case of paranoid delusion, brought about by denial that the PS3 is in third place when once Sony was leading the charge.

Or perhaps they just have tiny penises. Who knows?

Whatever the reason, it's true. Sony fanboys are by far the worst of the gaming worst. Your PC obsessives are arrogant, your Xbox 360 obsessives are ignorant, and your Wii obsessives subscribe to some creepy cult of personality, but its the lunatics who champion Sony that truly rule the realm of fanboyism with an iron fist. They're childish, selfish, petulant, and possess a bizarre victim complex where everything is always about how biased people are and every offhand comment, every joke, every observation must be taken personally. They seem to believe in a conspiracy theory they've concocted where reviewers and the gaming media have it out for Sony, pursuing a personal vendetta for no reason whatsoever. They have never once considered what a reviewer would actually get out of pursuing petty grudges against Sony, or why anybody actually cares that much. The only people who care about "bias" against Sony are the Sony fanboys themselves. It's all in their head.

Case in point: We at Destructoid have often been accused of "anti-Sony" behavior, but did you know we actually have quite a good relationship with the company? Even I know and get along with a few people at the publisher, and they have never once treated us badly for our editorial content. If we were as bad as the Sony fanboys said we were, would Sony deal with us? No, they wouldn't. The thing is, Sony loyalists care more about this shit than Sony itself does, and that truly is fucking pitiful. Their toadying and lickspittling isn't even acknowledged by the God they revere. How utterly miserable their lives must be.

I'm not telling you anything you don't already know, and if you're reading this and are currently angry or offended by any of the statements, you're only going to prove just how correct I am.

You know, I could swear you posted something similar about how unbiased you were,it just sounds so familiar... hmm...

Iknos said:
If it makes them feel better let them do it.

A lot of this is pent up rage resulting from the current sales numbers of both consoles rather than anything FM or GT related. They've taken this opportunity to vent and I don't see why any normal poster should get irked by it.

Any regular GAF poster is going to check this thread out when both games are released and are going to read the impressions of racing fans who own both titles.

Even if people like Redbeard or ypo get both games no one is going to trust their opinions on it if they have shown a history of distorting reality to suit their purpose.

The way I see it although this isn't turning out to be a comparison thread its turning out to be a good way of pointing out the level headed people from the crazies.
Iknos said:
Sweet. Let's race against each other in GT5: Prologue.

Oh wait...

Jim Sterling of Destructoid has won.

Hands down. No contest. This thread is just perfect.
Iknos said:
I was being completely serious. This is serious business.

I will not tolerate laughing at the idea that these people are on the edge. People with little hope...little motivation to even go about their lives.

Can you imagine them playing their favorite game and thinking to themselves: "I should be having fun...but someone posted positive comments about the physics of an Xbox game on GAF".

It...it makes me teary eyed just thinking about it.

Life can be so cruel sometimes.

Iknos. Kindly stop. Jim Sterling is right, YOU? No way.
szaromir said:
It wasn't too classy, but you seem to be on a personal vendetta against Turn 10 here. I'd say the "miscommunication" Sony and PD about actual GT5 release date was very shady as well, but you don't seem to be bent as much over that fact.

You mean the one release date that was pushed back?


Unconfirmed Member
Yoboman said:
I disagree so much, I hope that's the one feature that stays out of Gran Turismo

Forza can keep it's Lisa Simpson and Pikachu cars, it's tacky as hell.


Livery Editor in GT5 (basic or as complex as FM) = GIGATON!


I always get Destructoid confused with Demonoid. "Why the fuck is a torrent site doing semi-professional reviews of games it more than likely illegally distributes?" :lol
scandisk_ said:
Livery Editor in GT5 (basic or as complex as FM) = GIGATON!

Kaz said that they're working on a livery editor but it won't be in GT5. No one asked him if it could be patched in because he really doesn't like to be asked about adding additional content to the game after the release. Which makes me happy.


CrushDance said:
You mean the one release date that was pushed back?
It wasn't a one-time delay. They've been putting Yamauchi on E3 press conference stage since 2006 every year (I think?) with the promise that GT5 is just over the horizon... Not too mention that they flat out gave away presser at GamesCom with Q4 2009 at GamesCom 2009, a mistake they never bothered to straight (and they obviously knew at the time it wouldn't be released). How is it not shady? We woudn't have this thread if it wasn't for that.
Trickster said:
Now, I'm not one to deny that GT5 has more stuff than FM3. Because it does, we know this. But listing things like weather, dynamic weather, snow, dynamic snow. Come on man, that's just silly :lol

Most of that list was a joke, with a little bit of truth, i did list after all... 50+. But to be fair, there have been games with weather, and others with dynamic weather, it's 2 different features.


p3tran said:
thats a pretty nonsense thing to say,
given the fact that you are free to recreate about anything you like, whether this be your favorite racing team logos, your fantasy car, replicas of whatever existed, your online team logos, etc.

you will see how much it is missed after launch. or at least it will be to people coming to GT5 from other games than GT4.
It's not nonsense, I'm not saying it's all bad and some people would like it, but for me lining up against joke cars every race gets old. It just doesn't fit with GT imo

If there was a way to keep it limited to team logos and real looking liveries then sure, but I don't see how that would work


Unconfirmed Member
SolidSnakex said:
Kaz said that they're working on a livery editor but it won't be in GT5. No one asked him if it could be patched in because he really doesn't like to be asked about adding additional content to the game after the release. Which makes me happy.


C'mon Snake GT5 needz it! I do have a feeling that we will have a basic livery editor in GT5, Kaz doesn't want to spill the beans. Just like Porsche (right amar? :D)


Chinner said:
this comparison is not even funny anymore; its like beating up a guy in wheelchair its not even fair.

It's more like a professional MMA fighter beating up on a highschool jock.

Possibly a japanese MMA fighter versus an american highschool jock.
szaromir said:
It wasn't a one-time delay. They've been putting Yamauchi on E3 press conference stage since 2006 every year (I think?) with the promise that GT5 is just over the horizon... Not too mention that they flat out gave away presser at GamesCom with Q4 2009 at GamesCom 2009, a mistake they never bothered to straight (and they obviously knew at the time it wouldn't be released). How is it not shady? We woudn't have this thread if it wasn't for that.

GT being delay is normal and we would have gotten this thread no matter what .
This was start so GT fans and Forza fans could say what they wanted to say .
So every thread with GT or Forza in the name don't end up full of trolls and off topic talk.

I don't mind livery editor once there's a way for me not to drive with people that paint there car stupid.


SolidSnakex said:
Kaz said that they're working on a livery editor but it won't be in GT5. No one asked him if it could be patched in because he really doesn't like to be asked about adding additional content to the game after the release. Which makes me happy.

If he gets asked enough, he'll probably just delay the game again in order to get that feature in.

That's probably what he's been doing this entire damn time.
Zaptruder said:
If he gets asked enough, he'll probably just delay the game again in order to get that feature in.

That's probably what he's been doing this entire damn time.

Well his reaction has pretty much been "Everything I want to be in GT5 will be in it from the start". So the livery editor definitely wasn't a big priority for them with GT5 or else it would be in.


SolidSnakex said:
Well his reaction has pretty much been "Everything I want to be in GT5 will be in it from the start". So the livery editor definitely wasn't a big priority for them with GT5 or else it would be in.

I think it's largely been a mix of; Here's what we would want to do to make the ultimate auutomotive game (including livery and motorbikes from TT)... and listening to the fanbase in terms of what they would include in this iteration of GT.

I think to a large extent, if the feedback they'd gotten from GT5:p was; OMG, this is exactly what we wanted, they would've just put a bit of effort into getting a larger premium car list and releasing it earlier, while continuing to work on features for a PS3 GT6 release.

As it is, we'll probably be waiting until the PS4 for GT6... which wouldn't be too bad; Really all that's needed there is to maintain a high frame rate with excellent image quality, so that it approaches the 'bullshots' that are regularly released, and it would still be an exceedingly beauitful PS4 launch (timeframe) game.

Throw in livery editors, more tracks, more cars, more detailed course editor, more scenarios, more content in general, and they'll continue to outpace other automotive sim developers.


GT6 will be interesting if it's on PS4. I can picture only minor improvements needed for the car models, most improvement going into environments, but 43 car NASCAR races? Yes please

lord pie

I feel like I am tempting fate by posting in here, but here it goes.

I like Forza. I've owned all three, just like I owned various PS1/PS2 GT games way back. And I have enjoyed all of them. But forza has a soft spot for me.

Perhaps it's because I work in the game industry, but I have a lot of respect for what T10 have managed to produce in such an incredibly short time frame (especially F3). Certainly, I can see where forza really drops the ball (there are some technical aspects to the games lighting that I'd change in a heart beat), but I can also see where they have really focused and polished the game.

I've clocked several hundred hours in F3, and why I've slowed down now, it still brings me back. I've become quite attached to the cars I've built (especially my RS4) - or friends with the people I've met. And while it may not always look it's best, it always sounds utterly sublime, runs perfectly and has a sense of elegance to it's interface and interaction that is sorely lacking in similar games.

I look forward to GT5. While I never played GT5p, and I was rather disappointed with the time trial (which now no longer works?), I thoroughly expect it'll be every bit the ultimate GT game, absolutely top class on every technical level.
But I do have unanswered questions over how the core game has changed, as it has been such an incredibly long time since GT4 (with such an incredible level of evolution seen in the racing genre in that time).

We have got to such a state in technology that racing dynamics really don't evolve appreciably anymore. There will be no more massive leaps in simulation like we saw 5-10 years ago, it all comes down to the supporting structure of the game. This is something many modern games do exceptionally well (blur, F3, dirt, etc all push this in different ways) and I hope that GT pushes the bar even further on this.

So bring on F4, and bring on GT5. The world is only better for having both of them.


Xun said:
This thread has made me realise the large majority of Gaming on GAF is full of Sony fanboys.
So true. You can see this in Kinect vs Move threads too :lol

btw, the xbox fans are more critic too.

Atomski said:
That gif is clearly a glitch. Ive crashed many a times and never seen anything like that.
well.. you need to watch the replay in a specific angle, specific car and in a SUPER slow motion to see this.

Metalmurphy said:
shinnn said:
So true. You can see this in Kinect vs Move threads too :lol

Well... maybe if a lot of people is critical with kinect is not related with the amount of Sony fanboys. Maybe is because of Kinect.

shinnn said:
btw, the xbox fans are more critic too.

So true. You can see this in Kinect vs Move threads too :lol


I don't think, I know, I've seen quite a few people state the very thing at the time. Of course, that only goes for 360 sim fans who also had a PS3 or were planning to get one. Conveniently, the hopes would always get reignited by pushing the alleged release date back for only a few months.

Mind you, I'm not as crazy as to suggest that was the only - or even the main - reason for Forza 3's moderate sales, but it certainly contributed.

No, I'm saying that some (the key word being some) of them were duped into waiting for GT5 for many years.
Most (the key word being most) of them were always going to wait for GT5 regardless of how long it took.

And look at where we are now.


I was going to buy a 360 and F3 when I realized GT5 wouldn't be out for ages. Then I noticed that I couldn't use the same wheel for PS3 and 360 so that made me drop that idea. Playing with a controller = no go.


I'm honestly starting to wonder where these guys started fabricating this Release Date Conspiracy Theory.

Give it a break, you guys are worse than the 9/11 truthers.

Gran Turismo 4 was delayed by a year and a half from late 03 to early 05. Lemme guess, that was another bait and switch to counter FM1's May 2005 release, am I right? *tinfoilhat*
CrushDance said:
Iknos, why didn't you link to the opinion piece? It's actually well written and worth a look What "hardwired association" are you seeing in your head? What vision haunts you so?

You know, I could swear you posted something similar about how unbiased you were,it just sounds so familiar... hmm...

Iknos. Kindly stop. Jim Sterling is right, YOU? No way.

You mean the one release date that was pushed back?

I can't fucking wait for the unbiased™ Iknos comparison. It will be glorious.
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