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Forza 3 vs Gran Turismo 5 Comparison Thread of John, Chapter 11, Verse 35


RavenFox said:
And? I'm not here to butter my feelings on things you want to hear. GT5 is beyond FM3 in every way.
I have to laugh also at the visit to profile bit. You have nothing to say so you put all your hopes on a profile click lol
What exactly do you want me to say to "THIS GAME IS BETTER THAN THIS GAME. THE END."?

Arguing is pointless.
AndyD said:

I think the point is the texture swap across the whole car rather than location impact/damage, not so much the distance between them. At least that's what I noticed first.

And the thread has gone crazy, mainly due to the same 1-2 posters. Thankfully the ignore list works well.
You can also see the HUGE invisible box around the cars which actually hit each other. The cars themselves never actually touch.


antiquegamer said:
Um, the livery/photo thread kinda got merge with the official thread because most people just got to OT thread to read about Forza 3. I don't see why there would be a problem with seeing those pictures in official thread. I am still don't understand how that it is "ruined".

What? It didn't get merged. The "Forza 3 Official Livery / Photo / Video thread" is still open. The official Forza 3 thread was ruined by people posting walls and walls of livery pics in the wrong thread. If you wanted to talk about the actual game, comments where drowned out by those pics.

Both Forza 3 and GT5 are big enough that they should have had 4 official threads each. (If Mod's allow)

Livery/Photo Mode

That way info is easy to find, and the official thread doesn't get cluttered with pages of livery pics, tuning recommendations and online talk.


aka andydumi
Slackbladder said:
You can also see the HUGE invisible box around the cars which actually hit each other. The cars themselves never actually touch.

I think the original point was that the Audi is glitched into the wall, resulting in the large "bounding" box which actually is not glitched into the wall. So that may be a bug. But the damage texture swap is not.
Xun said:
What exactly do you want me to say to "THIS GAME IS BETTER THAN THIS GAME. THE END."?

Arguing is pointless.
See if you were served two delicious steaks (both with same price), one served with mashed potatoes, steak sauce, zucchini, mushrooms and onions while the other was served with just the steak and carrots, one is better than others, even though both were delicious. Its a matter of admitting which one had a better bang for buck and left a mix of delicious tastes in your mouth.
schennmu said:
- Painting cars is more important than gimmicks, like racing
- Forza forced the GT5 delay
- Forza forced Kaz to put more features into GT5
- GT "cheats" by having a long dev time and not being rushed
- Delays and E3 advertising are shady and trick poor gamers into not buying Forza (Did not work for me for some reason)
- Kart, Rally and Nascar are basically "free" and don't require much effort compared to premium features like livery editor or auction house.

List updated!


hide your water-based mammals
bj00rn_ said:
I gotta say, this thread is a fantastic calibration tool for ignore lists.
Are you going to put me on ignore too? Come on, just because there are parties on both sides of the fence it doesn't mean you have to take it that far. I know you don't frequent PS3 threads and I know that others like iknos are strong and against my way of seeing things BUT I have not put anyone on ignore.

We all know which racer is going to be the real deal, we just have to wait until November 2nd to realize that. BUT some of us who actually have read and kept up with GT development know just how hard PD has worked to make this game the best racing game ever.

schennmu said:
List updated!
This guy gets it :lol


schennmu said:
- Painting cars is more important than gimmicks, like racing
- Forza forced the GT5 delay
- Forza forced Kaz to put more features into GT5
- GT "cheats" by having a long dev time and not being rushed
- Delays and E3 advertising are shady and trick poor gamers into not buying Forza (Did not work for me for some reason)
- Kart, Rally and Nascar are basically "free" and don't require much effort compared to premium features like livery editor or auction house.

List updated!
What the..
Metalmurphy said:
-16 cars
-dynamic weather
-night racing
-day/night cycles
-dynamic tracks
-low beams and high beams
-32 user lobbies
-16 player online races
-online track days
-stig challenges
-amg driving school
-jeff gordon nascar school
-sebastian loeb rally challenge
-insanely detailed cockpits
-pit crews
-gt anywhere
-photo travel
-connectivity with the gtpsp
-functional lights on cockpit
-better graphics
-more cars
-18MB photos
-exporting photos to HDD
-youtube uploads
-head tracking
-car wash with animated "washers" and soap shaders lol
-detailed drivers
-drivers with proper animations (looking at corners, shifting, gforces, etc)
-non prebaked deformation damage
-grass/flowers/etc that move with air flow
-wind sound that changes with speed and slipstreaming
-dynamic snow
-manually activated windshield wipers
-track editor
-randomly generated rally tracks
-fully rendered team garages
-team uniforms for pilots and crew
-full HD live action intro videos for the real circuits
-remote races
-My home page
-fully fledged Spectator mode

Game has so many features that we even forget a bunch of them.

Remember the data logger? It was demonstrated as a huge deal, people didn´t care, but it´s another feature.

The list goes on and on. And that´s why the game is such a marvel to car lovers. It has enough content to live for 3-4 years.

Considering Turn 10´s claims, that´s why it turned out to be so funny.


Junior Member
CrushDance said:

The association comes from this thread verifying that blog entry.

I have a life so I can't be bothered to do the same to you...but I invite everyone to read the last GT5 thread for your posts. When I talk about the game you follow up every single one of my posts with complaints about my posting style.

You can post my offhand remarks but none of your posts in the GT thread had any substance or any value.

Yoboman said:
I disagree so much, I hope that's the one feature that stays out of Gran Turismo

Forza can keep it's Lisa Simpson and Pikachu cars, it's tacky as hell.

Hate the anime cars too but the racing liveries themselves are incredible.

It would be real nice to have in GT.

At least the ability to choose a number with a few assortments of racing stripes and racing decals that we can slap onto the car.

untoldhero said:

I have yet to see a customised car from Forza that actually looks good and not shit.

Nevermind your own designs...don't you want the ability to recreate real liveries? Just saw these two in the Forza thread.



Personally I'd be happy with just racing decals and stripes for GT5. Numbers too. It looks real cool when you hop online and you see all of these marked race cars on the track.

Apex said:


Melfice7 said:
it didnt have a permanent steering aid so no, its completely diferent

You do realize the aid only assists when you are messing up? Race in both games normally with the same wheel. Only difference is that GT:TT didn't have dynamic tire temps and wear because time trial modes are built like that.

Firewire said:
It makes me happy to know GT5 won't have a livery now.


Just had to...sorry! :)

keyrat said:
They both look pretty good; inside FOV looks better in GT5 imo.

The FOV is changed in the Forza version. Which is a critical feature GT5 needs...ability to change FOV.

charsace said:
While Forza had like 3 years of development?

A year and a half.

eso76 said:
Fm3 sometimes looks much worse than it could for a terrible choice of colours, which succeed in the difficult task of appearing both ugly and unrealistic; the shades of green and yellow used in le mans and amalfi coast and several other circuits are awful.
T10 definitely need an art director, and they need to take more pictures to use as textures.

We know that PDs artists are better than even PC devs...but T10's games can't even hit the photoreal standard PC devs have attained.

bishoptl said:
Good morning friends


cgcg said:
Hmm...does GT5's environment no longer cast dynamic shadows?

They still do...all of them.

seattle6418 said:
I sincerely hope Iknos is getting paid to do this. Also, nobody here should pretend to be unbiased, because it´s impossible to be neutral, specially in a subject like videogames.

To be clear the only reason why you think I'm biased is because I went hard on Sony fanboys right?
You are dancing in the river of denial. I'm not, nor was the first to call you out on your on and off posts. Second of all, I never went into any Forza threads and started shit or talking about how GT did certain things better and being all coy about it. Sure you're right though Iknos, I don't much at all about sims! But I have been playing GT for a long time and enjoy racing games of all types(Check my PSN profile if you like). I like having fun and racing with others, so when I do go into a GT thread to check on the latest news and see endless pages of you bickering over some small detail and when argued against you fall back on "I'll wait for the full game to do a complete comparison". It makes damn near impossible to sift through all the trash talk to get what I want.

You have a rep for doing this. I didn't hop into your head and force you to do anything. So yeah, go ahead and do your comparison if you like. But please make it your own thread and keep it in there instead of derailing with your insightful posts into a game you haven't even played yet.


J-Rzez said:
Oh yeah, the auction house is a great idea that should have been adopted. It is cool that you can "Gift" cars to others of course, but it's not the same. I think they should have a "real" auction though were you bid online, live, at certain times for say "special" cars created by like PD, T10, sponsored cars, etc. That would be fun, and have them at various times so not everyone missed out.

The Livery thing, I'm not sure about. I always wondered if that was made suspect of what overall caused FM's cars to look "off" or "cartoonish". I mean, lighting isn't close to matched to whatever PD does, but also the color of the paints in the game just looked once again, cartoonish. They lacked a realistic hue most of the time.

It'll be a sad day when Kaz is done with this career. He'll probably stick around for a while though considering he said he gets to do what he loves and get paid for it. Not to mention actually gaining some swagger in the real life automotive world, designing cars and UI, and also getting to race some of the greatest tracks out there in the name of "research". Talk about your dream jobs.

PD is the one of the few JP devs to pull their weight this gen though. It took them a while, but it's paying off in the end. In fact, they'll be the first JP dev to actually set a "benchmark" technically this gen it seems as far as tech goes. It's odd after seeing so many people down on that side of the worlds efforts for years compared to western devs, and then one dev comes out and shuts people up.

I mean, I don't expect them to just copy that mode wholesale. Like everything Polyphony does, they'd start with that idea as a seed, and they'd make it into its own thing, which would also be the best version of that thing.

So if your issue was colors or something else (although, I think I've seen decent enough decals and designs that look like they could be true-to-life), Polyphony would surely flesh out the mode into something beyond anything else out there.
Amir0x said:
I mean, I don't expect them to just copy that mode wholesale. Like everything Polyphony does, they'd start with that idea as a seed, and they'd make it into its own thing, which would also be the best version of that thing.

So if your issue was colors or something else (although, I think I've seen decent enough decals and designs that look like they could be true-to-life), Polyphony would surely flesh out the mode into something beyond anything else out there.

DLC liveries are much more interesting for Sony. We haven't heard of any DLC model but if they are going to go down that route, a livery editor will be out of the question.


Amir0x said:
I mean, I don't expect them to just copy that mode wholesale. Like everything Polyphony does, they'd start with that idea as a seed, and they'd make it into its own thing, which would also be the best version of that thing.

So if your issue was colors or something else (although, I think I've seen decent enough decals and designs that look like they could be true-to-life), Polyphony would surely flesh out the mode into something beyond anything else out there.

Yeah, it all depends how the car was made scheme wise, but usually the painted up cars always stood out weird, and I think this impacted the normal cars as well. Even those looked a little off many times too, giving that cartoony vibe.

I know KY talked a long time about the livery thing so I'm sure they were working on it, but perhaps it's a lot to tackle to look "right" like how the cars in GT do paint and lighting wise when you're doing your own random colors and graphics. We'll probably see it eventually I guess.


I do want a livery editor, but at the same time im glad it was cut to make sure more important features made it in the game. Auction house i can do without, you could already trade cars and now even parts it seems.


J-Rzez said:
Yeah, it all depends how the car was made scheme wise, but usually the painted up cars always stood out weird, and I think this impacted the normal cars as well. Even those looked a little off many times too, giving that cartoony vibe.

I know KY talked a long time about the livery thing so I'm sure they were working on it, but perhaps it's a lot to tackle to look "right" like how the cars in GT do paint and lighting wise when you're doing your own random colors and graphics. We'll probably see it eventually I guess.

Even so, a simple "do you want decal/painted cars in your match? Y/N" option would solve that
The problem with damage in forza 3 and 2, and 1... is that no matter what sort of crash you get into half the car get's "scratched" down to the silver metal, even if you hit a tyre wall you will get scratches on the roof.

Forza damage would have looked tons better if they stopped coating each car in silver scratch marks in every crash, hell it would be 10 times more realistic if they used a crumpled normal map then those silver scratches.
Iknos said:
To be clear the only reason why you think I'm biased is because I went hard on Sony fanboys right?

Nah, just your post history and the things you keep defending. But hey, keep fighting the good fight!


Junior Member
Looking for more info about the FM3 steering aid I came across this..

Dan G:

"Now we read the player's mind better, when they tap tap tap versus when they hold and are they counter steering or are they steering in or turning, all of those things change what input we put in the car. Thats not the physics, right, the physics engine stays rock solid simulation all of the time, this is a layer on top. So its not even there for the wheel for example, the wheel is direct mapping. "

Except that it is there for the wheel and ultimately a game killer for me. So did they just forget to turn it off for the wheel?

Vid of FM3's active steering I posted a few months ago


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
edit: Referring to the above video.

Looks kinda similar to me.. hard to tell in a youtube vid though.

The colour is nicer in GT, but I assume that it's not particularly challenging to make grass/trees greener.

Cockpit view in the Forza car was pretty horrible (viewing angle). But I know that varies from car to car.


Junior Member
Apex said:

I was only comparing physics not assists.

Assists are applied onto physics.

Firewire said:
I understand it's just beautiful!

So you agree that liveries are a good thing? That was the point. Not trying to change your opinion but you have to admit it looks very good in your avatar.

CrushDance said:
But please make it your own thread and keep it in there instead of derailing with your insightful posts into a game you haven't even played yet.

I've played the TT and I'm only talking in depth about that at this point. I compare GT and other racers to Forza in the Forza thread.

Do me a favour and read the various Forza threads and the Sonic 4 thread. You are acting like I'm biased against GT.

Amir0x said:
Like everything Polyphony does, they'd start with that idea as a seed, and they'd make it into its own thing, which would also be the best version of that thing.

Completely agree. Don't like the anime cars either...maybe PD can implement a true to life livery editor with stripes and racing decals with numbers. That is all they really need to make cars look like race cars.

Gek54 said:
Looking for more info about the FM3 steering aid I came across this..

Ehhhh I there is a lot of double talk from Greenawalt. That or they changed their minds at some point of development.

Also FM3 used a way of software development that put a lot of power in various people's hands. Greenawalt didn't decide everything for the game...team leaders for the various aspects of the game had a lot of creative control.

I think the guy in charge of online play messed up big time.

user_nat said:
Cockpit view in the Forza car was pretty horrible (viewing angle). But I know that varies from car to car.

You can customize the FOV that wasn't the default.


Neo Member
Iknos said:
I was only comparing physics not assists.

Assists are applied onto physics.

So you agree that liveries are a good thing? That was the point. Not trying to change your opinion but you have to admit it looks very good in your avatar.

I've played the TT and I'm only talking in depth about that at this point. I compare GT and other racers to Forza in the Forza thread.

Do me a favour and read the various Forza threads and the Sonic 4 thread. You are acting like I'm biased against GT.

Completely agree. Don't like the anime cars either...maybe PD can implement a true to life livery editor with stripes and racing decals with numbers. That is all they really need to make cars look like race cars.

Ehhhh I there is a lot of double talk from Greenawalt. That or they changed their minds at some point of development.

Also FM3 used a way of software development that put a lot of power in various people's hands. Greenawalt didn't decide everything for the game...team leaders for the various aspects of the game had a lot of creative control.

I think the guy in charge of online play messed up big time.

You can customize the FOV that wasn't the default.
Dude, do you work for turn 10 or something?.
Turn 10 should have kept the replays at 60 fps, especially since the vehicles used in replay are the exact same models used in 60 fps gameplay.
I don't know what PD is doing at 30 fps in their replays (besides motion blur and a higher resolution), but they too should have 60 fps replays.
If they are using a higher LOD model at 30 fps, then it cant be that much higher than what's used in 60 fps gameplay.

30 fps has no place in sim racers, replay or gameplay.
theignoramus said:
I don't know what PD is doing at 30 fps in their replays (besides motion blur and a higher resolution), but they too should have 60 fps replays.

GT5's replays don't run at a higher resolution. The only part of the game that runs at a higher resolution is the menu screens, which are native 1080p. Once you're in game the resolution never changes.
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