You know, this is a totally underrated game. I'm not saying it's an uber sim, but damn was just driving around the island fun.SmokyDave said:Test Drive Unlimited > *
You know, this is a totally underrated game. I'm not saying it's an uber sim, but damn was just driving around the island fun.SmokyDave said:Test Drive Unlimited > *
Fm3 can look bad at times. GT5 can look much worse.
Fm3 can look pretty at times. GT5 can look much better.
dark10x said:I know, I know.
I've come to realize that I just prefer those arcade-sim hybrid games (which I believe PGR to be) over straight sims. Thus far, GT5 is pretty interesting and I'm getting more out of it this time due to my increased love of cars, but without a wheel, it's less fun. I simply don't know if I want to invest in a wheel (what are the best options anyways?).
If I had a wheel, I think I could probably get into it much more.
LordPhoque said:Pretty obvious that in 1 month we'll all agree that FM3 is the better game.
jakonovski said:Oh god, friends should not let car model designer friends do facial animation:
Sony has no other dev teams it seemssupermackem said:Wow thats pretty bad, could they not get someone in to do that.:lol
dark10x said:Hmmm the Logitech DFGT is going for 33% off on Amazon. Might have to consider that.
How many games does it work with? Seems like I could use it on my PC or PS3. No 360 support, huh (thanks MS).
Is it a good wheel? I would love to have a gearbox and clutch, but the G27 is way too pricey. This seems like it would be good enough.
Oh yes, and hard evidence on performance boosts from using 720p over 1080p? I tried it myself and it appeared to run a bit smoother in 720p (less tearing), but I'd like to know just how much better it really is as it's difficult to judge and time consuming to switch between the two. 1080p definitely looks much nicer overall, though.
jakonovski said:Oh god, friends should not let car model designer friends do facial animation:
SmokyDave said:I don't get why PGR4 keeps coming up. It's a great arcade racer but if you're into sims then it doesn't hold a candle to GT4 & Forza 2, let alone GT5 & Forza 3.
Test Drive Unlimited > *
RSTEIN said:No, I'm not arguing anything. I'm evaluating the data as it comes out. All this talk about graphics, features (e.g. Karts vs. Livery Editor or whatever), 'feel', etc. is ALL subjective.
The only thing we can compare is the stuff that can be quantified. The aggregate opinion of the world is quantified through the review scores. This is far from perfect. But the world's critics have spoken: Forza 3 is better. I'm not arguing that. It's a data point. 92% vs. 88%.
Now that we have that established, we can move on. What are some of the interesting technical stuff we can quantify?
- framerate
- physics
- tearing
- polygons per car
- resolution
- etc.
This is starting to trickle in. Forza 3 has a better framerate and no tearing. I'm not arguing that. Again, it's an objective test that I'm pointing to.
Hopefully someone can do a comprehensive analysis of the physics. Given the impressions I suspect that GT5 will win that hands down. I'm going to celebrate that, not use it to kick Forza 3 in the teeth.
Next what we can do is post DIRECT SCREEN GRABS from the same points on the same tracks with nearly the same lighting conditions to evaluate the cars, backgrounds, etc. I've only seen this done with Laguna Seca and again the conclusion is that Forza 3 has a more impressive background. I'm not arguing it. It's a screen grab. It is what it is.
Lagspike_exe said:Comparing metacritic scores is tricky business.
KZ2, Crysis and Halo Reach have the same score. Would you agree that they are roughly the same in quality?
Wingman? What are you talking about? I'm on no missio here. If GT5 proves to be better then I will salute it.DeadGzuz said:But keep fighting the war, RSTEIN needs a wingman.
RSTEIN said:Like I said earlier, it's pretty bogus. But it's all we got. This is a comparison thread. As such we need to compare and contrast the two games in as many ways as possible. The review score is one data point. The issue is that we have all these authority figures and zealots flying around here so I'm just trying to cut out the bullshit.
In my mind, we need:
1) Review score comparison. Check.
2) Technical analysis. Starting to trickle in.
3) Direct screen grab comparison of the same cars on the same points of each track. Starting to trickle in.
I can't think of a better way. It beats the ZOMG! Forza is better!!!! approach.
Lagspike_exe said:How come you don't need a direct feed video of the same cars on the same points of each track? Wouldn't that paint a much more realistic picture of Forza's and GT's graphical strength?
This was done a year ago with a 2007 product.RSTEIN said:That would be awesome, too! That would be much better but we gotta start somewhere. I just figured it would be easier to start with grabs than full blown video.
You don't seem like you intend to 'switch' in this instance and given that, you seem to be putting an awful lot of work into figuring out which game is 'best', for no real reason.RSTEIN said:Wingman? What are you talking about? I'm on no missio here. If GT5 proves to be better then I will salute it.
I'm just a video game slut. When Unreal became better than Quake, I switched. When Call of Duty became better than Halo, I switched. When the PS2 proved to be better than the Dreamcast, I switched. When the 360 proved to be better than the PS2, I switched. When Gran Turismo proved to be better than anything, I bought it. When Forza 2/3 proved to be better than Gran Turismo 4, I switched.
I find it hard to believe that a lower-end wheel would have perfect FFB in comparison to something like the G27 or Fanatec line.schennmu said:Just buy the wheel, it's so worth it for this game. GT5 force feedback is absolutely perfect.
RSTEIN said:Like I said earlier, it's pretty bogus. But it's all we got. This is a comparison thread. As such we need to compare and contrast the two games in as many ways as possible. The review score is one data point. .
XiaNaphryz said:I find it hard to believe that a lower-end wheel would have perfect FFB in comparison to something like the G27 or Fanatec line.
schennmu said:Seeing the two games run side by side shows what a HUGE difference the lighting, car shaders and AA difference in GT5 make. A lot of the bad captures in this thread do not properly show the lighting engine. Also the road texture in Forza looks kinda rough but that might be a problem with that specific track.
RSTEIN said:Wingman? What are you talking about? I'm on no missio here. If GT5 proves to be better then I will salute it.
I'm just a video game slut. When Unreal became better than Quake, I switched. When Call of Duty became better than Halo, I switched. When the PS2 proved to be better than the Dreamcast, I switched. When the 360 proved to be better than the PS2, I switched. When Gran Turismo proved to be better than anything, I bought it. When Forza 2/3 proved to be better than Gran Turismo 4, I switched.
Edit: I don't know how this became two posts.
Framerate & (lack of) Tearing.antiloop said:It's really hard to find something that Forza does better in that video.
You'll be amazed at what a G27 or a Fanatec 911TS especially can do then. It's like night and day.schennmu said:I'm using an old Driving Force GT4 wheel and it's top notch.
antiloop said:It's really hard to find something that Forza does better in that video.
Always a bad driver in these kinds of videos, annoying to no end :lolschennmu said:Seeing the two games run side by side shows what a HUGE difference the lighting, car shaders and AA difference in GT5 make. A lot of the bad captures in this thread do not properly show the lighting engine. Also the road texture in Forza looks kinda rough but that might be a problem with that specific track.
FirstInHell said:Gameplay seems to be the least important aspect for a racing simulation to GT fans. They should have just saved themselves 5 years and released a photomode of really hi res car models.
Imagine booting up a game and realizing 80% of the cars are from the psp and have no cockpit. :lol
Maastricht said:Pretty reasonable, I agree, certainly against the background of this thread.
The Photo-Mode I don't fully agree with though - when you pause the game, it's just one button away from Photo-Mode, and then you can walk all around the Nurburgring on foot to take a position, and then another button to bring the camera up.
SmokyDave said:You don't seem like you intend to 'switch' in this instance and given that, you seem to be putting an awful lot of work into figuring out which game is 'best', for no real reason.
Yeah, GT5's lighting is too much for Forza 3 to handle. I think the only thing that could be said is the background is better. I'd say the actual car models are the same but the lighting destroys Forza 3.antiloop said:It's really hard to find something that Forza does better in that video.
You: :lolFirstInHell said:Gameplay seems to be the least important aspect for a racing simulation to GT fans. They should have just saved themselves 5 years and released a photomode of really hi res car models.
Imagine booting up a game and realizing 80% of the cars are from the psp and have no cockpit. :lol
eternal prize said:Some things piss me off about GT5, how I can't rotate the view around my car when driving, or how the lobby system doesn't allow me to invite friends ala live (unless I'm a moron, new to this ps3 thing).
Also photo mode doesn't save my settings and some of the shutter settings and fstops don't act as they do in the real world. All in all, i'm only a few hours into it but so far it seems a bit rushed in areas. The rain looks pretty bad compared to other games and the track detail is very inconsistent. It's almost as if the PD team didn't play any other racing games in the last few years because some aspects of the game just feel old, like not being able to pause the game to change music settings, controller, photomode, etc.....
I'll hold my judgement till I play the game more, but so far I still thing F3 is the better sim despite the oddities and shortcomings of that game. Most importantly, if you love cars, you have two great games to play.
beast786 said:You should post these quesitons in the OT of GT5, many of your questions will be answered.
Dreams-Visions said:Just an observation: some of you are laying praise on GT5 because of your experiences with your expensive wheels. If I've found anythin to be true, it's that the quality of your wheel directly impacts your enjoyment of your racing sim.
I found the MS wheel to be rather mediocre (in fact, i returned mine after a fee disappointing days) and well behind the better Logitech offerings... which themselves are a step behind the Fanatec offerings. So I wonder if some of the wonderment your finding in your experiences should result in praise for your wheel's manufacturer rather than the games? Because the wheel scene is not an even playing field.
Almost everything you said has nothing to do with the simulation of motorsport.:loleternal prize said:Some things piss me off about GT5, how I can't rotate the view around my car when driving, or how the lobby system doesn't allow me to invite friends ala live (unless I'm a moron, new to this ps3 thing).
Also photo mode doesn't save my settings and some of the shutter settings and fstops don't act as they do in the real world. All in all, i'm only a few hours into it but so far it seems a bit rushed in areas. The rain looks pretty bad compared to other games and the track detail is very inconsistent. It's almost as if the PD team didn't play any other racing games in the last few years because some aspects of the game just feel old, like not being able to pause the game to change music settings, controller, photomode, etc.....
I'll hold my judgement till I play the game more, but so far I still thing F3 is the better sim despite the oddities and shortcomings of that game. Most importantly, if you love cars, you have two great games to play.
FirstInHell said:Gameplay seems to be the least important aspect for a racing simulation to GT fans. They should have just saved themselves 5 years and released a photomode of really hi res car models.
Imagine booting up a game and realizing 80% of the cars are from the psp and have no cockpit. :lol
theignoramus said:Almost everything you said has nothing to do with the simulation of motorsport.:lol
kevm3 said:Gameplay is easily the best aspect of GT5.
Given how the price difference between the two isn't all that big from the G27 to the Fanatec wheels, and the build materials used for the Fanatec stuff, I'd disagree. Most of the comparison reviews I've read over the past year or two from sim-focused sites typically give the edge to the Fanatecs as well.Ashes1396 said:One further thing, I don't actually agree that fanatec>logitech 100% when everything like price/value/quality etc is taken into account.
theignoramus said:Almost everything you said has nothing to do with the simulation of motorsport.:lol
XiaNaphryz said:Given how the price difference between the two isn't all that big from the G27 to the Fanatec wheels, and the build materials used for the Fanatec stuff, I'd disagree. Most of the comparison reviews I've read over the past year or two from sim-focused sites typically give the edge to the Fanatecs as well.
You only see a real price jump if you go with the clubsport pedals which can cost almost as much as a wheel by itself, but again in that case you're getting awesome pedals that would normally be only seen in the $500+ price range.
XiaNaphryz said:Given how the price difference between the two isn't all that big from the G27 to the Fanatec wheels, and the build materials used for the Fanatec stuff, I'd disagree. Most of the comparison reviews I've read over the past year or two from sim-focused sites typically give the edge to the Fanatecs as well.
You only see a real price jump if you go with the clubsport pedals which can cost almost as much as a wheel by itself, but again in that case you're getting awesome pedals that would normally be only seen in the $500+ price range.