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Forza 3 vs Gran Turismo 5 Comparison Thread of John, Chapter 11, Verse 35


nib95 said:
Well I personally think everyone in here bitching about either game who hasn't played both is a giant joke whose opinions should be taken with a grain of salt.

Hows that for an opinion? This thread is unreal...

Of course it is :lol. The thread was made for people to basically shit on either game and that's exactly what has happened. When do comparison threads for exclusive games or accessories ever go well?

The most you can hope from these threads is a decent meltdown or two or people getting emotional over screen shots. Anybody with a valuable opinion is surely discussing either game in their respective OT's or better yet playing either game. You know for a fact in a page or two another screen shot will appear with some unflattering detail and the whole cycle will begin again.


Pepto said:
NASCAR cars?

I don't like it, so I don't care for it. It was part of bigger point.

edit: @above... hey, when I'm not arsing around, I still rate Forza at about 9ish...
@below. Saw that vid... You just know it's going to be in forza 4....


Pepto said:
NASCAR cars?
Yep it does have stock cars, there's a YT vid with insane sound coming from one of FM3's stockcar.

But obviously no NASCAR, not a goal.

Pepto are you posting from an iPod/iPhone ? :lol


I was driving my 2005 BMW 330i to work today and got t-boned by an 18 wheeler. I would've been killed, but my car isn't premium so there wasn't a single scratch.


Stallion Free said:
they both look shitty during the actual gameplay.



will52 said:
I was driving my 2005 BMW 330i to work today and got t-boned by an 18 wheeler. I would've been killed, but my car isn't premium so there wasn't a single scratch.

Holy shit! LOL :lol :lol :lol


will52 said:
I was driving my 2005 BMW 330i to work today and got t-boned by an 18 wheeler. I would've been killed, but my car isn't premium so there wasn't a single scratch.

I hope you dont work at night. Because in some games that just doesnt happens.


Slayer-33 said:
Holy shit! LOL :lol :lol :lol

You know what I find really sad on gaming forums? When some fanboy makes a bad (in this case, really bad) joke, but other console warriors will quote it and include innumerable lolz and smley's because it sides with their console preference and sticks it to the other guys, or something


I've got to say going back to the beginning of this thread is a real hoot so many assumptions and so many bullshots pushed by certain users as 'in game'. :lol


Shogun PaiN said:
Yet we have things like this popping up.

Again after FIVE years development and new hardware it's to be expected that the game improves on past entries in the series. For many it seems like more of a refinement than the revolution many people were expecting.

What the fuck!

That picture is from GT5: Prologue.

The circles on the map are arrows in GT5.

Hmmmmm someone certainly got served, but then again you;ve never played GT5 so how would you know?

:lol :lol :lol :lol


X26 said:
You know what I find really sad on gaming forums? When some fanboy makes a bad (in this case, really bad) joke, but other console warriors will quote it and include innumerable lolz and smley's because it sides with their console preference and sticks it to the other guys, or something
You seem bitter. :lol

I'm laughing because it's a joke you would expect to come from a GT elitist if the tables were turned.

Read this topic from page one. The amount of ridicule FM 3 got just becuase it got bullshotted to hell and back by GT 5 fanboys was unreal.
tengiants said:
Very true. Pretty sure that was Curb your Enthusiasm though.
Nah, that was Tim Whatley. He thought he could tell Jewish jokes because he converted to Judaism. Maybe it was in Curb You Enthusiasm as well.

Oh, on topic.

This thread! :lol

I am actually surprised that there's some reasonable discussion going on (not in here!) when comparing FM3 and GT5. I mean, a year ago who would have thought that would happen? I've not played either, racing sims aren't my thing but parts of GT5 look extremely impressive.


X26 said:
You know what I find really sad on gaming forums? When some fanboy makes a bad (in this case, really bad) joke, but other console warriors will quote it and include innumerable lolz and smley's because it sides with their console preference and sticks it to the other guys, or something

What about the people who quote and Point at others for being Console Warriors. Ironically


J-Rzez said:
Re GT5: when everything clicks and syncs, it's pretty amazing if you're a car guy.
I do agree with this. But it's a quality all top level racers have. That racing game zen /Peter Moore :p

Another gripe against GT5 is within 5 hours of playtime, I've already defaulted to my historic GT formula of whacking in the best turbo, aggressively barrelling through the pack in the first corner, and just using sheer insane acceleration to win the races.
I know I'm 'not playing it properly', but that's how I am with all games - just take the path of least resistance.

Anyhow, I'm out. Not interested in splitting hairs between two frikken awesome racing games. Loving playing GT5. Just like I loved playing Forza3.


I didn't know this thread was back, my brother told me he was going to play PGR4 tommorow because you guys kept bringing it up and it reminded him of how great it was. Too bad I already finished PGR4 so there's little reason for me to go back to the game :(

Ah well, I'll continue with Forza 3 after I've finished a bunch of new platform games.


CozMick said:
What the fuck!

That picture is from GT5: Prologue.

The circles on the map are arrows in GT5.

Hmmmmm someone certainly got served, but then again you;ve never played GT5 so how would you know?

:lol :lol :lol :lol

Bit slow aren't we? The fact that the only way you can tell the difference between GT5 and Prologue is by looking at circles and arrows speaks volumes.

Served indeed.

Dabanton said:
I've got to say going back to the beginning of this thread is a real hoot so many assumptions and so many bullshots pushed by certain users as 'in game'. :lol

Who can forget?

jett said:
This thread is getting boring, let's end this shit already.

/thread :lol


Shogun PaiN said:
Bit slow aren't we? The fact that the only way you can tell the difference between GT5 and Prologue is by looking at circles and arrows speaks volumes.

Served indeed.

But for someone that is wearing Xbox goggles I thought that would be the simpler explanation. :lol


Shogun PaiN said:
Bit slow aren't we? The fact that the only way you can tell the difference between GT5 and Prologue is by looking at circles and arrows speaks volumes.

Served indeed.

So what's your purpose in this thread? You don't like the genre. You haven't played GT5.

Is your only goal to act like a prick?


Junior Butler
Shogun PaiN said:
Bit slow aren't we? The fact that the only way you can tell the difference between GT5 and Prologue is by looking at circles and arrows speaks volumes.

Served indeed.

Prologue already won the graphics debate, so your time here is wasted.

Sad fucks.



I might as well bitch about it here, as I've already done so in the Official Thread:

It's really disappointing the Top Gear Test Track only allows for rolling starts. As a fan of the show, this seems like a huge oversight. Racing on the track from a standstill, like they do on the show, was something I was looking forward to in a major way.


Shurs said:
So what's your purpose in this thread? You don't like the genre. You haven't played GT5.

Is your only goal to act like a prick?

The purpose of the majority of people in this thread is to act like pricks. Forza 3 got the living shit trolled out of it during the first half of this thread so avoid getting emotional and throwing about petty insults when the same happens to GT5.


Shogun PaiN said:
The purpose of the majority of people in this thread is to act like pricks. Forza 3 got the living shit trolled out of it during the first half of this thread so avoid getting emotional and throwing about petty insults when the same happens to GT5.

So what, your Forza's White Knight?! LOL:lol
Keep fighting the good fight, although I'm sure there's better causes out there then Turn 10.
LCfiner said:
they’re low res if you focus on them and have a big enough screen (or sit close enough to a medium sized one) to notice.

I like the rain effects but I’ve seen spots where the illusion disappears due to the low res effects on the windshield. some people may find it fugly.

I have a 50" Sony Bravia LCD and sit maybe 5 metres away. As I said before, I have zero reason to lie about... I have no investment in either PD or T10, and I purchased both games full price and will play the shit out of both by the time the next instalments come round. When I use a Mustang on High Speed Ring in wet weather - the rain effect on the windshield is amateur bullshit that I would not expect out of some of the worst developers. It's not game ruining, but it's certainly jarring enough to make me use something other than cockpit view.

The Ferrari rain/cockpit view video that keeps getting posted looks amazing. But I have yet to experience that in the game, so maybe it's the car/track combination, or the big 1080p display... but something is making the rain effect look like PS1 shit.


RSTEIN said:


Game Rankings
Forza 3: 92%
GT5: 88%

Meta Critic
Forza 3: 92%
GT5: 86%

Head-to-Head Comparisons

NowGamer: Forza 3

4Players: Forza 3

Jalopnik: Forza 3

Technical Analysis

Physics[No analysis performed yet]

Please point to any more that you find.



Shogun PaiN said:
The purpose of the majority of people in this thread is to act like pricks. Forza 3 got the living shit trolled out of it during the first half of this thread so avoid getting emotional and throwing about petty insults when the same happens to GT5.

what's with the woe is me attitude, if it wasnt for forza's pr strategy being to act as arrogant as possible people here wouldn't have been nearly so intent on shitting on the game


Fixed1979 said:
So what, your Forza's White Knight?! LOL:lol
Keep fighting the good fight, although I'm sure there's better causes out there then Turn 10.

Forza doesn't need a White Knight. According the the critics and the head to heads so far it's the better game.

X26 said:
what's with the woe is me attitude, if it wasnt for forza's pr strategy being to act as arrogant as possible people here wouldn't have been nearly so intent on shitting on the game

That's a fair point.


Shogun PaiN said:
The purpose of the majority of people in this thread is to act like pricks. Forza 3 got the living shit trolled out of it during the first half of this thread so avoid getting emotional and throwing about petty insults when the same happens to GT5.

I'm sorry if you took that as an insult.


All jokes and arguments aside, Turn 10 is doing something right that Polyphony Digital did wrong. They build Forza 3 in about 2 years while it took PD ages to get GT5 out. Some of you might consider GT5 superior but I wonder how the Sony suits feel about all this. Especially if Forza 4 is just as great as 3 and rolls out next year.


Fixed1979 said:
So what, your Forza's White Knight?! LOL:lol
Keep fighting the good fight, although I'm sure there's better causes out there then Turn 10.
T10 delivered a more consistent in quality game across the board Dorothy in one third the time.

Of course they are worthy, reviews speak for themselves

Oh, oh! wait! reviews are no longer relevant because GT 5 is underachieving! Anything detrimental to the cause is no longer relevant. Just like damage was before it actually got implemented :lol

All jokes and arguments aside, Turn 10 is doing something right that Polyphony Digital did wrong. They build Forza 3 in about 2 years while it took PD ages to get GT5 out. Some of you might consider GT5 superior but I wonder how the Sony suits feel about all this. Especially if Forza 4 is just as great as 3 and rolls out next year.

If FM 4 is as much as a leap as it went from 1, 2 and 3 we'll be in for a treat.


Shogun PaiN said:
Bit slow aren't we? The fact that the only way you can tell the difference between GT5 and Prologue is by looking at circles and arrows speaks volumes.

/thread :lol

:lol Look at the number of cars on screen. The first couple of dozen pages of this thread are hilarious to be honest, lulz all around.


Shurs said:
I might as well bitch about it here, as I've already done so in the Official Thread:

It's really disappointing the Top Gear Test Track only allows for rolling starts. As a fan of the show, this seems like a huge oversight. Racing on the track from a standstill, like they do on the show, was something I was looking forward to in a major way.
Agreed, I was also annoyed at that when I went for a Time Trial today. It forces you to start on Bacarach if I remember correctly.

Keeping it relevant, now that Forza has a relationship with Top Gear too we may get a correct version of the Test Track in Forza 4, that should satisfy you.


[Nintex] said:
All jokes and arguments aside, Turn 10 is doing something right that Polyphony Digital did wrong. They build Forza 3 in about 2 years while it took PD ages to get GT5 out. Some of you might consider GT5 superior but I wonder how the Sony suits feel about all this. Especially if Forza 4 is just as great as 3 and rolls out next year.

Sales will make up for the costs associated with a long dev cycle, but I can't imagine sony giving PD nearly as much free reign as they did this time around. GT6 in 2 years would be my guess.


[Nintex] said:
All jokes and arguments aside, Turn 10 is doing something right that Polyphony Digital did wrong. They build Forza 3 in about 2 years while it took PD ages to get GT5 out. Some of you might consider GT5 superior but I wonder how the Sony suits feel about all this. Especially if Forza 4 is just as great as 3 and rolls out next year.

I doubt the Sony suits care. I mean of course they would like a full GT game every two years but GT5:p outsold Forza 3 and GT5 will probably outsell all three Forza games combined.


X26 said:
Sales will make up for the costs associated with a long dev cycle, but I can't imagine sony giving PD nearly as much free reign as they did this time around. GT6 in 2 years would be my guess.

Well according to Yamauchi GT6 wont take anywhere near as long as "GT5 represents a whole new operating system," he noted, while "GT6 is just new apps that run on the GT5 system."
People who don't like GT5 are just bad people.

Seriously though, the game has it's flaws for sure, but I haven't had this much fun with a racing game in years.



DidntKnowJack said:
People who don't like GT5 are just bad people.

Seriously though, the game has it's flaws for sure, but I haven't had this much fun with a racing game in years.


Exactly, Go rent a copy of GT5, jump online with 15 other gaffers, set up a <350bhp race on the Nurburgring and then get back to me.

You ain't never seen or played anything like it.


DidntKnowJack said:
People who don't like GT5 are just bad people.

Seriously though, the game has it's flaws for sure, but I haven't had this much fun with a racing game in years.


Doesn't own a 360.

Salacious Crumb

Junior Member
CozMick said:
Exactly, Go rent a copy of GT5, jump online with 15 other gaffers, set up a <350bhp race on the Nurburgring and then get back to me.

You ain't never seen or played anything like it.

It's an extra special experience when you beat those 15 other people to the finish line :p
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