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Forza 3 vs Gran Turismo 5 Comparison Thread of John, Chapter 11, Verse 35


PD didn't start implementing damage modelling till a year and a bit ago. I think they underestimated the ease of implementation


Junior Member
GT5: The Dislikes

100 years in the making
800 'standard' aka PS1 graphics vehicles
100000 Nissan Skylines
Terrible weather effects
Lacklustre audio effects
Lacklustre online gaming
Lacklustre vehicle upgrades
No changing of wheels on 'standard' aka PS1 graphics cars
'please move away from the sub par standard vehicles' photo mode
Screen tearing and framerate drops
Dodgy shadows and various glitches
Cockpit for only a limited number of cars aka 'premiums'
Lacklustre track detail and graphics
Hair pulling license tests
Frustrating menus and navigation
Atrociuos loading times and installs
Dull damage model
RPG elements reached at certain levels
Frustrating,mind numbing 'B sepc' mode
Mindless A.I
Bumper car physics
Invisible walls
Ear busting tyre screech
2D trees and cardboard cutout spectators
Limited 'course maker'
Inconsistent graphics
1990's rally and snow physics
Terrible community interaction

GT5: The Likes

200 out of more than 1000 'premium' aka georgeously detailed GT6 vehicles
Breathtaking photomode for 'premium' aka GT6 vehicles
Excellent driving model/ physics
Passion and history of cars
Varied motorsport disciplines
'Demo' mode for vehicles
Beautiful time of day transition
Excellent steering wheel support
Realistic lighting engine

Forza 3: The Dislikes

Dodgy lighting engine
Upgraded width of wheels not visually portrayed
Muffler/exhaust upgrades not visually portrayed nor is the sound
Weak backfire effects
Initially,bad steering wheel support
No real car passion and history related segments
Drag racing mode pretty weak
No weather and time of day transition

Forza 3: The Likes

Great physics engine
Excellent vehicle models
Excellent sound engine
Unmatched customization(Livery editor, body mods, wheels)
Unmatched upgrades and tuning abilities
Simple,easy to use menu and navigation system
Accessibility for inexperienced users,while still catering for the 'hardcore'
Beautiful locations and track detail
Tyre deformation
Excellent data tools
Great,consistent graphics and framerate
Acceptable visual damage model plus great mechaincal damage
Cockpit in all cars
No standard vs premiums to worry about
Auction house
Good A.I
Excellent community support and interaction

I'm sure there's more I've missed but that's the jist of it.

So there you have it.
Bish can now lock this thread. Thanks to everyone who contributed.
See you next time when FM4 releases.


Fëanor said:
I don't know how realistic the damage is in Shift (probably not very realistic:lol ), but I was messing around with the damage and being a dick to the AI lol. It was amusing.

TAKE IT Forza and Gran Turismo!


Damn son look at that .png engine!, shit is awful.
the biggest problem with the damage model, judging by the screenshots, is that a lot of artifacts occur, there's a lot of clipping, and a lot of pull on textures. I really see it as a band-aid solution to actually modeling damage.

It looks great for minor damage, and I'd love to see it implemented to deal with dents, but it's no replacement for other methods.

AZ Greg

schennmu said:
Also AZ Greg, limit your trolling to Vega. From what I've seen you do that so much better :D

I main Vega! :)

Kinda honored you decided to take a peek at my post history. I'm guessing by the Vega comment that you weren't able to find the more "juicy" gotcha post you were probably looking for? ;)

Also, not sure which of my posts made you feel it was necessary to take a look. The only thing even close to a "troll" was the friendly jab I took at Insertia after he had already went over the edge. Everything else that I've posted in this thread is either: 1.) An undeniable disappointing fact (Framerate inconsistencies, tearing, pick your poison car count (Standard vs. Premium and everything that goes with that), visually inconsistent tracks, etc... Or: 2.) Calling out hypocrisy. From the fans who suddenly don't seem to care about a locked 60FPS (When last generation it was argued as the one thing a sim racer must have, despite what the engine is pushing) to the developers who weren't afraid to drop lines like the previously mentioned "Won't do damage until they can do it right (perfect?)" statement. Only to then release a game full of inconsistencies and imperfections in areas you wouldn't expect from a company that says things like that.


After about 3 hours of Forza...I'm going to compare it with GT5:p (haven't played GT5).


GT5:p takes a much more realistic approach here. The lighting system is far better than Forza's, which paints the scene in almost a 'cartoony, over-saturated way'. FM3 looks more like an arcade racer because of it. It still looks great, but GT5:p strives for a more realistic work, and it pulls it off.

The car models in FM3 are really good. I have looked at a LOT of them and haven't noticed any quality differences. I've heard that some FM2 cars made it in and they don't look as good, but because the difference isn't as big as GT4 and GT5, it's not noticeable (unless I haven't seen an FM2 car yet...). I think with a proper lighting engine, which I read they are putting into FM4, it will looks pretty close to GT5 (and Prologue).

The tracks all look good, but they suffer from the same problem, being very colorful. It's not a bad thing and it makes every track have a unique look. GT5:p takes a more realistic approach, it looks great, but it's also very blah. It looks like less of a game, which is what they were going for.

GT5:p and FM3 both appear to be locked at 60fps. But I guess GT5 isn't, so FM3 wins that.

Anyway, both are great looking games...I think GT is the better looking game though. The lighting engine does wonders for the overall look.


I'm not a fan of GT gameplay. I never liked that you can't turn at 50mph, you just go skidding into a wall. I heard that GT5 remedied it some, and apparently plays wonderfully. Well, Prologue wasn't there yet, so it felt pretty archaic. The AI in Prologue is pretty terrible as well, as your opponents are stuck on a pre-determined path.

One thing I couldn't stand in Prologue, and this was done on purpose to keep less cars on screen at once, is when the race starts, all of the racers take about 30 seconds to create groups, chunks where they will all be for the entire race. You have to go through each chunk and then finally, if you're fast enough, make it to the front. You'd think, that if the front group could go so fast to create that little gap between them, they'd be able to continue going that speed. For a game that stresses realism, it's following some Super Mario Kart type shit.

FM3 feels a lot better to me. Now, I'm not driving either game with a wheel, but I feel more in control of my car. I think a part of that as well is the triggers being used rather than the X/[] or Right Stick. It just feels a lot more natural. I definitely feel the difference in the cars, too, which, other than the speed difference, I couldn't much tell in Prologue.

FM3 suffers from only having 8-car races. Prologue did 8-16, and the races feel a lot more epic in Prologue. But since I was having less fun and the races were more of a chore, I'll take FM3. At least the cars stay relatively close to one another, it actually feels like a race.


Both games are very slick and have their own style. FM3 has a white washed, very slick UI that allows you to jump around quickly without hassle. Prologue has a very 'rich' feel to it, it feels like it's a luxury game. The BMW to the FM3's Accura, if you will. The jazzy music creates a very nice atmosphere. However, once you want to do simple things like change your car, or do anything other than race, things bog down and it becomes very annoying. The slow fades to black with each selection doesn't help.

While the presentation APPEARS nicer in Prologue, FM3's is a lot nicer to use.


I'm going to skip this one for now, I have had ear issues lately so I've been playing with the volume down. From what I can tell though, Prologue does sound like a vacuum cleaner and FM3 has a much throatier, engine sound.


Prologue, while only a demo of sorts, sports a really nice package. It feels like a car fans dream. Forza feels more like a game. I'm not a car buff in any sense, so I've enjoyed FM3 so far more than I did Prologue. They're different games for sure, and I know that GT5 has a ton of content that FM3 can only dream to match...but right now, until I get GT5, I've enjoyed FM3 more.


I have Forza 2. At the same time, the only GT game I've had is the very first one. While I find Forza 2 fun, it doesn't click with me like GT did. I wonder if that's because of nostalgia?

When I played GT, I loved buying a used car (GTO twinturbo 92!), then sticking with that car by upgrading it all the time. I could play most races with it. In Forza 2, Most races seem to require me to change cars. That should be a good thing. But somehow, it doesn't give me the feeling of being a hardworking driver, with limited funds, trying to work his way to the top.

Also, while both games have a lot of upgrading optiojns, my nostalgia makes me feel that GT was a bit more "rpg-ish" than Forza 2 is. It has been so many years since GT1, so I can't really elaborate more.

Also, the driving itself was the least exciting part of GT, and I find that to be true in Forza 2 too, What is different in terms of player progression in Forza 3 and GT5?


If we put GT5 aside for a minute, for the real racing/driving enthusiasts, which do you prefer out of Forza 2 and Forza 3?

I mentioned this a while back, but even from early on I always preferred F2's driving physics to F3's, which imo seem more arcadey. In F3, cars with TCS off that should be harder to keep traction and grip with feel like they're glued to the road to the point where the chore is not keeping them tamed, but trying to skid them off the track. Again, even with all assists off. Things only start getting messy with the super cars and beyond, which is silly, because it's pretty easy to lose control in something even a lot slower with TCS off.

F3 honestly feels like it has some sort of perma auto skid assist on or something. You don't really lose it until the much more powerful cars, and that really put me off. For a racing 'sim' it's really not very life like. Baffles me how the physics regressed. I guess they wanted to go for a more mainstream commercial arcade like approach with F3 whereas F2 was probably a little bit more punishing and realistic.

all this bickering over the quality of GT5's damage system brings to mind the saying "the more you aim for perfection, the further away you are from it"

i think PD should have just left damage out and implemented a crash/penalty physics system thats second to none...so when you nudge into a car @ 100mph both cars will realistically spin out of control ala PIT manuver....or you drive bumper car and you will get penalized for it

instead we now have intense scrutiny over every little detail about how out of place or unrealistic looking all that GT5 damage is
AZ Greg said:
I main Vega! :)

Kinda honored you decided to take a peek at my post history. I'm guessing by the Vega comment that you weren't able to find the more "juicy" gotcha post you were probably looking for? ;)

Also, not sure which of my posts made you feel it was necessary to take a look. The only thing even close to a "troll" was the friendly jab I took at Insertia after he had already went over the edge. Everything else that I've posted in this thread is either: 1.) An undeniable disappointing fact (Framerate inconsistencies, tearing, pick your poison car count (Standard vs. Premium and everything that goes with that), visually inconsistent tracks, etc... Or: 2.) Calling out hypocrisy. From the fans who suddenly don't seem to care about a locked 60FPS (When last generation it was argued as the one thing a sim racer must have, despite what the engine is pushing) to the developers who weren't afraid to drop lines like the previously mentioned "Won't do damage until they can do it right (perfect?)" statement. Only to then release a game full of inconsistencies and imperfections in areas you wouldn't expect from a company that says things like that.

You're best Vega on GAF, so of course I know you and the hate/fear people have for it :D I did not have to look at your post history for that, I'm no stranger to SSFIV OT. Your posts here seemed a bit trollish and it does not sound like you actually own the game. I don't really care though, do what you do best and give GT5 a fair chance if you ever get the chance, it's amazing.


schennmu said:
Your posts here seemed a bit trollish
That's the whole point of this thread if you followed the events that led to its creation.

The fact that someone actually managed to get banned despite the allowance is still amazing.


XiaNaphryz said:
That's the whole point of this thread if you followed the events that led to its creation.

The fact that someone actually managed to get banned despite the allowance is still amazing.
Having a meltdown eliminates any sort of ban immunity.

AZ Greg

schennmu said:
You're best Vega on GAF, so of course I know you and the hate/fear people have for it :D I did not have to look at your post history for that, I'm no stranger to SSFIV OT. Your posts here seemed a bit trollish and it does not sound like you actually own the game. I don't really care though, do what you do best and give GT5 a fair chance if you ever get the chance, it's amazing.

Haha, after I submitted my post I figured you might just be familiar with/lurk the SSF4 OT. Especially since I had forgot about the removal of the old way to look at someone's post history.

Anyway, you're right, I haven't played it. Haven't claimed to. Which is why my posts have been about the indisputable graphical inconsistencies and not anything gameplay related (Physics, a.i., etc...) UI related, single-player related, online related, etc...

To be honest, when the photo mode pictures started popping up last week, I was hyped and ready to re-buy a PS3 and pick up GT5. We actually have a GAF SSF4 IRC channel for 360/PS3 that is primarily used now just to chat and set up matches (#gafranbats on GlobalGamers) and I was flooding the channel with the pictures and fending off the one PC "Master Race" SSF4 player we have in there! :lol But I was disappointed once more details started to come out. I actually sold my PS3 around the time the original demo for Prologue came out. Was looking forward to that after putting in a lot of time with GT:HD, but the framerate dips and tearing, especially, were disappointing. I thought for sure that stuff would be cleaned up by the time GT5 got released, especially since a ton of people in the hype threads were seemingly willing to bet money on the proper GT entry taking care of that stuff, but sadly it wasn't. Maybe I'm a graphics whore, and I'm sure I'm missing out on some solid gameplay, but those things are deal breakers for me, especially considering the pedigree of the developers/series. Like I said in some of my earlier posts, with the good sales of Prologue, and the undoubtedly good sales to come for GT5, let's hope it doesn't send a bad signal to PD.
You're wasting a lot of energy discussing visual damage when what really matters is mechanical damage and how it affects handling.

Anyway, I believe procedural deformation and location-based damage as seen in GT5 is definitely the wave of the future. However, it often produces really wonky results, with materials not reacting the way they should; you often end up with an amorphous polygon soup instead of crumpled metal and realistically damaged glass and plastic.

So until we have hardware capable of semi-realistic simulation of physics of materials, I'd say it's preferable to stick with predetermined deformations. That said, it's not like there's no room for improvement in Forza's implementation.


enzo_gt said:
:lol U mad bro? I think u mad. :lol What fucking argument are you talking about? I want to see damage and dislodging because I had a feeling I've seen it somewhere and:

I'm not mad. Just disappointed.
saladine1 said:
GT5: The Dislikes

100 years in the making
800 'standard' aka PS1 graphics vehicles
100000 Nissan Skylines criticizing standards in general here, when it comes to premium cars it's not so bad.
Terrible weather effects
Lacklustre audio effects
Lacklustre online gaming
Lacklustre vehicle upgrades
No changing of wheels on 'standard' aka PS1 graphics cars
'please move away from the sub par standard vehicles' photo mode
Screen tearing and framerate drops
Dodgy shadows and various glitches
Cockpit for only a limited number of cars aka 'premiums'
Lacklustre track detail and graphics
Hair pulling license tests easy to pass, difficult to get gold. A good thing.
Frustrating menus and navigation
Atrociuos loading times and installs
Dull damage model
RPG elements reached at certain levels
Frustrating,mind numbing 'B sepc' mode
Mindless A.I
Bumper car physics
Invisible walls
Ear busting tyre screech I think it's really good. Much more subdued than before
2D trees and cardboard cutout spectators
Limited 'course maker'
Inconsistent graphics
1990's rally and snow physics
Terrible community interaction

I mainly agree.

To add to the bad, I think lower level bonus standard cars makes the game feel dated. I don't want to race and get crappy cars I already had in GT2.


DuckRacer said:
MS really needs to create a 900º wheel for 360 or at least find some way to bypass the hardware issues blocking DFP/G25/etc use.

Fanatec Turbo S is a high-end 900 degrees wheel compatible with PC/PS3/XBOX360 but is not available anymore.

But there is a new high-end wheel coming from Fanatec very soon that is compatible with



THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
nib95 said:
If we put GT5 aside for a minute, for the real racing/driving enthusiasts, which do you prefer out of Forza 2 and Forza 3?

I mentioned this a while back, but even from early on I always preferred F2's driving physics to F3's, which imo seem more arcadey. In F3, cars with TCS off that should be harder to keep traction and grip with feel like they're glued to the road to the point where the chore is not keeping them tamed, but trying to skid them off the track. Again, even with all assists off. Things only start getting messy with the super cars and beyond, which is silly, because it's pretty easy to lose control in something even a lot slower with TCS off.

F3 honestly feels like it has some sort of perma auto skid assist on or something. You don't really lose it until the much more powerful cars, and that really put me off. For a racing 'sim' it's really not very life like. Baffles me how the physics regressed. I guess they wanted to go for a more mainstream commercial arcade like approach with F3 whereas F2 was probably a little bit more punishing and realistic.

I must be really terrible, because I'm always losing control of cars. :lol


nib95 said:
If we put GT5 aside for a minute, for the real racing/driving enthusiasts, which do you prefer out of Forza 2 and Forza 3?

I mentioned this a while back, but even from early on I always preferred F2's driving physics to F3's, which imo seem more arcadey. In F3, cars with TCS off that should be harder to keep traction and grip with feel like they're glued to the road to the point where the chore is not keeping them tamed, but trying to skid them off the track. Again, even with all assists off. Things only start getting messy with the super cars and beyond, which is silly, because it's pretty easy to lose control in something even a lot slower with TCS off.

F3 honestly feels like it has some sort of perma auto skid assist on or something. You don't really lose it until the much more powerful cars, and that really put me off. For a racing 'sim' it's really not very life like. Baffles me how the physics regressed. I guess they wanted to go for a more mainstream commercial arcade like approach with F3 whereas F2 was probably a little bit more punishing and realistic.


Are you using a wheel or controller ?
There are hidden assists when using a controller.

The physics are more realistic in Forza 3 than Forza 2 according to reviews by sim sites like Insidesimracing.


erahk64 said:
Fanatec Turbo S is a high-end 900 degrees wheel compatible with XBOX360 but is not available anymore.

But there is a new high-end wheel coming from Fanatec very soon that is compatible with

Stupid question perhaps, but how do we know for sure it's compatible with both consoles and PC?

I really hope it's true, because I probably wouldn't spend 200 bucks or more on a 360-only wheel.

lord pie

pmj said:
Stupid question perhaps, but how do we know for sure it's compatible with both consoles and PC?

I really hope it's true, because I probably wouldn't spend 200 bucks or more on a 360-only wheel.

It'll be because of:

Hint 5: It will have illuminated buttons and that means...

The buttons on the current fanatec turbo-S wheel (which is awesome btw :D ) are backlit - when running on the 360 they light up the 360 icons (ABXY etc), when on the PS3 they light up PS3 icons.


pmj said:
Stupid question perhaps, but how do we know for sure it's compatible with both consoles and PC?

I really hope it's true, because I probably wouldn't spend 200 bucks or more on a 360-only wheel.

Their previous top of the line wheel Turbo S was PC/PS3/XBOX360 compatible, so it's
a high probability that this new top of the line wheel will also work on PC/PS3.


Junior Member
kazuma_pt said:
how does that work? greenwalt is the king but peasant kaz gets all the money?
The king is mighty generous. He takes care of his subjects.

With regards to the new Fanatec wheel, I hope it is for all systems because i'm sick of swapping wheels around for each game.

In all seriousness though, I'm loving that we have a whole heap of racing games to play.

I mean: FM3,GT5,F1 2010,NFS Shift/HP,PGR4,GTR2,Rfactor,LFS,GRID,Dirt 2.

Fucking overload and i'm loving it!!


kazuma_pt said:
how does that work? greenwalt is the king but peasant kaz gets all the money?
Shame how that works sometimes. Better product doesn't automatically guarantee better sales figures.


kazuma_pt said:
how does that work? greenwalt is the king but peasant kaz gets all the money?


And we're done with that gif.

saladine1 said:
The king is mighty generous. He takes care of his subjects.


Pepto said:
Shame how that works sometimes. Better product doesn't automatically guarantee better sales figures.


Some aim for the moon. Others aim for the stars.


Gran Turismo 5 :

16 cars on track at once.
Night racing
day/night cycle
Kart Racing
World Rally Championship
8mp Photo mode
16 player Multiplayer online
1000+ cars
Course Creator
Spectator mode
Working headlights, windscreen wipers
Updates for "months and years to come"
B-Spec RPG element
Stereoscopic 3D

Forza Motorsport 3 :

8 players on track at once.
Livery editor
Auction house
400+ cars
Drag racing

Spin it anyway you want, with texture zooming or pixel counting, GT5 is in a league of it's own.

Everything else is just an opinion!
ok seriously, forza will never be what gran turismo is/was to the driving gaming genre.
the amount of stuff they've put in gt5 really shows kaz's ambition for the franchise. he'll never put rewind on the game (seriously, driving sim with rewind?) but he'll probably bend on the livery thing (which i don't even care). To even include top gear challenges, the test track and the stig really shows they know what the automobile fan wants.
and gran turismo is, imo, gonna turn into an ode to the engine. they've already added karts, motorbikes are next. they really aim for something else, and that's why they'll always be one step ahead.


Junior Member
kazuma_pt said:
ok seriously, forza will never be what gran turismo is/was to the driving gaming genre.
the amount of stuff they've put in gt5 really shows kaz's ambition for the franchise. he'll never put rewind on the game (seriously, driving sim with rewind?) but he'll probably bend on the livery thing (which i don't even care). To even include top gear challenges, the test track and the stig really shows they know what the automobile fan wants.
and gran turismo is, imo, gonna turn into an ode to the engine. they've already added karts, motorbikes are next. they really aim for something else, and that's why they'll always be one step ahead.
Forza 4 will blow your mind then.
CozMick said:
Gran Turismo 5 :

16 cars on track at once.
Night racing
day/night cycle
Kart Racing
World Rally Championship
8mp Photo mode
16 player Multiplayer online
1000+ cars-Will only use 200 cause I only play in cockpit or hood cam(GT5 has no hood cam)
Course Creator
Licenses-Not a bragging point
Spectator mode
Working headlights, windscreen wipers-Redundant point of dynamic weather and night racing,
Updates for "months and years to come"- Turn 10 had a very solid DLC release schedule for its first year out.
B-Spec RPG element
Stereoscopic 3D

Forza Motorsport 3 :

8 players on track at once.
Livery editor
Auction house
400+ cars-All have cockpit view
Drag racing
Store Front
DLC Cars and Tracks
Video Exporting
More Extensive Body Kits
Upgradeable Brakes
Damage from day 1
AI that doesn't stay on predetermined path
No screen tearing

Spin it anyway you want, with texture zooming or pixel counting, GT5 is in a league of it's own.

Everything else is just an opinion!

Fixed :D


kazuma_pt said:
ok seriously, forza will never be what gran turismo is/was to the driving gaming genre.
the amount of stuff they've put in gt5 really shows kaz's ambition for the franchise. he'll never put rewind on the game (seriously, driving sim with rewind?) but he'll probably bend on the livery thing (which i don't even care). To even include top gear challenges, the test track and the stig really shows they know what the automobile fan wants.
and gran turismo is, imo, gonna turn into an ode to the engine. they've already added karts, motorbikes are next. they really aim for something else, and that's why they'll always be one step ahead.

You see guys? The PSP/GT 4 cars and shitty looking stages is just part of Kaz's ambition.


CozMick said:
Gran Turismo 5 :

16 cars on track at once.
Night racing
day/night cycle
Kart Racing
World Rally Championship
8mp Photo mode
16 player Multiplayer online
1000+ cars
Course Creator
Spectator mode
Working headlights, windscreen wipers
Updates for "months and years to come"
B-Spec RPG element
Stereoscopic 3D

Forza Motorsport 3 :

8 players on track at once.
Livery editor
Auction house
400+ cars
Drag racing
Stable 60 FPS
No Screentearing

Spin it anyway you want, with texture zooming or pixel counting, GT5 is in a league of it's own.

Everything else is just an opinion!

I'd also say that Forza 3 has the "Updates for months and years to come" part covered with all the dlc, but I assume you have a reason behind only having it at the GT5 list.


oatmeal said:
After about 3 hours of Forza...I'm going to compare it with GT5:p (haven't played GT5).

They're different games for sure, and I know that GT5 has a ton of content that FM3 can only dream to match...but right now, until I get GT5, I've enjoyed FM3 more.

saladine1 said:
Forza 4 will blow your mind then.

i'm sure it will, when it will have nothing that gt5 introduced.

rvy said:

You see guys? The PSP/GT 4 cars and shitty looking stages is just part of Kaz's ambition.

if you didn't understand what i meant, we're all doomed. gt5 has a problem of consistency with a massive difference between standard/premium cars/tracks. the premium modelling of gt5 however is way superior to forza 3.


Metalmurphy said:
How do you expect fluent if you map it to the d-pad? Map it to the analogue and you'll have full control.

still isn't fluent with the analogue stick ... well it is in cockpit view but not for the 3rd person camera, so much to that


Forza 3 also has an extensive list of multiplayer rules that you can mess with to create games with alternative scoring or teams like cat and mouse or tag.

You also earn cash and level up in multiplayer in Forza 3.

And Forza has a hood cam. :D
CozMick said:
Yeah, no steering wheels are the future mang!

:lol :lol :lol

Thats a feature I thought you would know what a feature is after you wrote out your carefully cherry picked feature list on Why GT5 is godly and Forza3 is a mere mortal.
kazuma_pt said:
ok seriously, forza will never be what gran turismo is/was to the driving gaming genre.

Yes, and that's a good thing. Not because I think Forza is better or worse (out of all modern racing sims, I've only played GT4), but because they seem to be evolving in different directions. And that's fantastic because both directions seem very worthy.

But please don't try to peddle that "Kaz is a god" nonsense, you definitely have no right to anymore. One thing that I have always found absurd was GT fanatics claiming how GT and PD are in a wholly different league compared to all other racing developers and franchises. How Kaz would never release a game until it was polished to sheer perfection. How Forza is only good for passing time between GT releases.

From everything I've seen and read about it, I'd say GT5 is a great game - flawed, but great - and I'm very glad that it turned out that way. Fans of both franchises will benefit from it, either directly or indirectly. But for the sake of sensible discussion, I'm also glad that from now on whenever a deluded fanboy tries to sell me some ridiculous nonsense about PD being so far ahead of everyone else, I'll be able to laugh in their face even more heartily than before. And no sane person will be able to judge me for it.
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