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Forza 3 vs Gran Turismo 5 Comparison Thread of John, Chapter 11, Verse 35


thanks for the laugh
SmokyDave said:
This thread is golden. Makes me eager for the Forza 7 / GT6 Showdown. My favourite bit was when we praised the driving model in Forza whilst lamenting the 'dumbing down' of the physics in GT5. I got a good laugh out of that part.
aren't killzone 3 and crysis 2 coming out at around about the same time?

roundabout the same time as red orchestra 2, that is. i.e sent to die on the killing fields of mediocrity.
supermackem said:
Im using the 908 atm tuned up to make it a 998 rateing i think, it is a bit of a bitch to keep hold of coming out of the turn.:lol


-Adding more downforce
Default settings:
what I set mine to:

-decreasing the tire pressure by 1 or 2 psi(30/30 is default iirc but my go to settings are usually F29/R29 or F30/R28)


supermackem said:
What R1 car did you use in the home stretch on forza, its pretty damn tough as shit the last year in the season mode. FUCK YOU R1.:D
If I remember rightly, I used the Porsche 911 GT1 with a 4WD swap, careful tuning and plenty upgrades. It handled like it was on rails. I adore that car and it's the first one I jump into when I fire up F3.

ghst said:
aren't killzone 3 and crysis 2 coming out at around about the same time?

roundabout the same time as red orchestra 2, that is. i.e sent to die on the killing fields of mediocrity.
I don't know, I'm not really into FPS. If it is, the 'net will be awash with rage.


ExtraKr1spy said:
Go with the R10 or the 908 for the high speed tracks. The Acura for the tracks with lots of turns(It has better mechanical grip than either the 908 or R10 but gets killed by the diesels on straights).

Theres also the Audi R15 if you bought the first DCL but I'm not a big fan of that car. Its fast but a pain to setup right(amazing if you get it right though). If you have a bad setup on it(well not really bad but a setup that you aren't comfortable with) it will feel like you aren't getting the max out of the car or it will be very unstable and unpredictable.

I never was able to dial out the snap oversteer on the R15. I had a bitchin' carbon fiber paint job for it though. :lol


Slayer-33 said:
Assists (internal FM 3 aids and all that noise) maybe if it was completely disabled via patch (don't even know they could do it) it'll be similarly close to GT/real times.

I think FM 1 and or FM 2, I know FM 1 for sure had identical real world lap times. Saw a report a long time ago on it.
FM series always have been far from accurate real world times, aside of the steering aids and control buffers the tires have too much grip. The engine, drive train and traction simulation lacks most of the characteristics that define the personality of certain models such a proper turbo lag, the importance of gear changes at certain revs for best performance or an accurate drivetrain simulation that shows the real differences between a Mitsubishi EVO, an Audi Quattro or a GT-R and not only speed. Also the weight transfer is very weak simulated making the driving, braking, turning and pointing the car an unrealistic easy task.

It's a nice game but the driving model lacks a lot of real world authenticity.
Timedog said:
Now do a comparison of Forza's fastest lap time when it had been out the same amount of time as GT5.
So Forza being out longer allows for a 6 second time difference from real life tracks? Makes perfect sense.


Was I wrong? played the forza demo a whole ago and it wasn't very good

maybe I'm wrong

always had an interest in the series but I tried it and wasnt a fan I should pick up a retail copy instead?


Comics, serious business!
elohel said:
Was I wrong? played the forza demo a whole ago and it wasn't very good

maybe I'm wrong

always had an interest in the series but I tried it and wasnt a fan I should pick up a retail copy instead?

Depends what exactly you didn't like about it. If you played the FM3 demo and you didn't like it graphically well then things aren't going to change. That's one of the best looking tracks in the game.

If you didn't like the handling, sounds, track, tuning, etc. etc. well there are tons of cars, racing series, and options for real gear heads that will keep you busy for hours. Maybe rent it?


Every sim racer has physics bugs, some are worse than others, and they're not an indicator of the quality of said physics.

vanty said:
From what I remember of FM1, Tsukuba certainly wasn't even close to real world lap times. You could go a good 5 seconds faster than the exact same car did on Best MOTORing at the hands of a pro driver who's probably done over 1000 laps of the track over the years. Looking at that picture, FM3 is no different.

But this makes perfect sense for a videogame. If a game's lap times are really close to real world times, the game is too slow. You can go crazy 100% attack mode in a game in ways you wouldn't do at all in real life because there are actual dangers.

No, it doesn't. A 5 second difference on a > 2:00 track is HUGE and can not be made up by having no fear of danger. These are top tier drivers we're talking about , those with world records, if they're not going 100% "attack mode" then they're at 99.8%. I'd be very surprised to see even a 0.5 second difference upon removing any danger.
I don't have any problems with FM3's netcode, 90% of the games I play are lag-free.
All of these videos are dated (november-december 2009), game has been patched several times since then...


mil6es said:
nobody knows for sure, the only info is that back in Jan it was 2mill We dont know if it included or excluded bundles

i'm going with excluded bundles
Well the word from Turn 10 was that it didn't include bundles...


saladine1 said:
Has anyone non biased...(hard I know) on Gaf actually made a comaprison test?
I'm not talking about fucking tress, fences and dogs looking better on this or that.
Actual lap times,physics,sounds..etc on more than one type of car and track.

Obviously, the test should require the driver to use the same steering wheel if possible( Fanatec?),same view, no aids, same tyres,no upgrades, a good few hours on both games, good capture card, had something to eat.
Take notes on certain occasions such as how each game's vehicle handles a tight hairpin for example,gear changes and ratios,braking points,oversteer/understeer, off track physics, collisions,sound effects..etc

Anyone up to the task?
I'd assume the ISR guys will do something.
One absolutely huge negative on the Forza 3 side of things right now is that theres no first party steering wheel anymore. Other than the lack of 900 degree steering I think the MS Racing Wheel did it's job really well. It would be an absolute shame if they don't have plans to put out a new one by the time the next Forza game comes around. I love playing Forza with my wheel, and wish I could get my brother a wheel so we could play it online, but now its hard to find and/or prohibitively expensive.

I also think the Driving Force GT is slightly overpriced as well. I mentioned this in another post on GAF, that I think Logitech's gauging with wheel prices and the lack of any widely available/first party racing stands has partially killed the accessible sim racing genre and made it niche. People don't want to play racing games with controllers, but theres no practical/affordable way for them to play it with a wheel either.


Unconfirmed Member
Mistwalker said:
Somewhat related: is there a decent wheel that is compatible with both, or better yet usable with the 360, PS3 and PC? Was set on skipping GT5 but what I really need is a good platform-agnostic racing wheel.

I believe the Fanatec Porsche 911 Turbo S Wheel is the only one.

infinityBCRT said:
One absolutely huge negative on the Forza 3 side of things right now is that theres no first party steering wheel anymore.

Damn, really? The MS wheel was my first wheel. I don't think it was as good as the DFGT, but I liked the options to use it wirelessly and the built in lapstand. Too expensive when it was $150, but not too bad when it went under $100.


Massa said:
Why is it ridiculous to compare two games that are out now? These aren't shooters that people move on after a week, in fact there's a good chance these games won't have sequels until a new generation of hardware comes out. These are basically the only two games of a genre where fans spend hundreds of hours in these games. That fuels a lot of discussion.

A new Forza for 2011 with Kinect support was announced at E3 2010.
It's probably Forza 4 with some Kinect modes (a new high end wheel from Fanatec that supports XBOX360/PS3 and probably PC is coming very soon and that could be another indication that it's Forza 4).
Forza 4 will be revealed a few months before release at E3 if it's done the same way as for Forza 3.
noire said:
I believe the Fanatec Porsche 911 Turbo S Wheel is the only one.
They stopped making that wheel. They are about to announce a new one in a few days, but no idea whether or not that will also support PS3. And its not really affordable =/. This brings up another gripe of mine-- why the hell doesn't Xbox support Logitech wheels? Is it that Sony has locked up an exclusive deal with Logitech? Or has MS blocked Logitech?


Unconfirmed Member
infinityBCRT said:
They stopped making that wheel. They are about to announce a new one in a few days, but no idea whether or not that will also support PS3. And its not really affordable =/. This brings up another gripe of mine-- why the hell doesn't Xbox support Logitech wheels? Is it that Sony has locked up an exclusive deal with Logitech? Or has MS blocked Logitech?

Might be that Logitech doesn't want to pay the licensing/certification costs.


infinityBCRT said:
They stopped making that wheel. They are about to announce a new one in a few days, but no idea whether or not that will also support PS3. And its not really affordable =/.
It will very likely support PS3. As for affordable, keep in mind the Fanatec wheels are usually at the higher end of wheels. So if you were going to buy a G27, the price is actually pretty comparable.


infinityBCRT said:
They stopped making that wheel. They are about to announce a new one in a few days, but no idea whether or not that will also support PS3. And its not really affordable =/. This brings up another gripe of mine-- why the hell doesn't Xbox support Logitech wheels? Is it that Sony has locked up an exclusive deal with Logitech? Or has MS blocked Logitech?

and omg look at this shit...


holy fucking shit.

can someone buy this for me? :lol


Mistwalker said:
Somewhat related: is there a decent wheel that is compatible with both, or better yet usable with the 360, PS3 and PC? Was set on skipping GT5 but what I really need is a good platform-agnostic racing wheel.


Fanatec's previous XBOX360 wheel was PC/PS3 compatible so this one will probably also
work on all 3 platforms.


Insidesimracing said that the wheel is compatible with PS3.


noire said:
Might be that Logitech doesn't want to pay the licensing/certification costs.
That's my guess as well. Which is a bit silly, any added costs would easily be offset by the increased sales they'd be getting.
I just want to know one thing.

Why would people want to play a driving game without a wheel or a controller? I'm talking about Kinect support, why would anyone want to do this?

Obviously it isn't realistic so why?


ssolitare said:
I just want to know one thing.

Why would people want to play a driving game without a wheel or a controller? I'm talking about Kinect support, why would anyone want to do this?

Obviously it isn't realistic so why?

Because it's an exclusive.


Neo Member
I finally got to sit down and try out my copy of GT5 with my Fanatec PWTS yesterday. Here are my impressions.

Before we start, however, please understand that I really did want GT5 to be better than FM3. Just as I want FM4 to be better than GT5. I own both consoles and don't have any special affinity for either of them. Unlike, I'd guess, some of the holy crusaders in this thread. And with that, prepare for some GT5 trash-talking!

My first impression was that the presentation was laughably atrocious. From the bizarre opening movie, the Pilotwings-like elevator music (and I'm a jazz lover!), and the cumbersome menus, I began to get worried. Oh, ok, it's time to pick my race outfit. Well, I'd much rather just race, but… okay. Now I have to pick a background color? And a picture? Set my home message? Well, this is irritating. I couldn't help but contrast this to FM3 in which I already would have been guided through the intro with a well-produced voiceover and put into an R8 for a teaser. I felt as if I had gone back in time to 1998.

But I'm a reasonable guy. I realize that the racing is where it all happens, so I'm willing to put up with the clunky presentation. So let's pick a car… don't laugh but the MX5 is one that I know pretty well so let's start there. I had heard that not all cockpits were modeled, but it was a little disappointing to see this realized with my very first ride. I thought that I could overlook this, but I guess I'm just too anal.

I take off in my first race and immediately start noticing some signs of trouble. I don't need to go into the visual problems that people seem so focused on, but needless to say that the game looks great until it doesn't. Then it gets ugly. I can usually overlook texture issues and mild tearing, etc… but framerate drops are hugely disappointing in a racing game. FM3 isn't perfect in visuals, but it seems to usually do okay in the framerate department with a few exceptions.

What I did appreciate at this point was the driving model, particularly with the weight transfer. I play with all assists off and it felt surprisingly good-maybe even better than FM3. However, and this is a big one for me, the lousy rumble, force feedback, and sounds make it extremely hard to get any feedback about the car other than visual feedback. What I mean is that there is little indicator of what's happening when I begin to oversteer, slide, or lose traction. It's an odd sensation when things begin to go wrong, almost as if the back end of the car just gracefully starts to float away with no sign of trouble. The whole driving model feels more organic compared to FM3, which could be a good thing if the haptic and aural feedback were better. I didn't get into tuning to see how this affects the modeling, but this is big for me.

One other issue with the feedback is how GT5 handles the clutch and 6-speed shifter. The clutch has a very, very, small biting point that makes it tricky to feather. More importantly, the clutch will not engage if the accelerator is down even a little bit. It actually throws you into neutral or reverse with no indication that it has interpreted this as a mis-shift. It's surprising that they got this so wrong when FM3 has a pretty good clutch/shifter system despite there being only one wheel that supports this. Bizarre.

I raced more throughout the evening and really did try to give GT5 a chance, but I'm afraid that the problems that I have with it are just too glaring. It's a shame because I think that there's a good game in there and some of the features blow FM3 away. I guess I'll look forward to FM4 at this point and hope that it combines the best of both games. Then again, the talk of Kinect has me a little worried about the future of that series.

I think I'll put GT5 on the shelf in the meantime.


I wish I had a link but I can't remember where I read this...

I think the 360 uses a very different method of inputting force feedback values. Like it's a set library of reactions instead of the more traditional way the ps3 and pc handle feedback values.

I believe fanatec had to build custom electronics to parse the 360 ffb commands. This may be a reason logitech hasn't bothered.

I'll look for a link later on when I have a bit of time.

Edit. Found it


It's explained by a guy in purple text and confirmed by someone at fanatec


XiaNaphryz said:
It will very likely support PS3. As for affordable, keep in mind the Fanatec wheels are usually at the higher end of wheels. So if you were going to buy a G27, the price is actually pretty comparable.

Insidesimracing said they will use the new wheel for the review of GT5, so PS3 is supported.
XiaNaphryz said:
It will very likely support PS3. As for affordable, keep in mind the Fanatec wheels are usually at the higher end of wheels. So if you were going to buy a G27, the price is actually pretty comparable.
The problem is, there IS no decent low end option right now for Xbox 360.

That being said if I was going between a G27 and Fanatec, I'd probably go for the Fanatec due to cross-platform compatibility.

noire said:
Damn, really? The MS wheel was my first wheel. I don't think it was as good as the DFGT, but I liked the options to use it wirelessly and the built in lapstand. Too expensive when it was $150, but not too bad when it went under $100.
I tried using the wheel in my lap for dirt. DID NOT WORK :lol. Never tried it with another game.


Plippy said:
One other issue with the feedback is how GT5 handles the clutch and 6-speed shifter. The clutch has a very, very, small biting point that makes it tricky to feather. More importantly, the clutch will not engage if the accelerator is down even a little bit. It actually throws you into neutral or reverse with no indication that it has interpreted this as a mis-shift. It's surprising that they got this so wrong when FM3 has a pretty good clutch/shifter system despite there being only one wheel that supports this. Bizarre.
Can anyone with a G25/27 give their impressions to compare with the Fanatec on this?
Plippy said:
I finally got to sit down and try out my copy of GT5 with my Fanatec PWTS yesterday. Here are my impressions.

Before we start, however, please understand that I really did want GT5 to be better than FM3. Just as I want FM4 to be better than GT5. I own both consoles and don't have any special affinity for either of them. Unlike, I'd guess, some of the holy crusaders in this thread. And with that, prepare for some GT5 trash-talking!

My first impression was that the presentation was laughably atrocious. From the bizarre opening movie, the Pilotwings-like elevator music (and I'm a jazz lover!), and the cumbersome menus, I began to get worried. Oh, ok, it's time to pick my race outfit. Well, I'd much rather just race, but… okay. Now I have to pick a background color? And a picture? Set my home message? Well, this is irritating. I couldn't help but contrast this to FM3 in which I already would have been guided through the intro with a well-produced voiceover and put into an R8 for a teaser. I felt as if I had gone back in time to 1998.

But I'm a reasonable guy. I realize that the racing is where it all happens, so I'm willing to put up with the clunky presentation. So let's pick a car… don't laugh but the MX5 is one that I know pretty well so let's start there. I had heard that not all cockpits were modeled, but it was a little disappointing to see this realized with my very first ride. I thought that I could overlook this, but I guess I'm just too anal.

I take off in my first race and immediately start noticing some signs of trouble. I don't need to go into the visual problems that people seem so focused on, but needless to say that the game looks great until it doesn't. Then it gets ugly. I can usually overlook texture issues and mild tearing, etc… but framerate drops are hugely disappointing in a racing game. FM3 isn't perfect in visuals, but it seems to usually do okay in the framerate department with a few exceptions.

What I did appreciate at this point was the driving model, particularly with the weight transfer. I play with all assists off and it felt surprisingly good-maybe even better than FM3. However, and this is a big one for me, the lousy rumble, force feedback, and sounds make it extremely hard to get any feedback about the car other than visual feedback. What I mean is that there is little indicator of what's happening when I begin to oversteer, slide, or lose traction. It's an odd sensation when things begin to go wrong, almost as if the back end of the car just gracefully starts to float away with no sign of trouble. The whole driving model feels more organic compared to FM3, which could be a good thing if the haptic and aural feedback were better. I didn't get into tuning to see how this affects the modeling, but this is big for me.

One other issue with the feedback is how GT5 handles the clutch and 6-speed shifter. The clutch has a very, very, small biting point that makes it tricky to feather. More importantly, the clutch will not engage if the accelerator is down even a little bit. It actually throws you into neutral or reverse with no indication that it has interpreted this as a mis-shift. It's surprising that they got this so wrong when FM3 has a pretty good clutch/shifter system despite there being only one wheel that supports this. Bizarre.

I raced more throughout the evening and really did try to give GT5 a chance, but I'm afraid that the problems that I have with it are just too glaring. It's a shame because I think that there's a good game in there and some of the features blow FM3 away. I guess I'll look forward to FM4 at this point and hope that it combines the best of both games. Then again, the talk of Kinect has me a little worried about the future of that series.

I think I'll put GT5 on the shelf in the meantime.

I don't believe you bro.

You ain't Level 40 yet.

It doesn't matter if you're a pro or a novice true GT fans know that even if you have both games when it comes to GT5 there's only Level 40.


ExtraKr1spy said:
I don't believe you bro.

You ain't Level 40 yet.

It doesn't matter if you're a pro or a novice true GT fans know that even if you have both games when it comes to GT5 there's only Level 40.



Neo Member
ExtraKr1spy said:
I don't believe you bro.

You ain't Level 40 yet.

It doesn't matter if you're a pro or a novice true GT fans know that even if you have both games when it comes to GT5 there's only Level 40.

That's it. Nobody insults my level and gets away with it.


It wasn't for you, then it wasn't for you. At least you gave it a fair shot. Some people seem unable to like this game because of their love of another game. It's all good. :D


Junior Member
ssolitare said:
I just want to know one thing.

Why would people want to play a driving game without a wheel or a controller? I'm talking about Kinect support, why would anyone want to do this?

Obviously it isn't realistic so why?

It completes the magic carpet simulation


ssolitare said:
I just want to know one thing.

Why would people want to play a driving game without a wheel or a controller? I'm talking about Kinect support, why would anyone want to do this?

Obviously it isn't realistic so why?

Why do you guys keep talking like you have to play it with kinect? Its just a feature they are adding for the casuals. You and I may not enjoy it but a 6 year old kid may think its freakin awesome. Outside of that being able to tour around the car with the kinect seemed pretty neat but still just a feature. I am sure you will be able to do the same with a controller.

Its just like how Forza 3 has the autobrake feature. Its not like a majority of people are actually using it. Theres probably some kid out there who doesn't understand how to break proper though who would not enjoy the game without it.


Atomski said:
Its just like how Forza 3 has the autobrake feature. Its not like a majority of people are actually using it. Theres probably some kid out there who doesn't understand how to break proper though who would not enjoy the game without it.
But you might be tempted to use it! Once you use it you may use it all the time! Get rid of rewind autobrake!
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