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Forza 3 vs Gran Turismo 5 Comparison Thread of John, Chapter 11, Verse 35


FM3 Environments + GT5 Cars + FM3 Physics + GT5 Selection + FM3 Customization + GT5 Presentation + FM3 AI + GT5 Lighting + FM3 Career + GT5 Licensing, please.
As a Forza player, I will have been playing two full games to their full extent during that time.
What does Forza have to do with wanting to play GT5 years before it releases?
FM2 was great, but it certainly wasnt eye candy. I certainly dont play both franchises for the same reason.

Tom Penny

-viper- said:
Direct feed Forza 3 screens



jakonovski said:
Well the Forza 2 DLC was there to rip off the gullible as well.

No, actually, it was there for people who wanted new cars and tracks. and it Are you under the assumption GT won't have DLC? :)
theignoramus said:
What does Forza have to do with wanting to play GT5 years before it releases?
FM2 was great, but it certainly wasnt eye candy.

So if GT:p is the same as full GT5, what are you so excited for then? The point is that it's a hollow shell of a game, a demo masquerading as a real product.


Doc Evils said:
So they game isn't even capable of rendering the interior while in outside camera?

Dear lord look at those sharp polygon! /barf

/off to play shift

Forza 3 demo pretty much settled the graphics debate.

2007 demo > 2009 demo.

Your throne is safe PD take your time.


akachan ningen said:
No, they don't look terrible, it just depends on the car. Some cars, like the one Slayer-33
posted look fine because the livery covers up all the flat single-colored areas, which are the
worst-looking parts in Forza cars.

Some cars, like that datsun I quoted just look atrocious.

The parts of all the cars that seem to be weak links are the tires, the grey plastic bits that a
lot of cars have, and the interior of every car I've seen so far.

I've found the game in motion doesn't have that same problem. The cars colours and lines look really flat in screenshots but they look much much better in persona and in motion, it's something that really doesn't show up in screen grabs.

Having played GT5P and Forza 3 demo now;

Visuals: GT5P, mostly because of the lighting looks more 'real' than Forza. GT5P just does something with the lighting that produces less contrast but gives it a more realistic look. It's not the day and night difference many people wish it was though, GT5P can be rather jagged and theres a big contrast between photomode and in-game with GT5P. A lot more aliasing, less detail and less visual fidelity overall but still edges out Forza 3.

Cockpit view: GT5P, less detail in Forza 3, nice but not up to GT5P, but then car models in general do look better in GT5P.

Handling: Forza 3. The cars feel so much more tactile and they really vary. Driving the Evo X it really felt 'flat' before coming onto the turbo and it really changed the way I approached corners in the car knowing I wouldn't have the immediate torque response I would get from a large NA powered vehicle. There are just so many more subtleties to the way the Forza engine handles than GT5P.

Audio: Forza 3. Not much of a surprise for me, Forza 2 could easily discern different exhuast notes better than any GT game I've played. Good soundtrack too.

AI: not even a comparison to make, Forza 3.....and 2 for that matter. Car braking won't work in this game as crashes actually completely fuck you up and the AI will actually take measures to avoid you and each other.

Features: Can't really compare with GT5 supposedly going to have some damage, weather etc but we pretty much already know what Forza 3 has so for the moment it's a forgone conclusion.
m0dus said:
No, actually, it was there for people who wanted new cars and tracks. and it Are you under the assumption GT won't have DLC? :)

I just dislike DLC in general. So much expenditure for so little actual content.
Those direct feeds look alright, but its 60 fps, so the claims that it will look better in motion are absolutely true. Also, direct feeds always look worse when viewed from a close distance on a 20 inch monitor. Different story on a sizable tv.


AMUSIX said:
FM3 Environments + GT5 Cars + FM3 Physics + GT5 Selection + FM3 Customization + GT5 Presentation + FM3 AI + GT5 Lighting + FM3 Career + GT5 Licensing, please.
Now that would be the "Definative Real Driving Simulator".:D


God this thread.:lol

I hope you gents are going to actually DL the Forza 3 demo instead of you know analyze pictures.

Been playing it for the last hour,it looks very,very good,those posted direct feed pics are hilariously bad but in this thread they will no doubt be used for nefarious purposes.
Interfectum said:
Forza 3 demo pretty much settled the graphics debate.

2007 demo > 2009 demo.

Your throne is safe PD take your time.

60fps has its price, although in F3's defense, environments are much more important than the cars you only really look at in replay mode.
Dabanton said:
God this thread.:lol

I hope you gents are going to actually DL the Forza 3 demo instead of you know analyze pictures.

Been playing it for the last hour,it looks very,very good,those posted direct feed pics are hilariously bad but in this thread they will no doubt be used for nefarious purposes.

You talk as if anyone here has the intention of being partial in any way.
So if GT:p is the same as full GT5, what are you so excited for then?
Wtf? It was the prelude to a full game that was years away.
it may have been a "demo masquerading as a real product", but the graphics and presentation seem to be fully competitive with 2009 retail products, so I guess purchasing it seemed wise in hindsight. (especially if you game on a large, 1080p television.)


m0dus said:
More like midday and mid-morning.

And you're comparing direct-feed with off-screen. off-screen enhances contrast. find something with similar overhead (IE, NOT tangential!) lighting conditions.

And graphics-wise, it's not always cut and dry. sometimes forza shines where GT fails, and vice-versa. (GT 5 has the lighting edge in many instances, while Forza has it with the environments in others)
More polygons, better shaders, better textures, better lighting, no rear view modeled in Forza(?)...

About the environments:






Talk about accuracy, scale and realism.
Dabanton said:
I hope you gents are going to actually DL the Forza 3 demo instead of you know analyze pictures.

The true mark of the forum wars veteran is that he or she never plays the games involved, because all their time time is spent typing posts.
Dabanton said:
God this thread.:lol

I hope you gents are going to actually DL the Forza 3 demo instead of you know analyze pictures.

Been playing it for the last hour,it looks very,very good,those posted direct feed pics are hilariously bad but in this thread they will no doubt be used for nefarious purposes.

How would they without a 360 ? :D
GT5 "delay" is causing a lot of anger it seems...
the demo is exclusive to Gold members. at least wait until it's free to all before attacking people for not playing it.

But you guys *have* the demo, so why exactly are you in here?:D
Mohonky said:
A lot more aliasing, less detail and less visual fidelity overall but still edges out Forza 3.

GT5p uses 4XAA in 720p and also supports native 1080p, (ok, it's slightly below, but still better than 720p) so it should win the "jaggy battle" from a tech point of view.


Littleberu said:
You talk as if anyone here has the intention of being partial in any way.

I guess,but it's a real shame that people take it as far as this,i mean the forum should be above this kind of thing but as long as this stuff is kept out of the two main threads i don't mind.


Apex said:
More polygons, better shaders, better textures, better lighting, no rear view modeled in Forza(?)...

About the environments:






Talk about accuracy, scale and realism.

As if environments in the GT series even come close to looking as good as these screens in game, just like the FM3 demo car pics. The difference is FM3's environments look pretty good in game but not so much the cars, while the cars would look better in GT but no much the environments.

The cool thing is when we compare gameplay videos and not still pictures, we'll see who wins the "debate"

have fun discussing pictures guys, I'm off to try and DL the demo. :lol
m0dus said:
More like midday and mid-morning.

And you're comparing direct-feed with off-screen. off-screen enhances contrast. (yeah, the contrast is not really the big difference, it's the textures. Turn down the contrast if you must, it's still better.) find something with similar overhead (IE, NOT tangential!) lighting conditions.

Some tangential lighting pics:


Even in this comparison, it's like night and day. The textures in the forza car look like they have absolutely no depth.
And graphics-wise, it's not always cut and dry. sometimes forza shines where GT fails, and vice-versa. (GT 5 has the lighting edge in many instances, while Forza has it with the environments in others) As racing fans this SHOULD make us happy, as competition is healthy and breeds improvement (such as Forza adding the cockpit, GT5 adding damage modelling). blanket generalizations based on a dev's pedigree, or another dev's declarations, only set one up for disappointment.

I'm sorry, I thought this thread was about comparing the two games' graphics.


Wow. That looks horrific. Somebody take off-screen shots so we can see what it really looks like.
As if environments in the GT series even come close to looking as good as these screens in game
No, Prologue's London and High Speed Ring environments look pretty amazing. it's not the texturing that does it tho, it's the way its lit.
striKeVillain! said:
It's like the car is even disgusted. Look at the tail lights! :lol

Can not be unseen :lol

A fair comparison now would be to compare F3 demo pics to GT5p pics. GT5 bullshots do not help.


A writer for the Top Gear website just trolled Forza:


it’s interesting to compare it with Forza’s tribute. While Polyphony’s is artistic, zooms right in on tiny details like the individual bulbs on the tail lights, Forza’s is all about action and drama, and lacks the subtletly of the Gran Turismo effort. But that’s Forza for you – a good game but an arcade game, where GT5 will be more a simulation.
:lol :lol :lol

On a serious note, this is a pretty dismal result for Che; that even on the brink of the release of the third game in the series, it's still viewed as an arcade game.


le.phat said:
im not really sure what's there to argue about here really.

Basically there are 2 kinds of fans here:
People who want the best sim racing experience, and people who want carporn. If you want to oogle over insanely gorgeous visuals you pick GT5. If you want the best driving experience backed with the best community integration you pick up forza 3. That's all there is to it really, no ?

Wow, F3 sure looks underwhelming. Looks like i hit the nail on the head earlier on!
Hyoushi said:
:lol :lol :lol

On a serious note, this is a pretty dismal result for Che; that even on the brink of the release of the third game in the series, it's still viewed as an arcade game.

For one website, yes.


Interfectum said:
Didn't you know Top Gear and the BBC have already been discredited in this thread :lol

Their ties gives them much legitimacy conflicts of interests are awesome.

"On a serious note, this is a pretty dismal result for Che; that even on the brink of the release of the third game in the series, it's still viewed as an arcade game."[/I]

What outlet related to gaming has viewed it as an arcade game before this new PR by TG? :lol
Hyoushi said:
On a serious note, this is a pretty dismal result for Che; that even on the brink of the release of the third game in the series, it's still viewed as an arcade game.

He shouldn't feel too bad, he's just the community manager.


schennmu said:
GT5p uses 4XAA in 720p and also supports native 1080p, (ok, it's slightly below, but still better than 720p) so it should win the "jaggy battle" from a tech point of view.

It should but it doesn't. It's a little less jaggy but it definitely has jaggies. I've played it on my previous set (720p) and my current (1080p). It's not horrible but they are definitely there which surprised even at the psuedo 1080p res.

Still the better looking game over all, but Forza took quite a big step up in the visuals after 2 to make them at least closer.

As an over all going off GT5P and Forza 3 I would lean toward Forza 3 over all as the better driving experience. GT is more a game for collecting exotic cars, Forza 3 more a game about driving them; what Forza 3 lacks in polish and presentation it makes up for in driving, where what GT lacks in driving is made up for in supreme visual representation and presentation.
LordPhoque said:
For one website, yes.

Exactly. Not that dismal for Che when millions of people can decide for themselves whether or not its an arcade game as of three and a half hours ago. It's not like they have to take Top Gear's word for it.


Slayer-33 said:


fair comparison til actual GT 5 direct feed hud pics are put up instead of replay shots?

Sure why not? The comparison shows a two year-old game with twice the amounts of cars on screen has better anti-aliasing. :p
skybaby said:
There's nothing arcade about that demo with full sim options on.

Even without.

jett said:
Sure why not? The comparison shows a two year-old game with twice the amounts of cars on screen has better anti-aliasing. :p

Do you really think that FM3 looks like on those gamersyde screens ?

Well I guess that's what you call self persuasion.
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