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Forza 3 vs Gran Turismo 5 Comparison Thread of John, Chapter 11, Verse 35

Stripper13 said:
I'm hoping next gen we can get nearly 50% of the car roster with cockpits. I know I'm logic a dream - but that's the future of the racing genre for me!

They could make 200 more premiums and remove all the standards. That way you get 100%

Don't listen to me Kaz
beast786 said:
Since I have a lot of faith in you. What do you think.
well gee, i have no idea. at no point have i made any claims of knowing the devs intentions.

what you guys have is supporting evidence, not proof, which is a very different thing.

newsflash. GT5 isn't perfect. newsflash. Forza 3 isn't perfect. newsflash, explaining away one flaw doesn't account for all the flaws. newsflash, i haven't played Forza 3 or GT5 and am making ZERO claims about which is better.

all i've said is that i think the defence forces in this thread are hilarious, and that arguing over whether Forza 3 is prettier than GT5 or not is stupid.

neither are the best looking racing game this gen. only console warriors care which game has more flaws than the other. most everyone can see that these are probably both great games.

if they were both multiplatform the vitriol wouldn't be nearly as great. if they were both on opposite platforms most of the people defending Forza would be defending GT and vice versa.

but sure throw 'herp derp' at me. it won't get rid of the 2D trees or the dumb wheel interiors in your sim racing game.
Stripper13 said:
I'm hoping next gen we can get nearly 50% of the car roster with cockpits. I know I'm logic a dream - but that's the future of the racing genre for me!

I do wonder what we'll be bitching about next gen.

Probably low poly spectators (although tesselation will help here),

Low quality textures will still be an issue in some areas I think unless the product is super polished

I do think that things like the insides of tyres and under-carriages are an issue of having enough artists and/or production tiime so things like that may be present still.

I wonder whether there'll be a greater emphasis on better lod scaling at higher draw distances? I'd love to see that.
plagiarize said:
yeah. i'm sure there's some way you can explain away the inside of the tyres too.

new defence in this thread. F3 and GT5 don't have mistakes. they have jokes!

:lol I hope this isn't the same bunch who were convinced that the leaked Czech GT5 was a misprint and in no way related to what would ship in the retail product.


plagiarize said:
well gee, i have no idea. at no point have i made any claims of knowing the devs intentions.

what you guys have is supporting evidence, not proof, which is a very different thing.

newsflash. GT5 isn't perfect. newsflash. Forza 3 isn't perfect. newsflash, explaining away one flaw doesn't account for all the flaws. newsflash, i haven't played Forza 3 or GT5 and am making ZERO claims about which is better.

all i've said is that i think the defence forces in this thread are hilarious, and that arguing over whether Forza 3 is prettier than GT5 or not is stupid.

neither are the best looking racing game this gen. only console warriors care which game has more flaws than the other. most everyone can see that these are probably both great games.

if they were both multiplatform the vitriol wouldn't be nearly as great. if they were both on opposite platforms most of the people defending Forza would be defending GT and vice versa.

but sure throw 'herp derp' at me. it won't get rid of the 2D trees or the dumb wheel interiors in your sim racing game

The question was not that emotional.


Comics, serious business!
new thread rule: every post now must start with newsflash! I'll start.

newflash cartoon lighting lulz
Metalmurphy said:
Ok then... That confirms where you're coming from. Thanks.
it does? where would that be then?

oh noes he picked two flaws that people pointed out in GT5 instead of flaws from Forza 3! he must be a Forza 3 guy! or, you know, those were the two most recent flaws i saw people defending, but whatever. i must have an agenda.

yeah. good luck with that. keep attacking each other games minor flaws. i can go back to just laughing at both sides any time i feel like it.

Ploid 3.0

Stripper13 said:
I'm hoping next gen we can get nearly 50% of the car roster with cockpits. I know I'm logic a dream - but that's the future of the racing genre for me!

PD made these premium cars so they wouldn't really have to upgrade the models again I think. HD was hard on Japanese devs, well most of them. I'm sure PD won't have to include PS2 cars to GT6 just to add to the roster. I bet they're working on the old cars that they want to include in GT6 now.


Ogrekiller said:

I remember the days when 2d trees were supposedly the only flaw GT5 had... good times.
Needs to be quoted. Still funny, despite the other flaws.


Metalmurphy said:
They could make 200 more premiums and remove all the standards. That way you get 100%

Don't listen to me Kaz

When GT6 rolls out I'm sure we'll all be complaining about the inferior GT5 premiums they imported into it.

Ploid 3.0

There's no way the premiums today will be outdated for ps4. They are pretty much designed in anticipation for such a case. Shaders, graphics, and whatever else will dress up the premiums to look even better. Just look at what a lot of AA and whatever else is included does for photo tour.

There won't be any HD 2 going on.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
All they have to do for PS4 is enable proper good tesselation like what we get in DX11 and the models are set.

They could also finish modelling the bottoms of the cars.
Ploid 3.0 said:
There's no way the premiums today will be outdated for ps4. They are pretty much designed in anticipation for such a case. Shaders, graphics, and whatever else will dress up the premiums to look even better. Just look at what a lot of AA and whatever else is included does for photo tour.

There won't be any HD 2 going on.
We probably would have said the same of GT4 before we saw "next gen" graphics.

I don't think many people were unimpressed with GT4's visuals in 2005. But now? "Zomg WTF is dat shit!?!??!"


Dreams-Visions said:
We probably would have said the same of GT4 before we saw "next gen" graphics.

I don't think many people were unimpressed with GT4's visuals in 2005. But now? "Zomg WTF is dat shit!?!??!"

in this case, I disagree. the models used for the premiums are insanely detailed. close ups in photo mode reveal that.

if next gen hardware can provide tessellation to smooth out some of the more obvious rough edges, it would be just fine.

if anything, the biggest improvements in the graphics for a next gen GT5 will be lighting, framerate, weather effects, anti-aliasing, etc. models could stay as is and the game could look a ton better with everything else upgraded..

the biggest changes to car models that they could update are car bottoms and the inclusion of wheel axles.
LCfiner said:
in this case, I disagree. the models used for the premiums are insanely detailed. close ups in photo mode reveal that.

if next gen hardware can provide tessellation to smooth out some of the more obvious rough edges, it would be just fine.

if anything, the biggest improvements in the graphics for a next gen GT5 will be lighting, framerate, weather effects, anti-aliasing, etc. models could stay as is and the game could look a ton better with everything else upgraded..

the biggest changes to car models that they could update are car bottoms and the inclusion of wheel axles.
fair enough.

I just...I feel like we all thought GT4's models were "insanely detailed"...in 2004. but like any generation...the new generation brings with it greatly increased expectations. idk. maybe not. I'm just used to it.
Dreams-Visions said:
fair enough.

I just...I feel like we all thought GT4's models were "insanely detailed"...in 2004. but like any generation...the new generation brings with it greatly increased expectations. idk. maybe not. I'm just used to it.

As much as I hang shit on GT5 - it's important to realize that the premium models are detailed beyond any standard we've seen. Even if (and they will be) they were used in GT6 they will look as good as anything else (photo realistic in some cases) provided the lighting etc adapt and can be easily applied to both gens/new/old cars. Clearly it's not the case with GT5 however.


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
I somewhat agree with Dreams.

I remember using GT4 photomode and thinking how real it looked. Whilst I can't imagine it happening, the same thing could happen again next gen.


user_nat said:
I somewhat agree with Dreams.

I remember using GT4 photomode and thinking how real it looked. Whilst I can't imagine it happening, the same thing could happen again next gen.

are we talking about better in game graphics or better photmode “bullshot” graphics for next gen? or just better models?

in game graphics can be greatly improved. there’s a ton of stuff to be improved from road textures, tree models, framerate, weather effects, etc, etc, etc…

however, the actual models of the cars are so crazy detailed that they’re already approaching damn near photorealistic levels when snapped in photo travel mode with all the resolution, lighting and shadow improvements seen there with the pre rendered images.

biggest improvements would be the textures and shaders on organic materials like leather. it still looks a bit too plasticy. add some tessellation to smooth out some of the slightly visible polygon edges and you’re pretty much set.

there’s no need to completely remodel the cars for next gen. it’s all the other stuff that will get better.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
LCfiner said:
there’s no need to completely remodel the cars for next gen. it’s all the other stuff that will get better.

Sadly new cars are likely going to be produced between now and next gen so they will have to model those. :p


TTP said:
Sadly new cars are likely going to be produced between now and next gen so they will have to model those. :p

ok, that’s not what I meant :D

yes, NEW cars will need new models and old standard cars will need to be remodelled but existing premium cars will not need to be redone. (maybe just small tweaks)


When GT4 was released the jagged edges, blurry sponsor logos, faults in the paint shaders, etc were glaringly obvious in photomode. That's not the case with GT5, unless you count not-100%-smooth geometry around a damn bulb in a headlight to be a huge fault. If anything the interiors' textures will have to be updated but that's it.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
LCfiner said:
ok, that’s not what I meant :D

I know. I was just kidding :)

I'm sure tho PD will find an excuse to spend 80% of development time driving real cars around the world. Old or new.
You people are insane. Go look at the photomode thread please, throw some tessellation in there are TRUE 1080p/60FPS and GT6/7 will be insane. It always pains me seeing GT5 shots because they look so good in photomode and my PC could definitely handle it too.
not that quality :lol
I know between the standard car talk and missing axels or whatever that some of you may have forgotten, but GT5 premiums are modeled down to every viewable bolt and at a much higher resolution than the PS3 can handle. The ones in game are lower res models than the ones PD created.


duk said:
seems like most of us would have taken 500 premium models instead of the 200/800 mix

Of course, but that option was never on the table. If they could've made more premiums, I'm sure they would have. The question is whether or not we'd be happy with a slightly lower quality premium car, and more of them.


Junior Member
So, I just finished capturing some direct feed audio from both Forza 3 and GT5 trying to compare the same car's sounds on both games.
I used the same cars(unmodified),same views(cockpit),same stretch of road (Nurburgring).
The results imo do indicate that Forza does have better engine/exhaust sounds. FM also has better shifting effects,uphifts and downshifts,overruns..etc
The interesting thing here though is the recordings of GT. When I captured Forza's sounds, the playback was excellent,high fidelity..etc, hardly any distortions. But when GT's sounds were played back, there was so much distortion,so much boom(bass) that the engine sounds were nearly muffled out. I've read quite a few poeple's complaints that the audio from GT has too much bass and I completely agree.
Now, I remembered that GT offeres the 'living room,small and large theatre' audio modes. Well, for those who are interested, the 'living room' option had the most bass/booming out of all the modes. The 'large theatre' mode had the least and had less distortion,less bass and the engine notes could be heard alot better when the recordings were played back, but still,even then, Forza's sound's were still better.
Anyway,just a little observation for those who are interested. If you want less booming in your sounds,use 'Large theatre',you want the bass,use 'living room'.


saladine1 said:
I used the same cars(unmodified),same views(cockpit),same stretch of road (Nurburgring).
I have a theory that the cockpit view in GT5 mutes the sounds far too much. It seems that during replays (when the cars blast past the camera) and when viewing the car from the 'chase' perspective, the engines sound far better. Did you try your tests in any other view?


Junior Member
SmokyDave said:
I have a theory that the cockpit view in GT5 mutes the sounds far too much. It seems that during replays (when the cars blast past the camera) and when viewing the car from the 'chase' perspective, the engines sound far better. Did you try your tests in any other view?
Well, both games mute the sounds in cockpit view but yes, I agree that GT's version is more muted.
When recording from chase cam, the same conclusions are reached,perhaps even worse for GT. The booming is very pronounced. The 'living room,small and large theatre' modes make a big difference to fidelity as previously mentioned.
The sounds from GT in that particular view(chase) are as you can tell, more meatier, more throatier. More effects are heard. But when higher revs are achieved, they tend to fall off and distort alot...this didn't happen with FM. Roof cam feels sort of 'balanced' if you know what I mean.
Anyway, imo, judging from the recordings, GT's effects sound more 'synthesized,processed' compared to FM which sound more 'natural'.


Dreams-Visions said:

If GT6 comes out on the PS4....complaints will probably be justified.

No they won't, the premium cars in GT5 can look damn near close to photorealistic in phototravel mode thanks to better shading than during gameplay. and just imagine what a PS4 GT game would look like with 32 premium quality cars racing around a tokyo track during nighttime.


saladine1 said:
Well, both games mute the sounds in cockpit view but yes, I agree that GT's version is more muted.
When recording from chase cam, the same conclusions are reached,perhaps even worse for GT. The booming is very pronounced. The 'living room,small and large theatre' modes make a big difference to fidelity as previously mentioned.
The sounds from GT in that particular view(chase) are as you can tell, more meatier, more throatier. More effects are heard. But when higher revs are achieved, they tend to fall off and distort alot...this didn't happen with FM. Roof cam feels sort of 'balanced' if you know what I mean.
Anyway, imo, judging from the recordings, GT's effects sound more 'synthesized,processed' compared to FM which sound more 'natural'.
Thanks for the feedback. I haven't bothered doing any testing myself, I just happened to notice that the cars sound much better in the replays. Although the sounds in GT5 are definitely disappointing, I'm hoping for a patch to reduce the 'muffled' effect that driving in cockpit view seems to produce. I'll play with the 'living room / small / large' settings later and see if I can improve things a bit.


saladine1 said:
Now, I remembered that GT offeres the 'living room,small and large theatre' audio modes.

I tried to switch to large theatre mode (actually, the translation is a tad misleading, since it says 'advanced audio system') and that made everything drop like 20Db in volume so i switched back to living room...


The cockpit and bumper cams appear to share the same sound mix and that has to be a bug. Driving a front-engine car in cockpit view, the engine sounds should be coming out of the front speakers, but they're only coming out the rear like in bumper cam. And if they fix that, I'd rather have the bumper cam sound mix eliminated alltogether and use the proper cockpit mix, because you can't use cockpit view with standards.

eso76 said:
I tried to switch to large theatre mode (actually, the translation is a tad misleading, since it says 'advanced audio system') and that made everything drop like 20Db in volume so i switched back to living room...
It's dynamic range compression. When you turn it off (large theater), you're supposed to adjust your speakers so soft sounds are soft, medium sounds are medium, and loud sounds are LOUD. With DRC on, soft sounds are medium, medium sounds are medium, and loud sounds are medium. You should only turn it on if you have thin walls and people are trying to sleep.
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