if not, where would 3 or 4 years worth of work go, exactly?Jonsoncao said:I surely hope so but I doubt 1,3 or 4 is gonna happen...
if not, where would 3 or 4 years worth of work go, exactly?Jonsoncao said:I surely hope so but I doubt 1,3 or 4 is gonna happen...
Jonsoncao said:I surely hope so but I doubt 1,3 or 4 is gonna happen...
Stripper13 said:Yeah I definitely cannot see better sounds being patched or DLC in. Car models maybe, but best case scenario is a hand full of premiums over the next few years. And stable FPS is doubtful too, possible perhaps, bit slim chances.
Metalmurphy said:That's not gonna happen.
GT just posted a comparison
Funnily enough, the Zonda sounds better on GT5, unless my stereo was swapped.
average framerate can't tell you about stability.nib95 said:Stable fps? Again with that crap...tearing...perhaps I could agree. But in the tests you speak of the average frame rate in the majority of them is like 57fps. I know you keep glossing over this, but an average (keyword being average) frame rate of 57fps is pretty damn stable. Especially for a game running at 1080p running the crap GT5 is.
Frame rate drops in big pile ups or collisions are to be expected in any and all racers. Pretty standard stuff. Problem with GT5 is not the frame rate but the screen tear.
plagiarize said:average framerate can't tell you about stability.
i'm not suggesting that it isn't stabile, cause i haven't played it, and i recognise that 60 fps is the maximum frame rate, so it can't spend much time below 60fps, but with an average of 57fps you could be spending 2/3rds of the time at 60 and 1/3rd of the time at fifty. it could be flicking back and forth every second or so.
that wouldn't be stable at all (and i am not claiming it does this).
i'm just trying to say that you can't say an average framerate of X is stable. an unstable framerate is one that fluctuates wildly over time. taking an average makes it impossible to know how large the fluctuations are and how common they are.
You're not wrong here. I've run into particular cars in Forza 3 that have seemed to have a rabid blood feud with me (I'm looking at you Dodge Viper), but that was more the exception than the rule. In GT5 its safe to assume that other cars will treat you as if you weren't there for the most part. My driving style is to avoid other cars whenever I can - I don't load up a sim racer to play dirty or get an extra bump into a turn. Clean overtakes are the name of the game.Maastricht said:I'm not going to pick a bone with a lot of that stuff, because some of it is just a matter of taste, but everytime someone bitches about the AI in GT5 and then praises the one in Forza, this is really, really beyond me. I don't know how many times the AI in Forza has completely taken me out of the race! In GT5 they seem to be well aware of my presence in a turn, which is where it is the most important (biggest potential for being taken out). Heck they even move over if I'm coming up on them and I'm going at much higher speed.
If the AI rams you, maybe it's time to think about your driving lines and braking points, and consider whether or not a human being would have been able to avoid hittnig you in that car.
nib95 said:Stable fps? Again with that crap...tearing...perhaps I could agree. But in the tests you speak of the average frame rate in the majority of them is like 57fps. I know you keep glossing over this, but an average (keyword being average) frame rate of 57fps is pretty damn stable. Especially for a game running at 1080p running the crap GT5 is.
...into the next game? The same place the years of work after GT4 went? So...160 new premium cars for GT6.Dreams-Visions said:if not, where would 3 or 4 years worth of work go, exactly?
This could've been easily avoided with the introduction of a "premium" mode which only uses the premium cars, for you and your opponents.NullPointer said:The premium/standard split in GT5 is really starting to get me down. I now know that I'd rather have 400+ well detailed models, with cockpits and full customization than 200+ ultra detailed models, seemingly picked at random, but mostly from Japanese manufacturers.
Let me give an example of the kinds of annoyances you'll run into.
Say a race event requires a classic Japanese car from 1979 or earlier. If you already have a bunch of cars in your garage there's no problem, as they provide a button that filters cars you own by the requirements of the selected race. Great. Nice.
But say you don't have one on hand, which is likely considering its a beginner event. If you're like me and restricting yourself only to premium cars (cockpit or no deal) than you're left to wander through each manufacturers storefront scouring the selection for the right car, load times included. In this particular case there are no matching cars, unless there's one hidden somewhere. And within the dealerships menu there is no way to sort by year, country, drivetrain, or anything for that matter. Its pure old school sequential menus. Its jarring and needlessly cumbersome.
nib95 said:I get where you're coming from, but if a game is supposed to run at 60fps and the average frame rate recorded is 57fps, I still personally think that it could be regarded as a very stable frame rate, as it means no matter what drops there were or were not, they weren't nearly enough to bring the average down much beyond the suggested ideal.
Even in your scenario of 2/3's 60fps, 1/3 50fps, that's still a pretty solid frame rate. As a drop to 50fps is still not much of a drop at all. Bigger spikes are more problematic, but still not to much of a degree if only during big pile ups and still not enough to drop the average below 57fps.
I'm guessing the frame rate average is less in rain/night tracks. But it's not so bad as you're driving a lot slower with rain gushing everywhere anyway.
That would certainly help.Haunted said:This could've been easily avoided with the introduction of a "premium" mode which only uses the premium cars, for you and your opponents.
Maastricht said:I'm not going to pick a bone with a lot of that stuff, because some of it is just a matter of taste, but everytime someone bitches about the AI in GT5 and then praises the one in Forza.
Fortinbras said:I'm at level 20 at the moment and I have to say that the GT5 AI is really annoying at times. The AI drives like you aren't there and bumps into your car without any consequences (for the AI). They're like trucks that push you out of their way. Things like that never happened to me in FM2 or FM3. It is true that the FM AI has it's own problems but the GT5 AI is really bad.
I've played GT since the first one and I really think the AI is one of the biggest problems of this series. Other than that GT5 is great.
That was the most tragic thing about Racer Driver GRID.Fortinbras said:I'm at level 20 at the moment and I have to say that the GT5 AI is really annoying at times. The AI drives like you aren't there and bumps into your car without any consequences (for the AI). They're like trucks that push you out of their way. Things like that never happened to me in FM2 or FM3. It is true that the FM AI has it's own problems but the GT5 AI is really bad.
I've played GT since the first one and I really think the AI is one of the biggest problems of this series. Other than that GT5 is great.
NullPointer said:The premium/standard split in GT5 is really starting to get me down. I now know that I'd rather have 400+ well detailed models, with cockpits and full customization than 200+ ultra detailed models, seemingly picked at random, but mostly from Japanese manufacturers.
Callibretto said:I don't think 800 standard cars even equal 200 premium cars. premium cars have to be rebuild from scratch while most of those 800 standard cars is already done from GT4.
nib95 said:Funny, since that was my main complaint about the AI in F2/F3. That they could bully you with little to no negative effect to themselves but when you tried to do the same it usually ended in disaster. It's a similar thing in GT5 except perhaps a little bit more realistic in the sense that GT5's AI doesn't go completely serial killer mode like Forza's tends to quite often.
Real life race drivers do NOT go mad max like they do in Forza. GT's AI could certainly do with faster reactions to avoiding your rear though.
Yeah fuck that 250 euro price tag. I was never a big race fan, but i wanted to get in the genre by buying gt5 and a decent steering wheel to get the real racing experience. But i want a wheel that works for the 360(forza), ps3 and pc. Turns out this is the only wheel that supports all 3 but i am not gonna spend 300 euro on it. I believe we have Microsoft to thank for only supporting their own crappy wheel?erahk64 said:Fanatec's new top of the line wheel for PC/PS3/XBOX360 revealed.
Oh lordy, I'm so happy that I didn't order a wheel together with GT5 and waited some more days instead. Xbox compatible, yay!erahk64 said:Fanatec's new top of the line wheel for PC/PS3/XBOX360 revealed.
NullPointer said:You're not wrong here. I've run into particular cars in Forza 3 that have seemed to have a rabid blood feud with me (I'm looking at you Dodge Viper), but that was more the exception than the rule. In GT5 its safe to assume that other cars will treat you as if you weren't there for the most part. My driving style is to avoid other cars whenever I can - I don't load up a sim racer to play dirty or get an extra bump into a turn. Clean overtakes are the name of the game.
Now maybe if I had better driving skill I could avoid some of the hassles I've experienced in GT5, thats true. But there is absolutely no reason to get bumped by cars behind me, on a straightaway without me slamming on the breaks and asking for it. I'm surprised this never happens for me in Forza considering the rear view mirror is usually worthless.
REMEMBER CITADEL said:So GameTrailers has done another one of those GT5 vs. Forza 3 videos and for a moment it gives a nice closeup of Zonda R's rear end in both games. Now, I know people have been saying that Forza's models are not really of the same quality as GT5's Premium cars and in some instances I would agree. The scale of certain elements sometimes just feels wrong in Forza. But in other cases, I would say that modeling in Forza is actually more accurate:
REMEMBER CITADEL said:So GameTrailers has done another one of those GT5 vs. Forza 3 videos and for a moment it gives a nice closeup of Zonda R's rear end in both games. Now, I know people have been saying that Forza's models are not really of the same quality as GT5's Premium cars and in some instances I would agree. The scale of certain elements sometimes just feels wrong in Forza. But in other cases, I would say that modeling in Forza is actually more accurate:
(image of forza3 vs gt5 pagani)
chrislowe said:Biggest difference of the Pagani Zonda R in GT5 and FM3 is that the GT5 one is the concept that Pagani showed in 2009, and FM3 is the 2010 car which have a different rearwing etc.
so maybe more is different on the 2009 vs 2010 model
Yes, the Forza one is accurate, but is based on a different model.REMEMBER CITADEL said:So GameTrailers has done another one of those GT5 vs. Forza 3 videos and for a moment it gives a nice closeup of Zonda R's rear end in both games. Now, I know people have been saying that Forza's models are not really of the same quality as GT5's Premium cars and in some instances I would agree. The scale of certain elements sometimes just feels wrong in Forza. But in other cases, I would say that modeling in Forza is actually more accurate:
real life race drivers take each other out regularly, usually by accident but not always.nib95 said:Real life race drivers do NOT go mad max like they do in Forza. GT's AI could certainly do with faster reactions to avoiding your rear though.
You managed to get an accurate graphics quality/average frame-rate captured in the same pic. Good job!CozMick said:Back to business.
Count them GAF, COUNT THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Missing 1 player because he quit
nib95 said:I get where you're coming from, but if a game is supposed to run at 60fps and the average frame rate recorded is 57fps, I still personally think that it could be regarded as a very stable frame rate, as it means no matter what drops there were or were not, they weren't nearly enough to bring the average down much beyond the suggested ideal.
Even in your scenario of 2/3's 60fps, 1/3 50fps, that's still a pretty solid frame rate. As a drop to 50fps is still not much of a drop at all. Bigger spikes are more problematic, but still not to much of a degree if only during big pile ups and still not enough to drop the average below 57fps.
I'm guessing the frame rate average is less in rain/night tracks. But it's not so bad as you're driving a lot slower with rain gushing everywhere anyway.
Why so butthurt?Mastperf said:You managed to get an accurate graphics quality/average frame-rate captured in the same pic. Good job!
Metalmurphy said:That pic was posted for the people saying that GT5 did not support 16 cars per race.
brotkasten said:What the fuck?
CozMick said:Comparing framerates with a game that has inferior car models, lower resolution and half the amount of cars on track is stupid.
Metalmurphy said:Yep, That includes some reviews as well.
Yoritomo said:You're right. It only takes 3 cars in front of you for the framerate to drop to sub 50 in GT5, combine that with 800 sub standard shitty models and the comparison is totally unfair.
I'm just having fun.It's pretty much the purpose of the thread after all. I absolutely hate racing games so I really don't care who wins or loses. I do wish I liked them though since they're the games that get the closest to "real" visually. Have you read some of the ridiculous comparisons and reviews from people on both games in this thread?:lol It's mainly 1 poster trying to outjackass the other.Metalmurphy said:Why so butthurt?
That pic was posted for the people saying that GT5 did not support 16 cars per race.
Forsete said:Spoken like a true GT5-virgin?
I'm guessing you 100% Forza then?Yoritomo said:All gold licenses, every special challenge but the last AMG school gold (not level 24 yet). Games easy, try harder bro.
Yoritomo said:You're right. It only takes 3 cars in front of you for the framerate to drop to sub 50 in GT5, combine that with 800 sub standard shitty models and the comparison is totally unfair.
CozMick said:Comparing framerates with a game that has inferior car models, lower resolution and half the amount of cars on track is stupid.
*cough* For the longest time, Crysis ran at like.. 20fps, but still was being crowned "graphics king."Trickster said:What's stupid is you basically saying that that a game should get a free pass on technical issues if it puts more shit on screen than another game.
phosphor112 said:I'm guessing you 100% Forza then?
Yoritomo said:All gold licenses, every special challenge but the last AMG school gold (not level 24 yet). Games easy, try harder bro.
Trickster said:What's stupid is you basically saying that that a game should get a free pass on technical issues if it puts more shit on screen than another game.