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Forza 3 vs Gran Turismo 5 Comparison Thread of John, Chapter 11, Verse 35

Zezboob said:
Already posted ?


Or maybe I finally have the opportunity to add fuel to the flames too !
skybaby said:
One person said WELL IT'S RUSTED SO... EASTER EGG! And everyone else ran with it :lol

Actually, one person said that the rest of the textures had nothing to do with the model car and were from the real thing.

Tiny lil difference.


brotkasten said:
To be honest, GT5 feels like a public beta for an MMO. Except it's post-launch and you already paid the 60 bucks. Things are missing, won't be there and are only halfway included. It's definitely not what I expected from PD.
This. Anyone saying I'm against post-release support has massive problems with reading comprehension. I love post-release support, but not when it's to fix (or add) features in a game because they're broken when the game is gold. You should be able to play a game with all advertised features and no patches from the get go... as I recall, GT5 didn't even have online play out of the box (correct me if I'm wrong though).

The fact that mechanical damage (in a sim ferchrissakes) has only just been included, but only for a small percentage of the game (at least for now, considering how basic the online implementation is) is plainly, just a shit effort. It's one thing to be grateful for the support, it's another to excuse PD for needing it in their flagship title.


So Kaz actually caring enough to add features that he could've completely omitted is showing a lack of effort and gives the game a beta feel? So if Turn 10 decided later to add weather or 16 cars, that would all of a sudden give the game a beta-ish feel.


kevm3 said:
So Kaz actually caring enough to add features that he could've completely omitted is showing a lack of effort and gives the game a beta feel? So if Turn 10 decided later to add weather or 16 cars, that would all of a sudden give the game a beta-ish feel.
Forza 3 doesn't feel incomplete with 8 cars at once or no weather. Never at one point did I think "shit, this game doesn't feel finished at all". Have had that feeling several times while playing GT5.

Have you played Forza 3?

Ploid 3.0

brotkasten said:
To be honest, GT5 feels like a public beta for an MMO. Except it's post-launch and you already paid the 60 bucks. Things are missing, won't be there and are only halfway included. It's definitely not what I expected from PD.

Something similar happened with GT4. Bspec points that did nothing because they didn't have time, and aspec points that also meant nothing because they didn't go through with the online feature for examples. They were pretty much forced to release the game and I'm glad for it, they got the important parts in the game and I'm so glad online is in this one. My only missed thing is youtube upload.


This was posted in the GT5 OT:
weekend_warrior said:
That doesn't make any sense. Of course someone could make a faster car, people make cars that go 800mph. That's not the point of the Veyron. The point of the Veyron was to make the most desirable car in the world, achieving the highest top speed in a production car was merely one part of that goal. You don't make an interior that looks like this if all you care about is speed.

Took all my strength not to post a smarmy comment there about how there's no way you could tell what the inside of a Veyron looks like just from GT5 because it's a standard car.

So I posted it here instead :lol


XiaNaphryz said:
Both sides are being ridiculously stupid. Best trainwreck on GAF by far!
I'm on the side of whatever allows me to put my superior wit on display. I may not always "win" but I'm having an arseload of fun :D

Ploid 3.0

Shaneus said:
I'm on the side of whatever allows me to put my superior wit on display. I may not always "win" but I'm having an arseload of fun :D

The reply wouldn't have been out of place there. It's true.


Ploid 3.0 said:
The reply wouldn't have been out of place there. It's true.
The GT5 thread? Really? I thought it was ultra-sensitive regarding any remotely smartarse comments that wouldn't be considered "constructive/valid criticism". Guess I was wrong.
Shaneus said:
This was posted in the GT5 OT:

Took all my strength not to post a smarmy comment there about how there's no way you could tell what the inside of a Veyron looks like just from GT5 because it's a standard car.

So I posted it here instead :lol
You're really being silly now. I put that nicely.


tagged by Blackace
Shaneus said:
Forza 3 doesn't feel incomplete with 8 cars at once or no weather. Never at one point did I think "shit, this game doesn't feel finished at all". Have had that feeling several times while playing GT5.

Have you played Forza 3?
You can can count the number of people who've played Forza in this thread with two hands. Perhaps one hand.

It's one of the most complete packages on 360.

Ploid 3.0

Shaneus said:
The GT5 thread? Really? I thought it was ultra-sensitive regarding any remotely smartarse comments that wouldn't be considered "constructive/valid criticism". Guess I was wrong.

Well if your intentions aren't pure... I guess it wasn't meant for there. Thinking about throwing lit matches in there?


Shaneus said:
Forza 3 doesn't feel incomplete with 8 cars at once or no weather. Never at one point did I think "shit, this game doesn't feel finished at all". Have had that feeling several times while playing GT5.

Have you played Forza 3?

All that shows is that you have higher standard for GT5.


Shaneus said:
This was posted in the GT5 OT:

Took all my strength not to post a smarmy comment there about how there's no way you could tell what the inside of a Veyron looks like just from GT5 because it's a standard car.

So I posted it here instead :lol
I thought it was a premium car that you had to unlock... :(

According to Gran Turismo 5 designer Kazunori Yamauchi, the developers collaborated with AUTOArt, receiving "materials" of older models' undersides. "That's a vestige," Yamauchi adds via Twitter.

AUTOArt make extremely detailed model cars that fetch over $100 for one car. As previously mentioned, AutoArt models were spotted throughout the offices of Polyphony, the game's studio. Kotaku Japan wonders if Polyphony Digital forgot to erase the AUTOArt logo?

"It (the logo) is interesting," Yamauchi tweets. "But it will be erased in the next update." The reason for this? "Because it's embarrassing."

There goes that.


Yeah, that logo on the underside of the car made me return the game to the store. I had fun driving, but when Kotaku told me about the toy car logo I just couldn't enjoy the game any longer. So long GT5. I'll buy again when the logo is gone.


Angst said:
Yeah, that logo on the underside of the car made me return the game to the store. I had fun driving, but when Kotaku told me about the toy car logo I just couldn't enjoy the game any longer. So long GT5. I'll buy again when the logo is gone.

:lol i dont think anyone questions the game's fun but all the people saying polyphone are untouchable gods are now eating crow stew.
Blame! said:
:lol i dont think anyone questions the game's fun but all the people saying polyphone are untouchable gods are now eating crow stew.

They're not eating crow because of the AUTOart logo - there seem to be more serious issues with GT5 than scanned undercarriages - but the whole incident nicely illustrates absurd lengths GT fanboys will sometimes go to defend their favorite series. It's not a bug, it's a feature! Kaz is God, you just can't comprehend His greatness, and you don't understand the philosophy of Gran Turismo so your pointing out of the game's painfully obvious flaws doesn't count (cue a bunch of lols and emoticons meant to express their clear intellectual superiority).

Even if this did turn out to be an easter egg, the point would still stand. It's come to that point where you can be embarrassed of liking the series just because of other people who like it.

Mind you, there are similar people in practically every community, but in my experience, Gran Turismo seems to attract lunatics more strongly than most other franchises (and some of them are highly respected, even among more reasonable fans). I guess it comes with popularity, longevity and prestige.


They're not eating crow because of the AUTOart logo - there seem to be more serious issues with GT5 than scanned undercarriages - but the whole incident nicely illustrates absurd lengths GT fanboys will sometimes go to defend their favorite series. It's not a bug, it's a feature! Kaz is God, you just can't comprehend His greatness, and you don't understand the philosophy of Gran Turismo so your pointing out of the game's painfully obvious flaws doesn't count (cue a bunch of lols and emoticons meant to express their clear intellectual superiority).

Even if this did turn out to be an easter egg, the point would still stand. It's come to that point where you can be embarrassed of liking the series just because of other people who like it.

Mind you, there are similar people in practically every community, but in my experience, Gran Turismo seems to attract lunatics more strongly than most other franchises (and some of them are highly respected, even among more reasonable fans). I guess it comes with popularity, longevity and prestige.
I love Gran Turismo. Do I think everything is perfect? Nope. Would I like PD to refine and rethink some things (shortcuts in the UI, damage, credits in online etc)? You bet.

During the endless wait for GT5 I really needed to fill my driving fix and tried a lot of other sims. Rfactor, Live for Speed, GTR1/2/07/Legends, NFS Shift etc. I had a lot of fun with some of them and played them quite a lot. But none really measured up to Gran Turismo in terms of pure enjoyment and content IMO.

I left out Forza in the list of racing games I tried. When GT5 didn't release in spring as promised I decided to buy a 360 and Forza. But then I found out I couldn't use my Logitech wheel. So in that case I had to buy another, very expensive wheel and just couldn't justify it. And that makes me really sad because I'm sure I would've enjoyed F3 a lot. But I refuse to play with a pad and buying another wheel because Microsoft decided HID didn't sound good and changed it to XID was out of the question. F3 has a lot of content and most likely does some things better than GT.

Bottom line - Microsoft's stupid decision cost them one console sale. :lol


Edit - Remember Citadel - yeah there are some rabid fanboys out there defending everything PD does. But on the other hand the expectations for GT5 was really high and some (previous) GT fanboys are very disappointed and quite outspoken in their criticism (to the other end of the extreme).


They're not eating crow because of the AUTOart logo - there seem to be more serious issues with GT5 than scanned undercarriages - but the whole incident nicely illustrates absurd lengths GT fanboys will sometimes go to defend their favorite series. It's not a bug, it's a feature! Kaz is God, you just can't comprehend His greatness, and you don't understand the philosophy of Gran Turismo so your pointing out of the game's painfully obvious flaws doesn't count (cue a bunch of lols and emoticons meant to express their clear intellectual superiority).

Even if this did turn out to be an easter egg, the point would still stand. It's come to that point where you can be embarrassed of liking the series just because of other people who like it.

Mind you, there are similar people in practically every community, but in my experience, Gran Turismo seems to attract lunatics more strongly than most other franchises (and some of them are highly respected, even among more reasonable fans). I guess it comes with popularity, longevity and prestige.
These ''lunatics'' you speak about are in every group.


They're not eating crow because of the AUTOart logo - there seem to be more serious issues with GT5 than scanned undercarriages - but the whole incident nicely illustrates absurd lengths GT fanboys will sometimes go to defend their favorite series. It's not a bug, it's a feature! Kaz is God, you just can't comprehend His greatness, and you don't understand the philosophy of Gran Turismo so your pointing out of the game's painfully obvious flaws doesn't count (cue a bunch of lols and emoticons meant to express their clear intellectual superiority).

Even if this did turn out to be an easter egg, the point would still stand. It's come to that point where you can be embarrassed of liking the series just because of other people who like it.

Mind you, there are similar people in practically every community, but in my experience, Gran Turismo seems to attract lunatics more strongly than most other franchises (and some of them are highly respected, even among more reasonable fans). I guess it comes with popularity, longevity and prestige.
I don't blame some of the more devoted fans going off the deep end. Enduring years of waiting and hype will do that.
Metalmurphy said:
Actually, one person said that the rest of the textures had nothing to do with the model car and were from the real thing.

Tiny lil difference.

you're really going to try and pull that shit?

Apex said:
It's obvious a PD joke, like they did with Nessy and the Monkey...

CozMick said:

Metalmurphy said:
He just put the proof in front of your eyes and you ignore it and post that?...

you know, you could apologize to me for being wrong and for inferring i was a fanboy for not accepting the 'proof' of it being an easter egg that was apparently put right in front of me.

or you could keep spouting revisionist bullshit that anyone can check by just reading back a few pages.

someone posted a supposed flaw in GT5. someone said it was obviously a joke and posted a few pictures that in no way proved that it was obviously a joke.

i didn't accept that it was obviously a joke and got insulted for that. we now have actual proof that it wasn't a joke and here you are insisting that no one ever claimed otherwise?

when we'd argued about it? when i'd said that I wasn't claiming to know what the devs intentions were? when I wasn't the one claiming to know one way or another why that logo was there?

eat your crow and move on.


Junior Member
Angst said:
I found out I couldn't use my Logitech wheel. So in that case I had to buy another, very expensive wheel and just couldn't justify it

Why did you not just sell your G25/G27 or whatever and bought/buy a Fantec Porsche Wheel that works with 360/PS3/PC?
Alot of people actually prefer the Fantec over Logitecs..


CozMick said:
But exceeded every other driving game out there, which is the point of the thread.
Exceeded every other driving game out there? :lol

Actually, that doesn't quite capture it.

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
plagiarize said:
you know, you could apologize to me for being wrong and for inferring i was a fanboy for not accepting the 'proof' of it being an easter egg that was apparently put right in front of me.

or you could keep spouting revisionist bullshit that anyone can check by just reading back a few pages.

someone posted a supposed flaw in GT5. someone said it was obviously a joke and posted a few pictures that in no way proved that it was obviously a joke.

i didn't accept that it was obviously a joke and got insulted for that. we now have actual proof that it wasn't a joke and here you are insisting that no one ever claimed otherwise?

when we'd argued about it? when i'd said that I wasn't claiming to know what the devs intentions were? when I wasn't the one claiming to know one way or another why that logo was there?

eat your crow and move on.
Wrong in what? I never said it was an easter egg... Maybe you should read posts more carefully. I just noted that it was very obvious, considering the proof right in front of your eyes, that most of it was NOT from a model car. For all I know it could have just been a placeholder that was forgotten.


CozMick said:
But exceeded every other driving game out there, which is the point of the thread.
There's no way that you can say shit like this with a straight face. There's just no way. Turn10 didn't have 6 years to make Forza 3 btw.


rvy said:
There's no way that you can say shit like this with a straight face. There's just no way. Turn10 didn't have 6 years to make Forza 3 btw.
There is. If you really feel that the driving model in GT5 is the best ever in a console game, and you consider the driving model the most important part of the game, so much so that it outweighs all other faults, you could easily say it with a straight face, and mean it. If your priorities lie in the variety of events or quality of photo-mode or ability to collect 8 million cars, you could say it and mean it.

In essence, preferences are complicated.

What the dev time for Forza 3 has to do with anything is beyond me. There are more racers out there than GT & Forza y'know.
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