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Forza 3 vs Gran Turismo 5 Comparison Thread of John, Chapter 11, Verse 35

evolution said:
I have to wait till i get home in a couple days to try the demo, but it looks like after almost two years prologue still hasn't been surpassed graphically.

It's cute seeing how many people thought it would be surpassed. Only GT5 will have that honor.

Not to say F3 is a bad looking game. Still second best of all the driving games. But when it comes to car modeling, lighting, track representation, and sense of speed, PD has got it down to a science.

You can keep posting these pictures which don't really represent either game, but nothing you can do will ever change the fact that Prologue is 1080p, has more detailed car models, has a more robust lighting engine, and far more meticulously detailed interiors. It's OK to admit these things. Certainly Forza 3 excels in it's own areas, but photorealism isn't one of them.


Junior Butler
H_Prestige said:
It's cute seeing how many people thought it would be surpassed. Only GT5 will have that honor.

Not to say F3 is a bad looking game. Still second best of all the driving games. But when it comes to car modeling, lighting, track representation, and sense of speed, PD has got it down to a science.

They also nail the way the cars move on the track. It's hard to describe, maybe it's the way the suspension and chassis react to different road surfaces, but the cars really appear to be driving on the tracks.

Hard to explain.


H_Prestige said:
It's cute seeing how many people thought it would be surpassed. Only GT5 will have that honor.

Not to say F3 is a bad looking game. Still second best of all the driving games. But when it comes to car modeling, lighting, track representation, and sense of speed, PD has got it down to a science.

sense of speed ?
jett said:
This thread is now about the awesomeness of Outrun 2006. Discuss.


1080p, 4xAA, 60fps locked, vsynced and triple buffered. How awesome is Outrun 2006 on PC? So awesome.


H_Prestige said:
It's cute seeing how many people thought it would be surpassed. Only GT5 will have that honor.

Not to say F3 is a bad looking game. Still second best of all the driving games. But when it comes to car modeling, lighting, track representation, and sense of speed, PD has got it down to a science.

You can keep posting these pictures which don't really represent either game, but nothing you can do will ever change the fact that Prologue is 1080p, has more detailed car models, has a more robust lighting engine, and far more meticulously detailed interiors. It's OK to admit these things. Certainly Forza 3 excels in it's own areas, but photorealism isn't one of them.

you really go out of your way to shove your opinion as fact huh?

Why is it second best? Do graphics have anything to do with how well a game simulates driving, or signify better physics? lol c'mon.

it seems like the mob woke up from their nap, didn't take long.

I sometimes wonder if the GT franchise has any flaws to some of you, unless its perfect :lol


Junior Butler
Slayer-33 said:
you really go out of your way to shove your opinion as fact huh?

Why is it second best? Do graphics have anything to do with how well a game simulates driving, or signify better physics? lol c'mon.

it seems like the mob woke up from their nap, didn't take long.

He was clearly talking about visuals, let's not kid ourselves here.
These photo comparisons seem manipulative and mostly irrelevant.

Am I the only one more interested in a feature comparison than comparing the graphics? They both run butter smooth and look great for console games, if you want better graphics play Grid or something on the PC.
belvedere said:
He was clearly talking about visuals, let's not kid ourselves here.

In fact it is likely that visuals are the only thing he appreciates about these kinds of games. Which is kind of a pearls before swine moment.
Shining Sunshine said:
That Focus is sliding down the road after the rollover. >_> wth?

No friction after rolling over?

Did anyone else notice that the windshield seems to flip between several textures, depending on the angle? An LOD-like effect? Or did I see something that wasn't there...


lighting and car models look noticably better in GT5 than F3, but as for which one is the better game, who knows yet. F3 does seem more feature rich though.


Judging games on poorly captured screenshots? Is this what GAF has come to?

Its evident if you actually stare at the Forza shots for more than 5 seconds that the screens are doing it a great disservice. I mean look at the speed dial ticker in the bottom right! You really think its jaggy like that in the demo? :lol


Shogun PaiN said:
Judging games on poorly captured screenshots? Is this what GAF has come to?

Its evident if you actually stare at the Forza shots for more than 5 seconds that the screens are doing it a great disservice. I mean look at the speed dial ticker in the bottom right! You really think its jaggy like that in the demo? :lol

If PD ever releases direct cap hud gameplay pics maybe people can do proper comparisons, for now lets laugh at FM3 for showing up for the fight.
H_Prestige said:
It's cute seeing how many people thought it would be surpassed. Only GT5 will have that honor.

Not to say F3 is a bad looking game. Still second best of all the driving games. But when it comes to car modeling, lighting, track representation, and sense of speed, PD has got it down to a science.

You can keep posting these pictures which don't really represent either game, but nothing you can do will ever change the fact that Prologue is 1080p, has more detailed car models, has a more robust lighting engine, and far more meticulously detailed interiors. It's OK to admit these things. Certainly Forza 3 excels in it's own areas, but photorealism isn't one of them.
awww you poor GT FAN..
you know whats written on GT covers..REAL DRIVING SIMULATOR right? so we care about only Sim..so i dont care about graphics..
i guess PD should remove that Sim tag from there..cuz they r doing REAL DRIVING CGI..not Sim

Doc Evils

kemalettin said:
awww you poor GT FAN..
you know whats written on GT covers..REAL DRIVING SIMULATOR right? so we care about only Sim..so i dont care about graphics..
i guess PD should remove that Sim tag from there..cuz they r doing REAL DRIVING CGI..not Sim

I guess they could always put the real cartoon simulator for forza.
kemalettin said:
awww you poor GT FAN..
you know whats written on GT covers..REAL DRIVING SIMULATOR right? so we care about only Sim..so i dont care about graphics..
i guess PD should remove that Sim tag from there..cuz they r doing REAL DRIVING CGI..not Sim

Meltdown + compliments, nice!


Slayer-33 said:
If PD ever releases direct cap hud gameplay pics maybe people can do proper comparisons, for now lets laugh at FM3 for showing up for the fight.

:lol WTF is this shit? Turn10 has never in their lives released a real screenshot of Forza 3, unlike PD with GT5P.

Here's some just so you don't cry yourself to sleep:



PD isn't even afraid to show incomplete shit like that rear-view mirror, which was fixed by the time GT5P was released.
kemalettin said:
awww you poor GT FAN..
you know whats written on GT covers..REAL DRIVING SIMULATOR right? so we care about only Sim..so i dont care about graphics..
i guess PD should remove that Sim tag from there..cuz they r doing REAL DRIVING CGI..not Sim

Mario Kart ftw!
Wait.. so this is a thread where you are allowed to say Forza/GT is crap.. This is a certified troll thread!?

I like Gran Turismo 5. It has the Top Gear test track. This is nice.


When did all the Forza bullshots start reappearing?

The demo has put those to bed and the cars look NOTHING like those bullshots no matter how you try to manipulate the screens :lol







schennmu said:
You must be new here.

Its actually worrying that people take this shit as serious as they do. People can say what they want about Forza 3 but the fact remains that turn 10 have done a great job with relatively short development time they have had since Forza 2.

For that and the fact that people can get there hands on the full feature packed retail version in a few weeks time I tip my hat to them.

I really think threads like this only go to show how immature and insecure modern day gamers have become.

Interfectum said:
When did all the Forza bullshots start reappearing?

The demo has put those to bed :lol

Right on cue.


kemalettin said:
awww you poor GT FAN..
you know whats written on GT covers..REAL DRIVING SIMULATOR right? so we care about only Sim..so i dont care about graphics..
i guess PD should remove that Sim tag from there..cuz they r doing REAL DRIVING CGI..not Sim

kemalettin said:
if you call forza as a cartoon i belive you r lookin to those pics with your cutie ass..:D

I really can't believe that a supposed network engineer writes like this, wow. :lol


jett said:
:lol WTF is this shit? Turn10 has never in their lives released a real screenshot of Forza 3, unlike PD with GT5P.

Here's some just so you don't cry yourself to sleep:



PD isn't even afraid to show incomplete shit like that rear-view mirror, which was fixed by the time GT5P was released.

I wonder how nice that'll look at the resolution the FM3 pics where capped :lol


Slayer-33 said:
Do graphics have anything to do with how well a game simulates driving, or signify better physics?

He said, "second best driving game." I don't want to take sides, but graphics are a big part of the package that makes a driving game. For me, the Forza simulation would have to be not just marginally better, but very significantly better to make it a better game with the graphics differences being what they are now.


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
H_Prestige said:
...but photorealism isn't one of them.

I have to say that last statement is true. FM3 is a great looking game and plays very well but it doesn't look like reality when I'm driving around. It has got a slight arcade look to it. Everything looks very impressive but my brain still thinks I'm looking at a game. In some ways, Shift looks more photorealistic although it doesn't handle nearly so well.

PD really are masters of car modeling and lighting. I'm expected great things from them when GT5 finally launches.


BeeDog said:
I really can't believe that a supposed network engineer writes like this, wow. :lol

english isn't his first language I believe, which explains some of his asshattery posts

Interfectum said:
When did all the Forza bullshots start reappearing?

The demo has put those to bed and the cars look NOTHING like those bullshots no matter how you try to manipulate the screens :lol






Those aren't the best screens, the jpg compression makes the outlines of the red look like ass.
Interfectum said:
When did all the Forza bullshots start reappearing?

The demo has put those to bed and the cars look NOTHING like those bullshots no matter how you try to manipulate the screens :lol


Is that a ferrari the player is driving?

Looks like it's had the shit kicked out of it.
keyrat said:
He said, "second best driving game." I don't want to take sides, but graphics are a big part of the package that makes a driving game. For me, the Forza simulation would have to be not just marginally better, but very significantly better to make it a better game with the graphics differences being what they are now.

Second best in terms of graphics, which is still an accomplishment considering how many 'car' games are out there. I'm not trying to tell anyone here which game is more fun than the other. You play what you want and that's it.
keyrat said:
He said, "second best driving game." I don't want to take sides, but graphics are a big part of the package that makes a driving game. For me, the Forza simulation would have to be not just marginally better, but very significantly better to make it a better game with the graphics differences being what they are now.

Or offer like some wildly more accomplished feature set in pretty much every other aspect of game experience.

Naturally, different strokes for different folks, but that sort of thing weighs a lot heavier for me than just photorealism.


Shogun PaiN said:
Its actually worrying that people take this shit as serious as they do. People can say what they want about Forza 3 but the fact remains that turn 10 have done a great job with relatively short development time they have had since Forza 2.

For that and the fact that people can get there hands on the full feature packed retail version in a few weeks time I tip my hat to them.

I really think threads like this only go to show how immature and insecure modern day gamers have become.

Right on cue.

Good stuff, this thread and the GT fans mostly are pathetic.


Interfectum said:

ummm...WTF is this shit?? looks like we've been duped mates :lol
eternal prize said:
Good stuff, this thread and the GT fans mostly are pathetic.
Did you happen to miss all the posts about how those who were waiting for GT have to wait now? The talk of being able to play right now? etc. This whole thread has become a parody of itself.
A.R.K said:
ummm...WTF is this shit?? looks like we've been duped mates :lol

The game looks significantly better when playing it. That car from that angle with that colour choice does a disservice to how the game really looks, I played the same thing and whilst it did look mediocre with that camera position it looked amazing in replay mode.
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