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Forza 3 vs Gran Turismo 5 Comparison Thread of John, Chapter 11, Verse 35

Ploid 3.0

You guys know some people have gotten in trouble for going off topic. Let's not get crazy.

That said, that CARS game look amazing.


Forza4 (left) vs GT5 (right)


Truespeed said:
What is it about 360 racing games and their inability to put 16 cars on track? I mean if you're going to say you bitch slapped someone and took their crown away don't you think you should at least equal the car count?

Race Pro says hi.

Great physics too.


Caddle said:
Look at this way, the sony fanyboy are all butthurt how the ps3 was slapped around this gen by the 360. Before the ps3 was released, everything was about wall guy, and how the 360 would be another dreamcast. Get to fuck over it, the gen is almost over and hopefully sony does better next time.

I've not seen immature posts like this often on NeoGaf. Sounds like you'd have a blast in forums dedicated to discussion console wars with other 14 year olds.
Kayo-kun said:
I've not seen immature posts like this often on NeoGaf. Sounds like you'd have a blast in forums dedicated to discussion console wars with other 14 year olds.

Look back some pages in this topic. I've seen two fanboys upset simply because they lurked in some Forza topics and saw people really impressed with the game. How the fuck does shit like that actually upset someone? :lol pathetic

Edit: dp. On phone :/


Infamous Chris said:
Look back some pages in this topic. I've seen two fanboys upset simply because they lurked in some Forza topics and saw people really impressed with the game. How the fuck does shit like that actually upset someone? :lol pathetic

Edit: dp. On phone :/

Lol, you're repeating yourself at this point. Must feel real good to be part of a superior breed of fanboys doesn't it?


Metalmurphy said:
That Sanyo sign is the best rendered thing in the entire game.

Every time I pass it I go
"Holy crap that looks real"
"Ohhh so pretty"
"Yep, still real"
Yeah, looks amazing. I also love how the shadows are cast on the smoke as seen in the direct feed pics several pages back. If someone could point to the graphics technique that accomplishes this, that would be much appreciated.

Anyway, keep up the great thread, guys. It's fun to pop in here from time to time. :)

EDIT: Yeah, I wrote that before I got to the last two pages. :/


It was always a facade. Neither game looks close to reality, and they damn sure don't feel the same way when am driving my car, so they both lose. As a game however, Forza is the most fun to me because of the sense of speed in the r3 cars, downright scary at times. While driving forza looks much better to me as a whole, meaning cars and background detail, but I envy the replays in gt5. Turn 10 definitely should have used the replay system from pgr4 and the city track also. I dont think anyone would mind quebec or macau. Another thing Turn 10, for the love of god increase the damn rumble so you can feel contact with the road more, not just for the bumps.
Caddle said:
It was always a facade. Neither game looks close to reality, and they damn sure don't feel the same way when am driving my car, so they both lose. As a game however, Forza is the most fun to me because of the sense of speed in the r3 cars, downright scary at times. While driving forza looks much better to me as a whole, meaning cars and background detail, but I envy the replays in gt5. Turn 10 definitely should have used the replay system from pgr4 and the city track also. I dont think anyone would mind quebec or macau. Another thing Turn 10, for the love of god increase the damn rumble so you can feel contact with the road more, not just for the bumps.

That's because you don't have 99.99% of the cars in both games.
I have a theory that PD played around with the premium car shaders since prologue to accommodate the shitty standards, help them blend in better or something. At times they look the same (pro and 5) but a lot of times its shinier. I still think the graphics are better overall in 5, especially the enviros but going in replay mode I cant get the same life likeness, even the suspension visually looks different. Can someone do real world comparisons?

Its still miles ahead of Forza though.

Edit: also related is replay mode was better in prologue which may be a contributing factor. I wish it was exactly like prologue in terms of controls/options with a button (and only ONE button) to bring up the stats and stuff. Changing cars and zooming in was a breeze in Pro.


TUROK said:
Lol, you think SPU's are comparable to the 360's actual cores. That's cute.

If it's so factual, how come you didn't mention the 1/16th size particle buffers in Gran Turismo 5, or the extremely noticeable alpha-to-coverage dithering for transparencies?
So you know a couple tech terms but fail to know behind the tech? I'm not saying i'm a dev or extremely knowledgeable but i've looked very deeply into this stuff. Here's what you could do... Why don't you ask some of the devs here as well as look up some of this shit before posting?


Kayo-kun said:
I've not seen immature posts like this often on NeoGaf. Sounds like you'd have a blast in forums dedicated to discussion console wars with other 14 year olds.
Not to mention both of them got mollywhopped by Nintendo to begin with so it's a moot point.

pixelbox said:
God I hope that's leaves...

I highly doubt that it's blood.


eso76 said:

That is a particularly bad example of GT5 game-play, but I see it's probably appropriate in the context of why you posted it..

I often play the two games back to back in my racing rig, and where as with FM3 to GT5, you did get a very apparant difference of in-race graphics that took a little while to adjust (and to be fair, a lot of PC sims also look quite odd for the first few minutes, but you quickly get over it), but with FM4 to GT5, like all the reviews, and the vast majority of gamers, the gap is so small, it's not a discussion worthy issue IMO.

I would like to say, in the spirit of being sensible, even though FM now has 12 cars in offline races, I feel that they seem to have taken what I felt was a bad part of some GT5 races, and made it worse by starting you mid-field at best, then only giving 2/3 laps to win.. that's not enough time to make a careful and controlled path to the front if you are in identical cars to the AI, it does encourage 'do it or die' moments where you have to slightly more aggressive then perhaps you would want to.. In GT's defence, they have more longer distance races (or so it feels, I'm only level 47 in FM4), and you seem to have more breathing room with the AI..
I absolutely adore PGR and have done since PGR2; it's my most favourite arcade racer ever. But it really has no business being mentioned in this thread.

F4 vs GT5. Console sim vs. console sim. End of.


Snubbers said:
That is a particularly bad example of GT5 game-play, but I see it's probably appropriate in the context of why you posted it..

of course.
i know what gt5 looks like on my tv and i know what fm4 looks like on my tv and i don't really need to find bad pics of either to prove a point.
Actually, i don't even need to prove any point since i play and enjoy both, and enjoy both games' visuals for different reasons. I just find those lol comments irritating.


pixelbox said:
So you know a couple tech terms but fail to know behind the tech? I'm not saying i'm a dev or extremely knowledgeable but i've looked very deeply into this stuff. Here's what you could do... Why don't you ask some of the devs here as well as look up some of this shit before posting?
I don't know whether to laugh or bang on my keyboard angrily at what you're posting. You compared Cell's SPE's to Xenon's three cores. That sort of comparison just does not work.


TUROK said:
I don't know whether to laugh or bang on my keyboard angrily at what you're posting. You compared Cell's SPE's to Xenon's three cores. That sort of comparison just does not work.
Ok, other than memory why doesn't it. Because they "can't work independently"? Or the cache? Or maybe it's Xenon's VMX per core. Instead of these empty, cute "lulz" remarks why don't back it up with facts? If you can't that's cool, but the point is GT5 does alot more than F4 at near FPS. Both are exclusive Devs and PS3 games in general has been looking better while doing more. How, if it has less available memory, a worse CPU/GPU, and is hard to develop for?


pixelbox said:
Ok, other than memory why doesn't it. Because they "can't work independently"? Or the cache? Or maybe it's Xenon's VMX per core. Instead of these empty, cute "lulz" remarks why don't back it up with facts? If you can't that's cool, but the point is GT5 does alot more than F4 at near FPS. Both are exclusive Devs and PS3 games in general has been looking better while doing more. How, if it has less available memory, a worse CPU/GPU, and is hard to develop for?

When you say GT5 does a lot more, that's actually not that easy to quantify..

Graphically, it does more in some aspects, but you have a massive breadth of things going on that you really are going to have to dig deep and analyse before coming to any conclusion about which is doing 'more'..

Head over to beyond3d.com, there are many devs that frequent and discuss various aspects of both systems, if you read enough on there, you will see strengths/weaknesses that make it a much more level playing field then you might think..

But, and it's a big but, having differing strengths means that when devs play to those strengths, your games are going to also mirror those strengths and be different..

Without going into detail, you can see that like other first party games, PD squeeze every ounce out of the console at every oppertunity, leading to mass inconsistency, but absolutely amazing highs when everything is at play..

I do think, for what it's worth, that using the SPE's + RSX does give a graphical advantage.. but then you have robbed SPE's resource away from other things.. and the memory architecture plays into this too.. no Cross game chat, no headtracking in all modes, is all blamed on memory and resource limitations..

If you want to artificially limit your argument to only specific graphic prowess, then yes, GT5 is arguably better, but widen the argument to everything going on, and it's just not easy to compare without a whole load of tit for tat arguing..

All IMO..


"IMO" doesn't cut it when you're talking about facts buddy. I've been a member of that site since 2004, i know all about it. I also know there are fanboys that primarily develop on the 360, so their opinions are very jaded. Facts: Cell has almost twice the Gflops of the 360 CPU with an architecture that could hit near 100% of it's theoretical output. Billions of dollars went into it's R&D. The same cannot be said about the 360. And head tracking? You forget the PS3's OS still takes up more memory campared to 360's and that has nothing to do with architecture. Lastly, just admit GT5 is running alot more because it's the truth rather you do or not.


pixelbox said:
"IMO" doesn't cut it when you're talking about facts buddy. I've been a member of that site since 2004, i know all about it. I also know there are fanboys that primarily develop on the 360, so their opinions are very jaded. Facts: Cell has almost twice the Gflops of the 360 CPU with an architecture that could hit near 100% of it's theoretical output. Billions of dollars went into it's R&D. The same cannot be said about the 360. And head tracking? You forget the PS3's OS still takes up more memory campared to 360's and that has nothing to do with architecture. Lastly, just admit GT5 is running alot more because it's the truth rather you do or not.

Fanboys that develop primarily on 360? 0_o
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