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Forza 3 vs Gran Turismo 5 Comparison Thread of John, Chapter 11, Verse 35



Yes, that is supposed to be tarmac on the right.

Dat consistency. Gimme a break.

thats my design ;)


That is the saddest joke. PD do not allocate the manpower and resources they should on Sony's flagship racing game. The spend all that time and resources on graphics for a limited number of cars above all else. If they had the same sized team as Turn 10 plus outsourcing to create a complete game with a full stock of premium cars, proper crash damage, UI, backgrounds, extra tracks etc., if they actually bothered to hire a community manager to get feedback, it would be the game of the forever instead of the deeply flawed game it's become.



I love seeing Forza 4 and GT5 in the UK charts every week and I love seeing this topic bumped. No matter which side you're on, these two games are absolute beasts.

This thread has to comeback for the inevitable FM8 vs GT6.

Fixed. I want to see GT Vita vs. Forza 5 too.


Just came back to Forza 4 after about 10 months, and also just finished a solid month (went from 0 to level 26) with GT5. FYI, I played a lot of GPL and Simbin nonsense back in the day but have mostly disconnected from exacting PC sims.

The F4/GT5 A/V differences which immediately slapped me in the face:

Lots more aliasing visible in F4. Ugh
Color/Contrast less realistic in F4 and quite jarring following my hiatus from the game and time with GT5.

Handling (not A/V I know)
I play with a controller and all assists including ABS turned off. I do have steering on "normal" in F4 however. "Sim" steering was too twitchy for me.
I get more and better feel of what the front tires are doing in F4. F4 braking also feels better and easier to modulate (yes I tweak brake balance on GT5). With "normal" steering and controller F4 definitely steps in and assists in catching oversteer which does not feel very sim-like.

GT5 can feel a bit numb at least when playing with controller although the car moves and handles in a convincing way. Vertical suspension movement and incidental vehicle movement/vibration are more convincing in GT5 for sure.

Sound - I had forgotten how much better F4 sound is. The Type R Integra I just drove in F4 sounds pretty much like the real thing for instance.


tagged by Blackace
When GT5 has varying LoDs for vehicles alone in the first place, there is no possible way for you to argue it is more consistent.




come on guys lets go[/QUOTE]

Oh boy. Why would you do that? It's not even related to this thread.
And the McLaren model isn't even close. So many proportions are wrong. Same goes for a huge number of Forza cars.

Also worth noting that is a Full LoD photo mode model on Forza vs gameplay LoD model on GT

Honestly, the Forza model looks better in my opinion.
Wut. Just look at the headlights...

So when will we add our Drive Club comparison shots?

There's already a few with GT5, surprisingly (or not) the models ain't that different. Much more complex lighting though.

The best part of Xanadu is that he doesn't mask his GT bias at all. And I respect that.

He trashes GT all the time.
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