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Forza 3 vs Gran Turismo 5 Comparison Thread of John, Chapter 11, Verse 35


BenjaminBirdie said:
I searched their front page for like three minutes and then realized that if I to search that hard and if there isn't even an actual link worth providing, it must have been very hot news indeed.



Its starts at about 4:25 in the video.

EGTV: How do you reckon Forza 3 stacks up against GT5?

"We've seen it on the floor, it's a good looking game, in terms of the content feature by feature, you know, I believe we beat them on a lot of the features as well our 400 hundred cars, they're fully built cars, full interiors, uh, fully damageable and deliveries just to mention that user created - user generated content really takes our game to the next level."

The guy's pretty confident in speech and according to him GT5 has nothing on Forza Motor Sport 3

Doc Evils

Did he forget to mention how the game also has an awesome animation for the driver to shift gears?

Damn Yamauchi, you gotta be shitting your self in terror mang!


BenjaminBirdie said:
So, same old. Not discussing graphics at all, feature for feature, FM3 offers more as it stands. How is that T10 up to their old antics again? Until PD shows their hand on how they'll be matching Multiplayer with a hopper system, the storefront, the revamped career mode, etc; he's just going off of what he knows.

Yeah whatever, instead of taking the diplomatic route like most devs would when asked about the competition, they have to run their mouths off trying to convince everyone that they are better. Its called no class.

Lurchio said:
That upset you?You fanboys sure are a sensitive bunch.Bless.

aww....try harder.

KHarvey16 said:
I had a Ford salesman tell me his car was better than that Chevy. I just can't abide that sort of attitude.

You should have hit him over the head with a piston. Gawd.


Firewire said:
Yeah whatever, instead of taking the diplomatic route like most devs would when asked about the competition, they have to run their mouths off trying to convince everyone that they are better. Its called no class.

aww....try harder.

It isn't all that often these days that two products compete at such a clear level. I can think of Guitar Hero and Rock Band, or sports games, but that's about it. They were asked how they feel their game stacks up and they answered it. You really have to go out of your way to find anything wrong with that.


Firewire said:
Yeah whatever, instead of taking the diplomatic route like most devs would when asked about the competition, they have to run their mouths off trying to convince everyone that they are better. Its called no class.

i didn't watch the clip but if what you transcribed in your post is the part that had you upset, please read it again. i know it's a crazy time with Forza 3 releasing and GT5 starting to show more of its hand but really dude......you're better than this.
Firewire said:
Yeah whatever, instead of taking the diplomatic route like most devs would when asked about the competition, they have to run their mouths off trying to convince everyone that they are better. Its called no class.

Run their mouths off? Class? Where is PD's response to the features I just listed? He admitted its graphical prowess. Aside from that, damage, and NASCAR and WRC inclusion; how has PD talked about how GT5 will stack up against the online features, against rewind, against the career mode, etc.

Or would the classy thing to do be just sitting back and not talking about your main competitor. It's not like their exaggerating or making shit up. All those features will be on store shelves in a matter of weeks.

Ploid 3.0

I hope PD stay focused on making their own game, not a answer/response to other games. As far as replying to other racers, PD said competition is good.


jaypah said:
i didn't watch the clip but if what you transcribed in your post is the part that had you upset, please read it again. i know it's a crazy time with Forza 3 releasing and GT5 starting to show more its hand but really dude......you're better than this.

I can't help but think how Polyphony would have answered that question if asked. And no it didn't upset me at all, its a wonderful time because GT5 is coming!


There are over 100 tracks in Forza 3. Is there an option to drive those tracks in mirror mode (reverse mode) as well?


Junior Butler
Oh, now rewind is ammunition? Things must be getting desperate.


And how does PD's humble attitude regarding their "competition" and their general refusal to constantly boast make FM3 any better?
belvedere said:
And how does PD's humble attitude regarding their "competition" and their general refusal to constantly boast make FM3 any better?

How does T10 pointing out FM3's advantages in feature set make FM3 any worse?

And Rewind is totally a helpful and gamechanging feature, as anyone who's played the FM3 demo can assure you. Nothing desperate about including it as an advantage. The only reason I can see describing it as desperate is in an attempt to downplay its benefits.

ETA: Matter of fact, throwing up a smiley to taunt the idea of Rewind seems a lot more desperate to me than including it as an advantage.


Kotaku has picked up on the Forza 2 vs Forza 3 screenshot comparison posted earlier


Apparently Forza fans are in such disbelief they think some website called Sony Defense Force doctored them

01:28 AM
I'm really disappointed in Kotaku for not researching this first and finding out that these were shots taken by a website called Sony Defense Force to make the game look bad.

Play the demo and compare to Forza 2 and it's obvious that these shots are toned down and made to look as crappy as possible.

Ouch - does someone want to break the news to him? :lol
Interfectum said:
Ouch - does someone want to break the news to him? :lol

Or does someone just want to play the two games side by side and see the difference for themselves? I seem to recall me issuing the same challenge to you in this thread a week ago, but you declined to respond.


I find nothing wrong with telling people the advantages of their game with the latest Turn10 comments from Eurogamer. It's the others when they say nothing else is within years, or that GT hasn't done anything in years that annoys the crap out of me.


Seems like grasping at straws to me to start using the comments of the dev team as ammo for the "crusade". Still it doesn't surprise me considering who is doing it.


Interfectum said:
Ouch - does someone want to break the news to him? :lol

That what? The comparison is bs? Because that's what it is. The screenshots do the game (Forza 3) no justice, however you might wish that it does in your personal crusade against racing sim competition. Once again, in motion, it's an entirely different matter. Those comparison shots hold as much value as GT5 bullshots or Forza 3 photomode screenshots.



BenjaminBirdie said:
Or does someone just want to play the two games side by side and see the difference for themselves? I seem to recall me issuing the same challenge to you in this thread a week ago, but you declined to respond.

You should ask Blimblim to do a comparison video.


Firewire said:
I can't help but think how Polyphony would have answered that question if asked. And no it didn't upset me at all, its a wonderful time because GT5 is coming!

who knows? i'd have to hear PD get asked that question. most people tend to answer questions when asked. but even if their answer was a rather diplomatic "we don't comment on other games" i don't see how that makes T10 "up to their old tricks again". just seems like you're reaching, that's all. but hey, we all have our own opinions so more power to ya! GT5 is indeed going to own.


WrikaWrek said:
What do you do when you dug a hole so deep you can't get out of it?

You keep digging. Forza 3 looks much better than GT5.

The "not so clever on all days ending with "Y" sums you up pretty good.


BenjaminBirdie said:
Or does someone just want to play the two games side by side and see the difference for themselves? I seem to recall me issuing the same challenge to you in this thread a week ago, but you declined to respond.

I did just that the day the demo was released. As far as I know the demo lap isn't in FM2 (at least in the limited time I have played it), so they look similar, but not as much as the screen shots of the same place and car. FM3 looks better in motion, better reflections and less texture aliasing. The two games do not look too different though.


Firewire said:
The "not so clever on all days ending with "Y" sums you up pretty good.

A harmless joke is responded with an insult. Either you didn't get the joke, or i don't quite get your whole thing.


belvedere said:
Oh, now rewind is ammunition? Things must be getting desperate.


It had come to a desperate point where any shit feature is considered good and just see what sticks.


Junior Butler
BenjaminBirdie said:
How does T10 pointing out FM3's advantages in feature set make FM3 any worse?

Well for one, these "advantages" are conveniently compared to a 2 year old Prologue, and an unreleased, unfinished GT5 feature set. Ironically so, the advantages in FM3 turned out to be disadvantages when some of these features in GT5 were detailed recently.

BenjaminBirdie said:
And Rewind is totally a helpful and gamechanging feature

Helpful at best, genre-defining it most definitely isn't.

BenjaminBirdie said:
ETA: Matter of fact, throwing up a smiley to taunt the idea of Rewind seems a lot more desperate to me than including it as an advantage.

This is a bit of stretch, you're really trying your hardest to twist this around aren't you? Sounds awfully defensive to me, and only further illustrates my point.


This has to be one of the more entertaining threads on the gaming side in a long, long while. Considering how often points are made by grasping at straws, I'm surprised a huge collapse hasn't happened yet. But I'm still waiting.

Oh, and if I were to keep score, I'd say the GT side is a hell of a lot stronger in the whole 'fanboy' thing and that the Forza side could stand to take lessons in offense.
Dina said:
That what? The comparison is bs? Because that's what it is. The screenshots do the game (Forza 3) no justice, however you might wish that it does in your personal crusade against racing sim competition. Once again, in motion, it's an entirely different matter. Those comparison shots hold as much value as GT5 bullshots or Forza 3 photomode screenshots.


That what? That the SDF did not doctor these photos, duh.

And no on your last sentence. It doesn't.
belvedere said:
Well for one, these "advantages" are conveniently compared to a 2 year old Prologue, and an unreleased, unfinished GT5 feature set. Ironically so, the advantages in FM3 turned out to be disadvantages when some of these features in GT5 were detailed recently.

Helpful at best, genre-defining it most definitely isn't.

Genre-defining? No, Gamechanging as in "changing the way I play Forza Motorpsort, the game.

And what else are T10 supposed to compare it to? Their game is coming out in three weeks. Are they supposed to wait to promote it until PD announces their full feature set?


shadowsdarknes said:
That what? That the SDF did not doctor these photos, duh.

And no on your last sentence. It doesn't.

No they didn't, but the screenshots do not reflect the quality of the final product. And to be honest, almost no screenshots do.

Again, the game looks better in motion. You play it in motion. 1=1.


Firewire said:
Well you earned the insult I guess but not by me.

Do i have to explain the joke to you? Because it sounds like you still don't get it. And check your first post in the link on my tag.


I keep popping in here hoping for some kumbayah shit to drop when people realize we now have 2 top tier racing games coming out within the next year. It's enough time for a racing fan to dive into and fully enjoy both without having to make any choices due to game time.

I fully understand that some people can't or won't buy the other console if they currently only own one of them. Moreso in the case of the PS3 where a fully invested GT5p setup includes a quality wheel (g25), something that has been out of the grasp of a Forza player until recently with the fanatec wheel. Having an equivalent setup to experience Forza becomes prohibitive, or at the very least means you have to buy the pure edition of the Fanatec wheel to jump into forza with a similar experience.

Seriously. I don't know wtf the the issue is here. Both look like they will be amazing games. They're being released at different times so people will be able to play both without infringing on the other. I admit I jumped in lightly trolling the thread hoping for meltdowns, but people just keep going, and going, and going. Meltdowns happen then people come back for more apparently oblivious to the fact that they're acting like raving lunatics. It's like watching a religious debate.

Get both, play both. The one you've put more hours into wins.


As someone who now has access to the final game, I have to keep my review / specifics mum until the 8th. Until then, however, I feel the need to make something absolutely clear:

Visually speaking, forza 2 isn't even in the same class as Forza 3. Hell, it doesn't even look like it was created the same generation. All the screenshots, compressed videos, my-dick-is-bigger-than-your-dick-will-be-come-march bullshit doesn't mean jack diddly squat. Booting the game up and playing made the demo pretty much worthless to me as far as looks go. Better lighting, AA, and car models through and through, when compared to the game's contemporaries this gen. There are some specifics I would like to get into but they have to wait until thursday.

And holy hell, I wish I was not at work right now.


WrikaWrek said:
Do i have to explain the joke to you? Because it sounds like you still don't get it. And check your first post in the link on my tag.

Ok humor me!

And damn that was a great post wasn't it? Apparently you didn't get the obvious joke either.
m0dus said:
As someone who now has access to the final game, I have to keep my review / specifics mum until the 8th. Until then, however, I feel the need to make something absolutely clear:

Visually speaking, forza 2 isn't even in the same class as Forza 3. Hell, it doesn't even look like it was created the same generation. All the screenshots, compressed videos, my-dick-is-bigger-than-your-dick-will-be-come-march bullshit doesn't mean jack diddly squat. Booting the game up and playing made the demo pretty much worthless to me as far as looks go. Better lighting, AA, and car models through and through, when compared to the game's contemporaries this gen. There are some specifics I would like to get into but they have to wait until thursday.

And holy hell, I wish I was not at work right now.

Yeah, but M0dus! Screenshots!


But seriously, thanks for clearing all this up.


m0dus said:
Visually speaking, forza 2 isn't even in the same class as Forza 3. Hell, it doesn't even look like it was created the same generation.

Unless the full game got a significant upgrade from the demo then this is just hyperbole.

They do indeed look similar and the assertion that they don't 'look like they belong in the same generation' is a joke right?


y'all should be ashamed
Interfectum said:
Unless the full game got a significant upgrade from the demo then this is just hyperbole.

They do indeed look similar and the assertion that they don't 'look like they belong in the same generation' is a joke right?
Well I will say this...I played the F2 demo for the first time and then the F3 demo. They do indeed look worlds apart. But F3 still has lots of room for improvement graphically speaking.
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